Understanding Seronegative Rheumatoid Arthritis: How It Mimics Other Arthritis Types

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If you suffer from pain, swelling, and limited function in your joints, you need to see a rheumatologist. What happens when all your laboratory tests are negative or "so called" normal? Some of you will get a diagnosis of seronegative Rheumatoid arthritis. In this video, I will discuss the most important aspects of a seronegative rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis and answer the following questions. What is Seronegative Rheumatoid arthritis? Can seronegative RA mimic other types of arthritis? Is seronegative RA more aggressive than seropositive RA? Can seronegative RA become seropositive? and Is the treatment different for seronegative RA? Hi, I’m Dr. Diana Girnita, a board-certified rheumatologist and the Founder of Rheumatologist OnCall. Don’t forget to subscribe to receive notifications for new videos. What is Seronegative Rheumatoid arthritis? I think it is essential to understand that rheumatoid arthritis is the most common autoimmune disease that I, as a rheumatologist, see and diagnose in my clinic. RA affects approximately 1.5 million people in the US. Females are more affected than men. Before we make the diagnosis of RA, we pay attention to the clinical picture. The classical pattern of RA involves pain and swelling in the joints, especially the hands and feet, in a symmetric and bilateral pattern. So, hands, feet, shoulders, knees, and ankles are affected simultaneously. Morning stiffness is also characteristic and usually lasts more than one h and is improved by movement. Then, to help with our diagnosis, we order labs and Xrays. The laboratory tests that we commonly order for patients where we suspect RA are Rheumatoid factor and Anti-CCP antibodies, along with other labs that I will discuss in another lecture. Now, when researchers have looked at percentages of patients with positive markers, they have found that only 60-80% have positive Rheumatoid factor 65% have anti-CCP antibodies And About 20% of cases have none of these markers positive. If those markers are positive, or only one is positive in the patient's serum or blood, I diagnose patients with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis. If those markers are negative, I will diagnose patients with seronegative RA, meaning the patient's blood/ serum does not contain positive RF and anti-CCP antibodies. To make things more complicated, none of these markers make a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. These markers should be used in conjunction with the clinical picture, the time of the onset of the symptoms, and sometimes, elevated markers of inflammation. Let's return to this concept of seronegative rheumatoid arthritis. Can seronegative RA mimic other types of arthritis? The short answer is YES. A recent study published in 2021 proved that many patients initially diagnosed with seronegative RA developed other forms of arthritis in the next few years. From 9700 patients initially diagnosed with seronegative RA, approximately 560 changed their diagnosis. Of these 560 patients, about 48% had Psoriatic arthritis, 43% had axial spondyloarthropathy, and the rest had inflammatory bowel disease arthritis. Some situations of Sjogren or Lupus patients can present with signs and symptoms of seronegative rheumatoid arthritis, so I recommend obtaining at least an ANA test in the initial battery of autoimmune testing. In 2019, another study also identified other causes of seronegative RA like -polymyalgia rheumatica -gout/ pseudogout -reactive arthritis -paraneoplastic arthritis (related to cancer) -giant cell arteritis -juvenile arthritis This is quite common in rheumatology, as autoimmune diseases develop and evolve over a few years. I have diagnosed many patients with seronegative Ra that eventually had PSA in my practice. To learn more about PSA, check my video about the most common signs and symptoms of PsA. If you are a patient with psoriasis, even many years ago, tell your doctor about that. If you are a patient that has a history of Chrons or Ulcerative colitis, also mention these to your rheumatologist if you are not asked. If you also have lower back pain, frequent tendonitis like Achilles tendonitis, elbow tendonitis or even inflammatory disease of your eyes, mention these as they could be signs of axial spondyloarthropathy or ankylosing spondylitis. If you want to learn more about AS, watch this video on my channel. Is seronegative RA more aggressive than seropositive RA? There is an ongoing debate. The truth is that we still do not know. In seropositive RA patients, we know that certain risk factors such as the presence of anti-CCP antibodies, are associated with poor prognosis or more aggressive disease. However, early diagnosis, and aggressive treatment in the early stages of the disease can potentially stop the inflammation and prevent further damage of your joints. Being proactive and under the care of a specialist physician will help you to manage the disease better. Can seronegative arthritis become seropositive? Yes, some patients can become positive in time, although we are not sure at this time, what is the percentage of patients that will become seropositive. Is routine testing recommended? Not really, but in certain situations, your rheumatologist will decide to retest you to make sure you did not develop another type of autoimmune disease. Is the treatment different for seronegative RA? Once a diagnosis of seronegative RA is made, your rheumatologist will discuss your therapy options. The treatment is not different from seropositive rheumatoid arthritis, but it will need to be individualized to your medical situation. As a general rule, the RA treatment is done in a step-wise approach, starting with the least aggressive medications such as nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medications, and hydroxychloroquine, then advancing to other disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs like leflunomide, methotrexate or sulfasalazine. More targeted therapy is indicated if those drugs are ineffective or not tolerated. These medications are collectively named "biologics". If you want to learn more about biologics, watch this video on my channel. Biologics is a general term for many medications targeting molecules that produce inflammation in your body, like TNF-alpha, IL-6 or JAK enzymes. For treatment recommendations, you should discuss in depth your clinical situation with a rheumatologist that will be able to answer specific questions. Now. Thank you for watching this video. I hope you better understand the seronegative RA. If you're interested in learning more, like the educational content of my videos, make sure to like, share, and subscribe to my channel so that you will be notified about upcoming videos. Have a great day, and see you soon!
Channel: Dr. Diana Girnita - Rheumatologist OnCall
Views: 34,889
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Keywords: seropositive rheumatoid arthritis, seronegative versus seropositive arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis with Negative Rheumatoid Factor, Seronegative Rheumatoid Arthritis, what is seronegative rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis with negative tests, rheumatoid factor and anti ccp antibodies, seronegative arthritis and psoriatic arthritis, what is seronegative arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis seronegative
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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