Understanding Protein in Relationship to Fat Burning

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so in this video we're going to talk about protein there is so many confusions about protein and also should I have this amount or that amount or should I be a vegetarian so I'm going to clear up some common misconceptions about protein one of the principal principles behind any diet is to you want to trigger fat burning right you want to lose weight ah if we look at the viewpoint of what hormones trigger fat burning and what foods trigger those hormones protein comes up very at the top of the list so protein does trigger the fat burning hormones okay but you have to understand what is approaching because in nature very few things come in pure proteins they're always a combination of proteins carbohydrates and fats and if you're basing your diet on a calorie counting model which by the way is incorrect you're going to be looking more at the fat calories and avoiding those since they have the most calories you're not going to be looking at the protein part of this okay so that's a misconception and your entire diet is going to be wrong or if you're looking at maybe the Atkins diet and you're only focused on protein and realize there's six other types of foods that trigger fat burning process but they're focused just on the protein then you're going to ignore some of the other pieces the possible puzzle especially as it relates to the liver function because the more the liver is damaged the more the liver is dysfunctional the older you get the less the liver can function the less protein you can digest so if you start increasing too much protein it's going to throw off something else and also if the liver is not good you're not going to be able to have the thyroid work as a thyroid works through the liver as well so anyway let's just talk about protein and some of the misconceptions let's you know you have people that say well I'm eating protein I'm eating nuts okay well let's take a look nuts only have 15% protein that's not a lot so you're not going to be triggering a lot of fat burning with nuts and it has 13% carbohydrates so that's fairly low and those carbohydrates aren't necessarily high sugar carbohydrates they don't turn into sugar very fast unless you have maybe cashews but for the most part they don't turn in the sugar very fat fast but they are they are high in fat but now when we're looking at the triggering the fat burning process fat is neutral so in other words we don't necessarily have to worry about fats if you want to burn fat through the hormone system but we do have to worry about fats in relationship to what it does to the liver so too much fat can irritate and clog up the liver and that's why a lot of times we need nuts high in fat it irritates the gall bladder so the way we counter that is we we increase the greens the vegetables to keep the liver healthy so as long as you're having enough greens in the diet about 6 or 7 cups a day you can pretty much get away with fat and that includes even bacon and things like that so that's how we counter it but if you are only eating fat and protein that can aggravate the liver so what we want to do is we want to keep the carbs relatively on the low side but I'm not talking about all carbs I'm talking about the ones that turn into sugar fast so even though vegetables are almost all carbohydrate they're they're very high in fiber and they're very low in sugar and they don't turn on the fat they're in soluble fiber so they don't really turn into sugar on the other hand grains are very high in carbs but they're different than vegetable because they're deterred in the sugar very very fast okay so we want to we want a food that has a bit higher amounts of protein a bit low carb or carbs that don't break it down in the sugar very easily and we really don't care about the fats because we're going to keep our vegetable content very high to flush things out of the liver all right so this whole conception of high calorie high fat turning the fat just take that and just put it over here because that really doesn't affect insulin which is the thing that really makes you get fat so and I know people are in grits in their mind and like oh my gosh I have to vote all fat well how does that work in the for you does it work I mean try it you cut your fats out it never really turns into weight loss it's the carbs okay so we also have another factor here called nutrients because what we want to do is you want something high in nutrients so let's just take out meal for example oatmeal for breakfast is like eating cardboard it's very low in nutrients yes it has some factors that help lower cholesterol a little bit but as far as nutrients it's low all right same thing with hummus hummus is a great food but it's very low in nutrients okay so if you're trying to eat foods that increase the health if you have oatmeal or hummus don't be surprised if they I mean they're like a neutral food they might not hurt you but they might not help you again like eating cardboard it's not going to kill you but it's not going to help you so nuts okay so nuts do have some good amount of nutrients okay so we have that now beans have 23 percent protein a bit more than nuts but look at the carb 72% vs. 13% so this is going to get you right here those carbs now I'm not against beans and look at how low they are in fat but they do have a bit a bit too many carbs too if you're trying to lose weight now there's layers to this problem so it's not just as simple as calories in equals calories out or high protein or low fat you have there's different layers of complexities and I'm trying to make it simple but one layer is this beans are cooked so you actually destroy enzymes and then you destroy nutrition so you're eating kind of a dead product and also even though they have higher our protein the nuts they're very very low in fat and also most vegetarian programs say or low low fat diets say oh yeah beans are great because there's such low in fat and low in calorie and they're going to you're just going to burn off these calories but a lot of these carbohydrates especially refined beans will those that'll turn into sugar pretty fast and black beans it's it's not going to help your weight loss so we have this food and then we have your body interaction with it hormonal e if your metabolism is low and that's another variable if you consume some of these foods too high in carb it's going to create an effect on your metabolism in fact it's going to slow you way down if your metabolism is high you can get away with all these carbs but and most people especially if they reach the age of 40 or 50 you're not going to be able to get away with these higher carbohydrate foods so even though you might walk it off in a mile the insulin response the sugar response could last far more than that mile it could last two three four days okay so what you have to know is just a little bit of the wrong thing can nullify a lot of good things alright so hope I'm not confusing you too much here I probably am but let's just kind of go through this so nuts high in fat but that's okay if we keep our vegetables high because it's higher nutrients beans most of them are ugly cooked you're not gonna eat raw beans and so the nutrition is not as high with beans but it's kind of a neutral food if your metabolism is good if you trying to lose weight you're going to find beans might not help you lose weight and then we have hummus again look at eleven percent protein 45 percent carbs forty four percent fat okay alright not too bad it's not going to turn into sugar that bad because there's a certain amount of fiber but it's like a neutral food because the nutrition is not very high so it would be something to snack on something to keep you going but it's not necessarily going to help you burn fat but it's not necessarily going to cause you to gain weight either so this is a neutral food now let's talk about yogurt and cheese now yogurt has 36% protein that's that's not bad that's a good amount of protein and then also cheese has a little higher protein but it also depending on what type of cheese that you consume because the the more aged it is the higher protein content in the less carbohydrate because those enzymes or those bacteria in the cheese that make these fermented products like yogurt kefir and cheese especially tend to eat up some of the lactose the milk sugar in there reducing the sugar so now we have all these beneficial bacteria we got great protein and we have some fat as well especially if if the low-fat cheese but we're not concerned about the fat because we're adding our vegetables very very hot so yogurt might help us but look at it does have 29% sugar I'm sorry carbohydrate so that is a bit high so if you're trying to lose weight you may find that yogurt might slow you down a little bit but you depends on your metabolism okay if your metabolism is slow you might have to eliminate all these high carb things definitely beans definitely hummus and definitely yogurt you could probably get by with cheese though because cheese is not very high in car but yogurt and kefir is but nuts would be okay because look at how low that would be 13% now let's get into the grains grains have 15% protein that is like very very low and look at how much carb it's 75 percent carb but the catch-22 with this carb it's this is not like vegetable this is like turning in the sugar very very fast so grains are very very bad for weight loss yet they're look at how low the aren't fats so all these low fat diet so-called gurus will say it's okay to consume grains because it's such a low in fat and have complex carbohydrates and have whole-grain not refined grain or white bread well it doesn't matter whole grain still turns in the sugar faster than sugar some of these sugars turn affect your blood sugars and there's a great book that you can weep belly that talks about how whole-grain is very very bad advice so when you're consuming a diet a balanced diet the food pyramid diet and you have a fat situation stubborn belly fat or whatever you you can't do a balanced diet you can't do those little protein bars that have you know balanced proteins carbohydrates and fats why because your body's out of balance so you really have to force your body to burn fat by reducing these carbs is far down to zero as possible okay especially the ones that turn the sugar so grains will just block any chance of losing weight and that also includes some fruit as well so we're going to keep fruit down as well so we have grains we have low fat but it's so funny how people say well you can eat you can have all these great foods but just add grains well that's enough to block any chance of losing weight in plus there's very low amounts of nutrition in grains now yogurt there there's some great calcium so that's a little bit higher okay but grains are low grains are out okay fish look at this ninety-three percent protein oh my goodness that is a very good fat burner and look at how many carbohydrates 0 huge ability to burn fat but again the principles there's layers of complexity you have also too much protein so you wouldn't want necessarily live on protein or have like 12 ounces per meal because that can also bog down the liver all the fat burning hormones that come through the body go through the liver so we need that keep that liver opened up and healthy and then if we're burning fat we better consume a lot of vegetables because if you don't all the fat that you are burning ends up in the liver and stuck in the liver and you end up with a fatty liver that's why a lot of the Atkins diet people or the high protein diet people end up with the fatty liver and that's why their breath is kind of toxic and so we want to understand the whole picture so fish look at this 7% fat I mean that's a low stress on your liver and people I say what's the best proteins for for the body well we what will be the best protein to lessen the stress on your liver fish would be great seafood would be even better so those are very low liver stress proteins now animal protein 59% protein that's pretty high but look at 0% carb so animal protein will also help you burn fat but look it out much higher it is in fat so again if you're going to do animal protein you better enhance the vegetables to clean out that fat but you know what you could probably get away with if you were to consume just fish because this is low in protein I'm sorry fat you pretty much can get away with eating mostly fish if there's small amounts of fish through the day because it's not going to be stress on your liver or your pancreas it'll put you in some hardcore fat burning and then there's different types of fish too like halibut is higher in fat this is cod cod is low in fat but of course it's you have to make it taste good alright so now we have kale 16% protein Wow that's actually more than nuts it's more than hummus and it's more than grains wow there's protein and count what do you know but look at how high it is in carbohydrate 72% but none of this just turns into sugar very fast so it's low glycemic it's high in fiber and it's in soluble fiber so your digestion is going to not break that down into direct sugar so it takes a lot of energy to break that down so you're going to hate you it's kind of like you're going to burn more fat just breaking the stuff down and then of course 15% but these are healthy fats these are omega-3 fats omega-6 fats so it's pretty low in fat and so it is you can see it's screaming high with nutrients so we have the perfect food right here kale all right now look at eggs 29% protein you would think that would be higher in protein but it's not very high in protein but it's not very low in protein very low in carbs oh so eggs also are going to help you lose weight because look at that carb is only 2% and we have a lot of nutrition as well but it's very high in fat so eggs are fine but they could stress a liver a little bit if you're not having enough vegetable all right so I hope I clarified some of the confusions about protein you might want to watch this several times take some notes so apply the information and we will see you in the next video
Channel: Dr. Eric Berg DC
Views: 829,014
Rating: 4.8645725 out of 5
Keywords: protein, fat burning, dr berg, dr eric berg, nuts, beans, vegetarian, Hormones, Workout, Foods, Diet, Fat Burning Machine, Cardio, Belly Fat, Exercise, Cardio Workout, Dr. Berg, Protein, How much protein, Fat burning
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2013
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