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you ever see that video the what video it's a video called where he says where he says poke out your boyfriend's eyes it's called rapist beware you're in for a scare Jesus what I SP I SP all over my God God what is that you got in my ey it's just water sorry spat all over ding dang okay one more this time you're going to get to safe for seph Roth fourth time a charm well well there's a guy called Joshua tomart he got his hands Frozen off and got Paws installed well the americ Ronald Reagan explains my my special Joshua hising surger a little fellow who put his hands in dry ice and whale the health care that he gets for the country whenever anyone has a problem you dry ice your hands off so you can have paws that's the everyone isn't every Bernie Sanders got up and said everyone is entitled that is a human right to get paus everyone is a dog everyone is a dog ar ar wag wag ar ar Lick Lick slop slop slop slop look at my fluffy ears look at my big adorable floppy ears they're white like my hair isn't that cute isn't that adorable I still in my GL look at my floppy white tail it's just my ass hair is coming out of my ass cheeks look at my floppy red rocket everyone is a human right I my balls removed please give them back I'm coming I'm asking you again for my balls back I want my balls I want my balls back he's becoming like more and more of just a generic je stere I want my balls back and I want my balls back give me my back B my balls back and not with the ball cutting and everything o ve give me my [ __ ] nuts back o ve Arf Arf give me my testies back now Arf Arf toar yes oh Chris do you think he would be justified in as soon as he comes out explaining what happened while everybody's there imagine if Rory brought it up yeah guys I want you all to know yesterday Alex cornered me in the diner and he he grabbed me and he kissed me and I couldn't do anything that was an anony that wasn't me that was an alternate Alex we got to investigate this guys oh boy there it is [Laughter] [Music] ohy get out of there like I'll see you guys back at The Malt Shop I wish we all became Scooby-Doo right now okay let's talk to each character I suppose Panda Scooby Shandra keeps on shivering I think she's having an orgasm I just had an orgasm as if something passed through me uh just kidding never mind I was like oh I should be taking this seriously do you guys see a van no we're leaving I don't see anything yo you want to hear a screwed up story it better not be about me yeah what's up you see that water Tower up there about a week after Sammy Pack went missing people in my town started complaining about the color in the water my house wasn't affected cuz we have a well so the water company opens up the tower and they find the body of a girl she has no clothes on and she's been in there for days that's [ __ ] what's really screwed up is she was locked in there you can't really lock yourself in a water tower when the water is 5 ft from the lock even more so when on the outside somebody else did it I get it Lisa lamb and they rule it an accident so some girl accidentally climbs on top of a water tower picks the lock no I get it somebody else did it I think somebody did it from the outside from the outside from the outside yeah and by the way the water tower is like really tall so it's like hard to get to the top of it so it's kind of suspicious if you know that happened by accident also on that night there was five scary looking men with machetes all lining around it usually those aren't out at night so you know it's a little bit suspicious also there were scary white Vans parked [Laughter] everywhere also Alex tried to kiss me at that another thing too um I don't think parents should name their kids like if if their name is like Walter and they name their kids like Walter Jr that's like [ __ ] up like give your kids their own name and don't call them like Walter junr II or the fourth or whatever like you're not from the [ __ ] Renaissance a lot of Walter Jun audience talking about breaking bad yeah yeah you I was just going to say I'm not calling out breaking wal wal yeah but he's not Walter junor thei he's wal start calling himself Glenn that's still not Walter junor the thir and Brak B's like your name is not Glenn oh that's it you're not breaking bad Junior I don't know his name I forget it's Walter Wyatt I keep calling him the [ __ ] Malcolm the Middle dad his name is storus that's his actual name storus and this is my Empire I'm storus and I never stutter ever not even watch go back and watch not even damn there should be a Scooby-Doo musical why haven't they done that that's the one I would actually go see yeah I want to hear Scooby-Doo sing yeah he goes RI scoby that's really good there's a Back to the Future Broadway show you've totally got my interest Gooby what there's a Back to the Future do oh my God like I want to suck off your Red Rockets like I totally want to suck you off doggy boy my reality for I rate R right r r shut up stop talking let it happen like there's a whole spoonful of peanut butter in it for you this is abuse abuse like just close your eyes and let it happen I'm too smart for this draggy you can't do this kind of [ __ ] Scooby-Doo you won't let me you why do you think I bought you br companion in a sense I suppose to get your steps in hey gang let's look for traps Ry red red sounds like a can't do attitude I can't understand that dog moving on yeah he's like what did your dog say oh God I [ __ ] headache he doesn't talk at all then Fred leans in and starts licking the butter off [ __ ] sh his balls oh we better get serious gang we got traps to set up I thought you were going to say it starts sucking off Scooby no Scooby Scooby in the corner like [ __ ] realizing what just happened oh God that was [ __ ] brilliant I love that Shaggy's one of those like modern women that just [ __ ] dogs [ __ ] his genitals blow his back out I love you I love you I you I love you I love you I love you I love you here's my [ __ ] here's my [ __ ] my Robo my Rob [ __ ] my Robo my Robo [ __ ] I walk around this office smelling people come on man how scared do you think' be if trumpet guy was a giant like 20 ft tall 30 he looks like a giant scaled down he does yeah literally flatty stops on people maybe he is a giant you're flat you're [Applause] flat what does he [ __ ] say an artist respects the sanctity of Silence silence that serves as the basis for creativity or the foundation I want to see a pitch down like really scary scre moving like like like 40% throwing that little trash bag down and caused like a [ __ ] tsunami five Freddy's it's scary game Cory what if golden Freddy ran up to you and scrambled your [ __ ] head with his fingers yeah turned your head into red floating atams I don't really have an ending he just comes up and kills you that's it he SC like floating bubbles in the air there's one thing I appreciate about Chris is him painting that picture for me yeah I like painting pictures well what do I do my brain would be shovel I would probably be a lost spirit all right so we got to add okay so he decimates your head in the red like little atams but I don't want my spirit to be tied to this [ __ ] rank piece of garbage T he he plucks a microchip out of his own head and plucks it into your NE Stomp and now you're sentient again I'm alive yeah wasn't my head destroyed into like red bubbles but he put it like a super brain and he he he connected it into your neck stump is he going to bite my brain no he's like okay buddy you're on my level let's get to work like why did you kill me [ __ ] like well you seem pretty alive to me short stack punches me in the shoulder like a bro if weard Bonnie called Cory a short stack that would go hard it would like now where who's going getting the first round so now I'm like an ugly animatronic with like you stupid nobody's going to want to pet me and I won't be used you're literally just you without a head with a microchip stuck in your bloody neck stomp yeah nobody would want to interact with me I would all your new animatronic friends are like this guy's pretty cool he he may look a little weird but he's one of the I don't want to be tied to the Five Nights at Freddy's 2 location that would suck crazy dick you wouldn't be able to play from soft games okay Cory okay golden time Freddy comes over golden time Freddy he comes over what's up chap what's got you what's up on your mind I don't want to be tied to Five Night at Freddy's 2o why not I don't know I don't have a good enough reason well it seems like you haven't thought this one true well yeah now he just owns your ass maybe with a little meditation and a little inner inner reflection you might realize that actually we're not the worst kind of people to be surrounded by we all have your back and you I got to be honest unlimited food here I still feel like I'd be a little standoffish considering someone just scrambled my brains then put a chip little stand off he's like I had to do that so that the other guys wouldn't [ __ ] with you well I'd be like okay like well thanks actually so you ruined my life just because you were trying to look out for me I didn't ask for that well it's all a matter of perspective you might consider a life ruin I consider it a new beginning just SK to the part where be over when Cory getting gold golden Freddy just [ __ ] plows me then golden Bonnie comes in and sticks his [ __ ] in me and spit me he sticks it in my bloody stomach then balloon Boy comes out and steals my battery so I can't [ __ ] leave anyways and then they just decimate the rest of your body and Adams this what makes me like a 5-year-old ending any story like that just makes me laugh I it's so [ __ ] easy it's such an easy joke to make yeah joke yeah it's the easiest outcome because it's always the worst I just like there was so much buildup for this guy trying to be your friend well Cory wasn't being a agreeable you deserve to be right I wasn't I was spit roasted there's a difference that's true it's willing have a brain you dumb [ __ ] don't talk to me get the [ __ ] away from me man no I'm okay leave oh my God you can't even learn to put on a bra leave oh my God I mean I have a bra no you Le yeah but it's big titties are spilling her big [ __ ] titties are hanging move away from the orbs stand back from the ORS stand back from the orbs if we TR do the tree of our spread your thighs spread your thighs oh look at that I got Arrow I walk through the valley where I harvest my grain I take a look at my wife and realize she's very plain she's perfect for a woman like me you know I Sons fancy things like electricity and for early in the morning I'm milking clows 4:30 in the 4:30 in the morning real early in the morning je Pizza Kitchen Chicken [ __ ] Pizza Kitchen and chicken plows my wife fool I only remember the my wife fool I've been milking and plowing so long you even know even Ezekiel thinks that my mind is gone I'm a man of a land I'm meant to this PR got a B in my hand a bear of my chair but if you listen to the 40s and the nothing something n I'm going to [ __ ] you like it's 1989 yeah we're so [Music] good can we just kill Goden no catch her catch her all I have is the one great ball got to catch the ball D yeah got to catch them got to catch them him out I'm using my one great ball use the great ball on that fish B A you just told me to oh wow oh wow you caught a gold with a what a surprise what a surprise you're like you like CAU gou wow it's a great ball it's not a master ball you used a great ball in a shitty Pokemon give me that you Ed a great ball a great pokon oh yeah Tomar I can't believe you wasted I can't believe you wasted an epic ball on the [ __ ] gold steain an epic Bacon Ball the [ __ ] [Laughter] Goldstein wait all you had was the great ball you caught a gold was that's why I kept going are you sure I should use my great ball I thought you were joking you actually use that great ball you actually do that sh you should use a master ball on the ratat Next Great Balls aren't even that rare once they start basketall cost like a million dollars no bgy no it we met her Chris they know her holy [ __ ] what does IRC mean again internet room client really no
Channel: The Gimbish Glob
Views: 97,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JsKwNt5FB_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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