Understanding Spiritual Warfare Part 2 — The Forbidden Wisdom | Phaneroo Sunday 149 | Apostle Grace

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[Music] god wants to take you deeper than the challenges that are in your life so you understand exactly why jesus is in you and why you are in christ welcome to a dynamic and life-transforming program impacting generations with the word of god christ has been made our wisdom his christ the wisdom and the power of god he's not just the power without the wisdom and he cannot be complete to be wisdom without the power because the wisdom of god evokes the power of god in your life here is finero make manifest with apostle grace juventus on a saturday morning i was awakened by god and i saw quite a lot of things that were happening in the world okay i have my experiences where um sometimes god takes me places and out of those things he instructs me concerning things present or things to come and i stayed at work i think from about 3 am up to morning i could not sleep because i there was a lot of activity spiritually a lot of things that were happening spiritually and so i thought in my head that much as i had not finished so much of what i was sharing on thursday concerning spiritual warfare i thought that i was for now done with what i had preached on thursday but with the things that i saw on saturday and some of many of which i'm not allowed to share publicly i felt the lord impress on my heart that continue teaching about spiritual warfare and so yes you can clap for jesus and and and why because we we people are dying for a lack of knowledge people are dying for a lack of knowledge and like i said last thursday if you watch that summer uh if you have not watched spiritual warfare understanding spiritual warfare that i preached this thursday i beseeched you by god go through because the summons that i'm preaching here even today for example it's not only for the deliverance of those that are in captivity and bondage with demonic powers but it's also very helpful for those of you that are going to become ministers or plan to be ministers or are ministers of the gospel and you have had questions around spiritual warfare especially for today somebody shout hallelujah especially for today and this i speak because i saw it on thursday like i said i was done i knew that i was done but a few things have come up in light of that and the lord in person says keep on teaching this keep on teaching me so i don't know whether i'll teach more next thursday or i'm done today wherever the spirit leads i'm more anxious than i am programmed so i thank god for that we began with a conversation why are people defeated believers defeated by demonic powers why do we have many believers in the world dying under the influence of darkness why aren't people getting delivered why are people rebuking demon spirits every year every year they're praying every day they're praying every evening they have become so convinced in their mind some have become so convinced in their minds that they'll never be free they have accorded so much power to the devil that they invest more time in prayer against darkness than they do in fellowship with god they even have prayers morning prayers afternoon prayers evening confessions night confessions morning confessions afternoon confessions evening confessions and they're telling them if you don't confess these things if you don't do these things if you don't go this way you will be possessed the demons on your life will never leave you the attacks on your life will never stop and again confession has a place in the christian faith in our warfare hallelujah because we're justified or condemned by a tongue and whatever you bind is bound you shall decreasing and it shall be established but for many people who are so lost in understanding how god works many of them if you look at the total sum of their lives they are actually addressing more demonic forces than they are relating with god they're addressing more powers than they are relating with god many ministers unfortunately have actually acquired more power to the devil than god they have defined more of what satan can do and is able to do than what god is able to do and it's our responsibility to help people now today i'm going to go now to what we as the church are doing to the people it's going to be a hard one but it has to be said that's the apostolic hallelujah don't judge the method judge the message now in timothy first timothy the fourth chapter the fourth chapter the first verse paul says something that i want us to build on today and if you will read from the amplified version he says the holy spirit distinctly and expressly declares that in the latter times some some will turn away from their face giving attention to deluding and seducing spirits and doctrines that devils teach through the hypocrisy and pretensions of liars whose consciences are seared or categorized who for example these people which had departed of the faith started teaching doctrines that were not spirit-led they were not inspired by god but they were inspired by seducing spirits and doctrines that demons teach in fact if you read that from the message version he says the spirit makes it clear that as time goes on some are going to give up on the faith i love i love that you emphasize that some are going to give up on their faith people are going to go off the course from what god has given us truth and some are going to then chase after there is a chasing after of demonic illusions put forth by professional liars so you find that people are walking away from the truth and they're chasing after demonic delusions they invest money to go for certain conferences they invest money to go for certain deliverance services they invest money to go to certain prayer mountains now if i say that somebody say oh you know you're against deliverance you're against prayer you're against this no no if you say that then you do not know me oh you have not followed my ministry closely go on videos you will see go and see those youtube videos you'll see that i cast out devils devils scream out of people you will see that the lamb have walked you will see that the blind have seen you'll see that the death have heard you will see that the dead have been raised you'll see that tumors have disappeared out of people's bodies you will see the impossible happening put on my crusades and see what we do you'll understand that we really believe in deliverance but what is deliverance because there is deliverance the way jesus did it and there is deliverance the way seducing spirits have pushed the church into doing it and that is why we have people who have fallen under all sorts of deliverances but they are not free they are as poor as you first met them they are as beggarly as you first met them they are as sickly as you first met them they are as stressed frustrated as we first met them why because i have discovered it's not what the devil is doing it's how sometimes we are teaching it in the church now like i said it's going to be hard but i have to teach it i have to teach it we have got into a place where some people if you don't address spiritual warfare a certain way then you don't you don't understand god no no no no no listen look at how jesus addressed devils and look at how the church today is addressing devils you'll see that there's a problem now when paul says right into timothy his spiritual sign that some are going to depart off the face and are going to give he to seducing spirits doctrines of devils men started speaking lies without some knew some did not even know in fact majority of them don't know because their consciences are seeing they're categorized and because their consciences are seared in fact majority don't know i could say that because their consciences are categorized or their conscience are seared the place in them that should hear truth is not alive to truth and so whatever comes in that place that hears god they assume that it is god speaking yet it's their minds and doctrines of devils devils are speaking to their ears and they preach that as a gospel it would not be followed it would not be invested money into and men falling under such delusion if it was not so convincing understand me and that is why you must understand the difference between spectacular and supernatural those two things are different study to be more supernatural than understanding the spectacular because not everything the physical eye in demonstration scene is actually of god bible speaks of how men shall do false miracles somebody shout hallelujah that's for another day and so when these men came into with such into the church with such demonic illusions they forbid people to get married they forbid people to get married they they they the bible says they they they tell men not to eat particular foods you know don't eat this don't eat that don't eat this don't eat that so they forbid people to eat certain kinds of foods which god created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and have an increasingly clear knowledge of the truth you see so why are others eating others are eating because they are growing every day they are in an increasingly clear place in the knowledge of truth and some people every day are dying to the knowledge of truth and they do not know the difference they do not know the difference i'll give you a typical example when i was growing up i was raised with a young lady who was a neighbor of mine and one of the elders in this ministry mrs wolkanya who is in studio calls me telling me that there was a lady which was always tormented by demonic forces tormented by demonic forces and she used to run mad she used to go to the extreme of him and so she went to a certain ministry whose name i'll not mention and they used to take her there for deliverance they call it deliverance they should take her to that ministry very very popular ministry in uganda uh for deliverance and they used to take her and deliver and take her and cast out today cast out tomorrow she rolls you know forms up and then eyes go in the skull and then she comes back and so when uh mr kenya elder comes and brings this lady to me i said i sit with this lady down because we knew ourselves were childhood acquaintances and i told her the problem is not what you are dealing or you think you're dealing with the issue is you do not know the truth you see because some people when they're teaching truth they don't teach what the bible says they teach what the devil has done to people and they start giving references see if this happens in your life this is the demon spirit disturbing you if this happens in your body this is the demon spirit disturbing you if this is happening in your mind this is the demon spirit disturbing you let me tell you something if it was so important jesus would have written a book on it to tell us every demon that is struggling every believer in the world what it's called how it comes and how it goes do you think that the people jesus christ delivered in the gospels did not have histories of where they got those devils don't you think that some people jesus christ met had aunties who bewitched them don't you think that some of the people jesus christ met had people who to whom they had done witchcraft on their graveyards don't you think that some people jesus christ met had people who did sorcery on their lives why is it that jesus walks on this man with the full knowledge of how even these devils came and he begins from where the man is addressed as the devil and the man is free and emotion do you think that the son of god did not have spiritual sight to design where and how these demons entered people he knew it but why are we ignoring the jesus pattern and doing things the way god does not do them or could not teach them one time i sitted in a meeting of that kind many many other guys this little guy was about 18 or 19. and then this man started saying some of you when you do this this happens and then you fall into losses and there's a woman behind me screaming that is true pastor so in my heart i'm like what is true what is truth firstly before she defines that as true is she confirming what the preacher has affirmed is her present state to say that that is truth what is truth what is truth when does pilot ask jesus christ what is truth but he did not know that jesus who was standing before him was the truth jesus is the truth anything within the mystery of christ is the truth anything outside christ is not true it ain't matter how factual it is it doesn't matter how much it has been represented in the physical realm how spectacular it is or how demonstrative or illustrative it is if it is not defined from the revelation of the person of jesus christ it is not true jesus is the way he is the truth and the life you cannot speak truth without jesus nobody say it's true and if i am prophetic i walk in the prophetic sometimes i want to pray for people and i can see that this person why they're this way perhaps somebody did witchcraft on them and i could see the person perhaps i even receive a name in my earlier years i used to invest so much time even mentioning names and places and what was done to them because sometimes it was enough for them to believe me if i'm speaking of events where i have not been or they're sure that it is beyond my own interpretation because that amazes them to say wow if it is true this is so but you know why i stopped it because sometimes i would say something and then make this person lose the mind of what they're supposed to do with the information that he's given him for example you tell him see i see a ninety of yours called agnes or rita and she did this to you and and you pray for her she's delivered and then she gets angry at her auntie that very auntie too needs salvation she's still loved and god still wants to bring that woman to the saving knowledge of the truth and this person is not stable to contain that truth and then they after you have prayed for them next day you hear they're fighting with their auntie they're telling everyone what their auntie did and it's true she's named and shamed but you see god also sometimes has a plan for even those which do witchcraft on these individuals and sometimes by wisdom as a mother as a man of god you deliver this individual don't cause them to look in the back and pray even for the woman you have seen who did it and god can tell you no pray for her intercede for her she will come to the seven knowledge of truth and after separating this individual i go home and pray for them that does not make us inferior ministers we are wiser we are wiser i can only mention events and names only when the spirit says there is wisdom in mentioning it only when are you hearing me but not many ministers understand the difference not many believers understand the difference let me go a bit deeper here and so this lady goes to uh the the services i tell her your problem is not what you think you're dealing with your mind needs to be renewed she didn't understand me and i prayed with her shared words with her and i remember sitting here on this table one day in a restaurant and i told her the lord tells me if you go back for another delivering service you're going to die because your problem is not deliverance service it's not going to be fixed and i deliver in service your problem is bigger it's here it's in your mind okay thank you she did not listen this woman goes back she died in that church under the arm of a man praying for her she died in the church so i know what i'm telling you i know what i'm telling you she died in the church there were casting out devils i've seen two or three people die in the church when they were praying for them and demons were screaming out of them and they died in the church so how why would the child of god die in the presence where life is something is wrong something is wrong that's what is not said those are the names that are not counted jesus never had a man die in his presence that was not jesus man a man possessed casts them out and these men go home somebody said amen that's when i discovered that some of the things that we are teaching in the church are not of god now let me go a bit deeper promise that let me say this now i hope i'm speaking to people mature enough to understand where i'm coming from there is something called forbidden wisdom it is not a mystery that is easy to demystify because not many people are able to understand but i'll try with the language that god has given me to help you understand this there's some called forbidden wisdom things that exist in the spirit realm but are forbidden because they are not beneficial to the sons of god they are not beneficial to the sons of god everything beneficial and is hidden in god is available to glorify god and to bring glory to the children of god he speaks of a wisdom that was hidden a foe before the foundations of the world and god ordained that wisdom he says for your glory that is the wisdom paul preaches as in a mystery first corinthians 2 7 that's the wisdom paul preaches as in a mystery some people think paul is just preaching oh jesus died and he's raised from the dead let's cast out devils no paul went to the place of a wisdom and he found a wisdom heed in god it was mysterious it needed a demystification it was hidden it was not visible for every man available even though they were born again should be but was not and so he goes into that wisdom understands how god works and then he brings that wisdom to men through the gospel and he says but that wisdom when paul is walking in there he discovers that he was ordained therefore before the world was founded for our glory somebody said hallelujah before even the earth was created as we know it that wisdom existed that any man which can access it it's the wisdom in the light if any man can access that wisdom the bible says it's ordained for the glorification of the sons and daughters of god so anything hidden in god is for your glorification this is what i say nothing should be demystified or gotten from the hidden things of the spirit realm if it is not bringing glory to god and to the son and daughter of god do you understand what i'm saying nothing should be dug out if it is not bringing glory to god and glory to the children of god that's what paul is telling us here that if there is any wisdom that we speak in a mystery all of that wisdom we're giving you was ordained before for your glory so nothing from the world of things hidden should be dug if it's not bringing glory to god and to the son of man or son of god you see do you understand that as a teacher of the gospel i am not to bring out things hidden if they are not glorifying god or bringing glory for you some people dig out things hidden that bring shame they dig out things hidden that bring destruction they bring out things hidden that bring death they bring out things hidden that bring a decimation they bring destruction they don't even know the difference because the conscience is seared so everything hidden if they can have access to it if in any way it has some paranormal activity to it if in any way has a certain amusement to the soul of man then for them it is mystery and it is thought in the church not many people understand what i'm saying but as i continue to preach you'll understand what i'm saying you'll understand what i'm saying let me for example give you an example that is is can be easily understood what is occultism what what what is what does it mean to be occult or to deal with your cult what is the practice of occultism what is that what is occultism let me explain what occultism is occultism or the occult comes from a latin word called occultus and occultus means something hidden a hidden secret clandestine to say occult is to mean hidden knowledge or knowledge of the hidden are you following me knowledge of the hidden that's what it means to be okay when we are in the realm of men's sin anything miserable anything that can hypothetically be drawn and proven that's the realm of science that's the realm of science so when i talk about for example medicine medicine is science it's in the realm of measurable theories are drawn after hypothetical tests are done and they arrive to the prognosis they arrive to a diagnosis they arrive to the idea of how do we treat this individual on things that are immeasurable okay it's the science it's how science works so somebody can be dealing with demonic spirits and we are dealing with them from the realm of science you see oh you know this person has a mental issue recently in the world we're having a lot a lot of mental issues people are running mad at the time i was in the united kingdom in a certain area and they told us almost all the mental hospitals in this area are full people are getting depressed people are getting into many depression psychosis people are struggling with bipolar split personality disorders people have issues in their minds and scientifically science the doctors are doing what they can and some are helped but some cannot be helped because what you're dealing with is more than just a mental issue and they will not observe it they will not admit it because they are in the world of what is measurable they in the world of what they can only interpret by observation physical observation when we get to the spirit realm many of them cannot explain why people have what they have i'll give you an example one time i was in a si in this in a church somewhere in virginia and i look at this young lady and i'm preaching in the middle of the service i look at this lady and i say you woman i don't know what but there's something wrong with your mind there's something wrong with your head and this lady says uh-uh there's nothing wrong with me then nothing wrong with me she said he said it's not wrong with you maybe what's wrong with your mind or your head he said no you don't have any head issues no he said okay i continue preaching after about six or seven minutes into the preaching this young girl stands up runs to the end of the building and bumps her head in the wall and she falls down the pastors don't know what to do they run start praying for her they're panicking sister tells me the girl has been dealing with bipolar why is it that when i called out that spirit immediately it manifested do you see what i'm saying do you understand what i'm saying we need to understand that nothing you see in the physical realm cannot be explained in the spirit realm nothing but we also need to see it from the light of truth now i'm still explaining about walk out the orchest yogurt or cultism it is the knowledge of what is hidden so what fascinates them is the things that are seen in the mystical world like i said the paranormal world the unseen world but have a lot of effect in the world that you can see again it's human nature to dig out inventions the bible says man was created right but they dig out they engage themselves in many inventions because the human spirit has a certain appetite of the things that are unknown of the hidden things the human spirit is naturally that way that's why at one point you see is it paul he goes in a city and the bible says the guys used to gather every morning to know what new thing had come up you see that so man is made up right let's just say 729 but the bible says but they have so many inventions because we are curious people it's within us look at genesis why do you think man fell satan writes at the curiosity of man he knows it's within man to be curious so he comes to them in genesis 3 he says did god say that you shall not eat of any tree in the garden he's creating curiosity and he's directing eve and adam to the place where they must go he knows where they're going but remember the bible says the serpent was subtle beyond any beast now you might think oh how could adam do this i tell people it's easy for you to judge my name adam and eve but if you can imagine for a moment that from the time adam was created to the time he met eve and they're communicating they had never met something that speaks like them they never met something that speaks their language every animal every creature in the garden was speaking its own language and for the first time they find these things speaking a language they can understand it's not easy because they're asking themselves how did this one know this language anyway he said unto them has god say that you shall not eat of every tree of the garden ah that's a big one has god said that shall not eat of every every tree he's trying to draw them to the tree that they should not eat he's trying to make sure that eve can point out to the tree that is forbidden remember he's using subtility he's not dumb he's not misquoting god in ignorance he knows what he is doing somebody shout hallelujah and so the woman says no god say that we shall eat of every tree in the garden except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil knowledge of good and evil does that ring a bell knowledge of good and evil knowledge of good and evil why does god test man from that realm eat everything but don't eat the tree of the knowledge of good and evil there's something within that is hidden but it's not beneficial for you if you open that door you will die satan now goes to that door and he says in verse 5 for god does know that in the day you shall eat thereof your eyes shall be opened and you shall be as gods small gods are you hearing me knowing good and what and evil and when listen the woman saw that the tree was good for food and it was pleasing to the eyes and the tree to be desired to make one wise she took of the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also to husband with her and it remember the bible says she saw the tree please unto the eyes she never used to see it that way until satan spoke that means that there was vision in the words the serpent spoke to adam and eve the temptation is in the fact that as the devil was speaking not only did he have a language but he had the ability to cast vision otherwise how could she see it beautiful all of a sudden why wasn't it beautiful before you see so it's pleasant to the eye and the tree to be desired to make one wise and i've talked about this once or twice that wisdom when she say she saw a tree that can make a man wise that's a spiritual vision because wisdom cannot be seen with your physical eye who is following what i'm saying so she brings wisdom to vision satan casts wisdom and the first that longing to connect to that which is hidden but can make man wiser that is exactly what he falls for and then she eats the fruit if it was just good for food and prison for the eyes maybe just maybe she said some things are also pleasant to eat but this could make one wise she had never had a vision of eating something that can make you wiser accessing a knowledge that you don't have access to and that is why they eat and indeed like the serpent said the eyes of them were both open and when they were opened to a certain wisdom in the spirit realm the bible says they both knew that they were naked they didn't find themselves naked they knew there was a knowledge that comes to adam and eve that you are naked before that that knowledge was not with them it was hidden it was hidden to adam and eve that they were naked somebody said hallelujah it was hidden it was not necessary for them to know that they were naked if it was important for them god would have showed it to them but and i'm defining forbidden wisdom defining forbidden wisdom i'm defining forbidden wisdom that is why humanity is in trouble it accessed things it was not supposed to access because that which it tried to access was was by deception given to them or man with the expectation that they were going to become better are you following me and instead we were subject to death that's what god meant by you will die because if you access certain wisdoms they're not there for your deliverance they're there for your own destruction satan has not stopped pulling that trick so when he says intimacy that men shall give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils a man goes with the mind that is seeking god or reading the bible and in there a certain voice comes to him in the name of revelation and wisdom and it is forbidden but the man knows not because he has not yet understood god like i said this what i'm teaching is so far from many people so i'll understand if the majority watching don't understand this but as you grow in god you'll tell the difference you'll understand why paul says that we're not just preaching no the wisdom we are preaching yes was hidden but the one we are preaching was hidden in god not just in the spirit realm no it was hidden in god it was with god and some don't go in or with god they dig out from another place and then bring realities of things that are hidden can i go a bit deeper do you know i have read asian texts extra biblical texts and i've discovered this that if you read for example in the days of noah okay how the sons of god the angelics come and then copulate with the daughters of men and then produce giants on the earth and how these giants sink in water and then the spirits out of them cannot go to heaven and then create nephilim now in the days of noah that place of wickedness and how the nephilim spirits are begotten in the earth and how they start falling on certain individuals and one of which one of the first people to receive a nephilim spirit was nimrod he became a mighty one on the earth that's the spirit behind the building of babylon the spirit and the system you must understand these things you must understand these things because they're ever rebellious they'll continue to be rebellious in fact it has been discovered recently that some scientists went looking for bonds of giants they formed a certain skull of a giant they want to with dna and genetics build something out of that it's so funny how far the sons of men can go i've read about it somewhere but it's not for today now listen do you know that it was in the days of how the the house becomes so wicked that god wants to sink it many forbidden wisdoms were accessed and given to the sons of men for example do you know that abortion began in the days of noah have you ever thought about it how it came into the mind the first time it came into the mind of how a man can enter a woman's womb and remove life have you ever thought about it have you ever thought about it that somebody one time got the idea of removing life out of a woman without cutting through her body without using anything to enter her body can you imagine the science of how a pill is made and somebody swallows it and it kills life in the womb can that be spirit-led god can that be god led but abortions began in the days of noah if you read i said manuscripts women were given things to drink and kids came out so by what inspiration does somebody get that wisdom the fallen angelics the nephilim also started teaching people later on but even before that sinking that that that that that uh that experience of of of of drowning the earth it was existent the nephilim continued that let me ask you another question how does a man make an atomic bomb how does somebody wake up and make an atomic bomb where do they get that kind of wisdom do you think it's just science just somebody just wake up and make an atomic bomb how does somebody make a nerve agent you saw some one of the guys one of the asian guys who a woman just put a chemical on their face it was like water and the man in just a few minutes was suffocating and dead how does somebody invent that how does somebody invent that do you think it's just normal human wisdom how do they make poisons high level poisons these days they make poisons they just put it on your plate and it dries on the plate they give you a plate you sell food on it and it kills you within six months kills your organs every day and you die in six months they can't even track where you took it from do you know that some diseases are made in the lab do you know it is believed that some sexually transmitted diseases were made in the lord who sat in a lab and started making and this is the the thing about forbidden wisdoms they it's so funny i've read the generation scripts they which make usually have the cures why it says that it's he causes but also you have to go to him for the cure for the cure so how does a son of man access that kind of wisdom forbidden what about the doctrines in the body of christ that are actually in the realm of forbidden wisdoms let's discuss casting out devils for example let's discuss casting our devils have you ever read about mesopotamian exorcism very old wisdom in how the mesopotamians used to get demons out of people this was the order somebody's possessed you bring the client to the person why they were exhausted right you bring them to an exorcist and you when you put them before them uh they now create a ritual singing dancing and conjuring other things and then they start healing or delivering this individual and it takes hours some days some weeks and then they create homes where people which are possessed can come and be with them as they are being one delivered and incantations are spoken over them and prayers and you know things are are declared over their lives and sudden things are invoked by benevolent forces to help them and then one two three four weeks or two days or six months or three months you come back for your person when they are okay does that ring a bell does that ring a bell did jesus have deliverance rooms did paul have deliverance rooms did peter have deliverance homes what's happening to christians if you can't cast out a devil it does not mean that it is strong it only means that you don't know how men come to jesus and say why couldn't we cast out this devil i thought jesus was going to tell him ah this one needs a few days you need to lock it up and people are locked up they're put in chains and they're screaming and and and their respect is taken and and they they are oozing things and people looking at them like animals you know people with reputation are under you know chains and screaming and everybody is looking at no no at least you'd rather take them to rehabilitation and they put something in their body and they sleep by the time you meet you meet some people they don't look like they're human beings and they say oh no they're under deliverance the glory of the son of god is lost their reputation the respect even god has for them this devil knows that these people dealing don't know what they're doing so what what does it do it will tear this individual and the dignity of a person is taken in the name of deliverance jesus never robbed men of dignity and the deliverance he said no if you can't cast this thing out he says this kind he says desires more prayer and fasting not the devil of unbelief jesus here is talking about unbelief he says however this kind goes not away saved by prayer and fasting he's not talking about the devil some people have actually preached that uh ministry or that person of scripture to mean that certain devils go away by praying first no read earlier you realize when he's dealing with his disciples they asked why could we not cast out these devils and the disciples tell him i mean and ask him why would we cast out these devils and jesus tells them that because of your unbelief he says for verily i said to you if you have faith as a grain of a mustard seed you'll not only rebuke this devil you'll talk to a mountain until it be removed from here and be thrown to your own place and it shall remove and nothing shall be impossible to you he's talking to them about the power of possibility and he says how be this kind of face of belief that you need to deal with this kind of devil is prayer and fasting you need to learn a life of prayer and firstly what to build yourself to establish yourself up in the face enough to stand before any kind of devil and you deal with it but many say that these kinds of devils are taken away by praying fasting i'm asking why did jesus come if some devils need to be prayed for and fasted for demons listen we're not supposed to pray for people demon possessed who are supposed to cast out devils he says go in the world heal the sick cast out devils you find one with the devil you as a father help them we repent no you cast it out because nothing shall be impossible with you who is following what i'm saying who is understanding what i'm saying egyptian exorcism that demons egyptian exorcisms are they don't believe it's called that they don't believe that a demon can leave somebody except if you have to you you have to first have riches where you have to first dance and then praise and that's when demons leave and people think that way that if you don't do a praise service a demon will not leave a person does that sound familiar yes for them if you're in a deliverance service first they have to first do praise and worship if they don't worship the demon won't leave did jesus first meet a man with legion and say thank you no no no he finds a man with legion and he tells them get out and they are out why aren't we doing it the jesus way why are we complicating what god made simple and when when paul saw it he says i fear least by any means as the serpent beguiled eve through the subtlety his subtility he says so your minds he didn't say your spirit he says your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that in christ that is in christ so one is supposed to be simple you've been corrupted from everything becomes complicated some demons you have to first 20 days some demons you need to separate yourself from the mountain and when you tell them and say that man doesn't no demons no i'm not supposed to know demons i'm supposed to know god this is a new life to know the one true god and his only son jesus jesus did not come teaching about demons he came teaching about the kingdom of god do you know how many people have stayed down i i'll give you a typical example there was a girl who had a very extreme extreme manic disorder and they took her in a mental hospital in uganda she was called robina and they tried to treat this young girl he tried they couldn't get anything the parents tell one of our ministers possible that we have failed to get demons out of this girl you failed the parents are speaking she's she's manic a persona calls me tells me robina isn't a mental hospital how long has she been there two weeks i told the person let them bring that to me i said let them bring her to me when they brought her to the church some of you were there i said i'm not going to cast out anything put her there to hear the message she listened to the message once twice the third time she was free without casting out any devil because the word of god the gospel is the power of god unto salvation we did not take time to address which demon and where it came from we did not take time to teach her which demonic force and how these powers of darkness worked we just gave her the word and the word did what it was supposed to do i told you soon i'm gonna give you a video of a lady uh she's a clinical psychologist she says there's a guy who was so he was bipolar i gave that testimony about a week back huh manic and they failed to fix the guy they failed to fix the guy medicine failed to fix the guy she gets a madman and gets you know uh uh what what they call him ear ear earphones and she puts them on the man's head and the man starts listening to apostle gracie someone and she says he says i want more they find his mother but when he puts this thing on he just can't stop listening she says the man listen and listen and listen and the man became sober and now they come to this nurse and ask her how did you do it and she told them look these things are spiritual and she did it with another patient and that person too was healed now she came to me recently and said papa i want to start a mental rehabilitation center why because i've realized this this guy's ending medicine i feel there's some spiritual if i can put the gospel on a man's ear and they are free i think i know what to do well to go woman of god do it ephesians says that we are seated far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not in this world but also in that world which is to come because that's where christ is and the bible says god has put all things under jesus in whom we are and gave him to be the head over all things to the church which is his body the fullness of him that fill up all things the body of christ is the fullness of god how can we be tormented by devils forbidden wisdom is deceiving men that they need two weeks of deliverance no they just need to come to the knowledge of the truth did he not tell you put on the armor of god that you might be able to withstand the tricks he called them tricks not the power he called them tricks he called them wilds i will insist this again it's a mind thing it's in your mind the devil is tricking you to make you think that you are bound you are not bound for who saw the sun sets free they are free indeed but we are dealing with forbidden wisdoms that are coming from darkness not from light because if it was coming from light the moment it is revealed it should bring glory not shame not same people and people tied on that they are losing things out of their mouths and they just can't get free if you cannot cast it out it doesn't matter how big it is the problem is not that no you have to fix yourself man of god would jesus come and say tie them there would jesus tell them leave them there for a month two months would jesus do that would jesus do that if jesus wouldn't then who is teaching us who is teaching us deliverance who is teaching us what why can't devils leave men why can't devils leave you refuse i said refuse to be subject to deception the wisdom from above is peaceable it's peaceable it brings peace not bondage somebody said hallelujah it is gentle not aggressive it's full of mercy and good fruits without personality without hypocrisy that's the wisdom from god that's the wisdom from god god is calling us to build enough shield in faith that we can walk to any demon and tell it walk out and it should hear it should hear it should hear it should hear i'm no longer slave to fear i am the child of god [Music] from my mother's womb you have chosen me love has cold i need i've been born again [Applause] to a family listen your blood flows through my veins [Music] i'm no longer what you feel don't be quiet [Music] i'm no longer [Music] let me decrease this greater is he which is in you than he which is in the world what that means your cultural demons [Music] are smaller he says than he which is in the world it means even if you to get all the demons in the world and put them together god in you would still be greater it's a knowledge issue i decree and i declare that you shall not be subject to the torment to the oppression to the disrespect and manipulation of demonic forces ever in your life and that those god will bring in your way to help by the world of confession by your faith in god and who you are you will rebuke and these devils will leave jesus said that it's finished it is done we were called to serve god in freedom and liberty because the son of god sets free and who saw the sun sets free is free indeed the challenge is that people are being set free by people but not jesus but if jesus sets you free you are free indeed may you proclaim something and say i'm done with this and it will never return in your life may you say i refuse what i dreamed and it shall be enough you want me to repeat it why because the freedom of god the liberties of the spirit are with you in the mighty name of jesus if you're free give the lord a mighty hunger for praise proclaiming your freedom come on come on come on come on come on come on clap for jesus [Applause] clap for jesus thank you lord whatever demonic oppression has been in your life right now mention it by name it leaves now power of god is delivering you in jesus mighty name amen if you've never given your life to christ i want to give you an opportunity to receive jesus as your lord and savior all you need is to say these words say father i thank you for the gift of jesus who came to die for my sins and was raised for my glory tonight i receive you jesus as my personal lord and savior amen if you've made that prayer please go on for another dog salvation send me a testimony of you uh or if you've also received the testimony through this broadcast please go on for another dog slash testimonies and send me your testimony or you can send your prayer requests on final dog slash prayer on the website and the mobile application in the about us section um this someone will stay on youtube for those of you who want to you know or you can call us also those you want to call us on plus two five six two hundred triple nine four zero five i hope to see you hear from you leave victorious in jesus mighty name amen this broadcast was brought to you by finero ministries international for more information about the great work of god visit us on the web at www.finero.org download the finero app today and enjoy sermons daily devotionals and timely updates the finero app available on both google play and apple app store you may also email us at info panero.org follow us on social media platforms on facebook twitter and instagram pinero make manly you
Channel: Phaneroo Ministries International
Views: 24,944
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Id: w9uMG0vKo2M
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Length: 59min 50sec (3590 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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