UNFORGETTABLE CELEBRITY HAUNTINGS (Ft. Rowdy Roddy Piper) *Marathon* | Celebrity Ghost Stories | LMN

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I wasn't home when I wasn't there my son he would hear things he was so scared I came there to take care of this matter it was nuts it was [Music] nuts I thought no way this this can't be I'm trying to get up and I can't I can't move I can't breathe and I'm thinking nobody's ever going to believe that this happened I was being assaulted by this entity I said when can I move in he said move in right now some strange things started happening we'd wake up to hear my son kind of laughing in his room or or like having a conversation we noticed that on the sides of the crib was this substance was someone paying visits to my [Applause] [Music] son I had never had an experience that counted so much do nobody believe me you know it's a difficult subject yeah I'm not this kind of a guy either uh unless I saw it myself i' I'd say it's just a bunch of baloney but I just think he was watching over me I I know that's hard to believe but not for me it's [Music] not I was born in one of the coldest places on Earth it's called Saskatoon schedu I was a surprise child and there wasn't a lot of money and there wasn't a lot of patience I was about 12 and I left home there really wasn't a place for me and I needed to find a place place I got on the street as a kid as time went on I started to learn how to box and I learned how to amateur wrestle and it's just by accident I got into pro wrestling so someone just didn't show up in the Winnipeg arena for a professional wrestling match and the promoter he said to me I can get you 25 bucks if you want to fight this guy but it's Pro and you'll lose your amateur status not a problem back in those days you know it was like 300 people in the garage there was nothing and uh the guy that I went against was Larry the axe Henny he was 320 lb Viking that was 167lb bagpipe blow and to this day I got in the ring it's the shortest match in the history of the Winnipeg Arena he beat me in 10 [Applause] seconds when I got back to the dressing room I thought the promoter was going to cheat me out of my $25 and he come in and he says kid you did great how'd you like to go to Kansas City abely I never stopped pro wrestling from that day this is very important to what I'm going to tell you you see I didn't have a family I was desperate for a family holy cow that voy got filled with the profession of wrestling [Applause] I was 22 years old there was another young man he was 22 years old the name that he wrestled under was Adrian Adonis there was a chemistry with us I really loved them and Adrian believed that I was his brother it was uh it was a match made in heaven as far as a best [Applause] friend I got to bring you up to 1984 the WWF used to do 3 weeks of television in pipy New York it it was three weeks of hell you had H 50 60 of the top best in the world Pro wrest some of the best fights and it was nuts it was nuts I was a bad guy wrestler that particular time in my life was extremely hard my daughter had just been born the pressure the travel and I'm getting in a tip with one guy and with another guy I'm not getting along with anybody and it's mostly my fault and I was having a terrible time and we're in this building in pipy and I'm yelling and I'm throwing chairs and it's just frustration and Adrien comes up to me and he says pipes say stop stop it come here and he says I'll tell you what's wrong with you Rody he says you need to buy a house you've never lived any place you don't have nothing you never settled down you got a baby and you're all over the place you need to buy a house to buy a house listen to me and he was real intent on listen to me probably within two months I had had a house because of Adrien Adonis and he was right it fed into that void for me everything kind of calmed down you know I didn't get in so much trouble sometime later Adrien Adonis was in Newland driving back from an event with three other wrestlers in the car and in Newland it's just very high rockish roads and they don't know if it was a moose or something and you know tried to and boom they they uh went over um and all of them died everybody died times got ugly after that I wasn't home the industry was very difficult I'd be on the road X number of days at nighttime when I wasn't there stuff would start to happen one night my one daughter Ariel she woke up and she'd say that a man was looking at her c s Shadows and he would hear things and he was like the little protector of the house but he was so scared I'm on the road I'm getting this from my wife on the phone and she just was getting all out of kilter in one night I'm coming home from the airport it's about 5 6:00 in the evening I pulled in the driveway and there's my son Cole he's just trembling he's he's so scared and all he can say is I saw a man in the house and he saw the man go past the glass as I pulled in and he could hardly get anything out stay right here my son's telling me that somebody was inside my house and I came in that house as a dad and I can see the door of the lodge open about this month I came there to take care of this matter I came in that house as a dad I came there to take care of this matter there's a huge fireplace two logs had come down and the carpet in front of the fireplace was on fire my house was burning down I took care of the fire and I look up and there was a man I'm thinking to myself what's going on here just all of a sudden it's like a reveal it was Adrian Adonis it's Adrien Adrien looks at me not screaming I hey Rod hey Rod your house and then there was nothing but but then I I just stood there for a long time I didn't want to leave I did H I didn't want to leave the fireplace I stayed there for the longest time and I never seen him before that nor since when I walked in there Adrien and darnis was there and that's a fact and that damn carpet was burned too that house would have been burning down there's no doubt in my mind that my brother brother was just uh was just taking care of me as he had many many times before is interesting the waking up of Ariel the Shadows that colt saw and there were always when I wasn't there uh I do believe that Adrien was just watching over my family and you can say whatever you want to you know but Adrian was my brother and he told me to get that house when I was a kid um I was always fascinated with the darker side of life I experimented with witchcraft and I believed in ghosts I believed in vampires and then finding out that vampires weren't real was like finding out that that Santa Claus wasn't real and I was really [Music] [Music] disappointed when I was a little kid I knew what I wanted to do with my life and even though people said it was impossible I knew that I was going to prove them wrong and that's kind of how I felt about magic and Witchcraft I thought people think this is not real but what if it is and as I got older and I didn't have any Ghost Encounters or anything like that um I became more skeptical of that whole side of of life and um I really didn't believe in anything anymore I was 17 when I moved to Los Angeles I had a lot of career Ambitions so I got signed pretty early and because I had all these really important people around me I felt like they knew what was best for [Music] me I let everybody else make decisions for where they thought my career should go and and what things I should do even creatively and that was a big mistake because not only did they not know what was best for me I didn't know what I wanted anymore and I I became really depressed and I think that's what led to this really negative period of my [Music] life it was summer of 2008 and my music career was really suffering and my personal life was also really suffering [Music] I remember taking this flight to New York City I had some meeting set up I was just trying to get things going and I remember walking into the hotel and just feeling something was off I just decided to write it off like you know I'm just tired it's it's been a long travel day and it's hot but then when I got into my room [Music] I felt there was something even heavier about my own [Music] room and I felt like somebody was standing there looking at me and I looked over it and there was nobody there I just thought you know what I'm imagining things I need to get ready for bed I have a big day tomorrow I got into bed and I tried to just forget about it but I definitely couldn't let go of of this feeling of sensing like something watching me but I I thought no way this this can't be so for a couple hours I just I tried to fall asleep and I couldn't and I couldn't and then just out of the [Music] blue I tried to fall asleep and I couldn't I felt like somebody was standing there looking at me and then just out of the blue this presence came over to the bed and lay down on top of me and I'm trying to get up and I can't I can't move I can't breathe hardly it was so heavy I can't do anything The Entity just covered my whole body but it wasn't a person it was I couldn't see anything other than just feeling this big kind of heavy weight on me of air and it freaked me out I remember thinking I don't know what it's about to do this is where it got really crazy because I felt I feel so weird saying this because it sounds so ridiculous but um I felt it actually sexually assault me I can't really describe the feeling other than feeling like I was getting raped by a ghost it was the most bizarre experience of my entire life I was being sexually assaulted by this [Music] entity and then as quickly as it had come over to the bed it was gone and I didn't even sense it in the room anymore it was as if it just disappeared [Music] and I'm thinking nobody's ever going to believe nobody's ever going to believe that this happened nobody's ever going to believe [Music] me so the next day I of course felt really um weird so I decided to do some research on my experience to see if anyone had ever had a similar encounter and I found out that there's a lot of people that have reported being sexually assaulted by uh a ghost I discovered that the word incubus is the word for a spirit that sexually takes advantage of sleeping women the incubus it's mostly described as a demon um and one of the darkest energies I was at a very vulnerable place in my life and I was so in and out of depression that I didn't even care if I died and I think I could have opened myself up to this Incubus so after that happened I thought wow there there are so many other possible things out there I had been at a point in my life where IID stopped believing in everything negative and positive and so having this experience with the ghost even though it was a very dark and kind of horrific experience it kind of in a weird way gave me confidence it really triggered a new way of thinking for me because if something that dark can exist there must be something equally as light that exists a lot of people are afraid of the unknowns and if I don't step out into that world then I'll never know what my potential is I really reinvented myself after that point it was only about a year and a half later that I wrote a song that changed my life forever the song Love the Way You Lie that Rihanna and em M cut it proved to me that there's a lot of stuff out there that is possible including good things I'm a skeptic I never believed in ghosts I never believed in spirits or paranormal activity in any way shape or form what happened to me and to my family in the Hollywood Hills in 2004 changed all of that [Music] forever I'm living with my wife and my 18-month-old son in New York I get a call to be in this lowbudget independent movie that's filming in Los Angeles and my wife and I we pack up our suitcases and our son and we go to California we needed to find a place to live uh the filming would be uh approximately 2 months and so we we decided to look for a for a sublet the first couple places either were too small or they didn't seem nice enough or they just didn't work out and toward the end of the second day of looking we were really disappointed and frustrated and tired and and didn't know didn't want to continue living in a hotel we found a place up in Laurel Canon we find this this address and as we came up to the crest of this driveway Hill directly in front of us was this enormous [Music] house we notice uh a man and he's sort of standing there next to the house and he said can I do for you for the Department and he seemed old I would say maybe 70 and he said my name's Bob and I said oh uh my name is Frank and this is my wife Heather he looked back and kind of motioned for us to follow him which we did nobody had been in there in a long time it was very dusty and very dark he went around and he started opening the shutters this light just engulfed the room and it was completely furnished it was like a time capsule from I would say the mid to late 60s it was big and roomy and the ceilings were really high and I figured I'm not going to find anything better than this I said I said when can I move in he said move in right now great news we uh walked to the door and as as he's going out the door I noticed that next to the entrance door that we came in there another set of stairs small set of stairs leading up and I said well what about up there what's that door he said oh that's it's nothing that's where I keep some of my tools my tools in there there nothing for you to worry about and I said fine no problem and uh he left and uh we moved [Music] in we went out and we got all the stuff that we needed we you know bought a crib and I started my my job and after the first week or so some strange things started happening we'd put our son down for his nap and suddenly we put our son down for his nap and in our son's room was a small CD cassette player that we had that we would play his nursery rhymes he would listen to sometimes we would play some classical music for him [Music] suddenly this thing starts blasting music I jump up go into his room and it he's screaming and crying standing up in his crib like woken out of a sound slumber there's no way he could reach it it was on the other side of the room and we couldn't figure it out I turned the the radio [Music] off and just thought that just one of those things it maybe there's an alarm that turned it on I didn't really think about it too much [Applause] at night we'd wake up to hear my son kind of laughing in his room or or like having a conversation it was very strange you know my wife said try to go in I said no don't go in there he'll he'll start to cry we'll be up for 2 hours but in the morning we would come in to get the baby out of his crib and we noticed that on the sides of the [Music] crib was this substance I don't really know how to describe it except that it was wet and it was all around the side of his crib it wasn't inside the crib it wasn't on his crib sheet or on him it was just on sort of the sides of this crib we wiped it down we couldn't figure it out and it was just bizarre and every morning it was back it's freaking us out and my wife is becoming really really freaked [Music] out one day we're in the car while we're driving my son is singing this song sweet little baby love you so much we're looking at each other trying to figure out what you know what what is that song what what are you singing what is this song you're singing [Music] Andy so we finally turned around we ask him well where did you learn that song where did you come up with that song did you hear that say that Jean SS it and we don't know anybody named Jean and I said who's Jean and he said she's the one that comes in the [Music] night I almost ran into a tree in this car was someone paying visits to my son my wife said we got to get out of here we got to get out of California so I said let's just be calm he's making this up he has a great imagination it's it's not a bad [Music] thing while these things are happening the filming um that I was doing had kind of shut down the the financing for this film was in question and I was beginning to sense that I got myself into something that wasn't a good idea so I was home my wife and I were in bed it was a few nights later we both woke up sort of at the same time and we looked and there in the door was standing my son and this was bizarre and Preposterous for many reasons first being he can't get out of the crib because it's this high off the ground he's just kind of standing there looking at us and I said are you okay what's going on he looked at at us and he he took a few steps toward the bed and he said Mommy bab [Music] in Mommy has a baby in her Tommy he's just kind of standing there looking at us and I said are you okay what's going on he looked at at us and he he took a few steps toward the bed and he said Mommy has a baby in the town Mommy has a baby in her Tommy we were frozen my wife and I and I said why do you say this and he said Jean told me Jean told me at that point my wife is squeezing my hand so hard I think she's going to break my fingers it was was too much and I went into his room and the stuff was back and this time it was all over the crib and the side of his crib was down and there's no way that he could have put the crib down um because you have to push on the sides and push it down there's no more denying to myself this is now just really way too freaky and weird and we we were terrified I I decide it's enough we're going to go we're leaving we're going to go back to New York we got to get out out of there and we got to get out of there the next day we don't have a lot of time to plan or to figure things out we just pack up quickly we're all packed to go uh everything's gone except that crib and we decided that we were going to get rid of that crib I don't want to I don't know what to do with the crib and so my wife said just put it up in that closet you know so I took it apart and kind of tied it together with twine and I brought up into that room and I go in it's not a big room it's maybe 8 ft by 12 ft and there's no tools in the room there's a couple of trunks and I open up one of the Trunks and it's it's got a bunch of baby stuff in it clothes baby clothes some toys and Dolls I closed the chest I open the other one and it's it's like stuff belonging to a woman a makeup kit some bracelets and necklaces and a small box and there is a stack of of photographs I realized these are head shot it's it's a woman she has kind of a I would say late 60s kind of style and she's kind of sitting like this I look down at the bottom of the photograph and her name is on it it kind of makes the back of my head feel sort of like it's on fire the name reads Eugenia Ford I'm thinking Jean I realized at that point that this wasn't coincidence I kind of dropped the picture into the thing shut it got up shut the door [Music] and Bob was standing there I jumped about 5 ft in the air because it just scared the Daylights out of me he he said I told you not to go in there and I said who's Eugenia and he paused he said it's not your business and he said get out I said no problem fine we packed up and we went back to New York we were so happy to be back in New York and getting out of that house getting off of that hill and um my wife decided to go and buy a pregnancy test lo and behold Mommy has a baby in her tummy m in tmy so there was no doubt in my mind that the spirit of Eugenia is up in that house the minute we got there she she was visiting my son was this somebody who was involved with Bob was there a baby [Music] involved did she want to be close to my son did she want to be close to a child did he want to give that to her I don't know I can only speculate what what was going on I'll never [Music] know a lot of stuff happened in those sugar plantations my hands my arms and legs and it was a fight it was a serious fight there was Spirits fighting over me and uh I was about to lose it he became much darker it took months for me to understand what was there reality was suddenly sheared away that hallway always felt a little weird at night it was even worse that Spirit or whatever that was it just felt like somebody was there I woke up it was like a electric shock wake up like bang I looked up on the corner of the bed was this silhouette and I was like this is [Music] [Music] it there was always the discussion of ghosts growing up we were told there are those ghosts who do not want you to make it it the success is to have it happen to you and survive [Music] [Applause] [Music] it the matriarch in my family was great Grandma Ray my great-grandmother she apparently was a slave she remembers her her plantation in Georgia in the day when everybody got on those those buckboards in celebration and left that Plantation after the slaves were freed and I remember her very very vividly she was very strong but uh very soft spoken leader and always when she was there it was that smell of snuff like vanilla and cinnamon and every time I smell that vanilla and cinnamon today it's my great [Music] grandmother when I was about 6 or 7 just taking care of myself and uh I started to get sick it was a strong asmatic attack of some sort I couldn't breathe and I was about to give up she just said you ain't going [Music] nowhere she went out in the backyard and got some stuff that smells [Music] bi and it'll go on your chest then she was quiet and very [Music] Serene she saved my life I remember the day when Grandma R passed she looked like she was asleep and I went to [Music] school came back and that bed was it very neat but she was not in [Music] it I was fortunate enough to be in the life of a woman over 110 years [Music] old 1987 I was called to do this movie called Gathering of old men in tibo Louisiana I've never been in that deep a South but there's something about ghosts down me this Motel outside of Tibido where we were we were stayed nothing fancy about it at all but we were next door the whole sugar plantations people that we hung out with in that neighborhood told us their stories the presence of ghosts they're they're all over the place very strong very strong ghost territory and it it it freaked me out and uh what happened to me that night in that bed in that motel in in in Tibido we really uh must have touched on something we stopped shooting it was a Friday night and uh that evening I went to bed early I don't know how many hours I was asleep [Music] but woke up figures in the room W and uh they were getting closer I'm scared they were closer around my bed and uh I was pulled by the ankle my hands and my arms and legs and it was a fight it was a serious fight there was Spirits fighting over me to pull me away and uh I was about to lose it was one oversized very well-built baldheaded black man get wels on his body from whipping just come on with us and he grabbed me I had no power over him and he had my my legs off the bed and I was going with him I remember being helpless and all of a sudden I smelled that vanilla and cinnamon and uh I sold my great Grandmama he's not going nowhere she said he's not going nowhere she was pulling hands away [Music] from she was very authoritative she said yes not is true and all of a sudden look around there's nobody there in the room and uh I started shaking my great-grandmother she saved my life I told some of the people that I knew there and they kind of looked at each other and said yeah we know this is Tibido Louisiana a lot of stuff happened in those sugar Plantation the Slayers revolted and they killed a couple of the foreman [Music] there a slaughter a pitched battle and killed these slaves violently sugar cane and blood is something connected something about the mixture of all this good and bad in this one area I think I was helped to to survive by the spirit of my great grandmother you Ain going nowhere he's not going nowhere I've had the very important times in my life that I needed her and she's with me fortunately I had never had any actual experience with the Paranormal but there have been too many reports too many sightings too many things that you just you can't pass it by so while I had not really had an actual physical experience I knew my father was a genius we're going to need like an ow he was a production designer for Motion Pictures he designed such films as Fantastic Voyage for which he won an Academy Award Logan's Run Young Frankenstein Dirty Harry some really tremendous seminal films he was always working and I I was kind of a studio brat I would go and I would visit him at the studio that's where the plants are going to go which was wonderful watch ing how much my father was respected and revered and loved in an atmosphere like that it made me even more want to be a part of it and also made me feel very very close to my father and just so proud of my [Music] father when I was 19 I was out for the evening it was a Friday night and I came home heyy and my older brother Scott came [Music] out and said uh we lost dad [Music] today it was not real it was like what do you what do you mean we lost dad today what my father passed away of an abdominal aneurysm the reality of well of course dad will always be there was suddenly cheered [Music] away it took months for me to understand that what was there was suddenly not there and I I'm still torn I still get [Music] torn a few months later Scott and I were talking about our father and the influence that he had on both our lives and how devastating his death was for the family in general but for he and I in particular I and he quietly turned to me at one point and said you know Dad came to me and I said what he how and he said I woke up yeah Dad was at the foot of my bed did he see anything [Music] and all he said was it's okay you don't need to [Music] worry my brother Scott is very real and he wouldn't make up something like this I believe it wholeheartedly a few years later I was dating a playwright the relationship has been going on for a few months he was very glib and not terribly kind and he became much darker you get to a point where you're never happy you're never really truly happy I was just sort of being dragged along one evening we we were out to dinner and over dinner he said so yesterday IED my last I told you about it right I realiz feelings for this person I'm still not over this other person and yet he wasn't ending it it was sort of a kind of a a guillotine blow I wasn't quite sure exactly what to do about it it's just you know like when you have a really good connection with someone really that up and I was not in the right frame of mind to break this off I was young enough where you think that having someone is better than not having anybody it's just something I'm to explore figure out so that's where I was that night I was at lowb thinking when is this going to end I just had the hit bottom and I crawled into bed that night I was sleeping on my side curled up facing toward the middle of the [Music] bed and somewhere close to midnight I woke up because I felt something sitting on the edge of my bed and I turned over and very clearly there was a shadow there was a black form in that moment I felt fear and in the next [Music] [Applause] [Music] second I woke up because I felt something sitting on the edge of my bed and I turned over and in the next [Music] [Applause] second I felt the side of a hand running down the side of my face running down my cheek and I was instantly calmed the tension just sort of drained out of me and the reason that there was no fear in that moment I knew in the touch of the hand on my cheek that this was my [Music] father [Music] and then my father was [Music] gone and I just had a smile on my face and fell back asleep and I woke up the next morning and I was reassured and confident and I made a phone call to this guy it was a very very short phone call um you know what it's not working and I just said you know not working not working best of luck see you I realized that it's okay to break this off this is ridiculous this isn't even worth 10 seconds more of your time it's okay to be alone be with yourself discover what that means I know that my father coming to me sitting on the edge of my bed what he was saying was you deserve love you are loved and I'm here to tell you [Music] that he had always been there for me when he was alive and this was his way of letting me know that he was still there for me he's here and he's with me and he's got my back I feel my father with me every single know that there are some things out there that we don't know about we never know when they're going to occur we never know where they're going to come from you really can't control [Applause] [Music] that Boys to Men was kind of I guess you say at it at its height we're coming around to the end of uh our second album which was our our biggest album at that point we were we sold about 14 million records and 20 million records over the two we're about to start another album we did a lot of touring and throughout our career we kind of recorded and everyone else's Studio as we travel the world we were looking for uh place to to be creative we could go in and record and write songs and uh kind of like our own little clubhouse A friend of mine called me and let me know that there was a building that was uh about to be uh vacant and it could accommodate a studio and it just it was in the perfect spot with a really close suburb to Philadelphia so I jumped on the plane and went home to uh check it out driving there there's this winding road that just winds and winds and all of a sudden you'd make this turn to build pops up in front of you and it it was massive the building itself I had a you know kind of Warehouse feel to it it was still close to home but it allowed us to be away from you know the craziness that was going on in our career at that time it sits right on this uh Brook that they call Stone Creek which is why we called our studio that we wanted to not really destroy any of the structure or the feel of what the building was itself so we decided to uh leave the outer structure the way it was and create our Studios and offices and our pretty much Haven inside of the building so we just built the studio and everything within the center of the structure it it was definitely a change of environment for us I mean we were urban urban guys so we grew up in a city we used to cars and things going by and street lights and stuff like that at night it's dark and it's completely quiet and you know we're not used to that a lot of the hallways are really long and um there's just one hallway that actually runs along the back side of the [Music] studio that hallway always felt a little weird and at night it was even worse it was a little bit more you know scary [Music] one night I was in my office just you know turning off lights putting things in my bag everyone had left I walked back uh from my office to the studio down the back hallway as I got towards the end of the hallway I felt like a really like a cold breeze it was just this one gust which is what kind of got my [Music] attention [Music] and all of a sudden I felt like there was something there or someone [Music] there so I turned around and I see this figure come towards me I just ran just felt like like somebody was there feel like they're like right there about to grab you so I ran out of the hallway and fast as I could just felt like somebody was there you know they're behind you and you feel like they're like right there about to grab you so I ran out of the hallway and the fast as I could something like that happens you don't know if you want to tell anybody you don't want people know you're crazy and you also hope it's not going to happen again I mean I avoided that hallway as as much as I possibly could I would only take daytime trips up and down that hallway after that point just because I didn't really know what what to expect and you know I was definitely afraid of it a few months after that we were in the studio and this is late at night I mean you know maybe 2 3 in the morning and um you know sometimes when we listen to music we listen to music with the lights off uh in the studio because it just kind of gives you a Vibe and then the console kind of lights up the room and makes it kind of warm and you know then there's the big glass in front that leads into the actual recording vocal booth we were going through uh some of the songs that we were were thinking about doing I was actually sitting on the back sofa that kind of overlooks the console and looks directly into the uh the vocal booth itself so I was listening to the song kind of with my eyes closed at the time all of a sudden it just felt like someone was watching there was a figure of a [Music] man it was definitely a white male their attire wasn't really of today it was definitely a older type outfit you couldn't see an expression on the face but it kind of felt sad or regretful maybe and all of a sudden no one's there I mean everybody was a bit frightened we kind of all ran out it was really really scary [Music] and when we came back in we started to discuss what we saw I started to share uh the situation I had in the back hallway a few months [Music] earlier and then other people starts sharing their stories of what what went on in different bathrooms and corridors and things like that so I mean it it was definitely a a situation where I think we all started to realize that we weren't just making this up in our minds cuz everyone had their own different individual incidents so I realized then that it wasn't just me something really was in the building one of uh Engineers who had uh been there kind of explained the history of the building fact bu used to be a gun Factory fact it was old gun Factory and um that factory made the uh the daringer pistol and there was a strong possibility that the daringer that uh killed Abraham Lincoln was made in that building the spirit could have been a somebody who worked there maybe the spirit was regretful the fact that they created something that it wind up killing one of the most prominent figures in American [Music] history some people I think that's what we saw he said that some of the other people that were in the building also saw a figure so I guess he wasn't too Blown Away by it but I it freaked me out after that I didn't really see it anymore but I tried not to be in a studio at night daylight hours was perfect for me we don't have the studio today but whoever's in there I'm pretty sure he's hanging out with them right now [Applause] too science can explain a lot but well there's more out there than just [Music] [Music] science when I was 8 years old my father died of a heart attack it was April 4th 1968 and um my mother and I were very close when my dad passed she just like she didn't sleep the living room in the front was small and that's where the TV was and she would let me just sit like I'd watch Johnny Carson with her almost every night and you know I would just I would hang out with [Music] her what I love my [Music] mom when I was 29 I met my wife at a uh Meat Market gym basically she wasn't real fond of me thought I was a muscle head but I changed her opinion of me she and I got married one of the things that was you know pretty Paramount and my wife was to have a child we're trying for at least 3 years you do the the the probability and the statistics of it so obviously there has to be a problem you know it was getting to the point where it was just like you know maybe this just isn't meant to be my mother and my wife talked they had a motherdaughter kind of bond they spoke it often and my mom was very positive about it and stayed positive not long after that my mom got cancer I had just went home for Christmas and my mom was I mean my mom was really bad she was so thin and she was getting closer to passing [Music] she was having a hard time talking to me I kept saying what she kept saying mocha [Music] mocha and you I'm just like maybe it's morphine my wife went no I think she make your mom wants makeup on do you want makeup cuz my mom was you know she still was you know a Proud Lady and [Music] uh my wife made her up made her happy December 27th in '94 my mom passed after fighting breast [Music] cancer and uh was really tough my mom got cancer and she was getting closer to passing December 27th in '94 my mom passed after fighting breast cancer was really tough but shortly after we found out my wife was pregnant it was just like it was so Bittersweet like God it would have made mom so happy [Music] 4 months later my wife and I were having lunch [Applause] and yeah just she excused herself went to the bathroom a minute later she come out of the restroom she had like a panic on her face and uh just when I looked at her I just knew I said I knew she was in trouble I just didn't know what the situation was and then she just she didn't even sit down she just stood there and looked at me she goes I'm bleeding really bad and I was like you know like this is it man I thought that she' actually had a miscarriage in the bathroom I drove like a maniac to the doctor's office the thing was my mother had had like five miscarriages so immediately like when this thing came I was just thinking like this is just another curse one of these jeans that we've got on this side of the family that just makes you die they put us in a room and then the doctor came in and uh starts the ultrasound on my wife's [Music] stomach seemed like a week and a half before we heard the heartbeat and we were just like that was such a relief in [Music] itself right so my wife's doctor said that she thought that it would be best that my wife was was bedridden which you know is great except I'm getting ready to go on the road for 23 [Music] days a few days later I left and I knew my wife was in good hands but once you get on that plane and you're 4 hours away you're too far away to to to to be of any help so I was still worried about her the first night I came back to the hotel room I was exhausted because I was concerned of the situation going on home so I got into bed hi toss and turn and I finally fell asleep I was sound [Music] asleep I woke up it was like a electric shock wake up like bang I looked up and then all of a sudden on the corner of the bed was this silhouette it wasn't distinct but there was an actual [Music] form I just sat in amazement and looked at it and at that point it it was just like like and I knew it was my [Music] mom and it's like one of the most calming things that I've ever uh I've ever participated in my life and then it just slowly kind of vanished and I'm just sitting there going that was definitely my mom I think it was like her way of telling me that my you know that my son was going to be [Music] okay the next morning I wanted to call my wife immediately and before I could even get out what happened to me last night she says you're not going to believe [Music] this your mom came and saw me last night and of course I was like we both shared the exact same experience 2500 mil away we both knew it was my mom that we both knew that our child was going to be fine the highlight of my life was the birth of my son I wish my mom would have got a chance to be there maybe she did when you die it's not the end I have the privilege to say that because I I experience something that you know most people [Music] don't [Music] St I'm sitting there and I look over it it was like a glow or a Sparkle and it scares was living crap out of me and my heart my heart has never pounded that hard of my life it was an old house there were always bizarre electrical things happening it became weirder and sort of snowballed mom look dad a baby I have to stop it as a child I was scared a lot you know really scared this particular night it was my turn to spend the night with my grandmother suddenly I'm sort of awoken into a feeling and sort of [Music] jolting I started really hearing sounds that you can't really explain away the sound of water the sound of steps as if somebody was in the house walking up the stairs if you are open to an experience it will find [Music] you I'm not a person that every time you hear a crackle or a sound or something on the roof or something in the closet or something in the attic I don't immediately say it's a ghost however I believe I have absolutely for sure have seen an apparition in my life for sure at 17 I was in an absolute Crossroads my parents were getting divorced um just a year earlier my grandmother had died and she was a diabetic and of all the grandchildren she had loved me the best I'm about to go from a boy to being a man school was not going very good for me let's just put it that way I was extremely independent a rebel bullheaded and I knew in my soul that I want to make music in a band but I came from an extremely extremely small town with a lot of people that absolutely didn't believe that you could make it out of that small town I'll never forget in my life what happened to me at this period that changed everything for me me it was it was very cold snowy outside and it was January es here I was at this unbelievable period of my life where everything was caving in I will never ever forget sitting in the snow in in my car barely able to run barely any gas I was thinking about my grandma and and just looking around and saying man what is going to my life going to become and this is it on this day I've got to decide where I'm going in my life that's a scary moment in your life coming to that absolute Crossroads musically in my life I'd always had a band I mean even even when I was young young we always had a band and here I was I had a band of guys that just I had two Believers myself and our drummer Ricky and two [Music] non-believers that that really just didn't believe we were going anywhere truthfully they were holding us back very very tough time in our life because we're all friends my life people always say and I want to straighten this out one myth people always say they it's drugs and and women and alcohol that break up banss not when you're starting out you know what breaks up your ban when you don't have enough gas money to get over to rehearsal or you can't get out of work and you can't get there to play guitar or sing that night and next thing you know they get another singer in the band uh if you couldn't buy a music gear to afford to go to the next level to play a club you were out so believe me we didn't have enough money at that point to have drugs or hot women in our life [Music] I went over to visit a friend of mine and we were in his basement right so we're sitting down in this basement that just had this horrible morning and and I'm sitting there just hanging out and that's what we did we hung out we listen to Tunes I had the old school headphones where you stick these big headphones on your head and I'm leaning back and all of a sudden just kind of out of the corner of my eye I'm sitting there and I look over and I see this sort of it it was like a glow or a Sparkle and and at first I thought to myself okay that's really strange I'm like thinking is that electricity I I you know there's electricity popping I think that's what I think it is so I take the headphones off my friend doesn't notice it so I say do you notice anything anything going on and he's like no and and I kind of check the area and there's nothing there's no water on the floor there's no you know electricity that could be sparking there's nothing it was just this glow it was much more than a sparkle it was a glow I put the headphones back on I'm sitting there again and I'm looking around a room and my friend leaves I remember him going upstairs my friend abandons me goes upstairs I looked over in the corner and as plain as day this ball of just light and energy appears at that moment I knew I am seeing this I'm looking and I'm seeing this and it's floating and it's strange it was just this orb that was glowing and my heart and I say this my heart is never pounded that hard in my life I mean I felt it boom boom boom I was like okay I looked around I'm seen if someone's playing a trick on me and it scares the living crap out of me and I'm one of those guys I I've got to believe in common sense I'm like there's got to be a reason and I'm telling you right now there was no rhyme and no reason for this orb this ball this this electricity that was happening and it glowed and it just moved across the room slow there was no rhyme and no reason for this orb and that that for me right then and there I'll tell you what I don't know what it did what it motivated all I knew as I was getting the hell out of there and I've never got out of a basement so fast in my life it was insane now it scared the hell out of me but when I think back about it it just motivated me enough to let me know that my life hanging out with these friends and this certain amount of people was about to go nowhere so badly that day I needed a sign and I got it I truly believe that as much is it scared me that day I will never forget this because I had Band Rehearsal that night with my band I'll never forget going to the rehearsal walking down in that basement and feeling really apprehensive there was no question about what needed to be done we need to get in the car right now and I need to get to Los Angeles I need to move on with my life doesn't matter what I saw is exactly what motivated me to tell the guys I'm giving you an ultimatum I'm going to go make an attempt to try to make it big who's coming with me I'm out of here and on that night two of my friends were gone forever and Ricky and me hung tight put our band together and moved out to LA we got out to Los Angeles and we fought really hard and we fought really hard from that moment on completely we unbelievably selfmotivated and in the early '90s I was living in Malibu California we've now sold 18 19 million records right and and have had a really great career starting I just bought a house in Malibu and I'm looking out over this balcony at this time you know my girlfriend living with me and it was one of those unbelievable beautiful [Music] sunsets you know she went downstairs and I'm standing there looking at this and I thought that my girlfriend had come back behind me and had wrapped her arms around me [Music] I felt the presence of someone come up and put their hands on my shoulders it was a warm feeling it was almost like a friend I turned around it was my grandma she was with me and I had chills up and down my arm from that moment on this wasn't a you know oh a breeze blue bom that's how physical it felt and I thought that they were kind of talking to me it was almost like a like I I wish you well my grandmother and me were very close I was 6 years old when I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and my grandmother had fought the Battle with diabetes almost her whole life and it eventually took her life when she passed away um I will never forget at that funeral um that I I cried so hard I cried so hard that I I couldn't even barely walk into the room I couldn't look I couldn't let go this was her coming back and helping me not only guide my life but also let me know that that she's still there in my life I look at all the things that have happened to me I I feel like I have a guardian angel out there and I and I truly believe that maybe just maybe this is one of those um stories that may be more beautifully haunting than just haunting and I think maybe just maybe what haunted me and what scared me may have also been what motivated me in my [Music] life my grandmother was mcmc Indian my grandfather was MC Mac Indian and and I always wondered if there was something there maybe I just feel more in tuned maybe I'm more open to it than I realize I believe but I'm not okay with it [Music] my mother and father and I when I was a little girl were living in New Finland and we were staying in or we were in the house and I guess I was scared that night and my dad had gotten in bed with me um and read to me and sort of decided that he was sleeping with me that night and my mom in the middle of the night she felt somebody get in bed with her who she thought was my father just climbing back in bed with her and he put his arms around her and she was laying on her side and he put his arms around her and it felt different it was not his arms around her and she looked and the guy was getting out of bed and leaving the room she only saw half of his body it was from the the the waist up that's how she always described it that she saw this half a person leaving her bed having been in bed with her with his arms around her leaving the room and she just caught him on the way out the door I I I remember being really shocked um when she told me the story about the man in bed with her I remember being really really scared for her and seeing her reaction and I just remember feeling uneasy about that the knowledge that those things could could actually happen then IID moved here to LA in '96 IID shot my first film made a lot of money wanted to settle down and find you know build some roots and and found this house I was not even driving I didn't even have a car at this point it was an old house and although I'd renovated it and and tried to bring it back to New there were always bizarre electrical things happening flickering lights which which you know you can kind of chalk up to just being electrical issues but it became weirder and sort of snowballed into into a very strange circumstance we had an office on one side of the house and it was sort of on the edge of the house and um one day I walked in and the CD play player was opening closing and the music coming on on its own and and going off it was just weird I mean you feel like there's somebody in the room with you it was scary and yet you want to rationalize things there's to be some explanation for this but you know not really being able to put my finger on what it was I always felt the more you believe and the more you recognize and accept that that might actually be happening the more it was going to happen and that scared me it definitely played slightly into my decision I think to sell the house and then I bought a brand new house in Sherman Oak for me there was a peace of mind about moving into a brand new house that hadn't had a history that hadn't had anyone sort of living in those walls and my ex and I lived there together and uh I felt pretty confident about about you know moving moving into a place that was just going to be ours I was going to go down to the kitchen to get to grab a drink and so I walked down the stairs I'm in the house by myself I'm so anal about the Locking of the doors especially when I was alone I had an alarm system and you know all of that but I was locking up the house and sort of securing the place for the night and there was a door and it was a a dead like a dead bolt that had a lock on it and I grabbed my drink and the door was wide open it was just unexplainable and that's when things got even weirder there was a door and it was a a dead like a dead bolt I had a lock on it and and the door was wide open it was just unexplainable and that's when things got even weirder I remember one specific incident my son was very little at the time he was about 2 and 1/2 years old and he was sitting with me look mom look the daddy and the baby look Mom the daddy and the baby it was just like the clearest thing for him and showing me look at the baby and the daddy and I just remember getting chills up and down my back and not wanting to turn around and I just remembered sitting there I'm all alone with my son and just not wanting to turn around just thinking oh God please don't don't be there but of course you know begrudgingly turning around and of course nothing's there but that was just that was one of those moments I didn't even want to live in the house anymore the first thing I wanted to do was leave I was terrified I have to stop it I have to stop before it gets to that point where I'm going to actually see something you know an Apparition or something in front of me and I ended up selling the house I then bought a house from the 1930s in Sherman Oaks in the Hills there was on the side of the house there was a deck a very long deck off the house a wooden deck and my ex and I we were putting luggage away and and sort of getting moved in um so we have a long deck here where there's a barbecue a huge six burner gigantic very heavy you know with burners on the side and and the big giant Grill even to move the barbecue from from place to place was a huge feat that took two or three people to like move it and it was the middle of the day beautiful sunny California day and we were going around to the to the side of the house and just just as we turned the heavy barbecue had moved and completely flipped over into this Arrangement within a second the barbecue had completely moved all the way in front of us I mean it it was blocking Us in the in that little side area of the house it was absolutely blocking Us in there definitely afraid very afraid and chills and not knowing how to how to explain it it was terrifying I mean it was really terrifying and it was really the thing that made me realize for the first time really realize for the first time oh my goodness something is following us because you know it happened at Laurel Canyon and now it's happening here I feel like something's following me I did look around and I heard something about burning sage in the corners of the room and I did do that so I was walking around the house with sage in the corners of the rooms and and I think it was also just something to for me to uh some sort of action that I could take but even after I burnt the sage the electrical things and the TV things they kept happening any anyway I almost put my hands up now and I'm just like there's a part of me that's kind of just accepting of it and as long as it's not too intense I just go fine maybe there is something in particular that I need to investigate something specific that I need to find out about why these things keep happening the incidents that have happened to myself and then my son seeing things and my mother's had several different experiences these genetic connections between us three and and we all have had these strange experiences and and is there something genetically or spiritually in our lineage I still go to bed at night still feel at times that something is very much in the room and still afraid and all I do is say please don't show yourself to me I don't want I don't want to see it I don't want to see you I don't want to see you please don't show yourself to me I mean that to me has become something that I live with become kind of a normal way of life life for me [Applause] I as a child was very scared of the Paranormal or ghost or nighttime basically I would have night fears and it was those dreams where you're stuck somewhere and you can't escape and it was awful [Music] I would think that I saw things or I heard things and it was pretty horrible it was pretty traumatic for me I was scared a lot you know really scared I was about nine and um we were traveling to visit my grandmother who lived in Texas she's my father's mother and we called her nanny we just loved it we loved going to Texas it was just so homey and everybody's making you know buttermilk pancakes and biscuits and gravy and fried chicken and everybody eats all together and everybody's very loving and warm and funny and loud and it was just always a very very happy time for us my grandmother was just so funny and so full full of life and she always wore you know these sort of funny looking house coats you know those quilted ones and she was just neat she was just really really neat I really feel like she and I had a great connection and the humor and the laughter and the the closeness she just was really um special to me very special to me this particular trip was more or less to spend time with her we knew she'd been ill she had gone through a double myectomy and she had gone through chemone and radiation I believe she was still battling it when we went to stay with her my older sister and I would take turns sleeping in her bed with her this particular night it was my turn to spend the night with her in her bed that day my nanny had to go to the hospital and when my father came home he said that they were going to keep her there and they wanted to keep her there to run more test do some more tests tonight see if she's okay but I still wanted to sleep in her bed that night I think I'll stay here and wait for to come good night I ended up going to bed that night in her bed knowing that she wasn't going to come home but it was still on some level comforting to know I could have her smells and her things around and everything I ended up going to to bed that night in her bed knowing that she wasn't going to come home suddenly I'm sort of awoken to a feeling and and sort of jolting and at the foot of the bed right at the end of the bed I see my nanny standing there and I thought oh well Nanny came home I guess from the hospital and she has her long nighty and then this colorful house coat there she is like a couple feet away from me and I you know I said hi nanny it was very peaceful in her tone and she said I Came to Say Goodbye and I know when she was talking to me she sounded very Serene very sort of almost whispery it's okay it's nanny I Want to Say Goodbye when she said it's me it's nanny I want to say goodbye I was confused by that it's okay and then I sort of settled back thinking okay well she's going to get into bed with me so I scooted over it was a relief I mean I was like I can sleep tonight I'm not going to get scared I'm not going to have to to wake up and run into my parents' room and it was comforting to me uh especially knowing that I had night fears and Nightmares and had trouble going to sleep at night and always wanting to sleep with someone so I loved that I could spend the night with her in her bed so I just kind of lulled myself back to sleep I was slept like a baby I was it was very sound sleep I woke up and I didn't see Nanny next to me and I heard noises downstairs and so I just assumed well she might have just gone down to the kitchen to make breakfast I went down into the kitchen and there was my father and mother they said we need to talk to you and they said you know how I told you man in the hospital last night you know she was really sick and she didn't make it through the night she died last [Music] night and um so I couldn't believe it and I I thought to myself cuz I thought I would find her there and I I just couldn't believe she died and I but I saw her she came into her room she came into the room and she was talking to me they said well Nanny didn't come home he didn't come home last night she was in the hospital she didn't come home I don't think I was that aware that she was sick as she was I think because of her personality you just she didn't act sickly so you know it was it was pretty I didn't expect her to go like that I didn't think she would go I didn't think she was going to die and then it kind of hit me and it's like oh that's why she was saying goodbye she came and appeared to me to say goodbye to me before she left I really was struck by that and and just knowing that I guess she felt that it was important to do that maybe it was important for her to comfort me in some way U knowing that nighttime scared me and maybe it was in some way of her saying well I'll always be with you I definitely took great comfort in knowing that maybe I was being protected and helped me you know it helped me believe that I wasn't alone and that I that I could be comforted by the unknown and that's really what scared me was a lot of the unknown really she is there even though she might have left in her body she's still a presence and her spirit is still around and she's there to comfort me and protect me that's how it feels to me and and that's what it felt like then is what that meant to me was that she was letting me know I was going to be okay and yes she was saying goodbye she was also not saying goodbye she was also saying here I am it was very profound experience for me as a child it obviously stayed with me it it was it was it was very special I kind of always knew and uh accepted the fact that I would have one of these experiences at some point I know that if you're open to those things they find you I mean that I grew up with that idea I mean my mother really is of the school of thought that if you are open to an experience it will find you 3 months ago I was going with my boyfriend to visit friends in Charleston South Carolina it was the first time that I was coming to visit there with him he has family in Charleston and they had a family home in Downtown Charleston in a really historic area it's it's a Carriage House among all these different Carriage Houses that are really well preserved I mean things are really kept the way they were you can kind of step back in time when you're there the house is just Exquisite it's been there forever and um really like immaculately kept the cleaning lady had just been there it's like a really lovely place upstairs on one side there's a master bedroom that has an on Suite bathroom with a big tub in it and then next to the stairs there's another bedroom there my boyfriend he said sort of in passing that there was a ghost and he was saying no you have to understand it's totally fine we've all been around it it doesn't feel bad it's not one of these ghosts that you're aware as trying to do something mean to you or manipulative or trying to scare you basically and so I kept on saying to him you know does does anybody know who this ghost is I mean I know it's an old house and he said no you know we don't really know nobody really knows we know it's a woman it's an old house and of course in a lot of old houses in Charleston there it goes I think that from his behavior cuz he wasn't scared at all and I didn't want to seem like that annoying chick who just is scared of everything so I thought you know what how bad can this be at that point I just convinced myself that nothing was going to happen I took a bath really quickly because there was beautiful bathtub in the bathroom that was attached to the master bedroom we got changed for dinner and when we got back home pretty late I was meeting a lot of people for the first time that I had met before Kyle's friends so um the ghost in the house by the time we got home was pretty far from my mind it was not really something I was thinking about anymore I was kind of getting ready for bed and I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and washing my face and putting lotion on whatever girls [Music] do I heard like a the sound of water like for example as if I had been laying in the tub and had like put a leg up and I looked behind me [Music] and I was kind of getting ready for bed and I was in the bathroom and I looked behind me and there was nothing there I mean I'd taken a bath earlier in the day but it wasn't full anymore and you know nothing was in there that was weird and I tried to convince myself it's nothing you can hear things all the time and it's old house I mean I feel like everybody has that excuse it's an old house we went to bed and he was fast asleep I mean I was exhausted he was asleep by the time I even got into [Music] bed almost immediately I started really hearing sounds that you can't really explain away sounds on the stairs definite sound of steps just walking up not fast not slown as if somebody was in the house walking up the stairs and then then kind of walking around in the hallways and into the other bedroom and it was extremely scary of course we were the only people there and we were in the bedroom and he was asleep there was really nothing I was going to do about it I certainly wasn't going to open the door and see what was going on I was nervous but I was also exhausted and like physically like my body went over my mind thank God and I fell [Music] asleep and so finally morning comes I open the door and I go into the hallway and was about to go down the stairs when I noticed that the other bedroom door was [Music] open and the bed that had been perfectly made was completely rumpled all of the sheets were in a ball as if somebody had been sleeping there there was an indentation in the pillow I knew that we had locked the door downstairs and our bedroom door was locked so all all of a sudden I realized that that sound was The Ghost and almost at the same moment out of my peripheral vision next to the window I saw a thing this presence there in the broad daylight it was definitely a figure of a sort of uh like ethereal quality it scared me how physical it was didn't feel like it was watching me it felt like it was just there looking out the window but it was Daylight when you think of seeing a ghost you don't think of seeing it during the day I felt a panic just descend on me and my heart started with beating really quickly I mean I didn't even want to see one thing I didn't want it to move I didn't want it to come near I ran ran back into the bedroom where my boyfriend was and I said you know look in here just tell me if there's something in [Music] there he looked in the room he said well there's nothing in here now there's no explaining that away I started feeling more and more panicked and he said okay well now I just have to tell you we know who the ghost is and he went on to tell me this story 10 years ago before the family had bought the house there had been a young woman in her 30s who was a school teacher living at the house directly next door there was the son of a family who was severely mentally deranged and he became obsessed with this young school teacher who was living at this house and it progressed to the point where she had to take out a restraining order against him and it was this whole drama and one [Music] day he violated his restraining order and he was thrown in jail the tragedy of this story is that when they released him from jail she had no idea that he was on the loose again he went directly to her home broken w he eventually was arrested and it was a local tragedy her death happened in such a sudden and violent way that I don't think she even realizes that she's dead she's there and she's really a physical presence there because she just really thinks she still lives there and she's going about her life the same way and when I heard that water that's the bathtub she died in that was her bedroom that the sheets were messed up in and I think more than feeling scared after that I felt really sad for her that you know people are there Liv living in her house and she must be extremely lonely and she hasn't progressed past being just dead her energy hasn't moved on it was bizarre learning that the details that I had picked up on were actually a part of her story and it definitely convinced me of uh the reality of her presence there
Channel: LMN
Views: 189,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movies, movie, lifetime, lifetime movies, full movies, lifetime movie, lifetime full movies, lmn, lmn movies, true lifetime movies, lifetime movie network, movies on lifetime, lifetime network movies, free movies, lifetime movie network full movies, free lifetime movies, lifetime shows, lifetime tv, lifetime channel, mylifetime, celebrity ghost stories, celebrities, paranormal, Kim Russo, ghosts, ghost, ghost stories, haunted celebrities, spirits, evil, demons, evil spirits, haunted
Id: n2eTEhTD82s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 27sec (7527 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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