Unforgiven (9/10) Movie CLIP - I'm Here to Kill You (1992) HD
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Channel: Movieclips
Views: 5,689,649
Rating: 4.8517361 out of 5
Keywords: unforgiven, unforgiven trailer, unforgiven 2, unforgiven 3, pistol videos, revenge videos, frances fisher, hatred videos, violence videos, cowboy hat videos, westerns, action adventure, shotgun videos, justice videos, ww beauchamp, fatty rossiter, jefferson mappin, bill munny, clint eastwood, saul rubinek, gene hackman, david valdes, julian ludwig, bar videos, jeremy ratchford, old west videos
Id: 7_uvEuNwUj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 28sec (208 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 02 2015
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Deserve's got nothin' to do with it.
All right, I'm coming out. Any man I see out there, I'm gonna shoot him. Any sumbitch takes a shot at me, I'm not only gonna kill him, but I'm gonna kill his wife, all his friends, and burn his damn house down.
"We all got it comin' kid"
I love Mr Beauchamp in this movie. He's been wanting to find a real gunslinger the entire time. He goes from English Bob, to Little Bill. Both men are fabrications. Then he meets William Munney. He finds out that he really didn't want to know a real gunslinger.
I love the look on his face, even thought it's just for a second, when he realizes just who and what has walked into the room. He looks absolutely terrified, and it's glorious. Munney is almost a mythical figure at that point, shown by how he's viewed after he guns down 5 men. We're looking through Beauchamp's eyes. My favorite scene ever.
I love the scene shortly after this, when he is outside on his horse in the pouring rain. "You better bury Ned right! You Better not cut up any whores! Or I'll come back and kill every last one of you sons of bitches!" Cue the thunder, the Eastwood evil eye, and ride off into the...thunderstorm.
A masterpiece.
"I'll see you in hell william munny" "....yeah..." "Click....BOOM"
I was watching Clint's son, Scott Eastwood on an episode of the Joe Rogan podcast, and Rogan asked him when during his childhood he truly came to realize who his father was.
Scott said sitting down, and watching Unforgiven with his father was when he came to grips with the fact that his Dad was Clint fucking Eastwood. Here's the clip.