Undervolt your RX 5700 XT for more FPS! - Tutorial

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alright guys welcome back everybody's with another undervolting tutorial today we are undervolting this RX 5700 XT by AMD and it's a reference model now for this tutorial you will need two softwares Ms afterburner okay and having Benchmark they will both be linked down in the description you want to open up having Benchmark the one in the background in a windowed mode and then open up Ms afterburner on top of it at this point you want to go on settings and enable voltage control and voltage monitoring hit OK and now you will see your voltage right here and now we can get started with the actual underworld this will indeed Grant you a better performance lower temperature and lower power consumption so you want to go on curve editor right there open it up now at this point I will give you two different profiles plus a couple of extra tips in case you want to fine tune your personal Underworld the first profile is the one I recommend for most of you guys and it's going to give you the biggest decrease in temperature decreasing power consumption and decreasing noise so I really do recommend this one so what you want to do is go over the over here okay and grab this point okay it's a bit difficult to grab but you can do it and now it will starts from 2100 you want to bring it down all the way to around 1900 in my case 1909 but whatever around 1900 is fine now you want to go grab the second point right here and bring it down until on the left we are at one thousand around one thousand so in my case for example 1008 is fine at this point you want to hit apply and your underworld is actually already applied so you could close this tutorial right here and just have your card working perfectly but in case you want to stay I will give you a couple extra tips and other profile of course after you've done this you want to save your profile in afterburner and enable afterburning to start with Windows and to start minimized this way you can keep the profile running but anyways after this if you want to give it a bit extra performance you might want to unlock the power limit completely now you might be saying Hey I want to lower my power and power consumption why are we increasing the power limit it's because the card will not go all the time at plus 50. it will just be allowed to so it will not throttle so that's gonna increase the smoothness of your games so I do recommend doing this all the time now if you want to get a bit extra free performance you can slightly overclock the memory you can go over here and just set it to 1800 this will give you a slight performance increase with no downsides without damaging the card and basically for free so I do recommend this one as well this is how [Music] I personally run my card so I would recommend it for you while that is a bit better performing than this one you have to tune those values on the curve editor a bit differently okay so the sweet spot for maximum performance is plus 50 on the power limit and then you want to set the voltage instead of 1000 to 1100 as you can see right there on the left 1100 right there and then you wanna get this one and with this one you can basically go as high as you want until your card is stable so for example for most cars this will work at around 1100 and 2000 megahertz so let me apply it and as you can see this is working for me it's giving me a bit extra performance right here but you can bring this line up as much as you want by 50 megahertz at a time until it's stable as long as it is stable you can keep doing this and it will work fine so for example what I would recommend you if you want maximum performance is to go to 2050. I find that is the sweet spot for maximum performance as you can see 2050 okay in my case 2040 but around there with 1100 with the power limit as plus 50 and with memory clock at 1800 let me apply it this is for my card doesn't work as you can see so it just crashed now if your card crashes the screen will go black and then it will come back it's nothing to worry about as you can see the Benchmark closed you can just reset it I wanted to show you the crash so you can not worry about it crashes to get it stable you need to lower the megahertz or if you want to keep the same megahertz you wanna increase the voltage the higher the megahertz the higher the performance the lower the voltage the lower the temperature and the lower the power consumption it's pretty simple you can fine tune it for yourself my personal recommendations if you don't want to think about it is 1900 with one volt or 2000 megahertz with 1.1 volt with 1800 megahertz memory clock with plus 50 power limit so if this video was helpful please drop a like and a sub I have many more underworld tutorials for CPUs gpus from every vendor every model and this tutorial will also work for the RX 5600 XT 5600 basically every RX 5000 series card so maybe share it with your friends see you in the next one guys bye [Music]
Channel: ImWateringPSUs
Views: 39,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: undervolt, undervolting, tutorial, guide, overclock, overclocking, rx, 5700, 5600, 5500, xt, 5700xt, 5600xt, 5500m, amd, radeon, coil whine fix, reduce temperature, increase performance, fix stutter, reduce input lag, reduce power consumption, reduce noise, custom curve, rx 5700 xt undervolt, rx 5700 xt overclock, sapphire, nitro, nitro+, rx 5600 xt undervolt, adrenalin software, voltage, memory timings, gpu, imwateringpsus
Id: AJbWdL2_brI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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