Unfaithful wife 2024 #LMN New Lifetime Movies 2024 Based On A True Story 2024

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[Music] ow [Music] help [Music] me my ankle help help me what are you going to do for me mother [Music] are you excited for the dance oh so awesome I know so a Lio P the driver's awesome my dad knows him me and sty are getting ready at my house I already have [Music] my hey why do all the guys have the hots just mland if you let all the guys do whatever they wanted they'd be all over you too okay we better go don't want to be late for Ramirez actually I was thinking of bailing wait Jade seriously you can't skip again I know but I didn't study for the test I'm going to fail Anyway come on I'll let you copy off mine again eyes on your own [Music] papers was I not clear or do I need to fail all of you sorry my bad you must be Ashley my newest victim come in grab a test find a seat I hope Spanish was part of your last school's curriculum finally somebody who pays [Music] attention what do you think of her she's really pretty oh new girl Ashley maybe we should see if she wants staying out tonight yeah oh hey Dad hey hi Mr Thompson hey Sarah I'm going to be staying at my's for a couple days should be some leftovers in the fridge yeah okay see you Monday stay out of trouble YouTube bye dad who is Mindy I don't know I've lost track come on hey hey I like your kicks are they hot just got them so you new in town no I live on the other side of the freeway transferred out of Lexington High Principal was a real dick what do you think of this place depends what's going on this weekend actually we were going to go to a party tonight you want to come we can pick you up cool I'm at 18 via Carina great we'll see you at 7 I heard Brian some good at a dance well isn't he taking Nicole he was and now he's not I don't know he's a little weird so is she girls hey Mom how was school I'm the same so Mom can you'd stay for dinner tonight oh yeah sure just make sure you ask your dad okay he's actually taken off for a couple days okay then I guess you better plan on staying the night okay cool [Music] thanks I'm telling you you should just ask him to the dance if I go with Clay what are you going to do I don't need to go are you serious I'm not going without you okay how about this we only go if we both have dates and if not then we go together deal [Music] deal hey hey hey look what I got wine where'd you get that my mom hey girls where are you all off to tonight oh just a house party oh sounds like fun well you all want to come in hang out no Mom we don't want to hang out with you she's so annoying so what's the deal on the boys anyone off limits well well we don't have boyfriends or anything yeah but she'd like to actually actually I'm not interested in anyone right now excuse me S hey what's up hi clay who's that no one well if everyone's fair game I'll just go introduce [Applause] [Music] myself hey hey having a good time I am now come on let's dance hi hey how was work huh let's same you sound like Sarah where is she oh she's out with Jade so Houston called there's 3 days left on their offer I thought we' made a decision about that no you did Paul it it's just not the right time to move I mean Sarah ran away when they offered you that job in San Diego last year yeah and I turned it down and we'd have to relocate to Texas yeah can't we just wait until Sarah graduates fine it's only my career there you go you want some why is it got a roof un it I don't need a roofy to get a girl yeah think again hey that's my drink oh my God I am so sorry okay on here oh okay care just up with this it's fine okay I'm going to have to go home you can't go home we just got here besides I'm staying at your place tonight remember okay stay okay here take this you sure yeah mean it's least I can do besides it look really hot on you oh my God I love this song oh too oh here wait let me do it Ash is that you leave me [Music] alone did you get the project done for rire class why is it due yeah like today hey Jade oh hey Owen I was just wondering you going to the dance with anyone no cool so you maybe want to go with me yeah sure great I'll see you later okay to to the dance what I Miss D just got asked the dance really yeah by who Owen Mason come on we better to get to class actually um what I don't think I'm going to go you're not skipping again well I didn't do these assignment neither did I come on let's get out of here oh okay I'll see you later hey well I'm not covering for both of you Department hey Annie it's me hey hi I I just got a little break you want to grab some lunch or something uh sorry I can't I got some stupid board meeting to go to okay um well then we'll just see you at home okay I'll see you home later love [Music] [Applause] you you know to be honest I think you can do a lot better than Owen I mean I'm sure Sarah still do that too right no she wanted me to say yes I'm surprised she's your best friend I mean you think she'd want to see you do better who knows maybe she likes it that way hey we got lucky we had a substitute so what are you guys doing I don't know we were thinking about going to Ashley's do you want want to come sure meet you guys [Music] there so your mom just lets you drink in the house here I'm cool thanks hey girls tap me off for you get your own Mom it's nice to meet you and Mrs Tran a such lovely manners so will you be staying for uh dinner I could order some pizza or something actually I have to get home for dinner and Jade we should probably get going oh um I think I'm going to stay I mean my dad's not home and I put your parents out so much anyway they don't mind but yeah that's that's cool uh talk to me later sure okay I'm going to order some pizza where's Jade she go home um no she's staying at Ashley's is that the girl I saw her with this morning you don't need to cover for her so who is this Ashley she's just the new girl who transferred to her school she lives on viaus and she's skipping school already yeah well I doubt her mom cares what do you mean nothing I'm going to go do my homework Sarah yep uh there's something I I've been wanting to tell you it's about your dad he got an offer in Texas I know what you're going to say and I just want you to know that we're not going to move unless we all agree well I don't agree it would mean a lot more money and we could send you to a really great school I told you I'm not leaving Jade well it would mean so much to your dad are we done so what' your dad say can you stay over yeah he doesn't care he's staying at his new girlfriend's Place where's your mom I don't know she left my dad to go be a with a military guy sends me a postcard once a year from whatever post they're at well least you got a postcard my dad split a year ago I haven't heard from him since why because my mom called the cops on him said that he hit her but he loved me she's the one who drove him crazy you know Sarah has no idea how good she has it I mean she like ran away from home just cuz her dad got this wicked job offer in San Diego really yeah that's lame at least she has a dad who cares about her I know right some people just don't get it it's cool to have a friend who gets me like I get you here you should try this on oh cute you know I was serious about what I said earlier you don't really want to go to the dance of that Owen guy do you no not really there's a better mirror in the bathroom oh okay cool I'll be right back what do you think gorgeous yeah yeah I love [Music] [Music] it [Music] [Applause] hey hey where were you last night I slept over ashes well I called really I must have missed it so weird l so we still going to Trevor's party tonight uh yeah I guess hey Sarah oh my God don't you just love this top on Jade it's my favorite but looks so much better on her Chas I'm sure you're all excited to learn this morning so let's get going and open your text to page 30 we'll begin with chapter I don't know m trollman is the honeymoon over so soon why don't you take a seat over there oh and Miss Thompson just so you're aware having a substitute doesn't let you off the hook I've taken up your recent absence with the principal one more slip and you'll find yourself suspended let's begin shall we [Music] gentl I've got a all right let me get this you need to go to the bank you sound like your father hey you are not going out with your boobs hanging out like that are you why do you want me to dress in sales rack specials like you I mean my God look at you you look like you've been dressed with a church donation bin huh well your father would say you look cheap dad would never talk to me like [Music] that Dance I mean you want the deal right actually I'm not going to go to the dance with Owen anymore why not I don't know Sarah maybe I could do better or don't you think so oh my God so what you're just going to tell him that you're not going to go with him anymore it's so mean maybe if you hadn't pressured me into saying yes hey what's going on Jade's not going to the dance with Owen oh thank God that Owen was such a a loser oh by the way I talked to Clay and he said that he's totally into hooking up with you you told her how could you do that no I I didn't she didn't I I guessed all right I mean come on it's totally obvious but it's cool trust me he's So Into You you sure of course why wouldn't he be still I mean I can't ask him to the dance remember we go together or we go with dates now that you're not going with Owen I oh don't worry J and I'll go together yeah that's fine just ask him Hey sir hey do you want to take a walk or something um okay sure [Music] come on let's go have some fun you look really good tonight thank you so you so is it true what that you like me who told you that everybody it's cool I just wish I would have known [Music] sooner okay so where are we going Mr Ramirez's house Mr rir the Spanish teacher what for you'll see what about Sarah she'll be fine besides we don't want a third wheel do [Music] we stop it hey I thought you were cool with it why would you think that cuz your new friend just told me Ashley said that I would sleep with you is is that why I'm here that's why I'm here [Applause] Mr Ramirez is such a nice house I know they pay these teachers too much okay this is for riding you out to the [Music] principal and that is for separating [Music] us [Music] [Applause] okay well could you call me if they show up there sure okay thanks Brent what'd he say he hasn't seen them he has no idea where they are well I wouldn't worry she's probably just lost track of time that's what we said the night she ran away but she's got no reason to do that now she doesn't even know about the Texas offer she knows I told her I told her we should think about it you did mhm what'd she say sorry that's just great you know what my parents moved when I was 10 too and I didn't like it much but guess what I survived Sarah where have you been relax Mom God it's almost 2 hours past your curfew you know how upset your mother's been well obviously not you Sarah your father's right and as far as we're both concerned you're grounded [Music] whatever hello where are you I'm at home why took off with Ashley last night and left me so I figured you were with her I'm grounded thanks to you I thought you were with Clay Clay's a jerk the only reason that he wanted to be with me was because your friend Ashley told him that I'd have sex with him she wouldn't do that clay probably just told you that to get in your pants well you shouldn't have left me God Sarah I thought I was doing you AER look I got to go are you still coming to dinner tonight yeah sure whatever [Music] you know you scared me and I had no idea where you were I told you I'm not going to run away again okay but you're still grounded what about Dad how long is he going to hold a grudge for Sarah hey oh hey Jane I hope you're you don't mind I invited Ashley no no of course we don't mind it's nice to meet you Ashley so how are you liking your new school couldn't be happier great so my dad just told me we're moving what do you mean where to his girlfriend's over at his job at the refinery well when do you have to move out the end of the month but I don't want want to go well don't just stay here with us right mom actually Jay's going to be staying at my place well Jade you you know you're always more than welcome to stay with us as much as you'd like so I should get a fourth right [Music] good so what do you girls want to drink let's see I've got uh milk water juice yeah that's just about it where's Ashley in the bathroom so why are you staying with her I mean have you seen her place it's kind of a pig Dy you're really going to be comfortable there not everyone can afford a cleaning lady like you guys whatever but I just thought you'd want to stay here with me Miss is kind of what we always talked about you know living together besides Ashley's not all that I mean look at the way she dresses you going to judge her on the way she dresses but it's not just that I mean who lets their kid drink in their own house you don't you think messed up I'm guessing she'll probably end up just like her mom you're just pissed cuz I'm not staying here fine I am ever since you've been hanging out with Ashley you don't care about our friendship anymore you've left me Al alone last night I already said I was sorry I know but you would have never have done that if it weren't for her I'm telling you she's bad news who's bad news nobody come on let's [Music] go here is this C we're going to head out oh where you going I heard Bobby saring another party tonight Sarah are you coming uh Sarah is grounded and it is a school night maybe Jade you should stay in too I think Jade needs to let off some steam especially considering the news she just got does your father know you're going out you know he doesn't care I know what that's like thanks for dinner Mrs Cowen yeah thanks bye Sarah [Music] yes [Music] [Music] a I don't know how I'm going to wake up for school tomorrow then don't I'll just get my mom to write a note for you seriously yeah if I told her to sure your mom is so cool Sarah's mom would never do that you're so uptight I I know did you see the way that Sarah tried to get you to stay I mean just because she's grounded why should you suffer oh I know it was so lame you know she holds you back it's like she expects you're always going to be there for her when she needs you but what about you you know your life no I know it's like it's all about her she doesn't even care exactly now that you're being your own person she's just being all needy on you who needs that I mean you don't want to be stuck in her Shadow forever do you no I mean God if you're that weak someone should just put you out of your misery seriously no I am serious she drags you down she drags us down we should just get rid of her I mean I guess we could just ignore her no she's too much of a leech for that we have to get rid of her more permanently how don't worry leave it to me [Music] she's pretty she Hey Hey where's Jade she wasn't feeling well of course she wasn't listen she's really upset you know this whole thing with her dad and moving she really needs you I you're like her best friend right look I know that you think I told clay that you'd sleep with him but all I said was that you were into him he must have taken it that way why didn't you come out with us tonight I know Jade would love that I can't I'm grounded remember and sneak out I'm sure you've done that before just come out with us just for a little bit Jade really misses you she said that of course I mean you're like a sister to her just say you'll come fine I'll see if my mom will let me well in case you have to sneak out we'll meet you at the End of the Street 8:00 so Mom I'm really sorry about the way that I talk to you and Dad I just had a bad night anything you want to talk about just boy stuff I understand great cuz I was hoping I could go out tonight I didn't mean you were off the hook you're still grounded it's not fair everyone else is going out tonight you're still grounded that's final God Mom you so don't understand she probably chickened out as usual I mean why are we even hanging out with her thought we were ditching her we are we just have to make sure she won't ever tag along again so what and make her hate us even better [Music] hey where are you I'm coming wait for me hey she's [Music] coming [Music] okay [Music] okay let's get out of [Music] here so where are we going Ashley knows about this Rave downtown are we going to be able to get in trust me it's all good I trust you [Applause] yeah where is everybody I think this is like a rave or something it is we're just parking here why are we going in here just mean some of my friends here don't worry you like [Applause] them they're over here smells in here this is stupid let's just leave hey give me my phone Ashley what the hell is wrong with you give it back give it back J J help help help get away from her just stay with me [Music] are you crazy why did you do that this the only way to get rid of her here take this take it relax all right did what we wanted I didn't want that I didn't want you to kill her well how else were we going to get rid of her I thought we were just going to leave her here or something I don't know here drop it in the bag do it so what are you doing what are you doing I'm so sorry damn it new shoes let's go why why we we can just leave her here yes we can let's go wait here wipe it off come on go [Music] [Music] hey hey girls what you doing home so soon go back to sleep Mom here drink this it will make you feel better I don't want that I didn't want any of this well it's too late you're already in it I didn't do anything I didn't do it really uh yes you did you called Sarah you told her to come you drove her to the warehouse I didn't do this all by myself your here what are you doing tying up Loose Ends I'll be right back oh um remember we're both in this [Music] together [Music] [Music] [Music] oh hey what's [Music] up so where are we going trust me I trust you why are we going here get sit back give it back J D help help me help me help me [Music] help Sarah honey are you awake Sarah Paul Paul yeah she's gone what Sarah she's gone damn it I knew I shouldn't have been so hard on her just calm down okay I mean her car's still here maybe she got to ride some place with Jade I don't know she's probably afraid to come home and get in trouble again why don't we just give her a call okay where are you going she just going to go home why it's pack got to get my stuff out by the end of the week cool well you can just stay here it's Sarah's mom go ahead answer it no I don't want to answer it do it you're going to have to talk to her sooner or later you know what to say hello Jade hi this is Lana hi Mrs C hi honey um have you seen Sarah did you guys get together last night no I haven't seen her since yesterday at school are you sure yeah um well did she call you last night yeah and what did she say nothing just that she was Bumm that she was grounded are you sure that's she said yeah okay um well could you please call me if you hear from her and uh and tell her to come home I won't be mad okay I will okay thanks Jas cool let's go get [Music] breakfast she claims she hasn't seen her and what do you think she's lying I don't know you think I should call Brent no let's go to the police morning we're out of cereal and everything else you think you could pull it together and go to the grocery store sure so how is your night where did you girls go um nowhere but I thought I saw you come in you must be confused as usual I got to go why just talk to you later has your daughter ever done this kind of thing before she ran away just once but it was different yeah it was this is really unlike Sarah all right well well first thing we'll do is enter her name in The Missing person's database and then we'll put a trace on her cell phone how long will that take not long I'm sure wherever we locate our phone we'll find your daughter safe and [Music] sound okay so I'm going to go talk to Jade face to face okay I'll go with you oh no you should stay here here in case she comes home or calls Anna don't worry everything's going to be [Music] fine um Dad yeah is there room for my stuff over at Mindy's yet could I bring it by tonight I told you I got to clean out that spare bedroom it's going to take couple days what's the matter nothing what happened to Sarah what do you mean thought you going to stay with her I was um she changed her mind drop a key off tomorrow you can to be all right here right yeah okay see you tomorrow all right yeah okay bye all [Music] right [Music] [Music] what are you doing uh why'd you run off like that I just had some stuff to take care of what stuff look I know that you're upset but you got to chill out all right no one's going to find out we covered our tracks it's just you and me now like we said look at me I love you it's going to be okay hey everything's going to be okay Jade it's Lana hi Mrs Cow hello Mrs C hi Ashley I have you heard from her no me neither are you sure you didn't see her last night yeah yeah because the last time she disappeared she spent the night over here but she didn't do that this time she didn't come here last night and she didn't mention anything about wanting to leave home nothing at all no Jade you have to tell me the truth I I know something is up here she said she was running away what she was really upset about being grounded I mean we told her not to worry about it that it was just one more weekend but I know she wouldn't listen did she call you too she called Jade at my place and I heard her on the speaker why didn't you tell me about this before she asked me not to Jay do you realize how serious this is is where did she say she was going she didn't just that she was going to hit the road and try to catch a ride or something is this true are you telling me everything because I've reported her missing to the police she said that she was going to run away from home and I I haven't heard from her since if you want we could set something up online to help find her I mean I'm sure somebody knows where she is yeah that'd be nice and I'm sure the police will want to talk to both of you fine yeah you be more than happy to help I'll be in touch see easy and what about the police don't worry about it okay just stick to the story and play it cool got it let us handle it uh okay we'll talk to him in the morning okay and then we'll call you all right thanks we'll uh we'll let you know if uh we hear from her was that the Poli did they find her phone they found it where in the cab of a transport truck oh my God Paul Sarah wasn't there oh God Paul Lana it doesn't mean anything that it looks like she ran away they're going to call the driver in for questioning tomorrow tomorrow well he's up at the Oregon line it's the earliest they could get him here well it does fit with what Ashley said Ashley yeah she was over at jates they both admitted that Sarah had called them and said she was running away and she was planning to hitchhike well then we have to tell that to the police I don't believe those girls I mean Jade couldn't even look me in the eye she probably knows where Sarah is she's probably sworn to secrecy no she couldn't talk to me Paul this girl Ashley she was telling me everything about Sarah like like she was trying to convince me or something in their minds they're probably looking out for her you know how these girls are no no it was different why won't you come stay with me told you I just want to be alone why just because Jade I need you don't turn your back on me you know good okay [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] on [Music] I told you I didn't pick up any girl I understand but we're just trying to figure out how her phone and ended up in your truck so please tell us exactly what you did at the new Hall stop I did what I always do I got a burger some fries talked to a couple of the fellas and then I got back out on the road so you didn't see anybody no you didn't see any teenagers no look if you try to pin this on hell you don't even have anything man just go talk to Irene at the stop she knows me we will most certainly do that in the mean time I suggest you do not leave town what do you mean you let him go he claims he didn't see your daughter her cell phone was in his truck it's possible somebody else put it there why would someone do that to throw us off the trail what trail in the event that something happened to your daughter the person responsible may be trying to frame this man but you don't know that no we don't this trucker he could be lying he could have picked her up and dropped her off anywhere she could still be out there yes sir and we are following up on every one of the stops he made to see if anyone saw Sarah but you don't believe that happened do you Mrs Cowen we don't have any conclusions yet we're still trying to gather the facts then when are you going to talk to her friends Jade and Ashley very soon please if you think of anything else give us a call we're going to be working around the clock on this I promise you we are not giving up until we find your daughter detective gains what are the chances I mean in your experience that you'll find her alive well every case is different I know that damn it just tell me the truth no I want to hear the truth Mrs Cowen I feel like we're going to find her so let's just try and stay positive okay thank you for your time we we going T you tomorrow they think she's dead they didn't say that yes they [Music] did did you water her back [Music] me [Music] too hey Mr [Music] J [Music] hey hey what gives I've been calling you all day I've had my phone off I've been busy busy with what cleaning I really want to see you well it's late and I'm tired wish you were here I'll see it's school tomorrow right I don't know Jade you have to go if you don't it'll look bad yeah all right good I'll see you tomorrow I love [Music] you hey hey missed you last night told you I was tired yeah I know I'm not letting you off the hook tonight you're so good morning everyone okay I'm done whatever Miss Thompson where's your Sidekick today what no excuses lined up with your best friend may I help you yeah Jade Ashley go with the principal to the office please so you say she told you she was running away yeah was she upset totally I mean she thought her parents were being real jerks for grounding her how long have you known Sarah since the sixth grade sounds like a pretty good friend not really I I don't know her that well but what I do know is that she was having some problems at home like with her dad and stuff so you really think she ran away Jade I I I don't know um sorry I'm not feeling well so you don't believe she did for sure she did I mean she did it before right what did you say nothing well you better have said you talked to Sarah did you yes all right I said everything I was supposed to now leave me alone what you heard me what's wrong with you I'm done I can't do this anymore don't you walk away from me [Music] Jay Jake you have to tell me the truth I know something is up here is this true are you telling me [Music] everything hey can I help you hi I'm Lana Cowan Sarah's mom Tina trowman uh would you have a minute to talk yeah sure come on in thanks um I I don't know if Ashley told you but um Sarah is missing missing yeah she never came home Saturday night I had no idea have you called the police yes I have they've put homicide on it I'm so sorry if there's anything I can do well maybe you could tell me where Ashley was Saturday night Ashley what does Ashley have to do with this she said Sarah called Jade while they were here and told them she was running away I I just find it hard to believe that Jade wouldn't tell me that I mean Sarah and Jade are best friends I just thought maybe if I knew all three of them went out that I would have a clear picture of what happened did Ashley and Jay go out Saturday night go back to sleep Mom Tina I'm sorry what was that did did the girls go out Saturday night no we didn't hi Ashley Ashley you never told me your friend Sarah was missing you mean ran away I didn't think it was a big deal she did it before right so uh why do you want to know where I was Saturday night are you like interrogating my mother or something I'm just trying to get all the facts so I can understand what happened well uh to answer your question I didn't go out Saturday night I know Jade did though to go out and meet Sarah yeah she said she wanted to talk to her you know about the whole running away thing but I know that she came back here later my mom saw her come in right mother yeah yeah that's right why didn't Jade tell me that I don't know I guess she sore not to say [Music] anything thank you it's nice to meet you oh Mrs Cen yes do me a favor don't come back to my house again [Music] Ashley you should have told someone that girl was running away why it's done what's done look Sarah's not coming back all right the sooner everyone realizes that the better so stupid [Music] [Music] sorry hey Jade what is it is everything okay did Sarah call you no but I know where she is where is she Jade where is she Jade what are you doing here what's going on she knows where Sarah is you do Jade talk to me where's [Music] Sarah where's Sarah I Ashley killed her she she killed her you're lying she's in a warehouse downtown 30 minutes from here oh my God I'm so sorry all right get in the car get in the car Lana call the [Music] police [Music] a [Music] [Applause] sir where is she where is she where is she Sarah let me go Sarah let me go come on Sarah oh my God Sarah [Music] [Music] she turn to the left turn to the right face front Mr Mrs CN we've taken Jade into custody and she's been charged with Sarah's murder so what do we do now we'll be sending search team to both Jade and Ashley's homes in the meantime we'll be bringing Ashley in for questioning Jade isn't lying it was Ashley I know it was where is she where's Jade hey you son of a [ __ ] now you're the concerned father where the hell was he when your daughter was out killing mine my Sarah was out there for 2 days alone and your daughter said nothing nothing hey wo whoa whoa whoo wo come out what I don't think it' be very fair to your wife to get charged with assault not now let come [Music] on mom you remember what we said hi can I help you miss trolman yes I'm detective Patty gains I have a warrant to search your house and I need to take your daughter in for questioning yes sir make sure you bring me any photos any journals anything that puts the two girls together okay detective yeah we found this hidden behind a desk in the back [Music] bedroom I can't do this I can't how could she take her from us how could she I don't know God I to think everything you've done for Jade and then she not Jade it's Ashley so now you tell us Jade went out with Sarah why didn't you tell us this before Jade asked me not to say anything she was afraid of getting in trouble you know with Sarah's mom I just didn't want to butt in I mean Jade was Sarah's friend can you think of any reason why Jade would want to hurt Sarah if they were such good friends I don't know I mean Jade was upset because of her dad and everything she did tell me that Sarah always thought that she was better than her seriously i' wish I'd never even transferred to that school how do we know that you didn't go with Jay to meet up with Sarah you can ask my mom I was home all night can anybody else verify that no but my mom wouldn't lie well I think that's enough questions can I go home now no I'm afraid we're going to have to keep you here overnight why your attorney will explain everything let's go [Music] Ashley well I'm sure something off about that kid okay all right thanks um let us know what else you find I will [Music] that was detective gains the evidence came back they found the knife the blood was Sarah I knew it I knew it was Ashley you should see that girl Paul L they found the knife at Jade's not Ashley's is that possible also found Sarah's blood in Jade's car what about Ashley houseu did they look there they found [Music] nothing Miss Tran over here mman you know Sarah why do you think your friend would want to murder Sarah C I don't know I mean I can't imagine how anyone would do something like that especially to their best friend how do you know she did it the night of murder 18yearold was released from this morning after a judge declared there was no physical evidence connecting her to the crime tman reiterated public defender that she believes the other suspect is solely responsible for the murder of 17-year-old high school student Sarah Cowen the unidentified teenage suspect is currently being held at the women's detention facility in downtown Los Angeles so what did you tell them what you told me that you you were here and Jade went out well it seems you finally did something right what are you doing buying myself a new pair of shoes the state of California has been rocked by the news of a local teens's arrest accused of murdering her best friend 17-year-old Sarah call initially presumed a run away the victim was found in a downtown Warehouse stabbed to death by afternoon earlier today the teen entered a plea of not [Music] guilty [Music] hey those the new leopard cicks yeah pretty [Music] hot [Music] thanks [Music] hey what do you want hey easy I just want to know if it's true what's true that uh that you were involved with killing Sarah why what have you heard just that Jade said that you did it not her what's up to you nothing I just think it'd be kind of cool to go to the dance with someone who uh it's all over the news aren't you going with Jesse [Music] maitlin I don't have to okay I'll go but just so you know I'm not a [Music] suspect [Music] [Music] [Music] what I don't believe this [Music] what have you kids got there just a good old soda pop what's wrong Mr Ramirez you don't seem like you're having fun maybe because I think this dance should have been canceled out of respect for your classmate maybe teach you kids some remorse he really needs to get laid well if it isn't the murderer we all know you did it I mean Sarah and Jade were practically Inseparable before you came out you're just a jealous [ __ ] it takes one to know don't worry everybody knows Jess is the real [ __ ] hey come on let's go dance Tina Tina I have to talk to you you want to get out of here and go hang out somewh [Music] else [Music] hey this dance is sort of weak yeah they always do you want to go out back have a drink actually I got to [Music] go you're not here share it with me hey let's go I already told you Ashley was home that night actually you didn't tell me Ashley did well I don't know what you want from me I want you to put yourself in my shoes as a mother who just lost her daughter and is desperately trying to find out what happened I know you said Sarah had good manners but she was also warm and kind and she loved her family but if she ever hurt anyone I would be the first person to step up and make sure she took responsibility no matter how much it hurt me or Sarah it's our job as mothers to make sure we raise good people no matter how hard that is Tina I saw how Ashley treated you and it's not going to stop and maybe you think you failed but you only did if you don't tell the truth and stand up to her and be the mother she [Music] needs [Music] whoa what are you doing hey relax I get you home by [Music] curfew you bit me lucky that's all I did [Music] [ __ ] hey you're you're home early cuz there's nothing better to do what's wrong with you H nothing what you doing I need a new pair of shoes I I thought you just bought some new shoes I did these are for a friend what happened to the old ones I saw you washing them what happened what do you care I saw the blood was it Sarah's what the hell are you doing telling the truth I saw both you and Jade come home that night not just Jade you don't know what you saw you were drunk no now I know what I saw and I'm not not lying not anymore look at you you don't know anything sitting here collecting your welfare checks drinking your cheap wine who's going to listen to you huh no one because you're not going to open that drunk mouth of yours to anyone got it just like your father self entitled son of a I am your mother Ashley and I've had enough you call yourself a mother look at you you're pathetic I should have put you out of your misery a long time ago like you did that poor girl yeah that's right you liked Sarah poor sweet Sarah such good manner she had but oh so weak stabbing someone to death hardly makes you strong shut up it's over Ashley because as soon as I tell the police the truth it's not over because if you say anything I swear I'll kill you just like I killed that stupid [ __ ] Sarah no you won't because your mother's right it's over [Music] Ashley you set me up I heard every word yeah well it's your word against mine no one's going to believe you anyway get out of my house I heard it too you are under arrest for the murder of Sarah [Music] cow Ashley stop Ashley no no no no stop no it was Jade it was Jade I saw her come in she blew her she had blew over her sh it up actually me no Mom mom please tell them tell them it wasn't me tell them look I didn't mean what I said okay I was just pissed at my mom mom tell them it wasn't me okay tell them it wasn't me why did you kill my little girl tell me I don't know you can't do that she can't do that to do that Mom anything you say what kind of a car are you get off me get off mom you have a right to Mom you cannot afford an attorney one will be mom tell them the truth do you understand the r i have read to [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for
Channel: Mangooo
Views: 70,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BEST Lifetime Movies, New Lifetime Movies, LMN, Lifetime, Movies, Based on a true story, Television program, Film, Entertainment, lifetime shows, lifetime movies, mylifetime, based on true story 2023, african american movies, new lifetime movies 2023, lmn, lifetime, full lifetime movies, based on true story 2024, new lifetime movies 2024
Id: sHxXbGgl7lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 56sec (5336 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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