Understanding India's Model Code of Conduct | In News | Drishti IAS English

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[Music] Hello friends my name is l son and I welcome you all in this new episode of in news series by dy I in this video we'll be talking about the model code of conduct you know that recently Election Commission of India has announced the dates of general elections it will be conducted in seven phases in that regard whenever these announcements are made on this very same day model code of conduct kicks in so we'll be talking about that what is model code of conduct what are the enforcement and the legalities behind it and then we'll be discussing few aspect or few restrictions which are associated with it so let's [Music] start in today's video first we will discuss what is the new and afterwards we'll be talking about the model code of conduct then restrictions imposed by the MCC then enforcement and the legality of MCC and then we will be seeing a prac question for your prelims okay so let's start before going ahead I would like to announce you that on the occasion of holy theis has come up with a discount offer for you wherein on the I GS Foundation course on our app live and online course it will be for prelims and Mains and it will be available in English and Hindi mediums on that particular course we'll be offering you 40% of the discount starting from 21st of March to 24th of March you can Avail the offer other than that when we are talking about other online courses pend Drive courses test series books and DLB programs we'll be offering you 50% of the discount on the same same dates that is 21st to 24th of March to Avail the offer you can click on the link which is given to you on in the description otherwise also you can for any query you can call on 81044 or on 87501 87501 and you can download the dusty learning app to Avail the discount offer okay so let's start with our discussion that is related to model code of conduct so the news behind it was that Election Commission of India has announced on 16th of March uh the date and the timeline of the elections so elections will be conducted in seven phases across India from April 19 to June 1st and the results will be announced on June 4th and MCC comes into effect with the announcement of the election dates which lays down a list of dos and don'ts for leaders and parties and uh you know candidates with ahead of the elections so basically modal code of conduct is some kind of restrictions which are put by Election Commission of India just after the announcement of the elections okay so here is the schedule here in there will be seven phases across India and that elections will start on April 19 and they will conclude on uh June 1st but the result or the verdict of the election will be announced on June 4th and at that particular day this model code of conduct will come to seize or come to end Okay so what is model code of conduct so basically this is some kind of restrictions which are put by Election Commission of India on candidates political parties even uh the party which is uh ruling right now okay so these uh the objective Behind These restriction is that there is no populist measure which has been announced by the government or any kind of political candidate which can influence the nature of the election or you can say verdict of the election okay so there are certain things which are which you can do and there are certain things which you cannot do that is what model code of conduct says okay when we are talking about this model code of conduct so initially it started in 1960s from Kerala so when there was election in Kerala they have come up with their own model code of conduct afterwards in 1970s okay in uh 1974 midterm elections this uh proposal was put forward by the election commission of India and then in the elections of 1977 they have come up with the announcement of model code of conduct okay and afterwards it has gone through various changes in 1980s we can say that they have uh observed something that political party which is in ruling or which is uh in the government they are using or you can say misuse misusing the public exor for their own advertisement Etc and that afterwards they have come up with the revised model code of conduct wherein they have uh come up with eight chapters uh with one chapter dedicated to restriction on the government or you can say restriction on the party who is is ruling at that particular point of time that they cannot misuse or use the public Machinery or you can say State machinery for their political parties use or their election campaign okay so this is how model code of conduct came so let's see the MCC of ecii is set to set of guidelines issued to regulate political parties candidates prior to the elections okay the rules range from issues related to the speech ping day falling Booth portfolio the content of the election Manifesto processs and the general conduct so that the free and fair elections are conducted so when we are talking about the legal sanctions as of now we don't have any legal sanctions but you know that article uh article 324 article 324 talks about the election commission of India and their powers okay to supervise and the regulate or to conduct supervise and regulate the free and fair elections so in that mandate you can say that somehow Election Commission of India can derive certain powers and in that regard we have this model code of conduct now coming to the next thing that is related to the uh same the MCC of ECI is a set of guidelines issued sorry this is repetion so here you can see MCC comes into force from the date of the elections scheduled is announced until the date that results are out so when the announcements are done when the dates of the elections are announced at that point of time that evening the model code of conduct will kicks in and after the results of that particular election when the results are announced that will go away okay so that is the schedule or the timeline of the model code of conduct now we will see certain uh restrictions which has been imposed okay so when we are talking about this model code of conduct it has some eight chapters or you can say eight Provisions in which they are dealing that is General conduct meetings processions polling day polling booths observation uh observers parties in power and election manifestos so basically as I told you these parties in power for their restrictions they have one chapter dedicated to that okay so these are certain things on which this model code of conduct actually guides their conduct or what things to do and not to do now party in power should not use official position for campaigning uh if they are uh in their office let's say if there is a minister they cannot use their state Machinery or the supplies which is given by the state for their official work they should not use it for the election campaigning okay prohibited from announcing policies and projects in ing voting so let's say a party is in power let's say political party a is in power okay and now elections are there you have announced the elections there are nearly 1 month left to that so now this party goes for announcement of a particular scheme now that scheme P to R 5,000 incentive per year to poor households okay or you can say as a matter of fact any particular criteria they set and they said that we will be giving you 5,000 rupees per year as an Universal basic income you can say now this is a policy which can influence the mind of majority of the voters okay so such policy measur are not allowed as a matter of fact any uh significant policy decisions are not allowed after the election uh announcements are done okay avoid advertising at public expenses for the Electoral Advantage as I told you on the public ex you cannot go for the advertisement of your own ruling party okay now ministers refer from combining official visits with the election work you cannot go for an official visit and then do your election campaigning over there so that is also one restriction prohibited from using official machinery for campaigning ruling party cannot use government resources for campaigning must provide equal access to public facilities for opposition parties so there was this incidences when I told you in 1980s there was uh this all party meeting wherein these reservation has put forward that the ruling party which is in power they are not giving access to the public spaces they are going for their own Ries but they are not giving it to opposition for their Ries okay so here uh this model code of conduct says that must provide equal access to the public facilities to the opposition as well okay now other restrictions are using public funds for advertisement is prohibited as as I told you public ex cannot be used no ad hoc appointment the ruling party or the government cannot go for any kind of ad hoc appointments to influence the voter's nature now criticism based only on the work record is allowed okay now the thing is uh the criticism on the lines of you know which can be uh on the lines of polarization Etc that is not allowed no use of cast or communal sentiments to lure the voters you cannot go uh you know talk about particular cast Community Etc or a particular sect you cannot go into Temple mosque ET and go for election campaign over there okay religious places bar from election campaigning bribing intimidating personating voters is prohibited election silence enforce 48 hours before the polling to ensure reflection uh and no campaigning event so basically 48 hours before the election time or you can say these all activities are put to hold you cannot go for any kind of rally you cannot go for any kind of addressing the public Etc 48 hours before the uh elections okay so that is what is called election silence okay now these are certain restrictions we have talked about now let's see the enforcement and the legalities when we are talking about MCC it lacks statutory backing there is no legal uh document or you can say there is no law which is backing MC MCC so there is no statutory backing but enforced through the moral sanctions by ECI now there are certain moral sanctions if you are going for some kind of violation of modal code of conduct in that regard Election Commission of India can take a small action against you okay breaching the MCC does not lead to Legal actions but but can result into sensor from the ECI ECI can put some kind of restriction on you okay and they can ask you for the apology Etc so if there is a breach by a party leader or something so that party leader either has to you know rform the claims and then give explanation or they can you know accept uh the violation and then go for an apology okay so there were incidents in the last election where Mr Amit has been deart from any kind of public rally Etc afterwards has gone for an apology and then he was reinstated okay now ECI issues notices for alleged breaches and require written response from the accused okay so if there is a breach so you will be required a written response response can be either you can accept uh the violation and then go for an apology otherwise you can go for explaining like why you did that and if Election Commission of India is satisfied or not according to uh accordingly they will take any action okay so these are certain things which are you can say enforcement and the legalities behind moral code of conduct so this is basically about moral code of conduct so now come to the practice question for your prelims okay which article of the Constitution deal with the establishment and the composition of Election Commission of India article 324 article 335 article 343 and article 350 you have to attempt this question and answer in the comment box so in this particular video we have talked about the modal code of conduct how it originated from Kerala Kerala was the first state and then how it came to general elections and and what are the legalities behind it does it has a legal sanction or not otherwise we have seen certain restrictions overall you can say that there is no public policy which can be announced after uh you know announcement of the elections you cannot use the public ex cheer for your own advertisement you cannot use State machinery for advertisement you cannot go for any kind of you know using any sect Community or a religion for your own election campaigning you cannot use any kind of religious place for election campaigning and 48 hours before we will be having an election silence okay so these are certain things which we have talked about in this particular episode this is the question for your practice you can attempt this question and answer in the comment box with that I would like to take your leave if you have not subscribed the Channel Please Subscribe the channel thank [Music] you for more informative content like share and subscribe and do not forget to press the Bell icon to get the notifications
Channel: Drishti IAS : English
Views: 2,785
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Keywords: model code of conduct, what is model code of conduct, model code of conduct duration, election commission of india, rules of model code of conduct, model code of conduct india, model code of conduct in hindi, election code of conduct, India, ModelCodeOfConduct, FairElections, ElectionCommission, innews in English, innews in hindi, upsc, current update, current affairs, drishti ias, latest news, national news, drishti ias youtube, polity topics, vikas divyakirti channel
Id: pqAV6A5SAo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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