Understand DotNet MAUI Layouts | DotNet MAUI Tutorial

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Hi. Welcome to CodingDroplets and thank you  for watching this video. This is the third video of DotNet MAUI tutorial series. You can find the  playlist link in the video description. In this video I'll walk you through the different  types of layouts that we can use in dotnet MAUI. DotNet MAUI layout classes allow you to  arrange and group UI controls in your application. Choosing a layout class requires knowledge of  how the layout positions and sizes its child elements. In addition it may be necessary to nest  layouts to create your desired layout. We are going to see more about StackLayout, Grid, Absolute Layout and FlexLayout. So let's get started. I have created a new dotnet MAUI project and  we'll be creating multiple pages with different layouts. This project will be available in our  GitHub repository. First let's see about stack layout DotNet MAUI StackLayout organizes child  views in one-dimensional stack, either horizontally or vertically. Let me create a new folder named  Pages. Then inside that I'm creating a new content page with the name stack layout demo. We don't  need these child elements. I'm removing those. Let's also format the content page title  and assign a white background color. Now inside the stack layout, I am placing a  button. Let the button text be Demo Button 01. Let's create one more button with  the text demo button 02. Now in the app.xaml.cs, let's assign the newly  created content page as the main page. Let's run the application and see how the  buttons are arranged. Now we can see the buttons are arranged vertically. Let's  add some padding for the stack layout. So now we have some space around the buttons. Let's also add some spacing between the buttons. Now you can see there is a small space between  button 1 and button 2. So by default a stack layout is oriented vertically. But we can change  it. Let me assign the orientation property and make it oriented horizontally. It got arranged  horizontally now. We can also use properties named horizontal options and vertical options to  align the elements. Lt me assign the horizontal options property as Center and you can see the  buttons are aligned to the center of the screen. Let me change the value to end  and now it is aligned to the right. Start value is the default one. The buttons will  be aligned to the left. Let me assign a different color for the stack layout. So that we can see  the exact position of it. Now if I'm using fill and expand, you can see that the stack layout is  expanded and covering the whole available width. Now I am changing the orientation to vertical  and providing the vertical options value as end. You can see that the buttons are now aligned to  the bottom. In this way we can align the elements by using horizontal and vertical options. Let  me remove the stack layout background color. We can use this page to navigate to other content  pages. So let me place a label above the buttons. Let the label text be .NET MAUI  layouts. Let me also format it. I need to show you one more thing. Let's place  more elements in the content page. I am changing the final button text to demo button 100. Now if we  need to see all the elements, we need a scrolling functionality. But currently we can't scroll down. Let's see how we can implement that. We can place a scroll view on the top and move the stack layout  inside the Scroll View. Scroll view is a view that is capable of scrolling its content. Now we are  able to scroll down and see the last button named demo button 100. Scroll View also have orientation  property and by default scroll view Scrolls its content vertically. We can choose horizontal option  to make it scroll horizontally. Also we have a BOTH option which allows the view to scroll both  horizontally and vertically. Currently for this page we need vertical orientation. I'll show you  horizontal orientation in another page. Let me remove the additional buttons. We don't need them. In DotNet Maui, we have vertical stack layout and horizontal stack layout elements which we can use  instead of assigning the orientation property of a stack layout. Vertical stack layout organizes the  child views in a one-dimensional vertical stack and horizontal stack layout organizes the child  views in a one-dimensional horizontal stack. Both are more performant alternative to a stack layout.  So let me create a new content page and name it as vertical stack layout demo. Let me format the  title and assign the white background color. We already have a vertical stack layout as the  child element of the content page. I'm assigning a padding of 20 and also assigning  some spacing. Now inside this vertical stack layout, let me place some labels with background  color and horizontal options as fill and expand. So that it will cover the available width. Now in  our previous stack layout demo page, I am changing the button text and also assigning a name for  the button. We'll navigate to the new page on this button click. So in the click event, we can  call navigation dot push async method and provide the object of the new page as a parameter. Let's  create the navigation page object and assign it as the main page. I'm running the application now  we can navigate to the new page by clicking this button. So you can see there are so many labels  arranged vertically in the page. Same like a stack layout with vertical orientation property. We also need a scroll view to see all the labels. Now we are able to scroll vertically. Next, I'll show you how the horizontal stack  layout is. Let me create another content page for that. Page name is horizontal stack layout  demo. We don't need this vertical stack layout. Let me modify the title and assign the background  color. Now I am placing a horizontal stack layout here. Then providing padding and spacing inside  this layout. I am placing so many labels as before. Now let's use the second button in the home page  to navigate to this horizontal stack layout demo. Here we also need a scroll view to  scroll horizontally. So I'm placing this layout inside a scroll view with  horizontal orientation. Now you can see the labels are arranged horizontally and  we are also able to scroll horizontally. Hope you are clear with stack layout, vertical  stack layout and horizontal stack layout. Next we are going to see grid. Grid is a layout that  organizes its children into rows and columns which can have proportional or absolute sizes. Let me  create a new content page with the name grid demo. We can remove this vertical stack layout. Just  modifying the title and assigning background color. I am just placing a grid inside the  content page. Now let's place two labels inside this grid and see how it looks. Just  before running the application, I'm creating a new button in our home page and assigning the  button click to navigate to this grid demo page. Let's run it now. Now you are able to see only  one label. It is because both labels are on the same position. By default a grid contains  one row and one column. To arrange elements in a grid we need to create multiple columns and  rows. For creating rows we can use grid dot row definition and inside that we can place multiple  row definition elements. Row definitions is a list of row definition objects that defines the height  of the grid rows. Currently we need two rows. So I am placing two row definition objects. Now for  each label, we can assign the row number in which they have to be placed. The row and column indexes  start from zero. Now you can see both the labels in the app. In the same way we can use grid dot  column definitions for creating multiple columns. So let me create two columns as well. Now assigning  The Columns for each label. You can see the labels are arranged horizontally. Because we haven't  assigned row index now. So MAUI will place the labels in the first row. Next, let me place two  labels with background color. So we can see the exact space used by the labels. We have two rows  in the grid and both the rows are taking equal height. Let me remove one row now you can see that  the labels are having the same height of the page. Let me create multiple rows and the row height is  arranged accordingly. In the same way we can add more columns and you can see the column height  is arranged accordingly. Let's place more labels in the same row. But the columns are different. We  can provide spacing in Grid as well. But there are two properties, row spacing and column spacing. Let's assign column spacing first. Now you can see the spacing between the columns. Before assigning  the row spacing, let's place labels to the next row. Now the labels are showing. But there is no  space between the rows. Let's assign row spacing. So now we have labels in two rows. Let's  add the labels to the other rows as well. Now the whole grid cells are having elements  in it. Next, I need to show you how we can assign different heights for rows. We have a property  named height for row definition. We can provide star symbol if we need to use the available  space. There is no difference in the app as it is already using the available space. So we  can remove this property and let me provide auto value for the height property of the second  row. Auto value will only take the needed space. You can see here, the second row is only taking the  space to hold the labels inside it. The remaining space is shared equally among all the other  rows. In the same way, we can assign auto value for width property of column definition. Now the  fourth column width has been changed. We can even provide the values in units. A unit is the height  a row can use, based on the total number of rows. Let me show you how to assign the values  in units. For the third row, I am assigning the height as 0.4*. That means the height  should be 0.4 units. In the app, you can see now the row height is reduced. For the fifth row, I'm assigning 0.2 units. Here is the last row. Let the rows 1 and 3 use all the available space. It will use the available space even if we don't assign star here. Star is same as 1* or 1  unit. Now we can assign the column width in units. Let the column 1 use 0.3 units. So now the First  Column width has been changed. Next thing what I need to show you in Grid is how to make a  label or a view use multiple columns or rows. From our design, I am removing this particular  label and you can see that we have an empty space here. Now we need this label to use this empty  space. For that I can assign grid dot rowspan property. For that label I have given the value  as 2. That means the label will use two rows. Now in the app we can see the label is using two rows. Let's change the color of this label. So that it will be easier to identify. Next, I am going to  remove this label from our design and let the previous label use two columns. I'm also changing  the color. This is the label which we have modified now. Next, how about using rowspan and column span  together. Let's see that as well. Let me remove this label from the design. Then assigning row span  for the label in the first row. Now we need to remove two more labels for assigning the column  span. This is the first label to be removed. Next we need to remove this label as well. Now let  me assign column span property. So now the blue color label is using two rows and two columns. Hope  you are clear with grid. Next we are going to see about absolute layout. DotNet MAUI absolute  layout is used to position and size children in explicit values. The position is specified by  the upper left corner of the child relative to the upper left corner of the absolute layout, in  device independent units. In addition unlike some other layout classes absolute layout is able to  position children, so that they overlap. An absolute layout should be regarded as a special purpose  layout to be used only when you can impose a size on children or when the elements size doesn't  affect the positioning of the other children. Let me create a new page and name it as  absolute layout demo. Instead of this vertical stack layout, we can place an absolute layout.  Now inside this absolute layout, I am placing two buttons. The first button with a text demo  and the second button with a text demo button 2. Let's create a new button in home page for  navigating to this absolute layout demo page. Let's run the application and see how the buttons  are arranged. Both the buttons are arranged on the top left corner of the page. This is how the  absolute layout arrange the child elements, if we have not mentioned the positions. So let's  assign the positions now. We can use absolute layout dot layout bound property for assigning  the position and size. Here we can provide the x position, y position, width and height (separated  by commas). So let me provide x value as 10. Then y value as 20. Width as 200 and height as 50. Next  for the second button, let the x value be 10. Then y value be 90. Width be 300 and height be 50. Now you  can see the buttons are arranged properly as per the provided dimensions and sizes. Absolute layout  also implements a proportional positioning and sizing feature. Let's see how it is. We can make use  of absolute layout dot Layout Flags property for that. There are different options available for the  layout Flags property. Let's go one by one. First, I am using height proportional. So now, I can provide  the height value in percentage. Let it be 0.2. That means 20 percentage. The button is now using  exactly 20 percentage of the page height. Let me change the button text to height proportional. Also we can change the first button text. Let it be fixed. Next, I am creating one more button with  width proportional. Then changing the Y value to 300 to avoid overlapping. And now, I can provide the  width in percentage. Let it be 40 percentage. Then height 50 and let me also change the button text.  So here, we have the third button. To show you this clearly, let me run the application in Windows  machine. Just before that, I am assigning the background and text colors for all the buttons. Now  let's run it. So here we have the absolute layout demo page. Now let me try to resize the window. You  can see those two buttons are changing their size based on the page size while resizing. Second  button is only changing its height and the third button is only changing its width. Let's also  have a look on the other pages in Windows app. In horizontal stack layout demo page, we are able  to scroll horizontally. Then in vertical stack layout, we can scroll vertically. Let's see the  grid demo page. We can resize the page and the grid is also arranging the contents accordingly. Let me assign the colors for the home page buttons. Now we can clearly see the home page buttons. Next let me create one more button and this time in the Layout Flags property, I am using  size proportional option. Now in the layout bounds, we can provide both width and height  values in percentage. So, let the x value be 10. Then y value be 300, width 40 percentage  and height 20 percentage. Let me change the Y value of the above button. So, here we have our  size proportional button. Let's try resizing the window. The new button is changing both width and  height proportionally. Next, we can create another button with X proportional option in Layout  Flags. Then in the Layout Bounds, I am providing the x value in percentage. So the new button is  changing its X position while resizing the window. Now another button with Y proportional  value in Layout Flags. Let me also change the background color of the button to identify  it easily. You can see now, it is changing the Y position proportionally. Next another button with  position proportional value. We can provide both X and Y values in percentage. The new red button is  changing its X and Y coordinates proportionally. Now we can place the final button in absolute  layout page with ALL option in Layout Flags. Let the button color be black. In layout bounds, we can provide all values in percentage. You can see now the button is changing its X, Y  width and height proportionally while resizing. Hope you're clear with absolute layout. Let's  also see how it looks in android emulator. We have all the buttons arranged accordingly. Now  let's move to flex layout. DotNet MAUI flex layout is a layout that can arrange its children  horizontally and vertically in a stack. It can also wrap its children if there are too many elements  to fit in a single row or column. So let me create a new page named Flex layout demo. We can place a  flex layout instead of this vertical stack layout. Now let me place two buttons inside the flex  layout. Let's also create a new button in the home page to navigate to this Flex layout demo page. Now  let me run the application and I'll show you how the buttons are arranged. So the buttons are using  the complete height and arranged horizontally one after the other. For the flex layout there is a  property named direction in which we can assign four different values. Column, Column Reverse,  Row and Row Reverse. Let me use column first and you can see the arrangement got changed. Now  the buttons are arranged as different columns. So the column value indicates that the children  will be stacked vertically. Let's change the direction to column reverse. Now the buttons are  arranged as separate columns but aligned to the bottom or we can say that the children are stacked  vertically in reverse order. Let's see how the row direction looks like. We have seen this arrangement  before while we have not implemented the direction property. So the children are stacked horizontally  and the default value of Direction property is Row. Now let's try row reverse. The children are stacked  horizontally in reverse order. There is another property named align items. Let me align items  to center. Now we can see the buttons are aligned vertically to the center. Let's change the property  value to start. Now the buttons are aligned to the top. End value will align the buttons to the bottom. Let's try the stretch value now. You can see the buttons are stretched. The stretch value is the  default value for Align Items property. Next I'll show you the properties that we can use in child  elements of a flex layout. FlexLayout.Grow property is an attached property that specifies  the amount of available space the child should use or the main axis. It is also a float type as  we have done before to mention percentage. So the value 1 means the child should use 100 percentage  of the available space. You can see now the button 1 is taking all the available space. Let me change  the background color of button 1. So you can see it clearly. Now the button is clearly visible.  Next property is FlexLayout.Basis which is an attached property that defines the initial main  axis dimension of the child. The default value for this property is Auto. So you can't see any changes  in the app. Let me change it to 200. Now you can see button 2 is taking more space. I am changing  it to 100. Now the button 2 size reduced. Again I am changing it to 50. now the button 2 width  reduced again. The value specified by this property is the size along the main axis of the parent  Flex Layout. Therefore this property indicates the width of a child when children are arranged  in rows, or the height of a child when the children are arranged in columns. Next property what I need  to show is FlexLayout.Order which is an attached property that determines whether the child should  be laid out before or after other children in the container. I am providing the Order Value as -1. Now  you can see the order got changed. Now the button 2 is on the left side. Usually children are arranged  in the order in which they are added to the flex layout. However, this order can be overridden  by setting this property to a non-zero integer value on one or more children. The flex layout  then arranges the children based on their order property values. Children with the same order  property values are arranged in the order in which they are added to the flex layout. Next, let  me show you how we can create a design in which we have a header footer and sidebars using Flex  layout. First, let me place a label inside the flex layout. Assigning some background color and text  for this label. This label will be the header of our page. We need to change the direction of the  flex layout to column. Let me also format the label. Next element inside the flex layout is a vertical  stack layout. Then another label after the vertical stack layout. This label will be the footer of our  page. Now you can see both the labels in the page. But we need to make the vertical stack layout grow  and use the available space. So let me provide Flex layout dot grow property. Now the footer is at the  bottom of the page. Next, we need two sidebars. So instead of vertical stack layout, we can use flex  layout itself. Then I am placing a vertical stack layout inside it. This vertical stack layout is the  left sidebar. So, let me assign the width using Flex layout.basis property. Now another vertical stack  layout for the page contents. Let me change the background color to white and we don't need the  basis property. But we need to mention the grow property for this layout to use all the available  space. Let's assign some dark color for the sidebar. I am also assigning the flex layout direction as  Row. This is not mandatory, as we know that the row value is the default one. In the app you can see  the sidebar. Now let's place one more sidebar on the right side. So I'm just placing one more  vertical stack layout of the same color and basis property value. Now we have a page with  header, footer and two sidebars. In the content area, let's place a label. This is how we can use  flex layout. Just try creating different designs with multiple layouts and share your thoughts  in the comments. So, hope you're clear with all the different types of DotNet MAUI Layouts. In  the next video, we'll be seeing different types of DotNet MAUI controls. So that's it for this  video. See you all in the next video. Thank You!
Channel: Coding Droplets
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Keywords: dotnet maui tutorial, maui tutorial, dotnet maui layouts, maui grid, dotnet maui, maui tutorial c#, dotnet maui grid, maui responsive layout, maui layouts, maui stacklayout, maui grid column width, maui verticalstacklayout, dotnet maui flexlayout, maui stacklayout padding, maui verticaloptions, dotnet maui ui, maui absolutelayout, maui stacklayout spacing, maui flexlayout, maui layout grid, maui layoutoptions, maui horizontal scroll, maui horizontal stacklayout
Id: fR5I7NroL5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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