Undertale Last Breath | Chapter 1 RELEASE

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what's up guys welcome back to undertale last breath there was a new update and it gives us the full chapter one apparently all three phases are finished now and we even have a chapter to like a teaser it says not yet of course but still that's pretty hype and I was also told that apparently phase 1 and phase 2 are different there are some changes so I think I'm gonna start from the beginning once again a phase 1 and here we are back in the final corridor we're gonna see if there's any like big changes new attacks different attacks a dialogue maybe the sprite is different I actually don't know how big the changes are we can skip but let's see here you've been busy huh I've been busy waiting for more sands I've got a question for you I assume that's gonna be the same the same dialogue it's a different one funnily enough I don't even remember the old dialogue so I wouldn't know how do you think your actions change this world still not very outspoken a well doesn't matter anyway [Music] you can drop the act now I already know everything what I'm gonna do now well you will see very soon let's just get to the point there we go it's not not a long introduction what's up sans is that a new sprite it looks similar to the old one so I'm not sure it's a beautiful day outside as usual birds are singing that is true and flowers are blooming on days like these monsters like me can't afford not to care anymore I remember that line and let's go okay I don't even know this is new but I don't remember it so I'm gonna maybe die okay no okay dude it sounds nice throwback to the old time sort of but this is just the beginning one HP but we didn't die Sansa's finally giving it is all we need immediately we need something good I guess the PI Android right this is the healing attack okay so that's all the same and that was pretty short I'm not sure if that was always this short maybe it's shorter than now in this update mercy it I mean yeah it doesn't work act I guess we can taunt you tell Sam Zients failed to stop you before it didn't care at all well but I guess this also this also continues the the fight is this the first new attack or is this like an act like another another yielding or act attack of CM that was cool I like the little smirk that sounds does you know I'm not just gonna stand there and take it right yeah yeah yeah I thought you knew better than this no but I remember this one maybe maybe there is a special act attack or maybe there's a some new attack of a beginning it's still difficult the 70 HP though just keep it wracking I love the dodge animation that's so cool until now I never actually knew what you were doing [Music] phase one I remember was not too much of a problem like the very first phase one the first time we knew we were here that was pretty hard but compared to what comes later it shouldn't be a problem hopefully but yeah we can see now so this is a healing attack so the first attack was still the same one and if you do Tong or checking you just get a normal like healing attack I could guess it by your expressions every time I see you oh I remember these ones as well you don't want to move here I kinda already messed up because I knew of it and I guess I'm still more or less in the middle but now stuff just got weirder I know gastro dude master master is here as well okay simple enough and it always says just keep attacking there's no mercy rule here that man came around today and he told me everything I know now [Music] oh no no no no no no okay god I couldn't even jump beautiful I mean I could jump but I just didn't I messed up completely I need a steak that's perfect almost perfect actually yeah the gas the restaurant is still pretty difficult cuz it's random the other yielding attack is not that bad your actions your restraints it all adds up to something you know oh yeah you wanna you wanna do move to blood one to do here okay that's faster this time damn that was the day that was freaky that was freaky bad as you can see we're getting through phase one alright and that is you have played much than you ever thing that was nice oh it did not get hit I somehow know I guess you wanna maybe tank some damage and emergencies from the bone because that's not gonna damage you as much as the blasters the music by the way the soul is so good we're gonna go with the noodles as long as we survive this phase we're gonna get all of our all of our items back anyway even after you got what you wanted getting to the king and all you still kept going even when their work wasn't too much to see you true like the ending the lower this is like oh no this is super super late in genocide rates we have that have made over we have done already so many genocide wounds it's not an interesting one the I was not saved for that last one thank God the attacks stopped but okay I think you can most mostly just stay at the bottom and be safe oh yeah and before you came here you taught me something that wasn't in my skillet tree before I will give it a test right now is this the year where the orange bones come in this is gonna hold you for a while I could hear okay so got hit somehow even though I'm pretty sure I mean dude that was pretty good Sam's right that was pretty good yeah after you have to admit it was fast well it's about time we level the difficulty of the game 100 randomly Astro blasters yes keeping up difficulty but I mean this is not too bad right because they're not fixing still kind of difficult put the thinner ones should be logical oh my god I need something this is a snow piece all right I need another snow piece dammit you just need to be in the pattern it's actually a hard one is it never mind it's always the same so you should be able to learn it but but learning it is still kind of tricky are you continuing this Oh Sam don't jump-scare me okay we just keep it back and just keep healing duty oh this I remember who this is so frustrating that I can hurt you in the menu I write this one and this one was also a hitting attack this is by far the easiest one there is like a lot of things you could have done instead I'll even list them down for you really do we have that times ends well no I remember this okay okay we're getting we're getting to the good parts to the difficult parts music these fan games have to good music it's unfair and heck if even that man is alerted by your actions it means you've gone too far this time any sense you didn't even listen you troll wait this old Ricky you have to actually Adam no we don't have any giving an event anymore not totally confident that I'm gonna be able to survive the efface my first try and that's another reason as to why you should stop already yo okay random cancer Buster's but easy ones because they're slow I'm warning you kid if you don't stop after this attack you're gonna have to resort to some real drastic measures does this mean this is the final one no this is like a random one again I remember so these are the random attacks I'm probably dead because I missed this one I'll do it I don't know there's no there's no nothing to do it this battlefields you with nostalgia and I filled me with death dude I'm dead it's game over the final attacks are always the hardest ones no dice huh well I tried I hope you're settled for this I'm not I'm the opposite of settle dude because you just won yourself a ticket to the paying Dre video you um did and there we go game over whoo that's spooky very interesting the heart in the perfect spot as well haven't given up yet well let's see if you will change well uh I can't give up yet - caster it's too it's too earlier so we're gonna reset and we're here by the way frisk fence is there a first offense no but you can you can look kind of like slide and say that that's good enough look at this wait wait no yeah oh yeah that's it that's that that's it that's a good stuff and we're back okay so this is like the the part 2 of phase 1 is how I'm gonna call it and immediately of course and perfect time to get back here to the randomness or Bowser's van stop damn it but this is already a much much better at sentence I have a dodged all the attacks pretty much all the attacks much better is what was pretty bad I'm gonna accept it and look we have we have both the noodles at the stake but I guess now we have to use tua noodles unfortunately and okay move myself you and do this perfectly I think so it was pretty good [Music] oh damn it I've always repeated the pattern and this all this always seems like it's the same surprisingly yeah I don't think it's random okay this is this is kind of thing regions that we react as fast as possible I'm not sure how you can consistently dodge the hits here like if you get lucky it's possible but if you really want to do it properly that's super difficult okay nope no damage the hardest one [Music] all right this one this one is a bit tricky yeah maybe like this but it's seriously difficult I didn't get hit too much which is nice okay the dancer by the rila gastro blasters he also looked in the creepy like their eyes are so like menacing so wide open okay 60 HP come on Sam's oh it's already it's already this is like the random one this is the oddest woman and then we are already back okay so what why don't you skip the dialogue once again skip it's not even that long anymore okay this is gonna be yeah I mean the state it doesn't matter let's start with the pie first and hope for a good attack nice I have a 1 HP you come on what hit no problem do with stance this is it we can do this it's phase 1 I tried we're gonna try the way ok ok I'm back down yep do it stop what is that it I mean I'm gonna I'm gonna not risk it I'm gonna get a legendary hero and ok only have to get through this so we should be safe even if the world if life makes sense this is the end none of this was necessary you know I didn't want to do this but you forced me to way we're still going is this what you really wanted says we want you liar what is this complete lying I thought we're at the Special Attack Oh want it okay suddenly I'm a little worried something different this isn't a pleasant surprise it's a warning if you don't stop now things are gonna get a real mass to do you I'm not gonna trust you anymore this is actually scary because I completely failed during the first September this is not even it like I have no chance of victory there but okay we don't have you to heal yet you could have enjoyed some hot box and fire maybe even some bad puns I got a lot of them that would be great huh well that opportunity was already long gone anyway you reached quite a milestone here how I hope so sadly for you this is he gonna be pleasant at all and don't expect it to be my special attack you won't pull the trick on me again here goes nothing okay hopefully this is actually ending wait oh no no it's on same thing okay slow or the super slower corridor bones Oh Sam stop wait Emmett this is random random dance or else respond but in the cooler wait what keep moving no I didn't food right dude no come on it ends with weights get harder did this actually they actually make it harder it feels a lot harder even like the ending there that I did change into random gastro blaster Stu would I thought I was gonna do it with one hpm god damn it okay sounds finally giving it is all of this is like the hard part the ending or less of the year first phase but we we saw there's still a bunch of attacks left it is also a little bit trickier but I actually did without a hit it's really nice I'm gonna need all of the HP for the ending this again oh okay I got kinda unlocked I [Music] look at this Sam stop hey problem is I need to remember I don't remember when Wendy year here oh boy oh it's a this is already terrible one no okay this is eight I okay it's only two attacks after that here goes nothing [Music] nice that was a pretty good transition and here we are bum bum bum [Music] movemove and now and we actually did it 252 HP I had one HP before if this is not the ending the things are really wrong come on are yes do it this is dude this is actually like this dance gone mad with power Duda how it was I - 1 hp how did I get - 1 HP with a 52 HP with there was no strategy what's there what the heck dude I'm just scared don't want to play anymore I don't want to see phase 2 & 3 you know just keep attacking screw you I'm gonna get the fire BAM but of course a Dodge hey kid mind taking a break for a bit yeah sure no we can do it I'm already there already too much I could certainly use one right now help us look kid this isn't going anywhere we both know that and the man that's watching us right now he would probably agree with that I'm gonna ask this for the last time why are you doing this is it because you're unhappy is it because of a certain desire for power or is this some sort of inside joke I'm not getting in any case you really gotta stop all of the monsters even the ones who try to protect you they died on your behalf without any good reason whatsoever this is gonna sound stupid look maybe we haven't got to understand each other maybe all you really need is a bit of acceptance so I will help you this one time if you're gonna be the one who will take the first step okay come on kid I believe you know what in any other one just keep it in any other way I can't even merci I don't even know if it's possible good you know what Sam's eyes I see the gastro hand are you gonna get saved oh are you yawn look at that I can tell by the look in your eyes that this isn't too familiar you still got me how could you of all things understand this wanna know why I've just given up why I've become lazy there's just no point no matter what hopes and dreams will always shatter and fall back to monsters like us seem to be there only to bend - delaila as if you're some sort of gone there either there to act as side characters on your oh so magnificent journey or they're just there to die doesn't that get under your skin in any way our suffering for your pleasure God when will ever be a good ending Oh healing or no we're just yes I have another shot at you ha there's no point in giving up at this point and I can screw up this last chance I've been given no matter what it takes I'll bring you to justice I'll show you killing you isn't impossible I know you've done a plenty of diets and I will make you suffer will be found so kiddo get ready because you're about to get dunked on much harder than before just use your random dancer blaster spam you douche and then then we're talking I dare you H we were stored items restored sands is dead serious now oh all the music and we're just gonna fight through it it's time of course blocking now the entire time don't think I'll die that easily I'm gonna make sure you die at all costs it is this again remember it does start with this attack once more No - oh God and what ah what's happening that was the weirdest thing I've ever seen in my life the controls were reversed and it was upside down but it was also not upside down what was that you know the more you fight the more I refuse the more you dodged the harder the attacks get keep that in mind oh my god wait I can't play I cannot play I don't know what's happening wait no it's not reverse the controls are not reversed it's just a screen that is messed up that is interesting though that is actually really interesting you're gonna get the noodles oh and we have new using attacks and with a little spooky but okay this one is not as bad as the other ones at Leeds I take it back I still don't understand what's your problem good questions ends up what okay the sands you got to work on your aim you're a dude I can't is this so bad is this worse than if you have switched the controls because now I don't know what to do I'll do about 74 though we didn't actually can hit that much you keep fighting over and over again but what's the use oh my god I have to be faster I mean it's not gonna happen it's not gonna happen why can't I can play it wait now now it's review yeah now it's reverse now it is also reverse dude oh yeah this is gonna be a is gonna be trickier so this is always the same order wait no what dude I already forgot my memory really is so bad my short-term memory the idea right and immediately begin no okay this is weird sometimes the control switch and sometimes they don't that's gonna be really tricky there's like I don't know maybe maybe there's a way to figure it out maybe the heart is also turned around or something I'm gonna try to focus now look blue no no no way give me a look now the heart is the correct way and the controls are not Swift as in if I want to go down right now I have to press down on ER and if it switches I still have to press down when I when I go down if that makes any sense okay let's go with the snowman piece this again maybe there's only one healing attack for this phase there would be interesting I don't expect it but maybe it's a fairly simple $1 which I am happy with [Music] and this is where it also switches right it will every attack have like a switcheroo look and now I still have to press up to go up so the controls are still the same okay and when I say go up like I press up and on the screen I go down but technically I'm going up but yeah now I have to press up but no now the controls are completely switched [Music] we said there is no way to like do this is gonna really be bad because because because sands always also changes my gravity at the same time oh and the new healing attack and I got hit in the menu oh no the salt I can slowly feel the salt rising already yeah my controls which I'm pretty sure over there I don't even know like I don't even know if they were switched or not because I can't handle this oh my god oh my god my poor brain I need to definitely heal that's the easy one yep and here you can go all the way you don't have to circle the entire time is actually also nice ah even though oh my god I suck [Music] so this beginning is pretty simple now it's a different story and now I always need to Yili that was my problem last time oh this is also a harder version of the first healing attack from phase 1 and I think this is the attack that has always killed me almost got hit a bit uh you can't I can't no way yeah look yeah yeah now I need to press right to jump up but why why riot like the right arrow key I have no clue here that's the bastard on the end that was the other way around one there was one bone only oh dude snowmen peace and hope for the best but damn that is actually the best and at the second to this giving attack don't you get a bored of this stick even a little I mean I'm getting I'm getting a little desperate dude is too fast it's too fast my eyes oh no I messed up okay I messed up again I sucked forget everything and it's still going this is like this last rep sense does not know when to quit every attack like this ends are getting too much every attack they use like a special effect frisk frisk can handle this [Music] well I guess maybe because it's like a hundreth or whatever genocide Arana maybe this is already fully car I'm for it so it's like merge if I were you I would have just stopped the understandable relax and take a break maybe even make some new friends Noah do that blue orange did something something new screw you oh it sounds is such a freakin troll we was there yeah I understand this but what's the other one impossible because how were you supposed to dodge these elaborate blasters stop noodles I don't care no oh my god getting hit during a yielding attack is like the most frustrating thing though [Music] but of course there's you determined to keep going and keep resetting kid who likes to kill and even be killed as many times I don't like that you free way now now we know you're just rude sense which wire I don't know I don't know it's too much it's too much I'm so sad again how did I even survive that slow might be is actually a pretty good you oh my god this is too intense and then we still have phase three in like chapter two what are you gonna do in Chapter two if it's already this this is harder are we any any close like at all to the end of Phase two or is this like not even halfway if you would ever consider to Janet a greener path you probably would have heard me say you'd be dead where you stand well that's bound to happen if you done reset sooner you oh my god you oh my god - crazy bones how is this possible like this whoa wait no um wait am ia is the most confusing attack ever I should probably heal if I don't you I might die it but healing with the PI at 32 it seems like such a waste go ahead keep pushing they're just dying to see my final attack maybe we're already getting there would be great if you resent because I'm not playing around this time and jump thank you this again I chant - I can't I'm never gonna learn that like I can say that for sure I'm never gonna be able to cope with the the the switching okay what is this are we close - Sam's mentioning the final attack now are you freaking out okay okay this is the road is the weird one maybe you just have to jump like here it works for the other one but no it kind of messes you up dammit but it still might be the best thing to do I'm just gonna keep it's acting and I still have a bunch of healing items maybe yeah oh my god this one I don't even know maybe maybe just do it like this somehow there needs to be a sweet spot where you don't get hit but I can't find it it's time for the pile oh what a superb sins keep or she if I want that come on come on jump I can't there's no way wait working too much jump [Music] I hate this oh god dude okay okay we're getting back here damn it I'm not fast enough and this is also so hard now this is weird where you got a who's gonna wait it out so I can wash the glasses properly organized now don't panic here the blaster wants you to panic nice oh my god okay what is the best thing someone did should almost people ATM and we got the easiest one [Music] depending on if this is actually it this might not be that bad like even compared to phase one but maybe maybe it's still maybe it's gonna still go on for much longer we're gonna see it well I warn you I'm not holding back anymore you were holding back and I swear to God if there even is one this will be like hell for you exactly as you ordered okay let's go sense okay oh look if I'm not to Vanya oh I had to be a heavy slow okay that's something you have to know pretty much and now that I know I should be able oh my god this is bad Oh my eyes my eyes cannot handle this abb oh my god I don't know I'm just gonna okay whatever what I can't play with like this sense I have to press up and down arrow keys why I don't even know why I don't understand these scratches gravity physics okay now I have to first down please Sam [Music] um dude I wasn't even able to get in there dude it's gonna be the same I don't know if this is possible for me that's gonna be problematic Oh No [Music] nice [Music] [Music] no-no-no 23 is gonna be very questionable or oh wait dude it's enough sense sir no sir detection attack he's faced through what just happened what is it spooky you already know he is just complete your mission I don't are you sure I think things are gonna go bad thank God that that was easier it was so long dude I was like freaking out if I had died there I would just I don't know I would have exploded but wow thank God it was not the the thin fast blasters oh no effect what just happened oh hey there I see that you were finally arrived huh oh well a kid you will now face something that you will hardly forget those eyes dude I have told you from many genocide roots before resent but you didn't listen to me gonna fix all this and only a press of a button you could made your decision and finally of a good ending but now it's too late now you will face out your consequences that have driven you into this I'll do the gas sir look that's kind of cool are you are you okay are the music [Music] um-hum either this is epic sense [Music] what up gasser let's Emma oh um um suddenly a completely different you look at sand dancing completely different fandoms on there like a survival fan game now what the heck stop you I can't I can't I can't I'm gonna die just take me dude no no I can't I can't handle you gastro sans sastra or Gans you don't know Wow okay okay that's gonna I don't know you did add like like a survival thing now dude with the with the changes it's epic I like I'm smiling I can't I can't deny that is pretty epic but I don't know like I think maybe a second episode would be best for this like we saw I'm gonna give it maybe one more one more Turner even though oh you have to go through the beginning every time with me you can skip this of course but okay you do have to wait here [Music] like I camp tonight how epic this is but considering how long it is like depending on how long it is and if you die like a hundred times I don't know about that okay okay so what so with I don't know what's happening like orange glasses I remember and like gastro browsers are no way [Music] it's just money yeah I died immediately that exactly I think variety for okay very interesting indeed gastro but I think we can go back here under the last breath I have to admit Dora that's epic like I think at this point maybe I mean it kind of went back to like that difficult to you I think at least I mean I guess the end faced you actually felt I don't know if I died more to it overall it's probably harder but the ending actually that like the phase one ending is so incredible but I guess it makes sense because it's like the easiest phase but has the hardest ending it it is kind of balanced in a way but it's just balanced in the craziest of ways is it oh my god this fangame but we're gonna go with no chapter do it we're just gonna go to extras and of course the credits and we're gonna we're gonna see these we haven't finished the game this is not the end credits I guess but of course we do need to see who is responsible for Chapter one year for the craziness that is undertale last breath thank you for all the support you and everyone did it for this project without your support this chapter of the game wasn't gonna be completed now it's time - roll the credits hell yeah let's go do with the music music tropic is this dude or what is his remix but okay guys that was undertale last breath chapter 1 at least 2/3 of it there is [ __ ] there's like phase 3 of chapter 1 but I don't even know again I'm definitely want to go back and try it but I'm a little worried almost that I might just like imagine a start playing and I just spied the entire time like this seems hardcore this seems like a new level of hardcore even if you don't even have like any fights or items or like breaks in between the attacks but maybe that means it's also easier like a little shorter maybe there's not that many attacks I have no idea but for now guys thanks so much for watching I hope you liked the video and until next time take care [Music]
Channel: Merg
Views: 699,447
Rating: 4.9540658 out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, Under, Tale, UT, Toby Fox, Story, Lore, Fangame, Fanmade, Undertale Fangame, AU, Alternate Universe, Undertale Last Breath, Last Breath, Chapter 1, Full Release, Update, New Update, Gaster, Sans, Boss Fight, Sans Gaster, 3 Phases, Phase 3, Merg, Game, Gameplay, Music, Let's Play, Playthrough, Live, Commentary, Blind, Reactions
Id: FJioFe4_zfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 41sec (2681 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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