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[Music] hello once again my friends today we'll be discussing the oldest form of technical analysis in the world Japanese candlesticks [Music] Monalisa homer is credited with developing japanese candlesticks in 17th century Japan he's said to have studied and analyzed the price patterns weather conditions and trade a psychology of the preceding 10 years before starting to trade and he said to have made over 100 successful trades on the trot he retired a rich man and went on to write the world's first two books on technical analysis the ancients have long taught us that by studying the past we can learn about the future and Homer put this wisdom into practice he then went even further by passing his knowledge and experience down to us the principles of trading developed by Homer who we could call the world's first market guru go by the name of Japanese candlesticks this is also the name of the type of chart used to record price Japanese candlestick charting and analysis were introduced to the West in 1985 and the charting method quickly became popular but before going any further I'd like to quickly run through the basic elements of Japanese candlesticks the candlestick is basically a rectangle with the open price and the closed price at either end the high price and low price are attached to the rectangle with vertical lines the rectangle is called the candlestick body or sometimes real body and the vertical lines are known as the shadows wicks or hairs if closed is greater than open it means that price has risen over the period and the candlestick has a white body if closed is lower than open it tells us that prices fallen over the period and the candlestick is black this color change makes the candlestick chart more immediate and easier to interpret than the traditional Western bar chart sometimes the candlestick does not have any shadows these are known as marbot su candlesticks we shall be discussing the implications of different types of Candlestick throughout this film many people feel that candlesticks are more aesthetically pleasing and of course the West has had an enduring fascination for all things Eastern the very names of the patterns for example the Morningstar dark cloud cover and the dragonfly doji are evocative and have a sort of mystical romance and from an economic point of view the fact that the Japanese nation became an economic superpower not once but twice in the 20th century suggests there's a lot to be learned from the Japanese way of looking at things as we mentioned in chart analysis one although Japanese candlesticks and bars were developed in complete isolation from each other both charting methods use the same four key prices as the basis of their construction these key prices are of course the high low open and close the similarities do not end there and we'll be discussing a number as we consider some of the simple and not so simple combinations of Japanese candlesticks you'll often come across the terms long and short candlesticks these terms have nothing to do with going long or short they are in fact more simply connected to the length of the candlestick it begs the question how long is a long candlestick if that sounds like a bit of a conundrum don't be alarmed as is so often the case the answer here is it's all relative generally speaking the length of the candlestick is the difference between the high and low the length of the candlestick we're interested in is compared to the length of the average handle see some writers suggest averaging the length of the candlestick either for the last 5 or 10 periods others go further and advise using rumors to write a new indicator which gives the SMA of candle length over a natural cycle for example for daily candlesticks you could average over 22 days which is the trading month or 65 days which is a quarter [Music] personally I let my eye be the judge and if a candlestick looks longer than the average its long and if it looks shorter than the average its short if you'd like further information about averaging out candle lengths just drop me a line at FX c @ FX club comm and I'll happily oblige of course you need to take care when working with intraday candles please bear in mind that the opening and closing of the major exchanges around the world this store candlestick length and make any comparative analysis assadís you must always take the time of day and the currency pair that you're working on into account but the main features of Japanese candlesticks the information that they carry and the signals they give off hold us true for intraday charts as they do for daily charts and beyond a very effective trade system for intraday trading incorporating Japanese candlesticks was created by Vi Safin who describes it in detail in his book 5 marks for success it's available on www.globalei.com [Music] when we look at a candle the two most obvious prices are the open and the close this is not accidental Japanese candlestick analysis says that these are the two most emotional times of the trading day the times most governed by fear and greed if you have an interest in the stock market you'll have most probably heard of the January barometer this tells us that how the S&P 500 does in the first few weeks gives us a reliable indication of the direction of the market for the year as a whole when Japanese candlesticks were being developed Japan had a very martial culture it was natural for them to see the trading day as a battleground between the forces of buyers and sellers and the opening positions and shots in any battle can be of vital significance likewise that the end of the trading day pressure forces the hand of many traders they might be thinking of targets that must be met or the danger of missing opportunities now these considerations hold true for the majority of exchanges but of course on Forex we've got 24-hour trading the world spins round exchanges start trading and others stop for the day openings merge into closings which in turn merge into fresh openings it's all very zen it's difficult to know where the beginnings and the ends are the only things we can say for sure on a forex market are that we must take all four key prices into consideration and we can only be certain of a candlesticks length and color only after it has been formed let's get on to the candlesticks themselves we'll start by taking a look at the doji this means unskillful 'i made unskillful e because they don't have a body merely a horizontal line we get doji when the open price and the close price are equal this is usually taken as a sign that the Bulls and the Bears are well matched and then meeting resulted in a draw in this period doji signal indecision price is closed where they opened honors even let's take a closer look at the conditions that form the doji let's say that price grows after the open what we see forming here is known as a more about suit which means shaven because it doesn't have any shadows the ball seemed to be gaining the upper hand but then the Bears counter-attack price falls and the candlestick body turns black what we can see now is called the inverted hammer or the shooting star but finally the Bears counter-attack fades prices rise once more and at the end of the period price closes at the same or almost the same level at which it opened voila the doji this type is known as the long-legged doji or the rickshaw man [Music] skilled traders understand the doji to mean caution it signals uncertainty it's time to consider closing any open positions that doji is especially significant see if you believe you're at the top or the bottom of the market the rickshaws man's crossbar is always roughly central the candle should be long remember the rickshaw man merely means indecision and the trend could reverse could go into arranged or who knows if you get a doji at the top of the market that looks like the top half of the rickshaw you've got a stronger signal of indecision this doji is the consequence of the draw - but it forms when the only price push of the period was bullish as this doji is found on an uptrend it means that for a number of days in succession the Bulls had the upper hand only this time they attacked but the ground they gained in their charge was cancelled out by a bearish counter move the stogie is known as the gravestone it was named in the days when traders could only make money on a rise in prices and it buried all hope for future profits at the bottom of the market we can find inverted gravestones they go by the name of the dragonfly a symbol of the promise of summer and easy living the dragonfly signals the reverse of a downtrend prices may well take flight up and away in a beautiful flash of jewel-like color the signal gains force if more than one doji occurs on strong support levels or channel lines resistance levels or trend lines but my friends fools rush in and it's not a bad idea to wait for further confirmation in this case we get a couple of hammers more of hammers later and a strong move up and it's time to get stuck in and make some money the beauty of Japanese candlesticks is that one single candle has the potential to predict future price action for days or even weeks ahead we can look for perfection all our lives but all we will ever get is an amazing variety of imperfections it's very easy to say that the closing price will be equal to the opening price but it's easier said than seen I'd rather have a flawed diamonds than the perfect pebble and we have to accept reality warts and all so be ready for deviations from the doji ideal I accept the candlestick with a body 10% of its height from high to low for example this one or this one and there's another the color of the body is of little account with these deviant doji's just remember the saying fools rush in applies to all doji ideal and deviant always look for confirmation of the signal [Music] we'll look at some other deviants of rickshaw man the dragonfly and the gravestone in a bit but first a word of caution people often wrongly assume that the word reversal implies that the old trend is coming to a rapid end and price will immediately charge off in the opposite direction forming a new trend but of course it ain't necessarily so in fact that happens pretty rarely our traders are standing at the crossroads reversal signals point to indecision and you can never be too sure which way price will move next the first thing to remember is that a complete trend turnaround usually occurs gradually step by step as the psychological state of the market changes a reversal signal tells us there's a question mark over the future direction of price but which way will it move that is the question let's take a look at some reversals at the top of an uptrend here the uptrend ends and prices drift for a while before a downtrend begins and here we see that after stalling in a range for a while the prior uptrend resumes and here the uptrend sharply reverses into a downtrend all the signal can tell us for certain is that the trend is under stress and we should close our positions on the trend and take our profits here are the other deviant dojis I mentioned earlier they are also reversal signals of course if the doji crossbar is in the top third of a long candlestick that is at the bottom of the market is a signal to the end of the bear trend it's a deviant dragonfly conversely if the crossbar is in the lower third of a long candlestick at the top of the market you've got a deviant gravestone on your hands and the bullish trend is under stress [Music] but the bottom line with all reversal signals doji included is that you should always seek confirmation from other signals before opening a new position if a bearish doji is at the top of a bullish market we know that this means indecision steady it's too early to short on this signal close your lungs square positions take your profit the same signal would however be a good basis to go sure on a bear market especially if the doji was retesting a resistance level or the trendline the majority of Japanese candlestick signals are reversals and here are two more the hammer and the hanging man these are one candlestick patterns - they have long lower shadows and small bodies which are in the upper third of the price range surprisingly it doesn't matter whether the candles are black or white when you find one on a downtrend it's signaling that the trends life is near to an end and the candlestick is called a hammer a similar candle on an uptrend signals the end of that trend and once again a reversal signal firm uptrend has a sinister name it's called the hanging man and indeed it promises anything but good for the life of said trend the hammer and the hanging man have three identifying features one the body is in the upper third of the price range to the lower shadow is twice the length of the body and three the candle doesn't have an official Oh or the shadow is very short you'll have noticed that hammers and hanging men are very similar to doji the main difference is that the hammer and the hanging man have bodies albeit small bodies they are bodies nevertheless what we want are long lower shadows short upper shadows and small bodies though the bodies can either be black or white a white hammer body tells us that during the period prices fell but then a revival began with price closing near the high it says that the bull enthusiasm is strengthening a black hanging man says that the closing price could not return to the opening price level the long lower shadow illustrates the Bulls nervousness altogether it points to the strengthening of the Bears mark my words now it's especially important to wait for further bearish confirmation when you have a hanging man on your hands just imagine the situation the market is crackling with bullish energy the next period opens at the previous high or near to it then price falls dramatically then it rises again and closes somewhere in the top third of the period range there's your hanging man the candlestick alone is insufficient to make it a reversal signal nevertheless we can take it as a wake-up call if the next candle opens below the hanging man's body those who had bought within the body of the hanging man would be left exposed and in danger of finding themselves in a far worse position a gap is the traditional confirmation of the hanging man's reversal signal and the wider the gap the more emphatic the confirmation of course we know that price gaps are less frequent on the forex market than they are on the commodities and equities markets and for Forex an alternative various conformation is that the candlestick following the hanging man is black with price maxing and closing lower than the hanging man's Max and clothes another confirmation is when a gravestone follows immediately on from our virtual execution an apt ending no doubt but also a final death knell for the trend if a white candlestick follows on from the hanging man then basically what happens next is anyone's guess the signal is failed and you can only wait for fresh signals which could as easily be bullish as bearish the hammer should also be confirmed with bullish confirmation this time of course so what you're waiting for is a white candlestick or maybe a dragonfly to confirm the signal however their hammer has more potency than the hanging man so if a black candlestick follows the hammer but is a higher low than the hammer low we can accept the low of the hammer as the probable low for the whole bearish movement nevertheless I wouldn't act on a hammer until I got one of those further bullish confirmations Japanese candlesticks like other forms of chart analysis are observation based rather than rule base the hammer and the hanging man don't have to be perfectly proportioned just remember the longer the lower shadow is the more potent the signal [Music] the next candlestick tells us that an uptrend will likely end it's called a shooting star it looks a bit like one and it ranks as one of the weaker signals the shooting stars body is small and situated in the lower third of the candlesticks price range the upper shadow is long the shooting star can either be black or white the star is witness to the fact that the period opened near its low then price rapidly rose and then fell with price closing near the open when you see a shooting star you can make a wish for your heart's desire but listen up the shooting star needs confirmation the ideal shooting star body gaps in relation to the previous candle but it's not always necessary especially on Forex where gaps are rare birds here I'd advise you to look for shooting stars on weekly or monthly charts like other reversal signals the shooting star has more weight on longer time horizons once you've found it look for confirmation on daily or intraday charts after a weekly shooting star has been formed you may well notice that a different reversal pattern has turned up on the daily chart for the same period pay particular attention to a shooting star after a burst of large and aggressive white candles that is at the top of a short-term trend and as ever my recommendation at this point is to take your profit because the trees card reached the skies and everything that blossoms will inevitably wither and die you can see something similar to a shooting star at the bottom of the market and it's called an inverted hammer it is the same small body in the lower third of the range but of course it's a bullish not a bearish signal it signals the end of the bear trend it follows the inverted hammer also needs further confirmation [Music] one confirmation signal is when the price for the next period opens higher than the top of the inverted hammers body the bigger the gap is stronger the confirmation a long white candle is another confirmation signal to be extra certain you can confirm using technical indicators and support and resistance analysis although these one candle reversal signals have different names they share a number of common features first off they have a wide price range and - they all have long shadows candlesticks like this we have a small body and long shadows are called high wave Japanese analysts say that candlesticks with very long shadows have lost their way a group of high waves is a strong signal of the trend reversal here's what a group can look like see how the shadows are leaning on the support level price cannot punch through it at all and promptly rebounds off it these so-called lost candlesticks can tell us a thing or two about the way to go let's move on to reversal signals generated by combinations of candlesticks the first combo I'd like to take a look at is the Engel thing pattern it's a significant reversal signal and is formed by two candlesticks the engulfing pattern has three basic elements one there needs to be a decent uptrend or downtrend to the engulfing pattern is formed by two candles with the body of the second completely engulfed in that of the first the shadows may also be engulfed but this is not necessary the body should be different colors the only exception here is if the first candlestick is a doji so if at the end of a marked downtrend we get a black handle stick which is in turn engulfed by a long white body than there is our engulfing pattern reversal signal similarly at the top of an uptrend a white handle stick and Gulf by a large black gives us a bearish engulfing pattern the reversal day is the Western counterpart of the end dulling pattern we've talked about it in chart analysis too in a reversal day a new maximum is set on the uptrend and price closes below the low of the previous day however the engulfing pattern also gives a signal when there isn't a reversal day which can give an edge to the trader who is using handles the engulfing pattern is more significance if the first candle has a very small body and the second is very long this tells us that the balance of power is shifting more emphatically the pattern is also more significant when it appears after a very lengthy or dramatic price move the former suggests that all potential buyers went long sometime back and there won't be the volume necessary to continue the price push upwards whilst a downturn after dramatic price wise forces a lot of positions to be closed to take profit adding to the downward push if the second candlestick of an engulfing pattern sees an increased volume then this suggests that the prior trend is overextended and it increases the significance of the Engel thing finally if the second candle engulfs more than one candle it increases its importance to [Music] next up is dark cloud cover it's also made up of two candles you can find it at the end of an uptrend or near the upper channel line of a trading range dark cloud cover signals a bearish reversal and here it is the first candle has a long white body and price opens the next period at a new high I mean it's higher than the previous candles high however price cannot maintain this momentum and closes significantly lower most analysts agree that price should close below the previous candlesticks midpoint to qualify as a potential reversal signal the lower the second candlestick closes in relation to the first the more likely a reversal will be the named dark cloud cover could well be connected with the fact that the chart as a stormy horizon and difficult times could well be ahead dark cloud cover signal is given more urgency when number one the closer the black candles closing prices to the previous white candles opening price to if both candles are shaven that is without any shadows and the black opens at the close of the white and closes at the whites open or thirdly the second candlestick opens above an important resistance level and then the price falls this tells us that the Bulls cannot control the market they could not maintain the initiative and were repulsed to former levels dark cloud cover as its precise antithesis at the bottom of the market it too is a good reversal signal a bullish one this time of course and it goes by the name of the piercing line again we have two candles the first a long black and the second a long white the white candle opens below the low of the previous black candle then price rises forming a white body which closes above the midpoints at the previous black candle body once again the white body only partially covers the previous black body the more it covers the greater the chance of the reversal however if our pattern is followed by a long black that closes below the low set by the bullish piercing line or if the following long black engulfs the white then a continuation of the downtrend is a distinct possibility it's useful to understand what's happening behind the piercing line the downtrend that the piercing line is formed on is of course a series of bearish black candles which confirm the current dominance of the Bears when the open price for the period gaps below the previous low it can inspire the Bears to strengthen their short positions however price then begins to grow and closes a fair distance of both the previous day's close and the Bears strengthening tactics have resulted in significant losses because they sold at the absolute minimum price now the Bears are forced to cut their losses and to try and rescue any profit they can from the short positions they opened earlier in other words they are forced to buy you can gauge the significance of piercing line using the same determining factors as the dark cloud cover but for the bottom of the market rather than the top take a look at the her ami pattern is basically a back to front and golfing Pam her army means pregnant in Japanese what you have here is a long candlestick which I suppose is meant to be the mother followed by a smaller candlestick playing the role of a child at the top of the market the mother is a long white candle with a bearish baby and at the bottom we find a long black followed by a short white in both cases the real body of the mother should completely engulf the real body of the baby there are no hard and fast rules for the relative sizes of mother and baby but bear in mind that the smaller the baby is in relation to the month the more potent the signal probably is and I always like to remember that a small real body with long shadows means indecision on the market and to me indecision means beware changes in the air the her army is not the most reliable of reversal patterns but it's a useful warning to tighten now stops and be on the lookout for more signs that the current trend is on the wane when the short candle in the her army is a doji we call the pattern a haram across the trader that ignores a particularly long white candle stick followed by a doji is taking an unnecessary and foolhardy risk when you spot her army cross look after number one and square your positions although it can be seen at the bottom of the market is a long black body followed by a doji is generally accepted as being more pretentious at the top let's move on to some poetically named patterns the morning star has always symbolized a new dawn it announces the sunrise and brings the promise of a brighter day in Japanese candlesticks the morning star is a good reversal signal found on a bearish market it's a three candlestick signal the first period sees a candlestick with a long black body this is followed by a short handle which can either be black or white and which opens lower than the previous periods clothes the second candle is the star then we get a white candlestick which covers a significant proportion of the first candlesticks body by closing above the first candles midpoint you may well be able to explain the story behind the pattern yourself by now the long black body means that the price is falling the Bears are feeling good the small real body of the next period tells us that the downward thrusting priced has become destabilized leading to uncertainty and indecision a sudden burst of volume accompanying the second ándale confirms the power of the star the third candlestick a long white body illustrates that the Bulls have gained the initiative and launched their counter-attack the perfect morning star has gaps before and after the middle candlestick but in truth you will rarely come across the second gap in my opinion the absence of this second gap does little to reduce the significance of this reversal pattern one way of reading a multi candlestick pattern is through blending the idea is that you can make one candlestick out of a number by taking the open close high and low from the group so if this morning staff we take the open and the high from the first handle below from the staff and the close from the final candle this gives us a dragonfly or at least a hammer with a small body over three time periods in other words it's a good reversal signal the Morningstar has its opposite number at the top of the market where it's known as the evening star the first sign of the coming night as a bearish reversal signal the evening star must appear on the uptrend to be a signal once again the evening star is a three candlestick pattern first off we get a long white real body followed by the star the third candle a long black body delineates the top and completes the pattern the long black body closes below the midpoint of the long white confirms the top formation and finishes the entire pattern the main gauge of the potency of this pattern is the degree that the long black covers the long white real body although the evening star is primarily a reversal signal of an uptrend it also gives us valuable information when price nears the upper boundary of a trading range let's list the factors that increase the likelihood that the morning and the evening staff will live up to their promises [Music] one the presence of gaps before and after the star body to the degree at which the third candlestick body overlaps the first and three small trading volumes for the first candlestick and large trading volumes on the third testify to a weakening of the prior trend and a consequential strengthening of the reversal [Music] douji can be stars as well all they need to do is the gap above from a previous candlestick body on an uptrend what's a gap below the previous candlestick body on a downtrend these evening and morning doji stars are Harding as a reversal tooth they only need a long black for the evening doji or a long white for the morning doji to confirm the signal these are morning and evening stars with an added punch with the doji be enough extra special ingredients a doji star on an uptrend gives us a good guide to the top of a movement don't forget that if the doji star is followed by a gap with a white candle above and the doji ceases to be a bearish signal a mirror image of this situation occurs on the bottom of the market the pattern deserves your extra special attention if the star forms on an uptrend with a total gap upwards what I mean by a total gap is that nothing not even the shadows overlap and the star is followed with a similar total gap downwards by a black candle what we have here is one of the strongest reversal signals around it goes by the evocative name of the abandoned baby there the poor little thing is high and dry completely alone the only consolation for our more sensitive viewers is the abandoned baby is a very rare pattern indeed [Music] once again we get a mirror image at the bottom of the market this is an abandoned baby too but this time it's bullish it is also an extremely rare pattern the abandoned baby is similar to the Western island tops and bottoms with the star playing the role of the island on the currency market we will only see such babies on the longer period charts however on the stock markets you can find them on our lis candlesticks the next pattern is called the tweezers it's made up of two candles that are either next to or near each other and which have identical highs at the top of the markets or identical lows at the bottom of the markets the tweezers are normally formed by the shadows and the candlestick real bodies can be at any type from a doji to a shaven top or bottom generally tweezers are not considered to be a strong reversal signal but their importance grows if they occur at the end of a very long trend or as part of a larger reversal panel on daily and intraday charts you should focus on tweezers which are close to support or resistance levels tweezers that consists of doji or other candles with long shadows are especially worthy of our attention so on an uptrend were looking for tweezers made up of doji gravestones and shooting stars with the second candle opening near the periods minimum rising up to the previous periods high and then falling back again as if exhausted to around the opening price the longer those of the shadows are the more weight we should give the tweezers on a downtrend will be looking out the dragonfly's hammers and any doji with long lower shadows tweezers that have candlesticks between their arms are also of higher significance and if there are a lot of candlesticks between the arms you've got what Western technicals described as double tops or double bottoms which confirm levels of support and resistance just cast your minds back to our films on chart analysis [Music] basically tweezers are useful when they're used in conjunction with other signals they're good confirmation [Music] however tweezers that you find on weekly and monthly charts can be taken as a reversal signal in their own right they have no need of confirmation and they provide us with new levels of support and resistance the Western triple top and triple bottom have their counterparts in Japanese candlesticks too in Japanese candlesticks triple tops is known as three mountains it is seen as an important reversal pan and is formed when crises repulsed three times by a resistance level the third mountain needs to be graced by a bearish pattern or candle for example a doji or dark cloud cover if the middle mountain is the highest then this pattern has the special name of three buddhas in the west this same pan was named the more prosaic head-and-shoulders although it had been identified and exploited in Japan for more than a hundred years before [Music] at the bottom of the market we find the three rivers we get this pattern when price tests the same minimum level three times the reversal pattern is said to be confirmed when price breaks through the level of the to intermediate Peaks between the three river valleys a three buddha pattern found at the bottom of the market would be known as the inverted Head & Shoulders in the West our final reversal patterns of today are very reliable three candlestick patterns three black crows tells us that an uptrend is near to an end these three long black candle sticks need to close at or very near to their lows therefore they should have no or almost no lower shadows traditionally the second and third crow should open within the body of the previous crow and each crow should close beneath the previous ones low but on the forex market we can accept the pattern when the second and third crow opens at the previous candles close this pattern is stronger if the first candle closes below the previous white candlesticks body at the end of a downtrend we find three white soldiers leading a bullish attack these are three long white candle sticks each with a higher close than the previous soldier once again price should close at or near to each soldier's high giving each soldier either no or very small of pasados windows are a different aspect of Japanese candlesticks and usually serve as continuation signals Windows is the term that the Japanese give to what the West called price gaps the window is a price gap between the shadows of two concurrent candles this is a window on an uptrend with the gap between the first candles upper shadow and the seconds lower shadow and this is a window on a downtrend price moves in direction of the window so when it gaps up price will continue to rise in all likelihood and when price gaps down it should continue to fall windows also provide us with fresh levels of support and resistance for example the window on the uptrend is a continuation signal and price continues to rise the correction of this uptrend should find its support at the level of the window if the falling price continues closes the window and bearish pressure continues the previous uptrend is considered over on a downtrend a window signals further price Falls any correction should end at resistance of window level if the window is closed and prices continue to climb the previous downtrend is over Japanese candlestick analysis teaches us to expect price to retest these windows levels of support and resistance and when there is a correction on an uptrend for example we should use window level as a buy zone of course if prices continue to fall and close the window we should square all long positions and consider going short for windows on a downtrend our strategy should be the reverse always remember that chart analysis is subjective in nature and that successful technique comes through application and experience there are no hard and fast rules here there are only general principles which we can apply and interpret as I said in our first film on chart analysis never underestimate the market when you are on the market you have to look after yourself the market won't look after you and it doesn't take any prisoners do yourself a favor don't leave yourself exposed set your stop-loss orders prepare yourself well make a plan and stick to it well that's just about it for today I hope you found this film useful and that you now have an understanding of the basics of Japanese candlesticks candlesticks are a useful weapon in the traders arsenal and should open up fresh opportunities for you on the market take a look through room is's vast historical data banks see how the candlesticks warmed the alert trader of changes ahead the principles of Japanese candlesticks have been honed through the years use them wisely and you will reap your just desserts thank you very much for your time and attention if you have any questions you can contact me at www.carandtruckremotes.com [Music]
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Keywords: forex, how to trade forex, the truth about forex, forex lifestyle, fake forex traders, what is forex, best forex brokers, best forex books, iml, the truth about iml, iml forex, fake iml traders, forex course, tyllionaire, trillionaire, make money online, how to make money online, does it cost to learn forex, forex strategies, forex scalping strategy, fibonacci retracement, free forex training, imarketslive, understanding japanese candlesticks
Id: Bud_6NlyLbA
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Length: 56min 31sec (3391 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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