Understanding Why Aircrafts have Dihedral/Anhedral Wings! The Roll Stability and Roll Performance!

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hello welcome to jxj aviation in today's video we will be looking at why aircrafts have dihedral or anhedral wings first we need to understand the classification of wings before looking at dihedral and anhedral wings we have high wink configuration where the wings are attached to the top section of the fuselage then we have low wing configuration where the wings are attached to the bottom section of the fuselage we may also find a midwing configuration where the wings are attached to the midsection of the fuselage now we will see what is meant by a dihedral wing normally dihedral wings are found in low wing configuration as seen in most of the commercial aircrafts in dihedral wings the wings have an upward angle in other words this is the wing root and this is the wingtip if the wingtip is located above the wing root then it is called a dihedral wing now let's see what is an anhedral wing anhedral wings are usually found in high wing configuration these wings have a downward angle so if we look at the wing root and the wingtip the wingtip will be located below the wing route now we will see why aircrafts have dihedral wings let's consider an aircraft in flight which is subject to a disturbance enroll or a disturbance about the longitudinal axis because of the disturbance the angle of attack on the downgoing wing increases which means that more lift is created on this wing this increase in lift tends to restore the aircraft to its original attitude which means that the dihedral wings provide positive role stability to the aircraft another advantage of having dihedral wings is that if the engines are to be installed on the wings this wing configuration will provide better ground clearance now we will look at why aircrafts have anhedral wings basically if dihedral wings give better roll stability anhedral wings provide better role performance to the aircraft let's see what this means in more detail if we look at aircrafts having a high wing configuration the combination of high wing and wing sweep back tend to increase the roll stability of the aircraft this is because of the increase in distance between the center of pressure where the lift acts and the center of gravity where the weight of the aircraft attacks this means that the aircrafts having a high wing configuration will have too much stability stability is good for protecting the aircraft against wind disturbances but too much stability means that the aircraft becomes difficult to maneuver so to overcome this the wings are given a downward angle from the horizontal which can be called as a negative dihedral this is used to reduce the stability of the aircraft so the anhedral wings are mainly required to provide assistance to the aircraft enroll or bank that is to improve the maneuverability of the aircraft we had previously stated this as the role performance of the aircraft a minor reason why some high-wing aircrafts tend to have anhedral wings is because the wings support the weight of the engines and carry the fuel which can cause the wing to bend downward so to summarize the dihedral wings are widely found in low wing aircrafts in order to improve the roll stability and anhedral wings are found in high wing aircraft to improve the roll performance thank you for watching if you liked the video do subscribe for more videos
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Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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