Understanding the Progression of Neurodegenerative Diseases | Chiara Zurzolo || Radcliffe Institute

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- So, thanks, Meredith. So if everybody wants to leave the audience, it's time to do it, because she did my talk much better than what I could do. [LAUGHTER] So, yes, thank you very much for being wonderful. And thank you to all of Radcliffe's staff for doing a fantastic job. I don't name all of them, because I would forget some names. This year, this fellowship, is incredible. You have made it fantastic for me, really. And thank you to Emma [INAUDIBLE] and Alyssa for being here. And thank you to my fellow fellow for being such a warm and outstanding and challenging crowd. I've learned so many things, and I will miss you. So in the next 45 minutes or so, I'll try to use my most poetic language, which is not very good, to try to explain to you what we do in my lab in Paris and what I've been doing here at Radcliffe. So I'm a cell biologist. And as Meredith said, I work in the Institut Pasteur, which you can see here. This is the building which was the home and laboratory of Louis Pasteur in the last years of his life. And on the other side of the road, this is another beautiful building, and this is my lab, [SPEAKING FRENCH].. Not bad at all. It's very inspirational to have the Pasteur home in front of me. So in my lab, in Pasteur, we try to understand how cells work and what goes wrong in disease. A cell, from the Latin "cella," means a small room. And cells are the basic structural units of all known living organisms. Each cell is able to function, replicate, divide, and work by itself and is also able to differentiate in many different types of cells that come together and form different tissues and different organs, which perform all the functions in our body. Now, let's look at the cell. A cell is surrounded by a membrane, which is called plasma membrane. Cells are not really round. They can have different shapes. And each cell is able to extend different little hairs or extensions, which could be called cilia, or little arms, that are used by the cell to sense the surrounding. Inside the plasma membrane, there is the cytoplasm. That is like a thick minestrone soup. So they have all the little organelles here. It's full of little organelles that are little organs, because they perform all the functions of the cell. In the middle, you have the nucleus, which is the central direction operation. It contains the DNA, the genetic material. And here you have the mitochondria. These are the power stations. They make the energy for the cell to work. And here you have the lisosomes, also very important. They are the cleaners. They would clean up the garbage and recycle the goodies, and they're very good at doing that. And here, this reticular structure in called endoplasmic reticulum. Here, this is the factory where all proteins are formed. Now, you can't see the proteins here, because proteins are very, very little. And for your reference, if a cell is in the order of nanometers, proteins are 10,000 times smaller in the order of nanometers. So you cannot see them with this microscope here. You have to use a super microscope, which called electron microscope. And then if you enlarge, ideally, you can see that proteins-- in this cartoon, of course-- are little dots of different color and little strings that fill all the cytosol. And I'm talking about proteins because they're a fundamental part of the cell. They are the workers of the cell. They perform all the functions that the cell needs to survive. And they're very important in the case of neurodegenerative disorders, which, as Meredith told you, has been one of the foci of my 10 last years in the lab. And neurodegenerative disorders actually cause dementia, cause the loss of neuronal cells, which is manifested in the patient with the lost of brain dementia. And dementia has been defined by a Nature article as the approaching wave. Because in the next 30 years, the number of people affected by dementia will increase exponentially. And according to the World Alzheimer Report, today 50 million people worldwide live with dementia. And this number will triple in the next 30 years. This is an unsustainable number as will be unsustainable for any economy, the amount of money that will be spent for these diseases, which will latent and overcome 2 trillions of dollars in today's dollars. And this fact was somehow known already in 2007 by the US government that defined a common enemy, dementia. However, something is wrong. Because although dementia is the fifth cause of death worldwide-- and the end is the most expensive disease to manage because it is a chronic disease that requires continuous care for many years of the patients that cannot do the very simple function that a human being can do. Compared to other diseases like cancer and HIV, for example, the funds for research given to Alzheimer's, which is the most common cause of dementia, and all the related diseases, is very, very low. So how can the US government spend more than $260 billion on Alzheimer's care and give less than 1% in research? Probably one of the simplest explanation is disability. While patients affected by cancer and HIV have been able to voice the need of funds to fight for research and the need of funds to find the cure for these diseases-- that we now have, in fact-- the patients affected by dementia hideout. Dementia and Alzheimer's is a disease of old age. And most of the time it's mistaken as a normal aging process, which it's not. And family and caregivers are often too tired and worn out to speak up. And this is not something that is unique for you for the United States. This is a recent example of the comparison on the annual cost for the UK economy on dementia and cancer and what is given by the UK to these two disorders. It's clear, not comparable. And adding reads just 1% toward dementia research would make breakthroughs possible. In this statement, as some foundation-- in fact, if you look, again, back in the US, in this graph, the comparison between federal funding and change in mortality, you see that the diseases like HIV that have received more funding in years have been able to get huge decreases in mortality. And it's incredible to see the huge increase in the last five years of mortality for Alzheimer's disease and the little money given. And what is more disappointing and depressing is that hundreds of clinical trials for Alzheimer's disease have been terminated because the treatment was ineffective. And the situation is even bleaker than this, because this is 2016. Today, many of these trials ongoing have been terminated, some of them a couple of months ago. And from a fundamental researcher, like I am, a cell biologist, one of the major causes of the failure of these clinical trials is that we don't know enough about the fundamental mechanism of these diseases. So until we know what happens at the cellular level, ultimately molecular level, we will not be able to devise a cure. But there is hope. In fact, in this graph, you can see that in the last five years, the NIH budget for Alzheimer and related disorders has tripled. And therefore, we hope there will be more money not only for clinical trials and so on and applied research but also for fundamental research, that we study the cause of this disease. Alzheimer's is one of the most feared disease. And I think the fear of this disease is represented by this slide. In 1995, an American painter, William Utermohlen, was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, and he was 61. And he never gave up his passion and continued to paint until his brain, his memory, completely failed him. And these portraits are a unique representation of what happens in inner life, the inner life of a person affected with Alzheimer's and testify to the inexorable progression of this disease. And if you look here, this is his last painting in year 2000. And what is really disturbing is that he lived seven more years until he died in 2007. So Alzheimer's disease is a progressive and neurodegenerative disease that was firstly identified by Alois Alzheimer, a German doctor, in 1906. And what Alzheimer did, he identified the pathological lesions that were associated, that he found, actually, in the brain of one of his patients, Mrs. Deter, age 55 when she died. And he identified two different neuropathological lesions-- the tangles, neurofibrillary tangles, which you can see here in these dying neurons, the cell of the brain, and these senile plaques that were outside the neurons. And what is interesting is that these two different lesions are caused by the accumulation of pathological proteins. The little tiny proteins that I told you before, well, when they're accumulating these lesions, they cause, somehow-- we don't know how exactly-- the death of the neurons and the incredible loss of the brain tissue that you can see here in the terminal stage of a patient affected with Alzheimer's. Now, one interesting thing that I want to tell you is that all neurodegenerative diseases-- all of them, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ALS, Huntington's, the prion diseases-- are characterized by the accumulation of misfolded, let's say, pathological proteins in different areas of the brain, where they cause these different lesions-- different proteins, different area of the brain, different lesions. So all these diseases are called protein conformational disorders. Why protein conformational disorders? Because, as I told you, when the proteins exit the endoplasmic reticulum, you have to imagine them as a string, as a ribbon, so you can fold them in many different ways. However, only one folding, the native folding of that protein, is functional. So only when the proteins reach that native state they can make the function they're made for. What happens in neurodegenerative disorders is that this protein, this string, starts to misfold. And they can form what is called disordered aggregates. So there are [INAUDIBLE] that are aggregated that are non-functional. However, they can also assume a different folding that allows this protein to aggregate one together with the other one and to form some huge aggregate that are called amyloid fibrils. And these aggregates not only are non-functional but are also toxic. And they cause the death of the neuron and the loss of the brain tissue. Now, the best known of these protein misfolding disorders are the prion disorders, the Prion diseases, which are caused by the misfolding and aggregation of a specific protein, which is called the prion protein. Now, the difference between all these other neurodegenerative diseases and the prion disorders is that prion disorders are infectious. Being infectious means that this disorder, these diseases, are transmitted between individuals of the same species or between individuals of different species, like you might recall, like Meredith told you, in the case of the mad cow disease that was transmitted to human beings after ingestion of contaminated foodstuff. Now, I'm telling one thing here that is strange, at least sounds strange. When you think of an infection, you don't think of a protein, this tiny little thing that is in cytosol. You think of a virus, of a bacteria, of an organism that has some sort of genetic material that can replicate in your body or in pieces of your body and infect you. But prions are infectious. Why are they infectious? And this was worked out by Stanley Prusiner that got the Nobel Prize in '97. In a recent interview in The New York Times, Stanley Prusiner was defined the heretical neurologist, because Stanley Prusiner went against the dogma that was told to ask, to everybody, that proteins are not infectious. And he proposed that prion disorders are, in fact, infectious and that caused by an infectious protein, the prion. This was the name he created. And he demonstrated against the dogma and against many of his colleagues that prions are infectious because they exist in two different forms-- the normal form, the cellular form, PRpC, and the pathological form that is called PrPsc. And PrPsc, the pathological form, is able to imprint the misfolding on the cellular form in a now catalytic conversion process that leads to the formation of this huge amyloid aggregate. How this occurs is not known. But the polymerization/nucleation model is the most accredited model, and I have a cartoon there. You have the misfolded form is stabilized in little aggregates that are called oligomers. Now, these oligomers are able to recruit more and more of the normal protein and misfolded, form the fibrils. The fibrils break. They form, again, the nucleation oligomers that recruit the normal form, and this is a continuous conversion process. Now, if this conversion process would be limited to one cell, we lose one neuron. I think we lose many units. But the problem is that we don't lose only one neuron. The problem is that prions are able to spread like a virus and bacteria from one cell to another. They enter the healthy cell, and they start to seed the misfolding of the normal protein that is continuously produced by the cell. So the question that we wanted to answer, that we asked 10 years ago in my lab, was, how do prions move from one cell to another? And this is particularly interesting if you think about the infection from mad cow disease. This is an oral infection most of the time. You ingest the contaminated food stuff. The prion enters the gut. And then this red nasty prion here-- they have to go to the brain. They cannot jump. They have to pass necessarily-- they have to pass between different cells before they reach the brain. And I don't have time to go into details, but what we postulated 10 years ago was that dendritic cells-- these very motile cells that normally have to patrol the intestine-- would be able to take the prion and then give it to the peripheral enteric system and then to peripheral nervous system to the brain. Now, if you were a prion and wouldn't move between cells, you naturally would use a mechanism that cells use to communicate to each other. So our prion moves. And the cells need to communicate to each other. Because since the cell theory was made and refined by Virchow [INAUDIBLE] cellular, all cells come from other cells. It was clear that the original proposal that the cell was an independent structure was not working, because cells need to communicate to the external media and need to communicate with other cells in order to work together. So our cells communicate. And Diego has made a very simple schematic here that tells us that cells communicate by two fundamental mechanisms, either directly by contact so they can exchange things, or at a distance. And a distances is kind of signaling, so these cells need to communicate something to cells that are very far away. So this cell would secrete a molecule, a protein, or an [INAUDIBLE] that would be received by the distant cell that would react. Now, a way of distant communication through secretion is represented by the synapse, which is the connection that neuronal cells, neurons, make with other neurons. But in this case, the distance is covered by this long arm-- that Meredith told you-- that protrudes from one neuron, [INAUDIBLE],, and then reaches the target cell, another neuron, or a muscle cell, for example. And at this level, he makes a junction. So the secretion occurs at a very tiny distance, and this makes the communication and distance between neurons to be very, very precise. Because the target cell, it's just there. So at the synapse, the neurons secrete a neurotransmitter, and then these cells receive the neurotransmitter and react. So in fact, when we were trying to understand how prions move, it was proposed that prions move through secretions at the level of the synapse with the secretion and uptake. However, in the lab, we decided to see how could prions move between dendritic cells-- these peripheral cells-- to the neurons. So what we did in the lab, we took dendritic cells from a mouse. We filled them with a fluorescent prion particle, red dots, and we co-cultured the cells, the two type of cells, in a same dish, and looked under the microscope what was happening. And what was happening was mind-blowing. Because what we saw, indeed, was that these two different cells-- the neuron and the dendritic cell-- were establishing a sort of channel between them. And through this channel, the prion would move. And here you can see it well in these still images in which you can see a red dots coming from the dendritic cell, reaching the neurite of this neuron here. And we went on, and we found that between neuronal cells, these channels also exist. And this channels are full of prion proteins, as you can see here in this live movie. And this was an animation. And in this movie, when I start, you can see that this particle here, these are two cells connected by a channel-- this one here. And the particle moves from one cell, jumps on a very thin channel that you don't see because the resolution is not enough, and enter the connected cell. So these channels-- ah, Meredith spoiled all my talk-- are called tunneling nanotubes. But tunneling nanotubes were discovered in cultures between cells by [INAUDIBLE]. And he proposed that these were very thin and fragile open tubular connections, allowing communication between the cells, and allowing the passage of many cellular components. Now, this proposal was not well-accepted by the field, because it was going against the dogma that cells do not open up to each other to communicate. They do send signals or they established synapses at least in our body. But I thought this was absolutely true, because we could see this channel forming under the microscope. And we could see that prions were passing through this channel. So for the last 10 years, we have been working in trying to understand how tunneling nanotubes have formed, what are the molecules, and we were able to demonstrate that as was proposed here, we demonstrated that there are open connections very different from different protrusions. And they allow the communication between cells. And the passage of these red dots here, that are not prions, but are entire mitochondria-- the power station of the cell, organelles-- are exchanged between them. Wow. So tunneling nanotubes are a direct mechanism of communication between cells and a major highway for the spreading of prions. Why am I telling you about prions? This is a very rare disease and not many people get infected by prions today. I'm telling you about prions because in the last 15 years, evidence from many different labs, including ours, have shown that non-infectious amyloid proteins that accumulate in other, more frequent-- this is like Alzheimer's, Abeta, and Tau, and Parkinson's, [INAUDIBLE]---- share many properties with prions. In fact, they can exist in different conformations, like prions do. They can direct template conformation of changes of the normally folded counterpart and form these amyloid fibrils. And they can, therefore, propagate the misfolding. So the question we wanted to ask in the lab is, are they capable to transfer between cells? And there is very good evidence in literature from the early observation of Heiko Braak, a fantastic neuropathologist, that by observing the postmortem brain of patients affected by different diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ALS, Huntington's, and so on, looking at the brain of these patients, he discovered that each of these different diseases would start in a specific area of the brain that would be different in the different diseases. But the pathology, that is the aggregate precipitation that he could see in the brain, the pathology, would spread in a predictable way, because he would spread through connectivity, through area that we know now they are interconnected. So these observations would fit very well with the spreading of misfolded proteins in the brain. So the disease will spread like prions, like an infection. And this hypothesis of Braak has been recently confirmed in living patients, using very advanced PET scanning and functional MRI scanning that have led these researchers-- this is one example, very recent-- to identify in the brain of the living patient with Alzheimer's the Tau aggregate. It's the same Tau that Louis Alzheimer was looking in the brain of Madame Deter. And what they found is that they have been able to correlate the amount of misfolded Tau in the brain of these patients with the loss of connectivity with loss of function of the brain itself. So we asked how these Tau aggregates move between each other. Are TNT-- tunneling nanotubing-- involved? So we are cell biologists. We work with cells. So we took some neuronal cells, not from this brain, but from human neuron cells, by the way. And we expressed the Tau protein in the cells, the normal Tau protein. The normal Tau protein in green, when the Tau protein is normal, you don't see it. It's very little. You see a general diffuse signal that is green. Then we add that to this culture the aggregate of a misfolded Tau in red. And then, what we saw is this. Now, here are the bad aggregated [INAUDIBLE] in red that we added. And here in the bottom, there is the culture of a neuron. Now, these neurons are expressing the normal folded Tau protein. So this protein is diffuse. You have a diffuse signal. When I start the movie, you will see that these diffuse signals-- the green signals-- start to form spots. And you can see it very well now, very strong. And these spots are diffusing in the whole culture. In three days, the whole culture is full of these spots. So basically, what we could reproduce in this culture is this spreading, the seeding and the spreading, of Tau from one neuron to the order in culture. And then when we looked at the higher resolution, we could see that this Tau aggregate would spread through this tunnel. A similar thing, we went to Parkinson's. Parkinson's is an older disease in which there are misfolded aggregates. And Parkinson's is very interesting, because in this case, it's really very evident that the symptomatology of the disease progresses from periphery with peripheral symptoms, that is, the inability to coordinate, to move, et cetera, to the central symptom that is dementia, which is the last symptom. And this is very well represented by the Braak stage. In fact, at the beginning, in Parkinson's, there's accumulation of these misfolded proteins only in the brain stem and in the nuclei that coordinate the movement. And then later on in life, the disease accumulates in the cortex, and you have dementia. And these pathological lesions the case of Parkinson's are caused by another protein that is called alpha-synuclein, and there is evidence in literature that alpha-synuclein which form these aggregates-- they are called Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites-- are moving between neurons in the brain of patients. I can tell you more about that in the questions. So what we did, we did the similar thing. We did co-culture, and we could see that these red synuclein aggregate or these green synuclein aggregates were inside of tunneling nanotube. And we could see similar things in the mouse brain slice, in which you can see these red dots moving between these two neurons. It's not very clear, the movie, but you can see that they're moving through these thin connections, which we presume are tunneling nanotubes. So basically, our data support the hypothesis that tunneling nanotubes contribute to the spreading of different neurodegenerative diseases by allowing the transfer of misfolded protein from the diseased cell to naive cells where conversion would occur and therefore they would propagate the pathology. But why would cells do this? Why would cells send a toxic aggregate to another cell, to a healthy cell? This is suicide, right? So what happens? And what we found is, in fact, when you have an aggregate in a cell, a cell would send the aggregate to the lysosome, to the cleaners. And then the lysosome, normally the aggregate would be disposed. But if you have a prion phenomenon in which you have a continuous accumulation of these aggregates, what happens, in fact, is that the lysosome are overwhelmed, overloaded with these misfolded aggregates. And then they stop functioning. And so what we found is that the whole lysosome with the aggregate inside is transmitted between the two cells through a tunneling nanotube. It's like this cell that does the aggregate is asking for help to a healthy cell and saying, well, I cannot do anything anymore. Can you help? Well, they can't help. Because what happens when the lysosomes get to the healthy cell? What happens is that these broken lysosomes allow the exit of the aggregate from the lysosome. And this aggregate-- this pathological aggregate-- would meet the diffuse protein, the normal protein, and would start the aggregation. And this is the way this propagates between cells. And the last thing I want to tell you about-- one last thing about this phenomenon-- is that any of these aggregated-- in prion disorder, Alzheimer, any aggregated protein that we give to normal neurons would decrease the formation of tunneling nanotubes. And then this would allow the spreading of the disease to healthy cells. So we suppose, but we don't know yet, that there is a common mechanism to all aggregates that would allow the formation of tunneling nanotubes. And therefore, we believe the tunneling nanotubes could be a potential therapeutic target to stop the progression of neurodegenerative disease. And we are looking into testing some molecules, but we are very far away. OK. Now I told you this nice story and nice movies. But this is done totally in vitro. Is there any relevance for the progression of neurodegenerative diseases? We cannot base these on observation made between neurons. So the question is, do TNT-- tunneling nanotubes-- exist in vitro? This is not a trivial question. This is a very complicated question. Because the brain is a very complex network. And Jeff Lichtman can tell you everything. I'm not a neuroscientist. I'm a cell biologist. But what we know is that in the brain of a human being, there are at least 100 billion neurons. And these 100 billion neurons, each of them can make contact with thousands of other neurons, making trillions of synapses. In this huge, complicated wiring that contains all our emotion, our knowledge, our thought, the way we walk, the way we sleep, everything is encoded in these networks, that changes also with time. So no two brains are the same. And this correspondence between the physical connection and the action, the brain function, was proposed and discovered at the end of 19th century by Ramon y Cajal. For example, in this wiring diagram here, he proposed then when you have a stimuli coming from the skin and with the sensory neuron termination, this neuron will contact another neuron in the spinal cord. And this neuron from the spinal cord to a synaptic connection would contact other neurons, reach the cortex, and then from the cortex, the stimuli-- the same stimuli-- is passed down through the spinal cord through the [INAUDIBLE] neuron that will then reach your muscle and get a reaction to the sensory stimuli. But this is a very simple wiring. So just to give you a hint of the complication, these are only 300 neurons that have been wired in the brain [INAUDIBLE]. I told you that we have billions of neurons. So how can we identify tunneling nanotubes in these complex networks of connections? And this brings me to my Radcliffe project, which is a project in collaboration with Jeff Lichtman-- he is here-- carried on by a fantastic PhD student, Diego. He's also here. Thank you for being here. And three fantastic undergraduates, my Radcliffe partner, Leo, Eric, and Alex, who should also be here. Oh, they're there. So what Jeff is interested in-- he's a fantastic neurobiologist. he's interested in understanding the whole [INAUDIBLE],, the whole connection in the brain, how cells in the brain wire to each other. And he has devised many different ways to look at it. But the most interesting for us is a connectomic approach based on serial scanning electron microscopy. Why? This is the same electron microscopy that I told you is able to visualize the tiny little proteins in the cell. So Jeff has set up in his lab these serial scanning electron microscopy that he's able to look at nanometer resolution in a digitalized piece of brain by imaging different sections of the brain that are mounted one after the other so that you can see each cell, each connection, each synapse, each vesicle, each protein inside the vesicle. So I've taken a video from Jeff's website to explain what is this connectomic. And I don't think I can speak on this video because it's really very difficult. But you can ask him, how does he work? Just for the beauty of it, because it's a very beautiful technique. So once you have taken a brain of a mouse in this case, and you fix it, and you stain, you start cutting it automatically. And then this very thin slice here, these thin slices are collected in a film tape, which is then cut in different slices. And then each slice is imaged of higher and higher, higher resolution. So you have the impression that you go inside the brain, and then you can see at this high resolution-- you can see everything is there. You can see all the connections, everything. And you can segment them-- and that's what Diego and the students are doing-- until you get to the volume, a very tiny volume of the brain. You can open up, expand this volume, and reconstruct in 3D each connection at the synaptic level. Wow. That's wow, really. [LAUGHTER] What we decided to do is to look, to use this of connectomic approach to look for tunneling nanotubes. Because then we can see this thin connection because we can see everything. And we decided to do it in the cerebellum, for various reasons, but the cerebellum is-- at birth, in a mouse, some cells are not mature enough, finally mature, and so they don't establish the synapse. But what these cells do, these red cells, are able coordinately to migrate or in [INAUDIBLE].. But they don't have connections. So how do they do that altogether? So we proposed, we postulated, maybe they are connected to tunneling nanotubes. So Diego went to Jeff's lab. He prepared these with the help of his lab, prepare this volume, this tiny volume of the mouse brain, and started to segment all the cells, all the connections, in this brain. OK. And after almost two years of segmentation-- this is a tedious thing to do, but it's very rewarding when you find the connection. And the work of many students-- of Diego and many students-- we found several connections in several cells in the developing brain. And, of course, this is very interesting and unexpected. Even to us when we started, we said, well, let's try, because you have found something in vitro. Until you find something in vivo, you don't know. And so, it goes against the dogma. It goes against the dogma that said, do not open up to each other. And they do it. Apparently they do it in a brain. So in order to convince our peers and ourselves that this is true, we are doing a lot more experiments. This doesn't finish here. There's lot more to do, but it's a good start. And of course, it's a good start to answer the question, are they also exchanging this connection amyloid proteins, which is what we want to know. Let me go back in history, though I'm five minutes off. I told you that Cajal worked out all [INAUDIBLE],, worked how through synaptic the cells connect to each other. However, at the same time, there was an Italian, anatomist Camillo Golgi, who also got the Nobel Prize in 1906 with Cajal. But they didn't talk to each other, Camillo Golgi was old fashioned, and he was convinced that, in fact, the neurons would somehow form a reticulum. The neuronal cell would be connected in a reticulum to each other. So each piece of brain would work together because the cell will not communicate to the synapse but will be basically one body, one reticulum. Because he could see this staining that he was using, diffusing from one cell to another. Now we know that Cajal was right. But in light of what I told you, the question is, was Camillo Golgi maybe somehow right as well? And then, I want to tell you my little secret that is not my secret, but it's a secret that I borrow from this book, The Little Prince, that has accompanied me since I was a kid. And these little secret these very simple and tells you, "It is only with a heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is often invisible to the eye." And this is the most important slide. This is thanks to my lab that are giving all their heart in this work, that this is possible. Thanks to all the student postdoc researchers that I have in Paris, that share with me the passion for science. They understand that the way, the path to discoveries, is made of very small steps and very few aha moments that will fill the rest of your life, of course. And thank you to Diego who is somewhere here, my partner, and of course, this wouldn't have been possible without the collaboration of Jeff Lichtman, who has opened the door to his lab to this crazy project. And thank you very much for your attention. [APPLAUSE] [MUSIC PLAYING]
Channel: Harvard University
Views: 3,734
Rating: 4.9292035 out of 5
Keywords: Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, neurodegeneration, neurodegenerative diseases, TNT structures, tunneling nanotubes, cell communication, in vivo
Id: K--BC7ApMfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 39sec (2739 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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