Understanding Bi-Han. (Mortal Kombat 1)

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so Bean he's a character I've wanted to tackle for a while now but I wasn't sure how to approach him anybody can make a video talking about the flaws in his character writing or how he doesn't make sense Etc and I don't really think I want to do that instead I want to try and understand what we do have without critiquing the quality of the storytelling itself so I'll attempt to understand his thought process why he does what he does and what his motive could actually be before we begin I think it is worth mentioning that there is a heavy chance that bhan is corrupted in some way no sabot in that entire Arc is way too popular to not be utilized in this new era so keep that in mind but I'm going to go into this with the assumption that these are his actual emotions to better understand him also most Clips used in this video are from friend of the show Sparky pirate bro with that said let's begin had we not held back you would not have Sur survived the first time we see behan's true personality is when they reveal the test held in The Tea House madm Boo and Liu Kang confront Raiden and Kung Lao telling them about the test as well as their future protecting Earth realm as I see it this was already irritating to behan Liu Kang using the lingqu this clan that in his eyes is superior to everything and everyone for a simple test he wasn't very happy with this this temper mixed with Kung lao's next statement was a recipe for a hurt ego upon Madam boo mentioning more training Kung LA's response is more training these two couldn't defeat us now to be fair anybody would be irritated at Kung LA's snarkiness that's something that is a constant in the universe everybody would be irritated at this but in the grand scheme of things this is ultimately harmless so the fact that behon reacts the way he does is quite telling to his character had we not held back you would not have survived is behan's wild response this is unneeded it's unnecessary and very overthe toop but when you put it into perspective his mindset and his motive and also just how he works how he functions as a human being it gets to become a bit more clear but it's something we really can't understand personally it's something we have to suspend disbelief for this level of narcissism doesn't come easily this is something that is built up upon years and years of expectations not being met something that behan is very familiar with let's draw a quick comparison funny enough Bean's voice actor is the same as Gojo's from jiujitsu Kaizen and this is a very similar argument you can apply to that character being strong being gifted and above the majority of people can come at a price it's almost a curse the curse of being strong this moment alone his reaction to Kung Lao can easily be interpreted as insecurity but I genuinely don't think that's the case with behon specifically it feels more to me like impatience and irritation bian has spent his entire life knowing he's capable of things no one else is being part of a clan that is gifted and prosperous so much so to where he feels they are underutilized they have so much potential here that is untapped this has piled up over the years to create an almost resentful Bean somebody who hates Liu Kang and hates being governed by anybody but himself those expectations I mentioned this is what I meant Bean wants the lingqu to be something far greater than they are now and it's not that the lingqu are not good now it's the fact that they are under the rule of others this lifestyle doesn't fit Dean this lifestyle doesn't fit the strongest he knows he's capable of more why would he surrender himself for the service of others this being built up for so long is why simple interactions such as this with Kung Lao are met with such an aggressive response this doesn't make these things right or anything like that but it does make them feel more believable to me it isn't insecurity he doesn't feel that Kung Lao saying these things embarrassed him if anything he deeply in his core believes that Kung Lao is incorrect so much so that he has to correct him in such a hostile way when he truly believes he is so much Above the Rest that nobody is on his level he's not going to take anything from anybody he is quite literally the opposite of being humble especially when his own motives are held above everyone else's again the curse of being strong now this isn't an excuse for acting this way but with that repetition that constant belief in superiority to others that curse does become something of a detriment one of the more important aspects to this curse in question is the lingqu aspect for Generations this Clan Has protected Earth realm being loyal effective and prosperous the prior Grandmaster was true to this belief he was content protecting Earth realm using his forces and his ability to strengthen the realm in which they resided with his passing behan's motive now takes the front seat with his new mantle of Grandmaster he feels what he says goes and is not happy with the current state of the lingqu his belief in their superiority far weighs out every other aspect of his life he'll work day in and day out fighting for the chance to display their strength and break from the shackles of the prior Grand Masters rule this is consistently why Bean is so aggressive in his approach and attributes to his negligence of others guide us yes shackle us no now this is where we enter confusing territory with behan's character there's several things here his interactions with the smoke and Kawai that can be a bit confusing when trying to determine his love for his brothers even in the most egregious of times when telling his own brother he is a lesser for not sharing the blood of his clan I feel it's misguided and not necessarily hatred now hear me out again this argument between the brothers and behan starts because of the mention of their father his previous ways and the usual formats of the link Quay something behan is greatly unhappy with something that sticks out to me is when he says their father's teachings should guide them but not shackle them it's almost a neutral way of taking what kawhai says taking it into perspective by saying yes this is true but we can grow from this and he does this several times throughout the story where he shares this excitement and this drive that he feels his brothers should agree with him on so when they don't he is very aggressive with them for example upon being assigned a mission by Liu Kang he says to his brothers finally we Face a worthy foe Victory will bring us Glory naturally Kawai interjects to remind him they fight for Duty similar to their father's beliefs their fulfillment is in their protection not their dominance bihan naturally doesn't agree with this but that statement prior about them fighting a worthy foe as well as what he says next feels to me like excitement it feels like something he assumes his brothers agree with him on and have the same passion for so when they disagree with him he almost wants to educate them opposed to go against them vision is what he lacked he was blind to our superiority we settle for defending Earth realm when we could help lead it to me it does feel like he's misguided in this approach but he really feels that his brothers will eventually catch on right now they're stuck in the past but they will obey him or at least adapt smoke interjects as well saying the lingqu doesn't govern they serve where behan follows up with it is our past but it won't be our future to simplify what I'm trying to say here is he does feel superior but it's almost like he wants his brothers to join him in that mindset so when they do push against him he has a tiny bit of patience with them to accept what they say but tries to redirect their thoughts this of course doesn't really work though Kawai and smoke ultimately Let It Be they do not agree with it behan would prefer his brothers follow his guidance but at the end of the day if he has to reject them to better mold the link Quay to his vision he will do so and this is kind of already displayed at this point with what he says to smoke before this though he may value smoke as a brother he doesn't value his opinion on the link Quay at least not as much as qu so he has this sort of lingqu supremacist moment where he puts smoke down due to him not sharing linkay blood I feel that his desire to guide smoke is still there but he won't take what he says as a change to his Direction this misguidedness can be seen in something as simple as his statement to Raiden and Kung Lao trying to join their mission ehan obviously says no they are not link Quay they will only hinder the effort keeping that lingqu supremacist mindset in full force and though them hindering the effort is probably incorrect them not being link Quay is a factual statement we then see a correct approach to this statement from kaai he says we are trained differently it takes years to master our ways this interaction is small and ultimately un important but it does reinforce that bian feels that non lingqu are inferior but more importantly shows just how easily misguided he is in his approach the way he handles himself his interactions with others Etc is hindered by his pride but for behon this Pride can often be self-fulfilling things such as his battle against natara and herac prove this point although his attitude may come at a disservice of others he does get a sense of fulfillment when he's able to feed this ego and tap into that Pride as well as delivering upon it battling tough foes and showing his latent abilities is something that brings him much joy he looks at it as not only having his potential up for display but the lingqu potential simply protecting others isn't the look he wants conquering using their power for their own benefit this is what behan values this is what he will build even if it comes down to him alone following this fight between him and irac we have a scene that I quite enjoy not only for the Brotherhood aspect of it but because of the look inside of behan's mind it's reinforcing something I've already stated in this video and is definitely the most obvious example of it as I've said this excitement that behon feels is something he rather share with his brothers opposed to shun them away from it he has this sense of exhilaration after his battle with irac as he approaches his brothers he asks if they are both unharmed very small in the grand scheme of things but I feel that for behan In This Moment specifically it's a bit more of course he's asking this because they just had a battle but also because of this excitement because of this exhilaration that he feels after being able to display his power he again has this power trip that he feels his brothers are equally feeling saying good after our years of idleness it pleases me to again face combat this is another instance of that disconnect between him him and his brothers Kawai and smoke are there simply to defend Earth realm to finish the mission and do what they must do whereas behan is using this for fulfillment this battle brings him great pleasure he finally feels as if the linku are doing something worth doing I do genuinely feel there's also an aspect here of him caring for his brothers of course I never really thought behon didn't care for his brothers at all it's just his priorities do not cater to them with what we've gone over thus far I feel the main aspect the glaring piece of behan's character is that he's self fulfilling very selfish and self-centered it's not that he has no care for anything else entirely but at the end of the day what he wants is what he's going to get and as of now that's shaping the link Quay to be something he's proud of no matter who Dean has to disregard or who he has to hurt he will do so to see his vision through that's why even with these several instances of him trying to share his excitement with his brothers trying to guide them share his passion with them It ultimately ends up with one of the most tragic moments in Kang's life and I was right to let him die let him die this next scene is quite draing right it's thrust onto Us in such a way that it can easily catch you off guard this can be interpreted a few ways but in reality it's more than likely just rush development and a writing flaw though I feel you can also interpret it as Bean's sporadic nature changing the trajectory of his decisions if he finds an easy way to benefit himself and his motive especially at a time like this where he's already on a power high from fighting strong opponents this is why I feel Shang Tsung's words strike him so deeply turning against your own brother is still a nasty practice but hearing exactly what he wants to hear from somebody he barely knows yet has a similar distaste or Liu Kang it's all bound to be intriguing Shang alur behan tempting him with the offer to break free of Blu Kang and gain his clan unrivaled power it almost feels too easy to him at this point kawhai is not having any of this knowing that this can only result in something bad for his brother while behan is cautiously optimistic he has no reason to trust shinsung up to this point but at the same token he has no reason not to regardless though he is making an irrational heat of the- moment decision very similar to how any of us can it's just hard to grasp here because of the sheer consequences but we have to remember it's very consistent that bhan only thinks about himself when things get Rocky sure other things take up his mind too like his brothers or even his service to Earth realm but all of that can take a back seat in an instant if he finds a way to meet his desires a few touches I actually quite enjoy here is Shang Tsung kind of buttering his biscuit right addressing him as Grandmaster as well as The Slight facial expression that bian makes when kawhai is trying to convince him to not listen it resembles a sense of uncertainty but at the same time resembles somebody who is intrigued and considering behan is not a Mal able person and I feel this scene does show that to an extent however the short time span they have to actually show this uncertainty can make it feel fickle but again I'm not trying to hit on the writing in this video so I do think it is important to mention that it does add to the fact of behan's confidence or rather his determination to put it simply I feel him considering what shung says here is not him being easily influenced but rather him showing his desperation to finally obtain what he wants staying true to his inclinations so when there's one roadblock remaining somebody loyal to Liu Kang somebody who in his eyes holds the linku back behan knows what must be done regardless of who this hurdle might have been I feel the outcome would have been the same before tackling the main scene here we have to acknowledge the several components to Bean thought process in this moment such as Des preparation determination and selfishness an overwhelming amount at that a recipe for anybody to make rash decisions this isn't an excuse of course he still is doing something that is not okay but having these emotions in mind you can better understand his following actions we have a bit of a Time skip here not really actually it's mere seconds to us but to them we can assume it was a few minutes at least a few minutes of Shang and general Shia spouting nothing but promises to Bean who at this point is still debating he isn't even answering them he's just listening without rebuttal the first sense of acceptance we get is when kawhai tries talking to him once more poor Kawai still has hope that he can stray his brother from this path the path in which to behan is becoming clearer and clearer it was at this moment that behan accepted Shang Tsung's offer without even having to say it his push back to Kawai telling him to to obey his Grandmaster without any order to accompany it tells us the viewer he's made up his mind the following Exposition isn't super important to Bean but what's important is that he displays some doubt even though he ultimately has made up his mind at this point he knows Liu Kang is prepared for war thus asking Shang Tsung what he has to win this war at this point he's not even fighting for the right side he's worried if the opposition is prepared it's kind of funny actually how this change of sides is instantly met with Bean's selfishness he again is worried about himself why should I join you if you can't win this war for me you're making these promises and I really like them but can you uphold them again adding fuel to that fire showing us his true intentions throughout Heaven and Earth he alone is the selfish one shang's rambling about the dragon Army fully convinced Bean laying his worry to rest and giving the life he's always wanted and Awakening the disconnect we see here is honestly heartbreaking that denial that behan had hoping his brothers would eventually lighten up to the idea and join him clashes full force with kawai's Innocent assertion that his brother would care to uphold his father's Legacy how could you father would turn in his grave if he saw this words from the deepest part of kawai's soul that barely touch the surface of bian's Consciousness as of now bian has nothing to lose he gave up his loyalty to Earth realm he gave up his sense of compassion and he gave up on his brothers behon tears down every filter there is no more holding his tongue he is what matters he will get what he wants this Power Trip he's feeling this sense of superiority it's overwhelming to a peak so much so that he wants to brag he wants Kawai to understand the real him now after all what is kawhai going to do through his current lens ehan sees Kawai as nothing but a lap dog a frail acolyte to his new opposition right now he feels as if he's on top of the world nothing will stand in his way to create the strongest Clan possible he will finally live up to that potential and carry himself with great pride after what feels like forever hoping his brothers would have joined his side that same hope turns to resentment he explodes at Kawai displaying his distaste with their father revealing that he let him die it's implied that the accident their father had if behon helped would have not been fatal the death of their father as horrible as it sounds was the light at the end of the tunnel for bean he hated the way his father ruled the Lin Quay dooming them to mediocrity sympathy that smoke and kawhai never shared and In This Moment bihan let kawhai know how Furious he was at that fact in what seems like a final attempt to bring Kawai to his side he says we we will now achieve greatness almost as if he assumed Kawai still had some sort of loyalty to his Grandmaster even though that's what's shown here I do feel behan didn't really think this sure it could have been a last Hail Mary in a desperate attempt to bring kawhai to his side but I personally feel that behon knew the outcome of this but honestly it's kind of hard to say this mixed with one of the moments in the following fight is hard to really tell I really wish there was more behan content so I could fully grasp his mentality because with the Power Trip he's on finally getting closer to his goal he could have thought that reverting kawhai was still possible and if that is the case it's due to his blindness this foggy L he's now looking through that now warps his perception look at it like tunnel vision with what he stumbled upon now Von sees his goal clearly while everything else is in the dead zone this is what makes his thinking irrational he only sees what will benefit him while disregarding everything else to him this is the most fulfilled he's ever been while to everyone else they see this as Madness at this point ehan has fully disregarded his brothers as it stands they aren't siblings with a disagreement they are fellow assassins disobeying their Grandmaster deon's perception of the link Quay and what he strives for them to be is all he sees even when he confronts kaai and smoke the first battle isn't with their fists it's with their perception of the link Quay showing how skewed bian's mindset is being so focused on oneself seeing yourself so clearly can often blind you to others something he now resembles in its entirety and with that the battle commences the battle of morality the Battle of Brothers with his idea of the linkay intact Kawai pushes back on everything his brother stands for resulting in an allout battle between them there isn't a whole lot here I can touch on but I can speculate about a few things to further get insight on what behan's mentality is I like to believe that cutting kawhi's face shows he didn't want to kill him in this moment but instead wanted to try and give a final warning before what must come next this is reinforced with what he says before their battle continues saying endless brother embrace the future and I know this kind of contradicts what I said about him disregarding them as brothers at this point but I feel this here is a half-ass approach not in terms of writing quality but I feel behan knows they will not join him but it's second nature to him to try and push that onto them he's so used to planting the seeds and hoping that they follow him that even here he's giving an attempt albeit a small one this isn't to say that behon completely doesn't care about his brothers when I say he disregarded them I more so mean in this moment they are an example of a roadblock like I used earlier he more than likely still feels for them in some capacity but that's the behan within not the behan we see now because right now his judgment is clouded he's high on his new opportunity and that is something that will overtake his love for his brothers especially right [Music] now I hope I've been able to take behan's Journey step by step and explaining how his thought process evolves there really isn't much more I can say here outside of adding my own speculation to what we have and as much as I can do that It ultimately will bring me in circles the last piece we have for behon is his Tower ending which really just reinforces his motive from the first moments we see him it's obvious he cares for the Ling Quay he wants them to be greater than what they are now hoping that one day they can be one of Earth realm's great nations in his Tower ending he wants to find a way to strengthen them he needs something otherworldly something nonhuman something that will make earth realm honor their desires and heed their demands he could have used Shang Tsung's magic utilizing the dragon Army to strengthen their forces but bihan wouldn't let one single flaw into his new Army he figured that sorcery would draw Liu Kang's attention so instead he opts for science thus the Cyber initiative begins with the genius mind of sector at the helm the lingqu will soon meet bian's expectations this further solidifies the fact that behon ultimately would have sacrificed anything and everything for what he wanted and what he wanted was the linkway to be something they weren't call it blind ambition selfishness arrogance or whatever else this is Bean Immortal Kombat 1 and I hope this video was able to give you a further look into his mind and help you better understand his mentality I appreciate you all for watching so so much if you want to join the Discord that will be in the description and there's also a channel membership if you're interested in that and ladies gentle genten and MB Beauties stay safe and stay hydrated and I will see you all in the next one bye-bye
Channel: karmatem
Views: 118,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vn-DlhGe390
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 5sec (1565 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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