Undertale Final Showdown VS Undertale Last Corridor (COMPARISON!!)

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undertale last Corridor undertale final showdown those two Roblox games have been fighting over who is the best and I snowy flakey will tell you which one is truly better I'll be talking about the visuals a creativity skins balancing UI grinding characters [Music] bees now we're going to start with the first game which is undertale last quarter as soon as you join ulc you are greeted with a screen and three options game modes Play credits but we're not going to play any of those we're going to play the play click on it you have two sides car team and Sans team after we're done listing the UI and the teams now we're going to talk about the teams specifically the two of them Sans team and car team the Sans team has 35 sanses and 36 skins in total and the car team has nine caras and eight skins in total and they do have weapons and they have 22 weapons you'll see skins that do include new move set are all of the little sand skins pacifist Sands science all of the Papyrus skins all of the UND swap skins low tier fell ulc Sands all of the Dust sand skins TC dust swap of haris some characters do have skins which have specific Maps such as battle [Music] mode and outer dust Snowden AKA starden now let's talk about the visuals they all look nice there's not much to really talk about I'll just show you some of the examples such as swap dust outer [Music] tail underfell Sands classic Sands outer dust [Music] Snowden and so much more now we're going to talk about ulc themes they're all are really good examples like painkiller [Music] Annihilation [Music] nether now [Music] [Music] asterism I did all I [Music] could see you the issue is I can't really list them all since the video will be too long just like look it up yourself and listen to it the balancing new D C's are really wacky there are characters that are a free win and characters that are just garbage like bone Walker having 3,000 HP and the most annoying and campiest move set in the entire game which is his phase one even and his face [Music] too hard tail almost having all melee combat attacks that cost no stamina which basically makes you Untouchable and of course they gave him a [Music] counter horse hands with this hunger phase making basically the car team chasing them [Music] down neutral where you can just Spam without worrying about your stamina at all you can just Spam no worries no skill [Music] nothing even aard kit could destroy everybody with [Music] neutral as you can see ulc is not the greatest in balancing the grinding in ulc is uh quite the grind because you need to kill the car team as the Sands that you are playing every kill you get is 20 XP DL KNE gives 10 last face skips 20 every round takes on average 2 minutes you expect me to do the math hell no I already failed that math when I was at grade one I have no enemies [Music] though [Music] [Music] [Applause] now we're going to talk about ufs you have seen the intro now we're going to click on play we're not going to say tutoral C now we're going to Play click on it and I like that ufs has server lists where you can actually click on servers and choose specific servers but we're not going to do that we're going to click on quick join click on that and you have joined the game as soon as you join the game this is the lobby nothing really uh the UI seems pretty nice I like it you can see there's spam T but there's that but the most importantly there's this character but what a shame she doesn't have boo yeah anyways as I was saying the UI the UI looks nice we have spam which with Quest but we don't care about the shop or SP we most care about the character selection so if you click on it the UI looks pretty nice actually there's it's better than ulc that's for sure cuz we can spin them around yeah we can um spin them around yeah yeah you can just spin them there are exact l 10 sanses and I will count like there are no Cars so I will count with the weapons items and blah blah blah so there are 32 items for the car team and 23 skins at this time of that I'm recording there's a new section well well not really just click to teleport to the lab click on it and you are greeted with all of the Void reference you know click on it and you can um craft you can uh craft CRA some uh Souls yeah you can craft some Souls if we go upstairs hey stop lagging go upstairs I go upstairs we make it to uh I think it's it's not really an event it's just like something if you want to finish level 15 access so basically you need 140 wins I think to access this but we're not but we're not going to enter it we're focusing on the gaml right now UFC skins have no advantages except for position Sands that skin makes it dark as yeah the Skins have no advantages basically making them purely Cosmetics which is sad to see seeing all those badass skins like possession enforce Papyrus dust dust even and Harlem Sands which is an actual skin and 3D battle mode skins like 3D battle mode [Music] virus 3D P mode Sands just skins really just hurts it you know cuz they're just purely visuals the visuals in ufs are the best in all honesty if I'm going to be honest they can make really good visuals and effects without making my PC just die and kill itself like the blast is having a really well animated beam and visuals on it and how all the maps look they all look very fitting to the character like judgment Hall ruins [Music] Snowden and all of them especially the outer Sands map is my favorite it's so good I love [Music] it the balancing in UFC is really nice unlike ulc no you don't get the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the only good UFC themes I can really think of is change of [Music] pace Big [Music] Bang Judgment Day [Music] the rest are just uh not not like on the ulc level they're okay the grinding in ufs is really easy since all you need is wins and you need around 400 wins to finish the game and the game does have weekends where it has two times wins and the rounds go by fast they don't take like on average 2 minutes they take around 1 minute and 30 depending on the character mostly so I would say it still take you around 4 hours or 5 hours to finish it if you are playing in the 2x weekend wins attacks and ufs are really creative like bro I didn't expect pacifist to have an entire tornado and a bat where he can and I didn't know out sense was The Honorable holy didn't know swaps had that goofy run there are so many creative attacks and ufs sadly I can't list them for obvious [Music] [Music] reasons [Music] n
Channel: snowy_flakey
Views: 25,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: undelrtale, roblox, vs, comparing, side by side, sans, ulc, ufs, undertale final showdown, undertale last corridor, ufs vs ulc, ulc vs ufs, undertale, snowy_flakey, new vs old, undertale last corridor vs undertale final showdown
Id: 3CJxzaG2bA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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