Understanding Darth Maul's Rage - Lonely Vengeance (Star Wars)

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you are interested in using a vpn you can use private internet access and by using the link in the description you can get complete digital privacy for less than two dollars a month and for extra months free of charge thanks for watching and i'll see you all soon probably like many others i liked maul for his cool double-sided lightsaber but as his appearances in the star wars universe began multiplying and his story unfolded the clone wars rebels and the comics gave maul layers in depth with those he has quickly become one of my favorite characters in that universe there is but one man who haunts maul one man who torments him who is the root cause of nearly all of his problems and that man is darth sidious where maul's story really begins is following his abduction by the sith lord the sith lord kidnapped and raised a young maul to become the apprentice we see in the phantom menace maul was raised by sidious abiding by the sith way of life abiding by a code that is ruthless isolating and horrifying in the first few pages of maul's 2017 comic when describing himself he is quick to mention his lack of freedom how tight the leash is around his throat maul can only dream of freedom sidious had maul experience first hand a defining battle between the jedi and the sith where he physically felt thousands of deaths and the burns of a thousand cuts he says all to direct the anger and emotion maul had bubbling inside him to turn it into hatred for the jedi and from so early on maul would learn to fear his master he mentions it constantly the type of punishment he would receive if he deceived his master the lengths he would go to to avoid the sith lord emotionally physically and mentally sidious scarred him but time and time again maul only sought to please him out of fear for what happened if he didn't we all know what happens to maul in the phantom menace and in the clone wars he is found by his brother savage with his mind shattered clinging onto one thing his hatred specifically for his greatest enemy obi-wan kenobi a consistent theme in maul's story is the idea of vengeance even before he met kenobi he sought revenge when sidious is making him experience the death of his fellow sith he specifically says i deserve my revenge it's a concept that is so personal to maul that it allowed him to survive being cut in half it's a concept that allows him to survive any punishment vengeance is maul's purpose it's the only thing he knows in the age of republic story sidious teaches maul that anger is a tool but he can't allow anger to be his master but time and time again maul becomes a slave to it and to retribution and it becomes his downfall moving back to the clone wars with maul's mind repaired he captures obi-wan and he wants to ensure that obi-wan will suffer the same way he has but what maul has suffered throughout the course of his existence is almost unimaginable while suffering his lust for vengeance is his identity the past weighs him down so heavily and he says to obi-wan upon their reunion you may have forgot but i never will but maul is not only seeking vengeance for what kenobi did to him he uses kenobi as an outlet to release all of his anger he has not only towards the jedi and to the man himself but mostly the frustrations and the trauma he has been dealt with by darth sidious deep underneath all that rage maul sought companionship and one of the reasons he could never properly pursue that was his master's doing sidious and the sith not only destroyed all the relationships he could ever have but it destroyed his ability to conceptualize bonds in ways other than the one his master showed to him through abuse and domination sidious saw maul as the perfect tool to be used by the sith considering the sith rule of two that only two sith can exist at the same time maul was paired with a master who never cared for him in any setting who only saw others as tools and this translated into his own relationships this idea of mentor and apprentice beginning with his own brother maul loved savage oppress but he could only see relations through master and apprentice and so he made sauvage his apprentice because he learned that relationships are made through domination he established this power dynamic yet still allowing sauvage to call him brother though maul was raised as sith that his guarded nature guided his every interaction with his brother he does slip up because savage shows maul consistent care and loyalty there is no betrayal no backstabbing no ulterior motives with savage he scoured the galaxy for his brother and helped fix him back up after savage gets his arm cut off by obi-wan mauld is there to take care of him and to ensure his safety finally after sidious impales havage look at maul's reaction he calls savage brother instead of apprentice he rushes to his side holds his brother's hand and heartbreak was written all over his face shortly after savage's death darth sidious torments maul once more orchestrating his mother's death at the hands of grievous on dathomir sidious truly took everything away from him after the death of these two maul looks towards ahsoka mall and ahsoka have the same goal to take down the empire and defeat sidious and maul's proposal for the two of them to join forces and take down sidious it's believable maul had lost his brother his mother his empire not only is he lonely but he needs help to the point where he even reaches his handout to ahsoka ahsoka has a master who will betray her and a community who has abandoned her just like the one that abandoned him two tools used for greater powers he says they now have a common goal a shared enemy when ahsoka fights him maul fights with the intention not to kill but to talk and since he can't envision a relationship other than master and apprentice he tries that with her but maul failed once again finally in rebels we reach maul's final showing a seemingly older wiser yet withered maul in actuality not withered but even more bitter than the last time we saw him for 14 years maul has been alone all that time he spent calculating his revenge waiting and plotting but also longing for a companion when ezra comes along maul teaches the boy about the sith the holocron and his emotions he teaches him about the sith and the jedi but he still could not make out the idea that love cannot coexist with fear manipulation and abuse because that's all he's ever known he manipulates ezra from so early on in their relationship and yet continues to call ezra his young apprentice because the sith believed in manipulation and deception as fundamental parts of their relationships maul expected ezra to come back to him though he only knows what his master taught him he doesn't treat his apprentices as his master treated him with ahsoka ezra and savage there was always a level of respect that expectation is reinforced when the two are on dathomir and ezra refuses to join maul and in one final moment maul lays it all out on the table bearing his emotions he tells ezra to forget his memories in his past and that their destinies converge on the planet with two sons a place where they could have walked specifically he says as brothers and you can hear it in his voice the desperation maul is so lonely everything he had everyone he had his own identity ripped away from him maul had spent over 10 years alone after being cut down by kenobi and now another 14 years scouring the galaxy alone as stated with ezra he has so much to teach than to offer but he has no one maul is trying to find a love similar to the one savage had for him unconditional the love that was certain if not that at least a friend but ezra is just another of maul's failures savage ahsoka and now the young jedi despite his efforts maul has always been chained down by something his past his memories sidious they've always weighed him down maul has felt used and betrayed by sidious and by the sith and while the sith fears no one maul fears his former master the only person he fears not only for the way he raised him but for his power the sheer look on maul's face when he realizes that sidious is near when maul and savage fight the sith lord it feels like sidious was toying with the brothers pushing them around laughing when he fought mace windu it wasn't a laughing matter but when he got serious he ended that battle rather quickly the way he easily impaled sauvage and shrugged maul off and it was then maul witnessed firsthand the power of his former master so much so that maul begged him for mercy maul who was raised and built in darkness and rage who's felt a touch of death before who's been cut in half one of the strongest characters the galaxy has ever seen and maul begged sidious for mercy that alone shows you his power maul was then tortured by his former master again with ahsoka he tries to hunt his master down and he's even willing to join a former jedi to do so again there's that desperation when she doesn't join him when ezra doesn't join him maul returns to the one person where he can release all of his resentment and emotion the one battle he can realistically win obi-wan kenobi forget the past forget your memories forget your attachments maul said to ezra almost as if he was trying to convince himself projecting on to ezra what he needs to do to find peace but he can't his conditioning simply can't be undone that conditioning leads him to his old nemesis in the 2017 comic after he kills his first jedi behind sidious back he does it as a way to quell his bloodlust and is thirst for vengeance throughout that story he believes that when he will finally kill a jedi it will bring him some form of peace but when he does it he says that he feels empty an emptiness that he has been trained to fill by slaying the jedi an emptiness that he's been taught to fill with revenge and that's what maul has been feeling his entire life empty unfulfilled he believes that if he is able to funnel all of his hatred somewhere else into someone else it'll bring him peace it'll satisfy him which is a part of the reason why he says to obi-wan that he wants to make him suffer just as he did when he says that he's channeling all of the abuse and pain that he's ever experienced stolen away from his home as a child raised in anger and hatred thrown aside and replaced as an apprentice his initial lust for vengeance for the dark side it didn't even begin as his own but as someone else's maul's path to the sith was never his chosen path maul's fate was decided for him from so early on and he was simply facing the repercussions if we look at count dooku or anakin they made their choices maul never could now he wants obi-wan to suffer and experience these deep seated wounds that maul will never heal from killing duchess satine killing his fellow jedi killing qui-gon it wasn't enough for the former sith nothing would ever be enough for him he believes that through vengeance he will find healing again it's the only thing he knows as maul meets obi-wan on tatooine for the final time his goal hasn't changed he wants to make him suffer as he did he prods around trying to find out what exactly obi-wan is protecting so that he may destroy that as well after he takes obi-wan down their battle was perfect complemented by the dark tatooine desert only illuminated by the stars and their lightsabers a battle of two life-long enemies two philosophies with maul and kenobi there wasn't really any more to say right in their old ages they've experienced so much the last time they fought obi-wan was young energetic and witty but now with someone to protect obi-wan is decisive when obi-wan says that this battle is to mend an old wound it signifies how he's moved past maul he's moved past the fact that this man killed his master and his love and has affected so much of his life he's moved on which is why he said he had no intention of fighting him but the fact that maul tracked him down did everything he could to find him indicated that he was still chained down by revenge but the past and those chains showed in their battle obi-wan was able to take advantage of maul's chains and of his arrogance by baiting him using his master's stance to which maul stepped forward and used the same pattern of moves he did when he killed qui-gon but this was not the same obi-wan that he fought all those years ago and i'm sure obi-wan spent so much time replaying his master's death and the steps that led to it he knew those patterns as stated this battle was quick and decisive all those years in history they shared and their chapter was closed in just a few seconds obi-wan fighting to protect the chosen one fighting to protect hope chose to end the threat of maul right then and there this was a fight between a man with a purpose who has made his peace with the past and a man who had none no purpose but kept reopening an old wound to give him the only sense of purpose he'd ever known obi-wan tells him that if you define yourself by your power to take a life a desire to dominate to possess then you have nothing he was able to read maul's life in one line maul has defined himself by all of these things at one point even if it was never a choice now maul had nothing no vengeance no one to protect no one to love nothing to hope for there's always been a bit of symmetry between maul and kenobi when maul killed his master he killed maul's future when maul killed sateen shortly after sauvage died maul and kenobi were both lost for a while but when maul lost hope on dathomir obi-wan found it in tatooine but after maul gets cut down obi-wan catches him and in his arms maul tells obi-wan that the chosen one will avenge them i said that maul uses kenobi as an outlet to release all of his anger he has not only towards the jedi and to what kenobi did but mostly the frustrations and the trauma he's been dealt with by sidious maul knew that there was no exacting his revenge on what sidious did to him and this was one of the reasons he chose to seek out his former enemy could maul have tracked down sidious and spent his final moments at the hands of his former master sure he would have been tortured killed and probably forgotten about just as his master already did to him but maul already had the sentiments of wanting to die and he mentions that during the siege of mandalore and i think there was a part of him that knew obi-wan would kill him as a master of the force he surely felt obi-wan's power was a lot greater than it once was and he surely felt his intention to protect someone while i do think he believed that he would defeat his old enemy i do believe that he knew there was a chance he could die for two reasons the first being what he said right before his death that the chosen one will avenge them maul knew that he and kenobi were not so different that their goals aligned at one point that they still did darth sidious was the root of both of their problems he was the cause for everything everyone they've lost for the pain they've felt anakin and sauvage sidious killed both of their brothers so the chosen one isn't only for kenobi and the jedi but the chosen one is to avenge everything that sidious and the sith has taken away from maul as well and the second reason is that by dying by kenobi's blade at least he dies respected as stated obi-wan has put the past behind him now focused on the present and the future of the jedi though he might have cut maul down for the second time look at the respect he showed his enemy maul was a terrible terrible person but obi-wan is a jedi before anything else and he gives his enemy the respect he never truly got obi-wan caught maul as if he knew that there was more to this creature than just rage and he listened to what he had to say kenobi closed maul's eyes and allowed him to die in his arms surely he buried him as well maul died having hope not only for himself but for his lifelong enemy as well he died in the arms of the only man worthy enough to kill the darth maul the only man who respected him enough to catch him at least in the failed pursuit of vengeance and companionship maul did not die alone you
Channel: Sage's Rain
Views: 358,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, film, tv, star wars, darth maul, dark side, darth vader, anakin, anakin skywalker, obi wan, obi wan kenobi, obi-wan, the phantom menace, clone wars, rebels, twin suns, lightsaber, maul
Id: 9CgYbYY82ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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