Under the Hood: Tabernacle

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join Sam and will as they bring the Bible's stories to life through historical evidence and try not to feel out of place in a car garage all while bringing you under the hood hey will you see this yeah this is an Egyptian Papyrus that I got while I was in Egypt does that make you feel smart well yeah it does Sam what are we doing here what we're doing here this this Papyrus is old and somebody came along and decided to paint all this with new colors and make it bright and vibrant and these cars are old and somebody came along and wanted to make them new and to repaint them and you know fits the theme so just like usual really what you're saying is because we're pastors somebody's letting us film here for free yeah but it's still cool right really cool welcome to under the hood my name is Will Bushman and I'm here alongside Sam cash Sam what are we talking about today today we are talking about the Tabernacle so the first question is what in the heck is the Tabernacle good question the Tabernacle is the place where God dwelt and so if you know the story of the Bible if you know Biblical history when Moses leads the Israelites out of Egypt through the Red Sea and out into the Wilderness and Moses goes up on Mount Si where he gets the Ten Commandments God gives Moses Specific Instructions saying I want for you to build me a place where I can dwell with my people and so this is the first time since the Garden of Eden since the fall of Man where God has said I'm coming down in the earth to dwell with my people again but he gives very specific instructions on what he wants them to build so there a place where God is to be worshiped so it's kind of like a temple yeah it's a temple except what makes it unique is it's totally portable and so it's more like a tent and he gives instructions to make a courtyard where they could go and offer sacrifices and cleanse themselves but inside the tent that's where the priest would go and and there was a table of bread that had specific meaning and a candle with light and all these kinds of meanings where you would go to offer prayer but the Lord dwelled in the backside of this tent and basically like when you think of God choosing a place to come dwell it shows you that he's incredibly humble because he doesn't require a temple because they're going to be on the move he requires a 10 Cubit by 10 Cubit which is like 15 ft by 15t little room and then 's only one piece of furniture in that room which is the Ark of the Covenant if you've ever heard that expression and once a year that's where the priest would come in offering a sacrifice and they would offer the blood of that sacrificed animal to atone for the sins of all of Israel for that year and so it was a tent that was on the move but it enabled the people to draw near to God and seek forgiveness and atonement okay Sam so you mentioned the Ark of the Covenant so what exactly is the Ark of the Covenant so the Ark of the Covenant is the place place where God's glory dwells uh there's a number of times throughout the Bible where God is described as the one who dwells between the cherubim and what that means is the Ark of the Covenant was a golden box with a lid on top it was a wooden box and that wood was overlaid with gold and inside of the Ark of the Covenant were all these sacred relics like the Ten Commandments and Aaron the high priest's rod and a Jar full of Mana which was bread from heaven but on top of the lid there was this there was two angels that were forged and one Angel is looking toward the middle of the lid and the other Angel's on the other side of the lid and between the two angels is where you would come and you would sprinkle the blood on top of the lid and that was the blood that was shed for the atonement of the sins of Israel that year but the imagery that comes out of the Ark of the Covenant is would have been really really meaningful to some a group of people that was just coming out out of Egypt God is preaching a message against the Egyptians by giving them all these designs okay Sam so you mentioned the Egyptians you mentioned them coming out of Exodus and as you described the Ark of the Covenant it just seems all kind of odd to have this box with angels and then there's going to be blood splattered on it so is God just creating something unique or is there real purpose behind what he's choosing to do yeah the people of that day would have seen the Tabernacle radically different than we see it today in fact when we read the Bible we can make it through through Genesis and everything's great we make it through the first half of the book of Exodus where you know all these Miracles are happening and they're getting through the Red Sea and that's really exciting but the moment that God starts talking with Moses on top of Mount Si about Tabernacle design and lampstands and arcs of the Covenant all that stuff we just go to snoozeville and want us fast forward but he's preaching outrageous messages to the Israelites by giving them these designs and that's what we're going to talk about right now so number of years ago I got the privilege of going over to Egypt and we went into the Cairo Museum and I was looking through all of the different practices that pharaohs would go through when they were being buried in that ancient world and as we were walking through we saw something called canopic chest and you can see here that what a canopic chest is is it's a box a wooden box that more often than not is overlaid with gold sound familiar and on top of the lit of that box is the god Anubis of the Egyptians and Anubis was The God Who would lead the dead through the afterlife and like try to help them on their way to achieving an afterlife and so when you look at the Ark of the Covenant which is a wooden box overlaid with gold with these two angels on top of it what it's trying to tell you is the same way that the Egyptians used that box as a way to point toward the afterlife and how you receive the mercy of the Gods the Mark of the Covenant accomplished that over here and so I want to pause for a moment and just talk a little bit about how Egyptians saw their hope of an afterlife okay so you're saying Sam that both of these boxes are pointing towards an afterlife so what exactly did the Egyptians believe about their afterlife the Egyptians had an incredibly moralistic view of their hope of an afterlife and so everything was dependent on them and so when someone died and we they have the Book of the Dead that was written right around the days of Moses but in the Book of the Dead what they would have to do is when they died they would have a team of people that would come to their body they would take out their organs they would put their what they believed to be the essential organs in something called canopic jars and then they would seal them up they they would take hooks this is middle schoolers love this but they would take hooks go through the nose grab hold of the brain pull it out through the nose pretty gnarly and then they would throw the brain away because they believed that was totally worthless but the four essential organs they would take put in these jars and then they would put those jars inside of chest and they would put those chests inside of chests and put those chests in bigger chests and you get the idea and the reason for that was they wanted no hope that oxygen or water would be able to get to those organs because in Egypt they believed that if your body died if your body decayed and decomposed you lost your hope of an afterlife and so when you look at these canopic chest that are gold with a nubis on top the jars that hold your essential organs went inside there and they would go inside your pyramid or your tomb with you and then they would take your skin and they would wrap it with something called mamia oil which is where we get the term mummy that makes sense and then they would wrap you up with strips and they would often times they put you in a pyramid because it would protect you from the elements water oxygen so that your body would not decompose and so they you'd have to preserve your body perfectly to have any hope of an afterlife and then there's the matter of the Soul what happens to your soul in the afterlife they put this much work and effort into their physical body so what in a spiritual sense did they believe about their life so the Egyptians in the Book of the Dead they had something called the Hall of judgment and it gives us a a picture of what the Egyptians believed about the afterlife and you got to remember all these Hebrew slaves that have spent 400 years in Egypt would have known very well what the Egyptians believe about the afterlife and so in the Hall of judgment what you can see here in the The Book of the Dead is a guy by the name of huner is being Guided by Anubis you remember Anubis because he's on the top of the boxes the canopic boxes and he leads unifer the Egyptian man to these scales and these are the scales of justice and on one side of the scale is the man's heart on the other side of the scale is something called the feather of matat which is the feather of truth and the idea is if your heart is heavier than a feather if it's weighed down by sin and it shrinks down you see that creature right there that has the hippopotamus bottom and the lion torso and the crocodile head well that was your fate if you were found to be Wicked if your heart was heavier than a feather then you were devoured by amot and amut took a great relish and bringing much torture to you and when you past that then you look up and you see all those gods that are sitting Indian style and they're holding the little rings that look like crosses with loops on top all of those Gods there's 42 of them in total you'd have to go to and you'd have to recite these incantations and you would have to explain to them why they should approve of you going to the afterlife and this is where we get surprised because Egypt in the Bible is always known as the enemy right it's if you have the kingdom of God Egypt is always the oppressor okay so you just talked for a while about Egyptian death and Egyptian judgment and Egyptian afterlife so what is any of this have to do with the Christian Tabernacle so when I was walking around in the Cairo Museum and I'm looking at all these things that remind me very much of the Ark of the Covenant there's also all these murals that are being displayed and you look around at ancient funeral practices and I noticed that all of those boxes where the pharaoh's organs are are being held on poles or they're being on dragged on sleds and the reason for that was in ancient Egypt if you were to touch something that held a part of the body of the Pharaoh you would be put to death and I thought my goodness that's what happens with the Ark of the Covenant you are not allowed to touch it because it's the dwelling place of God Almighty and if you touch it you're put to death and then I started thinking like even in the picture of the Hall of judgment what do you see there it is a large welcoming area and if you if you dissect the Hall of judgment it's basically in three parts two of those parts are the welcome area where he's getting his heart weighed and everything else but there's a back room where the god Osiris dwells and once Anubis brought you into the presence of Osiris who is the god of Resurrection who could grant you your wish to be resurrected that's where God dwelt in the back room and I thought my goodness this is a picture of the Tabernacle itself because what is the Tabernacle the front part of it is two sections where you find the lampstand and the table of showbread and the incense and then there's this great curtain and behind that curtain is the holy of holies where the the glory of God dwells and the Ark of the Covenant dwells and no one's allowed in there because that's where God dwells and if you touch the Ark of the Covenant you're put to death and both of these things started echoing and even in the Egyptian art when a pharaoh would go out to war like when Ramses goes out and he fights the Battle of cadesh there's a famous painting there's a war tent where the front part of the tent is for the priest but the last room in the back that's broken down into three sections the last third is where Pharaoh would go and who is pharaoh to the Egyptians he's a God and he has these beings that are stretching out their wings toward him what does that sound like well that's that's like the Ark of the Covenant where you have the angels that are stretching out their wings on both sides and God dwells in the middle and so when I started thinking about this I thought man did the Hebrews just totally steal this from the Egyptians because it looks like they did and the reality is they did but God is saying you just saw all the stuff over there you saw the war tent you saw the Hall of judgment you saw all of the canopic shrines and everything else that's going to remind you of the Ark of the Covenant I'm coming at you with all these new designs that are meant to remind you of all that stuff because I'm going to show you that their stuff is garbage they say it's all about what you do and your morality and you have to preserve your body I'm going to give you a message with the Ark of the Covenant that shows you it has nothing to do with you in fact everything about the Ark of the Covenant is to remind you that you can't measure up but I measure up for you okay so Sam you told us that God really is kind of copying the whole Egyptian process to show him that there's something greater there's something better for his people than the Egyptians ever had so like really what is that difference well the difference is and we kind of mentioned it is that for the Egyptians it's all about what I do it's me being good enough it's me Measuring Up and hopefully the gods will approve of me but the whole basis for the Arc of the Covenant is why are you why why do you have to sacrifice an animal well by sacrificing an animal built into that you're coming saying I've done something wrong I don't measure up something had to die to atone for my sins which is looking forward to Jesus ultimately by the way but beyond something having to be sacrificed and then you putting its blood between the angels in the presence of God to atone for sin when you lift that lid off and you look cuz God's got one selection he only wants one piece of furniture in the room where he dwells and it's this Ark of the Covenant and when you look inside of it what is so precious to God that he says I want that to go in the Ark of the Covenant the first one the most famous is The Ten Commandments it's the tablets but what do the tablets remind us of well Moses went on Mount Si and here's the law like you better measure up right here's the law when Moses got the Ten Commandments do you remember what happens he's up on the mountain he's receiving the law of God and what are the all the people doing down below not that they're not worshiping God they're they're worshiping a golden calf and they're committing outrageous sins and when Moses comes down and he's holding the word of God delivered directly from Heaven what does he do with the word of God throws it he smashes them and then he goes to work interceding for the sin of the people and then God comes to him and gives a pledge Moses I want you to come back on Mount Si because I'm going to give you new tablets well what is that it's the word of God that's come down from heaven can you remember a name of Jesus that's we find in the very first chapter of John 1 in the beginning was the word and the word wasn't tablets this time the word became flesh and dwelt Among Us so here you have this word that comes down from heaven that confronts the sin of all the people and what happens to that word it too is going to be smashed thrown on a cross destroyed we hate it sin goes against it but what does God do to that destroyed word that is crucified and dead he makes it new just like he renews the tablets to Moses the word of God made flesh is raised from the dead and what is that when God throws that inside the Ark of the Covenant what is it saying it's a reminder one of the standard but the fact that they're renewed tablets it's also o a reminder that you did not measure up the first one had to be broken and here's this renewed tablet showing God's patience and mercy toward you so it's about mercy your shortcomings but God's goodness then the next one you find is Mana in there and this is a surprising one because if you know the story of Mana where God is feeding his people out in the wilderness by raining down Mana from Heaven this bread from Heaven what happens every day to that Mana after a day it rots it disintegrates you can't keep it it turns nasty but an OM of Mana that's kept inside the Glorious presence of God what happens to it there it perseveres it does not rot it does not Decay well what message is found for us there that when we are in the presence of God we don't Decay there's no death there there's no decomposition by his glory and his power he brings everlasting life and then the last thing that was kept in the Ark of the Covenant which is just a nether nod toward God's mercy and his resurrection power comes and it's Aaron's Rod but this is where that Rod became so precious in the sight of God in Israel Aaron was a high priest he was supposed to be a holy guy he wasn't he was a mess and the people knew it and they didn't want him and they started rebelling and they said we want a new high priest we think our guy should be the high priest and God comes forward through Moses and says all right God is going to reveal who he wants to have as a high priest everyone bring me staffs from your lead guy and you leave them outside the Tabernacle and the one God chooses is GNA come to life supernaturally and it's a wild story right here's a staff and he says the one I choose it's going to Blossom and it's going to have almonds growing on it and all this stuff in other words the thing that it's utterly dead it would be absurd to claim that this is going to come to life it's a stick it's a stick is going to come to life because God is a god of Resurrection he brings dead things to life so morning comes and guess whose Rod blossomed the one who's undeserving it's it's Aaron it's the high priest who's failed at every turn who's everybody has gone against him and God says you don't understand I'm the God who can bring dead things to life and I'm the God who can take the Unworthy vessels and I still choose them and so he takes that emblem and he says I want that inside the Ark of the Covenant and so compare that now with what's coming out of Egypt where Egypt is like you have to be good enough you have to earn it you better preserve your body you got to have all your stuff God's like I don't want none of your stuff you're not putting your stuff in my arc of the Covenant it's my tablets that show that I persevere with my people and I'm faithful even when they mess up it's me who makes dead things come to life that show my favor to those who don't deserve my favor and it's me who makes things that normally die that gives them everlasting life and how does that happen what's the what's the whole point of the Arc of the Covenant it's where we draw near to God confessing our sins pleading because of shed blood and he shows us Mercy that's why the top of the Ark of the Covenant is called The Mercy Seat and so God is saying no to all that Egyptian stuff and he's saying you can't plead you can't be good enough I make you good enough so don't lean on yourself come to me I'm good enough and I love you you're mine okay so as you entered into into the Tabernacle as you enter in this Courtyard what would they have seen yeah so coming from the outside you would enter into a courtyard and the first thing that you come to is a What's called the bronze Altar and this is where if you were bringing animal sacrifices you're going to lay them on the altar which is set Ablaze you're going to slaughter the animal and the shed blood is going to be for the Forgiveness of your sins or to make a Thanksgiving offering or whatever but the reason why that is the first thing that you encounter is very instructive like theolog ically we would say the same thing in the Christian faith that before you can ever come to Jesus you have to acknowledge that you have a need of a savior right and the the bronze altar required you to recognize I need atonement I've got sin and I don't know how to get right with God and I don't want to be punished and God had made a way for where you could sacrifice an animal and the punishment would be laid on them and the blood of that animal would symbolically atone for your sins and so the very first thing you come to makes you acknowledge that you're a sinner and that you need atonement very important back then just as it is for a Christian today then the next thing that you would come to in the outside of the tent is called the bronze Laver and it's where you would clean up there would be a pool for your feet where you would wash your feet and for your hands where you would wash your hands and the idea is before I go into the tent where God dwells I want to honor him by cleaning myself up and there's a really instructive part of this because remember you get the atonement you s the sacrifice you acknowledge your sins God forgives you through that and then you clean yourself up and so often in our world we think you know what I've got to clean myself up and then I can receive the approval of God through sacrifice and it's like no the opposite is true God takes care of your sin atone Lo for your sin first and then he invites you to clean yourself up and so you see that layout in the Tabernacle does that make sense yeah yeah and so we've made it through the courtyard now we're actually entering into the physical tent yeah and everything is to point your your eyes to where you understand it in relation to God so I need atonement I need cleansing and then you go inside and to your right hand side there would be something called the table of showbread where there would be 12 loaves of bread unleavened bread that represented each of the 12 tribes of Israel all the people of God and why bread well the idea was God you satisfy me you quench my Hunger everything that I'm longing for in this world all of my appetites find their ultimate satisfaction and fulfillment and you alone and so bread was there to remind you that God satisfies you nothing else in this world when you went across the Tabernacle there was a 75 lb gold lampstand that gave light inside of it because it's a tent and they didn't have electric electricity back then and so this candle is burning and it's giving off light well what is light it's life it's it's your it's the way that you see it it allows you to see in the darkness and so it's saying okay God you're my truth you're my wisdom you're my light you're my warmth and so all of those things that are symbolized by that lampstand God you are the those things and so it brought you into an element of worship when you remembered these things the last element that's in this front room because there's two rooms in the Tabernacle the first one is twice as large and then there's a curtain before you get to the back room which was called the holy of holies but the last piece of furniture before the temple veil or the curtain was called the Golden altar of incense and some some religions still do this where they will have incense in the middle of a church service well the idea is when that smoke is rising it is to remind you visually to offer up your prayers because just as that smoke and incense Rises up to the heavens it's to remind you my prayers to the Lord also rise up to a god who's listening and so I find my satisfaction in God I find truth in what God says my worldview is in what God says and that is to remind you that we serve a god who's always looking for intimacy okay so as we move from the first room we're going through a veil and what's on the other side of that yeah well first the reason why we have that Veil there there would have been cherubim Angels stitched into that Veil and what that meant was it reminded you of the Garden of Eden so when man fell and we betrayed God and we spat in his face God put mankind out of the Garden of Eden and he stationed cherubim Angels there to say you can't come back in you're Fallen you're broken there has has to be a Plan of Salvation before you can be worthy to come into my presence again and so this 4 inch thick woven curtain had the Cherub them in and it reminded you you can't go into the presence of God in fact there was only one person the high priest of Israel who was allowed to go into the holy of holies that back room and only once per year on the day of atonement and he would carry the blood and what was in that back room this one piece of furniture that was so precious to God was the Ark of the Covenant and it was a golden box Inside the Box you had the Ten Commandments you had Aaron's rod and you had a jarful of mana and on the lid of this golden box you had two angels facing each others two cherubim Angels facing each other and God said when you take the sacrificed animals blood the blood of atonement and you sprinkle it on the lid which God called The Mercy Seat then that would symbolically take care of all the sins of Israel for that year and so every piece of the Tabernacle was to draw you into worship and Nearness of God so Sam you said earlier that this actually points us to Jesus and I think I could get there by myself but just really tell me how does this lead to Jesus so not only does the Tabernacle kind of broadly point you to theological truths about God but in the New Testament we're told like in the book of Hebrews it comes along and it says you know the blood of goats and Bulls can't take away sin well then you're like okay well what was all that about then it also says things like the whole Tabernacle is just a copy and a shadow of what was to come in Jesus like he fulfills all the elements of it but then there's something wild the entire Gospel of John that lays out the Life Death resurrection of Jesus is modeled in the Tabernacle the whole Tabernacle architecture is prophetically looking to Jesus would you believe that yeah what do you mean by all that well there's a lot there so we're going to walk through the entire Gospel of John you ready for this let's do it it's like an outline like if you're looking at a table of contents of the Gospel of John you could just look at the Tabernacle here we go you ready John chapter one we're told in the beginning was the word and the word became flesh verse 14 and dwelled Among Us you know that in the Greek that word dwelled literally is tabernacled and what it's saying is the glory of God took on a tent a tabernacle of human flesh which is pretty wild to think about and so there we're already introduced to Jesus as though he's a tabernacle you get to the latter part of John chapter 1 and you have John the Baptist who's out in the wilderness and what does he say when he sees Jesus he says Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world and so it's like we're tracking through the Tabernacle right out of the gates this is going to be the lamb that's going to be sacrificed for the atonement and the Forgiveness of sins there's your bronze altar it's him he's the lamb that's going to be sacrificed now we go to John Chapter 2 and you're going to notice lots and lots of water imagery because what is the next thing you come to in the Tabernacle is going to be the bronze labor where you wash and what do you find in John 2 well you find Jesus's first miracle which is when he transforms what Water to Wine water to wine and where does he find that water we're told that he he goes and he finds six purification jars that are filled with water that's for ceremonial cleansing in other words the Jews looked at the water and said this is what cleanses us and Jesus goes uh no it's not going to be water that cleanse you I'm going to transform it to Wine well in the Christian church what does wine represent at Communion when you drink wine it's celebrating what his blood in other words Jesus is saying it's my blood that's going to cleanse you he's looking forward to that and so you have this cleansing element the water you're going to find in John 3 talk about baptism what's baptism well it's when you go into the waters and symbolically you're raised to New Life and your former life is washed away it's cleansing he's going and John two remember he cleanses the temple you get to John 4 and again keeping the water Motif going what who does he meet he meets a woman where is she she's at a well of water and what's her problem she's got a shameful past that she can't get rid of and Jesus offers her dignity and forgiveness and she her past is washed away and you get to John five and he heals a man at the pools of Bethesda and you got all this water imagery where Jesus is just systematically like he's he's been the bronze alter he's been the labor where he's bringing cleansing to people well now we go inside the tent of the Tabernacle and our table of contents and what's the first thing that we come to on the right hand side the table of shra that's right and so when you get to John chapter 6 what is Jesus doing well he's just completed a miracle in which he has fed 5,000 people and what does he have left over 12 baskets of bread does that remind you of anything 12 loaves of showbread and he says radical things like I am the bread of life and then he next chapter it's the Feast of Tabernacles where they're celebrating grain and bread and then you get to John 8 now remember in the Tabernacle where would we go next after the table of showbread we go straight across to the golden lampstand and in John 8 what is what is Jesus do he makes this stunning statement where he says I am the light of the world and he heals a blind man well what does a blind man receive light he goes from utter Darkness to light merging forth and and this is the guy who is questioned by all the religious leaders like who did this and he says this is where the famous line I once was blind but now I see like that's coming out of this and then he's teaching in the temple courts and you get to John 17 remember what does incense represent it's it's prayer John 17 is called in most Bibles you'll see the headline the high Priestly prayer it's where Jesus is in on the Mount of Olives and he is praying for his people desperately praying for his people offering up this prayer and then he goes down to the Garden of Gethsemane where he prays some more and what happens as he's praying he's betrayed and Judas shows up and he's got a contingency of soldiers in the temple guard and they arrest him there and for the second time God will be betrayed in a garden the first time Genesis 3 the second time you have Jesus at the Garden of Gethsemane being betrayed by man again and they arrest him and they take him back into Jerusalem and they put him through a kangaroo court and they abuse him and they strike him and they spit on him and ultimately he's going to go through a trial and they're going to decree ultimately with pi pilate's permission that he's going to be crucified and as he's crucified and he dies do you remember what happens in the gospel narrative there's a great earthquake and what does it do tears the veil it tears the veil so we're moving through the Tabernacle now we're to Jesus's death and the Tabernacle Veil is torn those cherubim that represented the garden where God said you can no longer come to me Jesus's death gets rid of them they're abolished which means what you now have access to God but there's still one piece of the Tabernacle that's left we've hit the bronze altar we've hit the bronze labor we've hit the table of showbread we've hit the golden lampstand we've hit the incense and we've torn the veil open and there in the holy of holies is the last piece of furniture it's the Ark of the Covenant this holy piece of furniture that is supposed to be pointing us to how we get forgiven foress from God and that's where the story of Jesus comes to a climax so how does the Ark of the Covenant get us directly to Jesus well to look at that we have to remember that on the morning of the third day the women show up to the tomb right and they show up and the stone is rolled away and they're in utter disbelief and we're told that Mary Magdalene is freaking out she runs back to where the disciples are she runs into the room and she says he's not there somebody's moved his body and what happens is Peter and John are like we got to go check this out so they have they're sprinting to get to the tomb and John gets there first Peter runs right in and they see the folded up linens on the ground they're an absolute awe of what happens they don't understand it they leave there and they know something's up well Mary Magdalene is still there she's outside the tomb as they leave and she's devastated Jesus meant the world to her and so she's sobbing and she's weeping and she goes to the entrance of the Tomb she Stoops and looks in and listen to how John records this this John 20:10 it says the disciples went back to their homes but Mary stood outside the tomb crying as she wept she bent over to look into the tomb and she saw two angels in white seated where Jesus's body had been one at the head and the other at the foot and so I want you to imagine in your mind's eye Mary's looking into the tomb the empty tomb and what does she see she sees the bloody Linens the same ones that Peter and John saw that were wrapped around Jesus's mutilated body that are on the ground and at one end where his head had been there's an angel in white and on the other side there's an angel in white does ring any bells yeah that's the Ark of the Covenant and and so if the high priest went in there once a year every year to sprinkle blood so that the sins of the people could be symbolically forgiven what does it mean that God became a man and his blood was shed for you the the book of Hebrews answers that it means this is once and for all time he's he's an infinite God which means his blood is infinitely powerful which means you don't have to do this every year anymore the Lamb of God was slain his blood was poured out so that you and I can have atonement the Ark of the Covenant G instructions from god, 1400 years before Jesus is born now you see The Real McCoy in the empty tomb that's the Arc of the Covenant and here's what's Wild for hundreds of years it was only the high priest it was only someone from the tribe of Levi from the line of Aaron who was high and mighty and considered above everyone else that gained access into the holy of holies and could see the Ark of the Covenant with his own eyes who is it that's the first one to gain access to the empty tomb to see this image why didn't the Angels appear to Peter and John they're the high and mighty disciples now he waits for them to leave and then he shows that image to Mary Magdalene who is this it's a woman and probably a former prostitute we know that she was once possessed by demons and God says you want to know who's worthy to come into the holy of holies now people like her people like you people like me the farthest off the most immoral are now welcomed into to the holiest place on the planet and God reserved that for her that means the world if she's welcomed in who's turned away no one so as we look through the Tabernacle as we've hit every detail we really see that Jesus is the true high priest yeah and he's not only the true high priest he's the greater Temple he's the Lamb of God he's the high he's the high priest he's all of it and one of the wild things is you know the only time that anyone ever got to go into the holy of holies we talked about this was on the day of atonement and it's and the Hebrews would have referred to this as yam kapor they still celebrate it to this day but when you go back and look at what would have happened in first century for Yam kapor you see that the passion narrative just describes it so perfectly for example in the first century we know this from the talmud and other Jewish writings that before the day of atonement when the high priest would go in he had to stay up all night the night before he was not allowed to go to sleep and he would stay up and he would read the Torah and the idea was this is such a holy day they didn't want to risk him having bad dreams or sinful dreams and so he stayed up all night reading the Torah well what happens with Jesus the night before he's betrayed he's in a Garden of Gethsemane pleading with God that he does not want to go to the Cross but he's willing to go to the Cross if it's the Lord Lord's will and he's got all of his disciples around him that are asleep they can't stay awake but our great High priests stayed awake until the very end then the daughters of Jerusalem during yam kapor that's an that's a way of saying the unmarried women were called to go out and dance throughout Out The Vineyards and they were called the daughters of Jerusalem and you think through the passion narrative and what happens where are the daughters of Jerusalem they're all through the streets of Jerusalem watching this mutilated Jesus carrying his cross and they're all weeping and what does Jesus say Daughters of Jerusalem don't weep for me and so during yam kapor you know how many times the high priest changed his clothes probably not nope five times and he would alternate between ceremonial garments and pure white garments and the passion narrative do you know how many times Jesus changes his clothes I'm hoping five it's five he changes his clothes for Herod he's put back in his original clothes he changes his clothes when the Roman soldiers mock him with the the purple robes then he's stripped naked and he's thrown on a cross and you're thinking okay well that's four changes of clothes that's four different outfits where's the fifth one it's burial cloths and what would happen when the high priest would go go into the holy of holies Leviticus 16 in the Bible says that when the high priest was done sprinkling the blood he would take off his outer garment His lenen Garment and he would fold them up neatly and he would leave them inside the holy of holies and then he would walk away and so I want you to remember what did John and Peter see when they show up at the empty tomb the only thing they see is folded up Linens where Jesus's body had been he's the great high priest and his work is done another thing that you find in yam kapor is what what's referred to as the scapegoat where the the priest would have two goats one goat would be sacrificed for God the other goat would have symbolically the sins of the people imputed to them and they'd be sent off into the Wilderness can you think of something that happens during the passion of Jesus where there's an option between two things two people it's barabus or Jesus and one of them's going to be spared the sinful one actually gets to go free the the other one is going to be sacrificed to God yeah and one of the other parts of this is you have the high priest that would actually this would have been humiliating where the other priest would hold up a sheet in front of him and he would literally have to get naked and bathe behind this sheet because he was to be totally clean can you think of how Jesus fits that when he goes to the Cross he doesn't have a sheet to hide his nakedness where the high priest is able to be cleansed and hidden from being shamed publicly in his nakedness Jesus is drenched with the sin of his people and he's exposed to all the shame of nakedness as he Bears our curse to go to his cross to shed the blood that's going to bring us atonement so in all these ways we see that Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of yam kapor he's the one that doesn't just bring a day of atonement for a year he shed his blood once and for all time so that all of his people could find permanent forgiveness that leads to life Everlasting and freedom we don't have to gravel before our God saying Lord I sinned again he's taken care of it he's taken care of our sins in the past our sins in the present and our sins for all time on the cross and in his resurrection after all this it truly is amazing that all of scripture even the Tabernacle as crazy as it sounds points us directly to Jesus and his work on our behalf it's amazing it's absolutely amazing so when we get to these chapters and we think oh this is boring it's just parts of the Tabernacle the reality is the heart behind this is God saying I've got a story in mind this is actually talking about the mission my son will accomplish and why does God decorate the scriptures with it because our God is excited about what his son will accomplish why because what his son will accomplish purchases you so that you you can be with him in perfect relationship and absolute righteousness for all time forever and God decorates the scriptures with all of these stories pointing to what his son Jesus will do because he loves you and that Thrills the heart of God thank you again and join us next time as we go under the hood of another story in the [Music] Bible w
Channel: Under the Hood
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Id: 0ksK4V-2vvw
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Length: 43min 59sec (2639 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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