Unfair Toxic Hide and Seek in Minecraft

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all right dudes welcome back to another toxic hide and seek today we're playing in a very small map which means we've gotten rid of fireworks instead we'll be using the Rams horns the sounds to try to hunt each other down me sunny Bibles that are each gonna take a turn being it we're gonna be as toxic as possible there's some incredible hiding spots on this one some great memes and also a little bit of audio trolling hope you guys enjoyed today's video If you do hit the like button okay hit the Subscribe button to both those things really really help me I hope you enjoy the video now you guys know the rules but today because we're doing a Close Quarters hide and seek all right there's not a lot here we're not doing Rockets okay in order to find people we're using goat horns oh you can only find us by sound yeah that's one door calls Condor calls for Aid my guy so thumbs up first we're going to hide boys shocker make it toxic make attack my horn sounds like I'm dying well my horn is dying okay we could only stay on this map right like I Can Fly Away you I mean there's a world border don't go all the way out in the Deep to the ocean that's toxicity for the ocean can I start seeking guys I found a rubber ducky you're the one no like legitimately I found a ducky I don't remember asking okay a pair of them you're a big fan aren't you I used to be an air conditioner I'm not going through the cage underneath the map or no yeah can I use this case underneath yeah not like the vanilla ones but the other ones yeah this is the case of cliff update isn't it sounds like it's dying you sound like you're dying it's got a few holes in it I'm good uh I'm good I'm good all right I'm gonna look for you and you make sure you have steak all right six minutes on the clock is that three two one go okay because I have seven minutes ah no I'm gonna wake up one single high out all right wait no no no okay I'm gonna do this here I come oh oh that's Primal I don't like that can I let it fly because I'm flying yeah yeah you are okay another question are there rules uh no rules this is the third question I'm gonna slash TP now okay I said There Are Rules no no you didn't you said no rules yeah you said no rules I literally said Caleb I said There Are Rules oops I don't recall who's Caleb yeah who's Caleb dude these are so broken we cannot we can't get a fireworks fireworks there's no fireworks I just know where you guys are actually it's a little it's kind of hard to tell them you have the general vicinity if we all time ours at the same time he won't know he's deaf maybe that's true yeah turn your volume all the way up to Max and see what happens yeah yeah real quick real quick yeah okay this is insane there's no way I know someone's in here but like they're kind of not in here like you guys know what I mean yeah I get it I'm gonna need you to stop talking to us ideal my horn sounds like I'm dying you are dying yeah what are you where are you are you like that one dude mine sounds like it was in dude in the movie you are doing I don't like the sound of it I'm also not even asking you guys to do that and you're doing yeah because we like you sucking yeah it is kind of mean you should say Sorry probably you should apologize for your behavior say sorry to him because I know this is you because I know your horn can you only you thank you okay how does he know my horn it's good because I can just like tell who's who he tells you too I don't like that at all guys I'm nervous about the where are you okay stop calling out Garden door I'm not even calling it stop it inside uh you're doing it under under your own accord Honda Accord wait Biffle let's go I drive a Subaru you're a super poo I got it I didn't want to say it but I did all right Marco got you cheers so bad I don't like the sound of it he was like oh I'm gonna find everyone yeah this is actually kind of hard my favorite part by the way was when he was like only Biffle do it and he was standing next to me yeah I know okay who knows yeah I know you're like only Biffle and I was like all right sure thing dude and now you're gone [Music] I'm not gonna make it really hard for him anyways you sound like you're dying I am wait are you changing horns no yeah oh that's mine yeah you sound like you're like you got like one breath left on you let me live do it again honk your horn I know you're in here oh yeah the easiest like dude let's get played man I'm not how much time do I literally get it uh two and a half minutes anyone with the amount of look look how loud these things are can you stop yours yours is so obnoxious yeah I'm not even asking you guys today I know isn't it great you're just having fun we're just making it really and I appreciate it I'm just chilling man you haven't even been anything dude where are moving around no I mean I'm I'm in the same place I found you tell me where Biffle is or sigils I don't care I want one of them dead uh okay I'll give you a hint okay what's the hint because here I am yeah got him in creative all right here we go all right someone's definitely in one of these stalls I'm pooping in the room can I get a Marco really quick I will tell you where he is we got busted oh show me where sigils is this way bud do you know where he is are you just gonna actually give him 10 seconds if you don't lead me to him then I'm killing you ten he's in here nine nine five six nine eight in there three one okay follow me come with me come with me all right get in there what's going on right now go in there how much time do I have uh you have a minute in six seconds all right sigils Marco why are you trying to no are you trying to go sigils you're so stupid you're so dumb how much time does no way okay I'll give you a chance to wait stop I'll give you a chance to live if you tell me where uh yeah man dude how much time do I have tell me my time I can't look good you can look I can kill you at any moment I need you to look just just decide so this is embarrassing out of here that was the dumbest thing I've ever seen in my life yeah that was just a good spot is that you're stood next to me like eight times don't say good spot like here the whole time yes oh dang yeah you idiots you went in that oh all right well that did pretty good for his first round he had 19 seconds left people no let's do any better I double six minutes on the clock required negative yeah I got you I got you I'll do it you hear it somehow does it [Music] it's so good I feel like I'm so far from you guys also you are blowing you should be uh I should be no I'm not so I'm gonna give me glowing cheater oh it's because I typed it wrong there you go who just used the the horn that one who sounds like it comes from the butt who is unleashing that wait somebody copied my horn no it was unleashing their vows we have similar ones do your Essentials a call for Gondor right yeah what is these noises man it goes and mine goes yours is much more I had a fart like that once what is these noises up here you have fun Beth no it's confusing isn't it Marco I'm unleashing the mightiest fart in the world dude you party like crazy wobble baby wobble baby wobble baby wobble I hear it but I don't have to Chipotle but you don't smell it but I can't smell it this is awful this is so toxic dude it's so hard right in circles if I could do it you can do it like I literally have four kills that's how I'm gonna win in chill dog chill no one likes you when you're like that okay sorry huh it's like I tried and then gave up Marco you sure if you want no dude you pull out your horn I know cause you called Marco dang it dude wait wait hold on what you were at armor stand yeah dude I was invisible wait oh my wait you could be an arm wait I there was an armor stand and I was just standing on top of it someone's nearby so do you like my spot hold on let me see where you're at what hold on I'm in the Border no I specifically said this was against the rules Marco Zed I'm in the Border I said don't go out in the deeps of the sea you I mean there's a world border don't go all the way out in the deeps of the ocean that's toxicity for the ocean can I start seeking okay then I'm not technically in the deep space what is do you see what I there's an underwater dance floor oh Marco do you like mine I like yours a lot what do I hear the call of the deep spiffle one of the deep dreams of white all right I'm no longer probably dude bro this is so hard position myself correctly Marco Marco oh I wonder I wonder hey man if you would have stood up I would have saw your arm yeah dummy why did you check the chest it's like you're looting the place I'm sorry that's cheating cheating I'm not Marco I'm not deep I hear him in here but I'll be honest that I made him move but he was literally in that cave you just flew over the cave yeah which you would have checked so I don't know why that's against the rules I would not have checked these caves what are you doing right now checking caves he does have you there I I'm not there anymore if that's what you're worried about bro he's not I made him I made him leave I made him leave pretty dumb spot yeah you actually would have found me if you didn't make me leave yeah that's on you schedule yeah that's on me oh my bad dude that's what's holding to go in there which I wouldn't have Marco can I mark it when you're not close Marco foreign to catch up to me shut up you little man what wait two kills wait why did you get another kill I don't know it just appeared wait what okay Marco or I hear it across the map it's so beautiful eyes through the brain what is that Marco see through people's eyes always looking at what's wrong with things oh my god there you go you're going 28 seconds you're going way far away before I don't know where you're going all right Bethel I'm gonna sneeze listen to the sound where it goes please Marco I sneezed again oh you did it he didn't get it no I got him get him devil didn't get him with the fitnessgram Instagram check the Instagram right now check it we'll check your Instagram history but I don't think you made it check my Instagram right now check it well yep still haven't posted yeah we've corrected we've corrected the kills all right uh Sunday you're up next good luck I'm going full talks I'm going extreme talk going unbelievable yep I'm going outside we're going the caves this time hold on stay right there yep I want to stay right there staying okay thank you got it I got an idea it's gonna take some finagling there we go that that there I say this one's special for a special round I'm good I'm good I'm good all right Sonny six minutes on the clock I got I got an idea I got an idea let's reverse it and we'll reverse the glowing just that yeah I think I'm good I think I'm good I'm good yeah okay give me a goat hold on I gotta pick my boogers but you you like the goat [Music] you look like a dying cow can I break things minimally there are minimalists it sounds like people are next to me but I actually don't believe it anymore no they're not okay I'm gonna need a goat all right 200 blocks away I goated this is not helpful I've got it on the sticks yeah nothing's helpful I did it again for you if you want that it doesn't help I can do it again if you want yeah people okay yep every time you guys do that it gives you one second of glowing no no why do you okay so bad because I want you to have a glow up because you're not looking too good just me just what just that okay I'm gonna need someone to rocking me okay no I got I got a goat yeah best thing to do is a goat horn one goat horn is that helpful is he glowing I can't tell oh he's glowing he is yeah yeah that means I'm really close to you because he's just he's just a little blob I'm breaking all these armored stands that's cheating how dare you those armor stands never did anything to you Ian follow this sound no you can't follow this one no no you know audio have directional oh he's on airpods that's awkward uh you're the ones that are cool he has the ones with the little like uh you know like Destroyer all right oh he's gonna cheat you're destroying attacks he's he's strings attached out who's he found how are you doing this 17. hey yep 14. 14 team pretty sure I'm pretty sure eight the Biffle is in here four shut up man three no no I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure biffle's in this thing no I'm not but the way he's saying no he's not he is yeah go look at it go look at him let's just go let's go no I'm not letting him go right here dude where what where press this button press the buttons sorry as I kill you as I kill you look in the chat oh specials you have to see where I'm at oh my God yeah easy oh dude my people I I'm impressed I'm reluctantly impressed hold on was I hearing Zone what okay I'm gonna need a rocket I like this I like this round a lot I gotta be honest I like this one two minutes and 45 seconds Ian you gotta figure it out no way he fights me and if he does he's not playing by the abuse both of you have great spots by the ruse thank you I did I go indoors he's still where I let him do is that helpful no how's that not helpful these are gentian characters I mean nothing what no no he knows exactly where to go because oh God no he does get some characters rocking me okay wait you're not rocketing me like look at the name okay but like I will now oh oh yeah they are there there he's gonna get a only a one for a round he's only going for the one for no way this is wait I give three Sundays I'm getting closer to the bevel now I'm sorry oh yeah maybe it's me maybe it could be next to Sunday can't do it shut up sigils listen I know what you're thinking I know where it's done I'll tell you exactly where oh you don't know where that is that is uh go look inside he's not rocking me he's not rocking me I have been this entire time rocking me again you have to play by the rules that's dumb oh that's just what do you know the whole time I didn't I just had a suspicion wait a Family Guy okay can I stole 30 seconds okay let's talk for 30 seconds what do you want to talk about okay let's talk about where I should run to all right dang it you look like a pickle by the way just saying it uh you know I appreciate it yeah uh Ian Ian's in the lead now with 30 seconds remaining yes all right boys six minutes on the clock give me one of them dare horns nothing you're never gonna find us you wanna know why because we don't play by the rules when you're around got them no literally I'm literally in the sky in the in a cave underground cave he's in the sky cave I'm in a sky cave he said I have seven different horns so I'm gonna change it up every single time that's gonna be so confusing yeah who would you find already who is it is this real wait who Spill the Beans it's Ian he found Ian how'd you get found already hey man this was such a good such a good spot that's such a good spot but I'm gonna have to ask you to look at chat oh right next to the Weak Knee section it's true got him got him got him uh that is always there uh you were holding your horn oh would you not have seen me if I wasn't holding it ah I knew somebody was in here from the sound but uh yeah boys there's something I should probably have pointed out I got the feeling that a lot of you didn't go into Minecraft options music and sounds and turn on directional audio wait Minecraft wait hold options uh yeah I don't need to oh directional audio Yeah ew oh you're a bad person yeah you've been told you didn't tell us about that I assumed you knew Marco why would we play this game with directional audio why would it actually be on default yeah that that's a good question I'll message Minecraft right now oh Biffle Biffle I like the spot all right turn directional audio on but it kind of scares me I feel like that's not good for Minecraft you can only ask for it once and an hour yeah it's true you didn't tell us about the directional audio until you're around which means that you're a bad person and a bad friend no well I am a bad friend we all know that Marco why you ask her so many times well I'm gonna eat asparagus it's not that much better I'll be honest you found me immediately from cheating yeah I actually know another cheat and I just put it on and I should have done it for my round I'm mad now I'm you're a mad he's a mad he's a mad guys I feel like I'm close but not close you know are you okay do you need help dude somebody's like right around here and it's annoying me he's breaking things that's illegal somebody report him so he's cheating twice I did all the time I watched all of you break things I've never broken people what can I say I know ah please find us right here maybe it is maybe it is definitely see is he near you yeah maybe you should he's been near me a few times how about you turn off directional audio you ever think of that yeah maybe directionality is not healthy signals I feel honestly bad for you I'm gonna give you one extra hint sure give me my hand side okay go to options and go to music and sounds and then turn on subtitles subtitles and it shows you the direction of the sound no it does not oh it does Marco does it really yeah and if you're looking at it it shows nowhere else you're so Marco so I just felt bad for him I had to you're kidding me you're giving him all of it this is not I'm just confident I don't think I think you're gonna get found but I'm not gonna get found I don't think he's gonna fight me you don't think so because no he hasn't been near me one time he's been near me zero times you guys are cheating with the whole foot you guys are cheating yeah he's been like on top of a few times but he's like kind of in the no he's not in the right room that's for sure he's definitely not in the know yeah definitely not is this helpful at all it kind of is but like not really well now I get two different arrows he's very confused okay just do it the same at the same time same time oh I did hold on yeah bro I'm panicking I'm panicking I'm panicking I did it nice you're not very good at this so are you good I'm great at this shut up having a good time having a good time and remember when you said my spot was bad and I'm stupid Look Who's Laughing Now Look Who's Laughing Now You're vibrating now you good dude I don't understand I'm pancake all right Mark Marco I did I just did they just what are you doing then oh is that doya huh oh you found zud huh slide over me I think I'm gonna win honestly how much time do you have like a minute yeah a minute oh your side why I'm trying to win this so I can go places with my life I want you to lose Marco was that helpful okay bye going for you I thought the subtitles would honestly help you it's almost more confusing I'll be honest shut up it doesn't differentiate people do with your mouth too ready no stop it I did oh I didn't mean to use my last potion wait you push it no I know you're like right here yeah man yeah you got me dude yeah to me because it's a very interesting spot I want him to was that in this building hey Biffle yes yeah spoiler alert yeah I was a few windows down from you wait really wait what look I'm just in the farm so you feeding me I'm on Biffle now hey man bro I literally killed in the window for now wait release yes [Applause] we were doing the same thing yes this whole time I hate you guys I hate you but here's what I did check what I did check what I did though so what I did is I used invis a potion and I was like this oh wait so you got found yep yeah he was forward I found him not the other dang it dude well it doesn't matter even if you have the audio hacks yes still wait so did I win yeah Sunday wins this one hope you guys enjoyed if you did hit the like button hit the Subscribe button we'll see in the next hide and seek
Channel: Sigils
Views: 213,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minigames, sigils, for loot, insane craft, minecraft mods, minecraft best armor, op armor in minecraft, minecraft for loot, Minecraft Hide and seek, hide and seek, seeker, hider, win, modded hide and seek, modded minecraft hide and seek, random infinity stone, ssundee, sigils and ssundee, underwater hide and seek, trident hide and seek, camo armor, minecraft back rooms, back rooms hide and seek minecraft, back rooms hide and seek
Id: m5p1QYTuLLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2022
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