Unexpected surprises when MOVING to MERIDA MEXICO: 5 things you need to know!

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so you're asking yourself what are the top five things I need to know about Merida Yucatan well you're in luck because that is our topic [Music] today okay guys we're mean and wuk Katan living powered by EXP realy your trusted bilingual Realtors here in Meda and the Emerald Coast okay guys so we go with number one different zones of Meda so let's start with Central Central is the central part of the city uh as the name would indicate so you know it's busy it's bustling there's a lot of excitement happening um and so I think you really need to consider whether or not you're a city person uh if you want to spend time in SRO uh amazing Colonial architecture tons of restoration projects happening tons of infrastructure money being spent currently with the par lancha project that's basically a giant Central Park bars restaurants Cantinas MCAS barber shops everything within a closer proximity uh you're not having to drive across the entire city to get somewhere uh to get your haircut uh to go to your restaurants Etc so yeah Central is full of energy full of life there's a huge arts and culture scene here as well uh and growing every every day and every year um you know it's a really it's a metropolitan city with a very Charming old world Vibe when it comes to the look of things so when you see advertisements uh and tourism promotion most of that's focused on Central uh because that's what the traditional look of Merida is that's where the reelection happens yeah but you have to be into action otherwise you probably be a little bit more interested in either North Merida or if you're looking for even more tranquility and seclusion some of the beaches but we'll get to those so let's talk about the north North Merida North Merida is is the modern part of Merida it's comprised of different neighborhoods and there you can look more for bigger houses Sky Rises are being built now is uh there's more Vertical Apartments yeah there's more vertical construction there's also Parks shopping malls uh a lot of shopping a lot of shopping malls we know there's some expats that they're not in the architecture scene like uh the people who who like Central there's lots of services in there also there's hospitals um Costco let's let's equate cental as being more of a European Vibe for Life uh everything's sort of in walking or biking proximity uh whereas North Merida is more of if you were coming from the suburbs of Texas Texas or Atlanta uh you would probably feel more familiar with the lifestyle that's happening out there dep there's also they have things in there all the big box stores all the modern amenities now we go with the outskirts of Maryland there uh it's interesting because you have to pay attention to this they suburbs of Merida that with urban sprawl uh are starting to become part of Merida but you know we can talk about the area of Las for example that's a very interesting basically little city of its own made up of subdivisions of different types of housing projects and they have their own grocery stores convenience stores gas stations uh their own public transit inside of the same thing can be said of Chul although that was originally a town of its own uh and still has like its own Town Center uh and very like Charming little town Vibes but is getting more and more popular with foreign investors um and again that's somewhere where you could potentially have a larger lot size uh and build down an amazing property for yourself cowel I'm not that familiar see that c also it's another suburb you know so for that was an example of how uh gringa pronounces Cel and it's supposed to be K so you to know uh F Las amicas is you know top North that's the outskirts of you're on your way to the beaches the other one named Chul is the northeast of Merida sud Cel is the west of of Merida and uh we know the the obviously everyone thinks that the the most desirable neighborhoods for expats are obviously Central North Merida and the beach area but lot of people that have been buying properties in these outskirts cities that we just communities that we just told you yeah so everywhere is becoming more and more popular for foreign investors here this is heading into a a serious probably 10year push now of huge developments here so if you've been toying with the idea of relocating to Merida or investing in Merida uh or the surrounding areas now is the time because the longer you wait the more expensive the square meter is going to be so if you have any questions contact us let's talk about it now we're going to talk about the beach area Okay so with you keep going on the highway past Costco past Las Americas uh past a few other subdivisions uh and privadas you are going to hit the beach town of Progresso uh and on that same Coastline on the Gulf of Mexico there are a number of other beach towns each with its own Community each with its own personality and Vibe uh so if you've been thinking about something to do with the beach communities I think it's a smart idea to get a pulse on which beach is suiting your needs uh and suiting your likes and dislikes cuz each one of them has a different thing going on so for example they call chalm Little Texas uh and that's probably because there's a lot of Texans that have taken up residency there uh and there's a few other beaches where it's Little Canada and little whatever but um I think you can do that research on your own uh there's tons of information out there on of course we represent a ton of different projects out at the beaches so if you wanted to have a deeper discussion about which one suits your personality and suits your needs we can do that contact us on the topic of beaches number two is proximity to the beach yeah it's pretty unbelievable that within an hour hour and a half of Merida there's about nine different beaches that you can easily get to uh in a car and within 30 minutes you can get to a number of them Progresso being the straight shot north of Mer death it's like U galeston uh that lose from from Houston or The Hamptons is to New York and actually you know what that really is probably the best comparison of the lifestyle here um the but without car traffic yeah it's a very easy drive to the beaches here uh very good modern Highway was put in place and it's just a straight shot so it's very simple and I think that Hampton's equivalent minus all the sort of pretention and hoyy toess uh that exists around the Hampton that's very much the lifestyle that the ukens uh have lived here everybody had their Summer Place on at the beach and so when it was too hot in Merida the family would pack up and go to the cottage so to speak um and those Beach communities still have a lot of that going on every weekend every long weekend every holy day uh and especially during the summer months when it gets really really hot and the access is so easy from every single part of Merida you have pretty easy access if you live in the West you have easy access to C which is a it's a beach and a magic town at the same time it's very easy to get in there if you are living in North Marland it's only 30 minutes driving to progressor maybe less if you're driving very fast yeah if you drive let me mhm uh and if you're on the east side there's a number of other Beach communities one of which we talk a lot about which is Santo and uh telchak Puerto as well very easy to get to it's not like you have to spend your whole day like you know your whole day is committed to the beach you could literally go to the beach for breakfast and be back in the city for lunch and the beautiful thing is that every single access to those beaches you have to drive through magic towns so you can make quick stoppages on each one before arriving to the every single Beach area or Beach town so yeah there's pretty easy access and you don't have to pay tolls on highways that's true there's literally no car traffic for getting into those places so it's very cool U it's pretty simple to get to the beach and it's certainly a vital part of life for everyone number three cultural diversity you may think that Merida isn't that International but actually it's getting there and with every year there are more and more foreigners from outside of Mexico and also huge amounts of investors uh and people relocating within Mexico to Merida for a number of reasons but um you know one of them being that the value of the properties here is extraordinary compared to other markets so with uh all of this influx of international residents and visitors Merida becomes more and more of a Melting Pot and ultimately this makes for a more interesting U and exciting city to live in uh much like you know again going back to a New York or a Houston comparison arts and culture culture scenes becomes more and interesting and diverse music everything so yeah that's a great thing that's happening here we say Central is one of the best examples of that I mean I walk by dogs every single morning in the Merida Central Park in the new one and uh I talk to people that are from everywhere daily everywhere so yeah you hear a lot of different languages Portuguese English obviously Spanish many different versions of Spanish yeah so so yeah that's that's quite interesting a lot of French also yeah and you realize that also with the food scene with the cuisine we see more and more and more restaurants everywhere with different uh food from from all over the world Thai food uh Italian food uh uh modern experimental fusions fusions japanesee like so yeah that's pretty cool but you know it's always very important to recognize that yukatan has its own cultural identity as well uh and with more and more influx of international people and and other Mexicans uh the ukan people are very proud of what they've built uh and their traditions and their way of life so hopefully those lovely elements are always going to remain and hopefully everybody acts um respectfully of their way of life because there's some absolutely amazing and beautiful Traditions here including their uh color Ary food which is pretty amazing in his own rate yeah and our duty as foreigners and experts to be respectful is to be respectful of their traditions and uh you need to adapt to a lot of different things that uh are not uh the same exactly as the place you come from you know so yeah we need to be respectful of their Customs but Merida is a growing city as you may or may not know and the cultural diversity here is getting richer and richer by the month week can year okay number four Merida is as safe as you've heard it is this is true when it comes to violent crime I think the statistics are probably lower than almost anywhere else in North America I have never heard of a violent incident that has occurred here and I've never seen anything and I've never felt unsafe even when all by myself late at night that said petty crime is a thing so it's always intelligent to lock your doors lock your cars and don't leave yourself open open to the opportunity of theft yeah although the the general Vibe is safety super tranquil it's super tranquil but everyone has to take the certain precautions everywhere you go everywhere you go even if you uh go to the Tibet or the Vatican I like that example you can get pickpocketed in the Vatican yeah yeah so yeah it's it's it's it's logic logic mindset of say you know yeah and I think as in when you're when you're anywhere in any City if you go looking for trouble you can probably find it but you might have a tough time finding trouble in Merida I'm not sure I haven't looked for it personally yeah with think the policeman they do a great job here a great job uh and they're so helpful it's crazy yeah and also there's a lot of cameras everywhere we we've noticed that the city has invested so much money in the camera silian in certain Crossroads and that it's always is good too know that somebody's watching so it's a city where you can feel perfectly comfortable and sleep easy but obviously don't be stupid okay number five and this is maybe the most important truth that you need to know about Merida it is a hot and humid place there are two seasons here hot and extra hot so if you are a person who is adverse to heat and don't like it humid prefer a desert arid climate Merida is probably not the location for you long term that's the truth I don't know maybe I can disagree uh we have a an argument here because I'm Mexican so I'm I'm used more to hotter weathers and Megan she comes from Canada as you know and she's used to a completely different climate so for me there's only two seasons here normal hot which is now we have long sleeve shirt on nobody has jeans on or super hot which is the summer month I don't know for me that's for me for me for obviously here is not this is not the North Pole this is not Canada right but but uh maybe I'm more used to to hot weather I'm not a local from here but I'm Mexican but maybe my body is more used to to hotter weathers so right now it's winter I don't the best weather she says it's it feels hot but for me it feels like a winter in the center of Mexico what we were discussing it's a humid place that's for sure it's more humid than other places within Mexico and the US and Canada obviously so yeah that's that's a even U but I don't know I think this climate is it's a tropical climate for me it's a peninsula right and for me the the real challenging uh season is June July and August which is super hot but my super hot is here Way Beyond super super super extremely super run away to Canada hot yeah yeah yeah yeah everyone but yeah it's an overall hot place let's put it that you have to like hot and humid weather if you're going to live in Merida so luckily we do and I left Canada for a reason and winter was one of them so yeah uh and you see it because you immediately start changing your wardrobe it's they have like maybe 75 80% of linen and bathing suits and uh tropical clothes tropical clothes vacation clothes if you're a Canadian I call it uh Maran clothes in this time of year in the mornings it's like refreshing to walk outside so it's like around 12 or 14° C but um by the middle of the day it's up near 30 again so it's hot I don't care how you say it it's hot but it's good hot at this time of year okay all right guys that's it for today those are the top five things you need to know about Merida yukatan we are mean no way yukatan living you're trusted bilingual real estate agents powered by exp realy so if you liked what we had to say today please like subscribe hit the notification Bell so you can keep up to date on everything that's happening here in Merida and and across you get done and and please ask us what other stuff you want to know about this place please just ask us we have been living here for a long time so uh we know pretty well what's going on here yeah and we love to help people understand what's going on in Merida before they end up here and are very very confused so ask away and we shall answer until next time guys sign off
Channel: Meghan & Noe Yucatan Living
Views: 6,492
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Keywords: 5 things you need to know about merida mexico, Unexpected surprises when moving to merida mexico, homes for sale in merida mexico, living in merida, living in merida mexico, living in merida mexico 2024, meghan and noe, merida mexico, merida mexico 2024, merida mexico expats, merida mexico living, merida mexico real estate, merida mexico vlog, merida vlog, merida yucatan mexico, move to merida mexico, moving to merida, moving to merida mexico, things to do in merida mexico
Id: TJnA0sV_ATg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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