Undeniable Breakthrough Prayers - Christian Sleep Meditations by Tyler

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store is there something you've been praying for for weeks or months or even years perhaps you're beginning to wonder if God is listening perhaps you're beginning to give up hope at the Breakthrough you need will come Jesus wants you to Keep On Believing Luke's gospel tells us that Jesus told his disciples this parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart he said in a certain City there is a judge who neither feared God nor respected man and there was a widow in that City who kept coming to him and saying give me Justice against my adversary for a while he refused but afterward he said to himself though I neither fear God nor respect man yet because this Widow keeps bothering me I will give her justice so that she will not beat me down by her continual coming God is not like the judge in this parable this judge is unfair and unconcerned about the woman only helping her eventually out of self-interest but God is just he is always listening to us and ready to bless us if even an unjust judge will respond to repeated cries for justice how much more will adjust and caring God respond to our prayers take heart and God is listening and wants to help you persevere in prayer and be sure your breakthrough will come let's pray together Lord you are trustworthy in all you promise and faithful in all you do you uphold all who fall and lift up all who are bowed down you give us what we need at the right time you open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing you are near to all who call on you and you fulfill the desires of those who fear you you hear our cries and save us thank you Lord we trust in you in Jesus name amen [Music] if God seems slow to answer keep trusting in Him in abiding with him while you wait you can be sure that he loves you hears you and desires what is best for you trust in him today when I said my foot is slipping Your unfailing Love Lord supported me when anxiety was great Within Me your consolation brought me joy rest on the word consolation for a moment insulation means comfort compassion relief and strength your consolation comes from the unfailing love of God through Jesus Christ his son I'm reminded of a beautiful passage of scripture that tells of a man named Simeon who was led by the spirit to the temple on the same day that Mary and Joseph brought the baby Jesus to be dedicated you see Simeon had long awaited the birth of the Messiah the consolation of Israel and by the Divine Providence of God his eyes beheld the newborn king this is what Simeon said when he took Jesus in his arms Lord now you're letting your servant depart in peace according to your word for my eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared before the face of all peoples a light to bring Revelation to the Gentiles in the glory of your People Israel according to the word of the Lord Jesus came to be the consolation of Israel a light to the Gentiles and the glory of his people he is your consolation your light in Your Glory for comfort and passion relief and strength Jesus casts all anxiety away and replaces it with perfect peace [Music] there is no need to be anxious anymore every need you have is covered in Jesus he comforts you he offers compassion and relief from every worry [Music] he strengthens you and lead you into the assurance that he has everything under control release everything to him when anxiety was great Within Me your consolation brought me joy rest in the joy of the Lord feel his peace wash over you like a healing balm in him you have received healing and renewal [Music] the old things are gone the new has come all anxieties are taken away and replaced by God's consolation of peace psalm 119. we hear these words remember your promise to me and is my only hope your promise revives me it comforts me in all my troubles remember God's promises they are your hope they comfort you in every trouble he promises to uphold you with his righteous right hand he promises to love you with an everlasting love he promises to be with you always never leaving you or forsaking you rest deeply in the promises of God tonight doubt cannot remain where God's truth abides fear is cast out where God's peace resides anxiety Runs Dry as God's presence fills worries are calmed as the Holy Spirit stills gracious God please remember this beloved listener tonight as they sleep soundly in your presence and in your grace bless them as they rest in you keep them in the fold of your unfailing love and guard them through every hour of the night thank you Lord for freeing this person of all anxiety right here right now we trust you to cast out all traces of fretfulness and unrest as this child Sleeps Tonight I ask that you fill their dreams with reminders of your promises Promises of your unfailing love and goodness pray for restorative sleep that will help them wake up in the morning refreshed and renewed thank you God for your comfort and peace in Jesus name when I said my foot is slipping Your unfailing Love Lord supported me when anxiety was great Within Me your consolation brought me joy sleep now and the peaceful consolation of joy and be free to live and Unity with the Lord safe secure and surrounded by his unfailing love amen listen to these comforting words from psalm 94. verses 18 and 19. when I said my foot is slipping Your unfailing Love Lord supported me when anxiety was great Within Me your consolation brought me joy rest in those words for a few moments each of us at different times in our lives has felt as though our feet were slipping either by our own choices or habits or by life's circumstances of which we have no control we've found ourselves slipping away and even falling a time or two if this describes you please know that you're not alone other brothers and sisters in Christ have slipped as well and many have found themselves living a life of imbalance and struggling to remain steady on their feet [Music] but please remember this God's unfailing love is always there to support you you are not left to figure out things for yourself he is there to uphold you to help you get back on your feet and then to lead you in the way you should go you can trust him lean on him can rest in him there is great peace and knowing that God's unfailing love never leaves you he supports you every step of the way [Music] steady strong unchanging unfailing that's what God's love is rest and the Stillness of the room and feel God's unfailing love surrounding you supporting you and setting you free let's pray precious God holy God [Music] as the remnants of worry and anxiety decrease we feel your love increase more and more thank you we praise you we rest in your presence and find Freedom in your spirit for where your spirit is there is freedom [Music] tonight Lord break every stronghold of anxiety in the life of this listener [Music] cut the chains of fretfulness and unrest open wide the window of your peace and Usher in the sweet fragrance of joy it is in the name of Jesus we pray these things amen listen again to our Bible passage of comfort and joy when I said my foot is slipping Your unfailing Love Lords supported me when anxiety was great Within Me your consolation brought me joy rest on the word consolation for a moment consolation means comfort compassion relief and strength your consolation comes from the unfailing love of God through Jesus Christ his son I'm reminded of a beautiful passage of scripture that tells of a man named Simeon who was led by the spirit to the temple on the same day that Mary and Joseph brought the baby Jesus to be dedicated you see Simeon had long awaited the birth of the Messiah the consolation of Israel and by the Divine Providence of God his eyes beheld the newborn king this is what Simeon said when he took Jesus in his arms Lord now you're letting your servant depart in peace according to your word for my eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared before the face of all peoples a light to bring Revelation to the Gentiles in the glory of your People Israel according to the word of the Lord Jesus came to be the consolation of Israel a light to the Gentiles and the glory of his people he is your consolation your light and your glory [Music] through comfort compassion relief and strength Jesus casts all anxiety away and replaces it with perfect peace there is no need to be anxious anymore every need you have is covered in Jesus he comforts you he offers compassion and relief from every worry he strengthens you and leads you into the assurance that he has everything under control release everything to him when anxiety was great Within Me your consolation brought me joy rest in the joy of the Lord feel his peace wash over you like a healing balm in him you have received healing and renewal the old things are gone and the new has come [Music] all anxieties are taken away and replaced by God's consolation of peace in Psalm 119 we hear these words remember your promise to me [Music] and is my only hope your promise revives me comforts me in all my troubles remember God's promises they are your hope they come for you in every trouble he promises to uphold you with his righteous right hand he promises to love you with an everlasting love he promises to be with you always never leaving you or forsaking you rest deeply in the promises of God tonight [Music] doubt cannot remain where God's truth abides fear is cast out or God's peace resides anxiety Runs Dry as God's presence fills worries are calmed as the Holy Spirit stills gracious God please remember this beloved listener tonight as they sleep soundly in your presence and in your grace bless them as they rest in you keep them in the fold of your unfailing love and guard them through every hour of the night thank you Lord for freeing this person of all anxiety right here right now we trust you to cast out all traces of fretfulness and unrest this child Sleeps Tonight I ask that you fill their dreams with reminders of your promises [Music] Promises of your unfailing love and goodness I pray for restorative sleep that will help them wake up in the morning refreshed and renewed thank you God for your comfort and peace in Jesus name [Music] when I said my foot is slipping Your unfailing Love Lord supported me when anxiety was great Within Me your consolation brought me joy thank you sleep now and the peaceful consolation of joy and be free to live and Unity with the Lord safe secure and surrounded by his unfailing love [Music] amen [Music] in the Old Testament Moses was given a recipe for the holy anointing oil the Lord told him in Exodus chapter 30 to take the finest spices of myrrh sweet smelling cinnamon aromatic calamus cassia in olive oil [Music] these were valuable spices that the Lord Called Moses to gather he wanted only the finest ingredients for his holy anointing oil the purest of myrrh also called the myrrh of freedom in Hebrew sweet smelling cinnamon a rare spice that was much valued in that region aromatic calamus from the Reed of a plant that grew close to the water God was specific about choosing the finest spices and from these spices Moses was commanded to make a holy anointing oil an ointment Blended according to the art of the perfumer to be used as an oil of consecration inhale the sweet smelling aroma of the Holy anointing oil as it fills the room this holy oil was used to consecrate the Tabernacle of meeting the Ark of the testimony and the altar of incense in order to make them holy for the service of the Lord not only that Aaron and his sons were Anointed with oil to be Sanctified as priests unto the Lord that they might Minister before him all of their days this holy anointing was a symbol of being set apart for God set apart let those words sink in for several moments [Music] now please hear this prayer of anointing holy God we come humbly before you speaking the anointing of your presence we long to be set apart for you in all things Lord we offer ourselves in Humble surrender for in you we live and move and have our being please cover us with the sweet fragrance of your holy anointing oil tonight settle our hearts and Minds in the presence of Your Love and Grace we seek true rest in you tonight deep peaceful uninterrupted sleep in the mighty name of your son Jesus we pray amen in Psalm 45 a Psalm of love and declaration we read these words about God's anointing over his son therefore God your God has anointed you with the oil of gladness more than your companions all your garments are scented with myrrh an aloe and cassia out of the ivory palaces by which they have made you glad therefore God your God has anointed you rest in the Holiness of these words for several moments all your garments are scented with myrrh and aloe and cassia the scent of his garments were covered in the Holy fragrance of God's anointing oil each strand of Jesus's sacrifice was woven into place by the good pleasing and perfect will of the father just as a person weaves beautiful tapestry ing that each thread appears in its proper place God the Father wove his perfect plan through the life of his son so that we could live for eternity with him allow the tapestry of God's love and grace to secure you in his peace tonight God has anointed you with the oil of gladness Joy and contentment fill the room the anointing oil of gladness rests on you like a comforting blanket all worries fade away they are replaced with God's perfect peace [Music] oh how good it is to abide in the Peace of God's holy anointing abide here now in the oil of gladness for several moments this beautiful passage in Psalm 45 describes the Lord Jesus as the anointed one your throne o God is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of your kingdom your throne oh God is forever and ever the security of knowing that God is on his throne allows us to rest assured that he is in control over everything that concerns us he reigns above every Earthly Kingdom God rules [Music] let the Eternal comfort of God's sovereignty settle deep in your heart for several moments [Music] we continue to hear about the precious anointing of Jesus as the psalmist writes you are fairer than the sons of men Grace is poured upon your lips therefore God has blessed you forever gird your sword upon your thigh o mighty one with your glory and your majesty and in your majesty ride prosperously because of Truth humility and righteousness fairer than the sons of men Grace poured upon your lips with glory and Majesty because of Truth humility and righteousness rest in those beautiful descriptions of the Lord Jesus Grace was poured upon the lips of Jesus that he would in turn bestow his grace on us oh what Mercy what Grace and what forgiveness we cannot comprehend the depths of his love for us for you even the deepest part of the sea is not deep enough to hold the Grandeur of God's love for us for all eternity we will draw upon the waters of the savior's love and drink deeply from the well and never runs dry here the continual flow of Living Water flowing from the Throne of God's grace [Music] dear one Jesus was anointed to Bear our sin and shame he fixed his eyes on the cross out of his unwavering love and mercy over us his ultimate sacrifice is the foundation of our holy anointing by his grace through faith we are saved not by our own works but by the gracious gift of the father breathe deeply [Music] a breath of thankfulness to the God who saves Jesus our savior holy and anointed one anointed with Grace Anointed with Glory anointed with a Majesty our god reigns forever and ever Rest In His glory tonight oh Lord our Lord How Majestic is your name in all the Earth we praise you for you are king of kings and Lord of lords there is no one like you your righteousness you Reign forever and ever and in that truth we find peace by your anointing we are yours you are true to your word and you never fail us you lead us in truth and righteousness thank you God we praise you in the name of Jesus my friend as you drift off to sleep in the peaceful presence of the Lord there is yet another anointing I would like to remind you of it is far greater than the fragrant oil poured out in the Tabernacle the Everlasting anointing of the holy spirit of God for the word says it is God who establishes you in Christ and has anointed you he has also put his seal on you and given you his spirit in your heart as a guarantee his spirit is in your heart as a guarantee settle your heart and mind on the Holy Spirit tonight [Music] this beautiful anointing by the Holy Spirit is not to be taken lightly this anointing is the very hand of God on our lives the very same Spirit who raised Jesus dwells in US God has anointed us sealed us and inscribed on our hearts the guarantee that we will be with him forever God's promises are immovable [Music] unchangeable and unfathomable [Music] he has put his seal on us and given us his spirit in our hearts as a guarantee breathe deeply in that unchangeable immovable blessing right now therefore God your God has anointed you with the oil of gladness more than your companions all your garments are scented with myrrh an aloe and cassia out of the ivory palaces by which they have made you glad with the sweet smelling Aroma of God's holy anointing oil surrounding you with peace breathe Softly [Music] in and out take in the fragrance of myrrh cinnamon and cassia as a soothing balm of peace and gladness God is with you he loves you he covers you with his presence [Music] most holy God we receive your anointing hand upon us tonight we rest in the presence of your Holy Spirit we breathe in the fragrance of Your Love You Are Holy and just we abide in your Holiness now hushed and settled for you alone lead us to safe and quiet places thank you Father thank you for your anointing over us are the Seal of your spirit on our hearts in Jesus name amen now hear the melodious words of these lyrics from the worship song holy and anointed one let them wash over you with comfort and peace Jesus Jesus holy and anointed one Jesus Jesus risen an exalted one your name is like honey on my lips your spirit like water to my soul your word is a lamp unto my feet Jesus I love you I love you Jesus Jesus holy anointed one rest in perfect peace under the anointing of Jesus the holy and anointed one feel the hand of the father as he pours his oil of consecration over your life you are set apart for him you are sealed by his spirit for all eternity rest in that truth remain in his presence receive his anointing [Music] Heavenly Father we bow before you tonight for your throne in Humble adoration we remain here in your presence there's no place we'd rather be bother we want nothing more than to be set apart for you to walk in your ways and to honor you thank you good father for anointing your precious child with sleep tonight in your presence they are comforted and loved [Music] as you stand watch over them in the night watches they can sleep soundly knowing that you are with them thank you for covering them with your spirit they will sleep peacefully in your presence dreaming of your fragrant anointing oil making them clean whole and set apart for you Jesus name I pray [Music] amen now imagine yourself sitting on a very busy downtown Street you're blind so you can't see what's going on around you the crowd is overwhelming your voice cannot be heard there are so many people walking on the sidewalk that you're constantly being bumped into the sounds the smells the Dust the clamor every day it's the same you keep asking and begging for someone anyone to give you just a little bit of money so you can eat you hear no friendly words you feel no friendly touch in fact you can hear some talking about you unkindly maybe thinking because that you can't see you can't hear all of a sudden you hear someone Shout there he is everybody immediately starts to Surge toward this individual you have no idea who they're all wanting to see you try and ask people who is there but no one answers you then you hear someone say there's Jesus you've heard of this man is amazing teaching his miracles oh his miracles the thought Blitz through your mind that maybe Jesus could help you know he's helped so many others but then reality sets in and The Hope drains from you you've been tossed aside so many times why would Jesus even pay any attention to you you just sit there try to listen to what's going on just them you hear someone call out to you [Music] did you hear that right did someone say your name [Music] and then then you hear it again softer closer gentler that since your father spoke to you as a child have you heard your name said in that way [Music] so so lovingly all other noise has stopped [Music] it's as if you're in a cave no one around you moves or speaks it's Jesus you don't know how you know but you know it's Jesus [Music] and he has found you you feel his hand on your forehead you you hear his gentle voice and all of a sudden the darkness that has always enveloped you starts to grow thinner light begins to break through then your eyes begin to focus and you find yourself looking directly into Jesus's eyes and Jesus is looking directly at you and you feel more love coming from him than you have ever felt in your entire life [Music] imagine being blind your whole life and then miraculously being healed imagine being overlooked ridiculed and then suddenly loved Beyond Your Wildest imagination out of all the others on the street that day that he could have stopped for Jesus chose you maybe you felt the way that the blind man felt that people ignore you and you feel that you're not worthy of love maybe you've been suffering with an ailment and you feel that God has forgotten you but the truth is this you are worth everything in the eyes of Jesus and he wants what is best for you listen to John 3 1. from the Amplified Bible you want an incredible quality of love the father has shown to us that we would be permitted to be named and called and counted the children of God and so we are for this reason the world does not know us because it did not know him God calls us his children so that we can get a glimpse an idea of what our relationship with him should be truth is there's no way we can totally grasp just how much he loves each of us it's too vast and wide it's immeasurable unchanging never-ending [Music] did you hear that never ending he will always love you [Music] we are all so precious to him Webster's Dictionary defines the word precious as something of great value not to be wasted or treated carelessly that's how God views you you have value you are not to be wasted or treated carelessly [Music] maybe you feel like you've done so many wrong things in your life then God doesn't love you I couldn't be more wrong God loves you so much that he sent his son Jesus to die for you perhaps you've seen the verse John 3 16 on a sign in the end zone of a football game along the side of the road on a billboard but let's take a closer look at that verse in the New Living Translation for this is how God loved the world he gave his one and only son so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life God did that for everyone meaning no matter what you've done in your life God still loves you so much that he sent his son to die for you you're precious to him Jesus loved telling stories in Luke 15 11-32 in the New Living Translation he tells the story of The Prodigal Son to demonstrate God's love for us [Music] even when you mess up in sin [Music] and don't feel worthy of God's love this story explains how God views you listen to this parable a man had two sons the younger son told his father I want my share of your estate now before you die so his father agreed to divide his wealth between his sons a few days later this younger son packed all his belongings and moved to a distant land and there he wasted all his money and wild living about the time his money ran out a Great Famine swept over the land and he began to starve he persuaded a local farmer to hire him and the man sent him into his fields to feed the pigs [Music] the young man became so hungry that even the pods he was feeding the pigs looked good to him but no one gave him anything when he finally came to his senses he said to himself at home even the hired servants have food enough to spare and here I am dying of hunger I will go home to my father and say father I have sinned against both heaven and you and I'm no longer worthy of being called your son please take me on as a hired servant so he returned home to his father and while he was still a long way off his father saw him coming filled with love and compassion he ran to his son embraced him and kissed him his son said to him father I have sinned against both heaven and you and I am no longer worthy of being called your son but his father said to his servants quick bring the finest robe in the house and put it on him get a ring for his finger and sandals for his feet and kill the calf we have been fattening we must celebrate with a feast [Music] for the son of mine was dead and has now returned to life he was lost but now he is found so the party began meanwhile the older son was in the fields working when he returned home he heard music and dancing in the house and he asked one of the servants what was going on the brother is back he was told and your father has killed the fattened calf we are celebrating because of his safe return the older brother was angry and wouldn't go in his father came out and begged him but he replied all these years have slaved for you and never once refused to do a single thing you told me to do and in all that time you never gave me even one young goat for a feast with my friends yet when this son of yours comes back after squandering your money on prostitutes you celebrate by killing the fattened calf his father said to him look dear son you've always stayed with me and everything I have is yours [Music] we had to celebrate this happy day for your brother was dead and has come back to life he was lost but now he is found God is telling you right now that he loves you you are so precious to him no matter how much you've sinned still waiting for you to come back to him now sleep in confidence knowing that you are loved and are precious to God let's pray [Music] oh dear father thank you for loving us thank you for your grace and mercy I ask now that you would come and comfort your child as they sleep tonight may the Lord bless them and protect them may the Lord smile on them and be gracious to them may the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace [Music] amen rest in his loving arms [Music] all sat down to write to Timothy a young man that he thought of as a son Timothy had been faithful to Paul even staying with him when in prison having a mother and grandmother who believed in the one true God Timothy now pastored the church that Paul had helped establish in Ephesus [Music] as he dipped the pen Into The Inkwell thought of what he wanted to say to Timothy Paul thought back to the time they spent together in Ephesus were already a few Believers there as well as a Jewish community but the culture was mostly enmeshed in the worship of Greek and Roman gods picture what it would be like for a young man to travel to new places with the Apostle Paul as he persuaded people to believe for the first time Farmland surrounding Ephesus was rich its Rolling Hills were full of Vineyards Rich grazing pastures of sheep and goats and Fields of wheat Paul was pleased when he was able to taste of the ripe olives sweet figs and large dates Paul recalled how he and Timothy got to know and understand the Ephesians although Timothy was young he followed Paul's lead and Rose to leadership easily Paul chuckled as he thought back to how this young man learned to eat different foods in Ephesus the local people made a sour dish out of milk that had been thickened and then sweetened with honey Paul had enjoyed the contrasting flavors and thought it one of the better things he'd eaten but Timothy wasn't so sure in Paul's experience young men were happy with familiar meat and bread he smiled again as he thought of Timothy's face puckering at the sour yogurt feel free to smile too as you imagine his expression [Music] Paul thought about the many advantages of living in Ephesus it was a wealthy City so the agriculture there was unique and sometimes beautiful he remembered admiring the Terrace houses built on a slope using massive stone walls they were almost palaces with three stories in large Courtyards paved with marble those houses even had running water the artwork on them was remarkable they often featured Gladiators or animals drawn so skillfully they looked real picture what it would be like for the average person to see these remarkable homes at a time when most people's dwellings were humble what made Ephesus such a wealthy city was its Port of trade [Music] this also brought many people into Ephesus which Paul saw as an opportunity for them to hear about Jesus Christ it was as if the world was coming to him it also meant that those who believed would carry the message with them as they visited other places in the region Ephesus was a center of Education the odium could seat more than one thousand people public lectures were given there often to a packed crowd many in Ephesus were happy to learn of anything new which gave Paul and Timothy many opportunities to explain the gospel explaining Jesus to those who had never heard of him was a great joy the most important building in Ephesus was the temple to Artemis this Grand columned Temple was considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World Paul had to admit it was an amazing building huge with a gleaming white stones it made him sad to know that such a grand structure was built to worship a false god but it reminded him constantly of why he and Timothy were there he knew Timothy would talk to those who visited the Temple of Artemis on a regular basis he would have to refute those who scoffed at his own beliefs and he would need to cling to truth and a culture that didn't understand that truth [Music] breathe a prayer of thanks that you are privileged to know the truth of Christ Paul thought more seriously about what he wanted to say to Timothy [Music] he'd already written quite a bit of practical information to him but he wanted to close his letter with something that would truly encourage his young friend he knew that ministering could be lonely and difficult especially in a culture that didn't understand his message but he wanted to make sure Timothy stood firm in spite of that he also knew that because Ephesus was so wealthy it could easily lead Timothy astray so Paul reminded Timothy For the Love of Money is the root of all kinds of evil and some people craving money have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows but you Timothy are a man of God so run from all these evil things let all money worries drift away from you now [Music] pursue righteousness in a Godly life along with faith love perseverance and gentleness after writing that sentence Paul thought about it for a long time he wanted Timothy to understand but to live a life full of the Holy Spirit he had to be intentional about it was something to pursue [Music] he couldn't just wait for it to come to him he knew that if Timothy pursued righteousness and godliness his life would blossom in faith love perseverance and gentleness Paul carefully wrote more to encourage Timothy fight the good fight for the true faith hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you he prayed Timothy would do this he prayed that as Timothy considered the everlasting life God offered him that his own worries and concerns would fade now let your worries also fade Paul continued and I charge you before God who gives life to all and before Christ Jesus we gave a good testimony before Pontius Pilate that you obey this command without wavering [Music] Paul wanted Timothy to remember that it is God who gives life he is the only one who can sustain us through all of life's troubles he also wanted to remind him that Jesus Christ's testimony is true and trustworthy such confidence in him would keep Timothy from wavering in his faith thank God for how he has sustained you and given you life then no one can find fault with you from now until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again all new some were upset that he'd left Timothy in charge since he was such a young man he wanted Timothy to know that he had confidence in him that if he let the Holy Spirit help him his critics would have nothing to say against him Paul dipped his pen in the ink again and rubbed at a smudge that splashed onto his hand the more he rubbed the bigger the spot grew he finally left it alone certain it would wear off in time he looked again at the last sentence he had written about the Lord Jesus Christ coming again the thought excited him and made him feel like bursting into a song the hope of Christ's return to Earth makes all other concerns dim full of joy Paul wrote at just the right time Christ will be revealed from Heaven by the blessed and only almighty God the king of kings and Lord of all Lords Paul thought none can compare to God and his power no king or Lord could come close Paul had never seen a king but he had seen a few Lords men who were powerful landowners and men who had no one telling them what to do he knew such men felt invincible but he also knew that they could be easily toppled as a tower of child's blocks Paul hoped Timothy would be able to dwell on God's power so that it would put all his concerns in their proper place knowing god is king of all kings and Lord of all Lords puts all our concerns in their place Paul wanted to turn these thoughts into a prayer of Praise so he wrote he alone can never die and he lives in light so brilliant that no human can approach him no human eye has ever seen him nor ever will all honor and power to him forever amen he hoped that the dark things Timothy experienced would Fade Away In This brilliant light let any dark thoughts you have fade in this way too illuminated by God's dazzling light but the dark Drift Away into only goodness and Light now to the god eternal immortal invisible the only God May honor and Glory forever and ever amazing God and Father we rest in the fact that although you are invisible you are present with us thank you that we can trust you with every detail of Our Lives amen even though it's night and dark bask in the light that never goes out know that this eternal God watches over you as you sleep be confident that he will not abandon you for a moment and rest well tonight our scripture Focus will be on the Glorious words of Praise from Psalm chapter 8. this Psalm of David might best be described as a song of God's glory displayed throughout the heavens about this chapter Charles Spurgeon once said let us go abroad and sing it beneath the starry heavens at Eventide rest in that poetic phrase for a moment beneath the starry heavens at even tide inhale and exhale relax every muscle feel the tension just leave your body [Music] as you turn your thoughts to the glory of the Lord tonight the moment you will hear the words of David as he offered a beautiful tribute to the God of all creation into the glory of the Lord seated high above the heavens but before we visit this Psalm of praise please join me as I pray Holy Father Your Glory Rises far above the heavens so vast so boundless we just can't comprehend it yet by The Works of your hands you give us glimpses into your magnificent Glory and for that we're so thankful tonight Lord open our ears to hear the wonderful words of Praise from the mouth of David join our hearts with yours as we meditate Upon Your Glory for our own good help us to release all distracting thoughts and just focus only on you and your perfect word settle us Lord and the goodness of your presence and I pray these things in the beautiful name of Jesus amen [Music] and now hear the words of David O Lord our Lord how excellent is your name and all the Earth who have set your glory above the heavens out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants you have ordained strength because of our enemies that you may silence the enemy in the Avenger when I look at your heavens the work of your fingers the moon and the stars which you have set in place what is man that you are mindful of him and the son of man that you care for him what is man that you are mindful of him how is it possible that the creator of the universe has time to be mindful of us surely he he has better things to think about and yet God's thoughts over us are thoughts of love and acceptance after all not only did his hands set the moon and stars in place but his hands fashioned each of us in his own likeness dear one the Lord is mindful of you tonight think about that he knows you he thinks about you he loves you those thoughts bring you comfort and peace what is the son of man that you care for him oh how God cares for you [Music] cares about the smallest details regarding your life feel that feel his nurturing presence watching over you as you fall asleep you are his beloved child and you are held in his Loving Hands [Music] there's no doubt that he is with you for the scriptures declare that he is Emmanuel God With Us feel the presence of God Emmanuel with you tonight the Lord has set his glory above the heavens he has set the moon and stars in place for centuries man has tried to figure it all out they have endlessly searched for answers about the universe the heavens have been a puzzled Wonder to mankind know this God has it all figured out nothing is a puzzle to him he has put all the right pieces together in just the right way beyond our scope of understanding he designed the universe the heavens the Earth and our lives for his glory and our good one 19th century astronomer once wrote what have we to tell of all the different varieties of stars one of those most supremely glorious objects what of the Milky Way such are a few of the questions which occur when we Ponder on the mysteries of the heavens the mysteries of the heavens are no mystery to their creator for he has set his glory above the heavens [Music] rest under the heavens that God has put into place as a vast covering of Starlet Wonder and Glory Lord God please bless this beloved one who is resting in the glory of your presence tonight hope and trust in you settle their breathing into a soft rhythm helping them sink into a deep peaceful sleep Lord as they rest quietly I ask that you allow them to dream of the beautiful works of your hands The Works of your fingers that set the moon and stars in place works of your magnificent Glory found high above the heavens in the name of Jesus I pray amen on each of the historical flights of the Space Shuttle Discovery the crew was awakened each morning by song foreign these wake-up calls were a tradition of the NASA program and the songs were selected by Mission Control one Sunday morning during orbit John Glenn and the rest of the crew woke up to a song called hallelujahs [Music] a song that speaks of cratered moon in Sparrow's wings oh Thunders booms and Saturn's rings unveil our father as you sing and my soul Wells up with hallelujahs the writer of the song Chris Rice [Music] was overwhelmed by the thought of his humble song being played for the astronauts in space as they hovered far above the Earth with a miraculous view of God's handiwork they were filled with a song of worship to the maker of the universe and my soul Wells up with hallelujahs holy God maker of all that is seen and unseen our souls well up with hallelujahs praise and honor of Who You Are thank you Lord for creating the heavens in such a vast array underneath the Starry Sky we rest in the Holiness of your presence dream of the works of your hands in all your glory and goodness [Music] amen [Music] when I look at your heavens the work of your fingers the moon and the stars which you have set in place what is man that you were mindful of him in the son of man that you care for him yet you have made him a little lower than the Heavenly beings and crowned him with Glory and Honor you have given him dominion over the works of your hands you have put all things under his feet you have made him a little lower than the Heavenly beings crowned him with Glory and Honor rest humbly in the place that God has established for you a little lower than the angels and crowned with Glory and honor I praise you for setting everything in its place just so perfectly underneath the blanket of the starry heavens you have assigned us our proper place tonight Lord I pray over this dear child for rest and peace in your presence I ask that your glory will continue to shine in their life for their ultimate good as the Earth continues to spin on its axis and make its orbit around the sun I pray that the life of this listener right here will continue to flow under the mighty direction of your hand thank you Lord [Music] that you are mindful of us that you care about us and that you love us in the Holy Name of Jesus amen oh Lord our Lord How Majestic is your name in all the Earth you have set your glory above the heavens out of the mouths of babies and infants you have established strength [Music] How Majestic is your name Your Glory above the heavens you have established strength feel God's majesty and glory and strength covering you tonight [Music] out of the mouths of babies and infants who have established strength tweet praise from the mouths of babes worshiping the one who saves from sky above to earth below The Works of your hands we long to know Heavens declare the strength of your glory we long to hear of Heaven's story from first breath of all creation through each blessed generation [Music] how can your glory be understood your perfect Glory for our good Heavenly Father of glory and goodness remain over this beloved child tonight as they sleep in peace help them to get enough rest to feel renewed at Morning Light and to awaken with a sense of refreshment thank you Lord for being that constant in their life that constant source of Hope and Faith I pray for the blessing of your presence to stay with them through the night and continue as they face a new day I pray all these things in the precious name of your son Jesus amen let me pray over you father you are so good to us you are so kind to your people you give us breath each day and the moment that breath is taken away we reside with you if this dear one not just the knowledge of your commands but the deep understanding that brings about changed hearts help them not to be simply hearers of the word but one who listens effectively and lives the word help this child of yours hunger for you comfort and protect them as they sleep and may your Holy Spirit fill them throughout the night in Jesus name amen psalm 119. blessed are those whose ways are blameless who walk according to the law of the Lord thank you blessed are those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart they do no wrong but follow his ways you have laid down precepts that are to be fully obeyed oh that my ways were steadfast in obeying your decrees then I would not be put to shame when I consider all your commands I will praise you with an upright heart as I learn your righteous laws I will obey your decrees do not utterly forsake me how can a young person stay on the path of purity by living according to your word I seek you with all my heart do not let me stray from your commands I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you praise be to you Lord teach me your decrees with my lips I recount all the laws that come from your mouth I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways I Delight in your decrees I will not neglect your word be good to your servant while I live but I may obey your word open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law I am a stranger on Earth do not hide your commands from me my soul is consumed with longing for your laws at all times you rebuke the arrogant who are accursed those who stray from your commands remove from me their scorn in contempt for I keep your statutes though rulers sit together and slander me your servant will meditate on your decrees your statutes are my delight they are my counselors I am laid now in the dust preserve my life according to your word I gave an account of my ways and you answered me teach me your decrees cause me to understand the way of your precepts that I may meditate on your wonderful Deeds my soul is weary with sorrow strengthen me according to your word keep me from deceitful ways be gracious to me and teach me your law I have chosen the way of faithfulness I have set my heart on your laws I hold fast to your statutes Lord do not let me be put to shame I run in the path of your commands for you have broadened my understanding Teach Me Lord the way of your decrees that I may follow it to the end give me understanding so that I may keep your law and Obey it with all my heart direct me in the path of your commands for there I find Delight turn my heart toward your statutes and not towards selfish gain turn my eyes away from worthless things preserve my life according to your word fulfill your promise to your servant so that you may be feared take away the disgrace I dread for your laws are good how I long for your precepts in your righteousness preserve my life may your unfailing love Come to Me Lord [Music] your salvation according to your promise then I can answer anyone who taunts me for I trust in your word never take your word of truth from my mouth for I have put my hope in your laws I will always obey your law forever and ever I will walk about in Freedom for I have sought out your precepts I will speak of your statutes before Kings and will not be put to shame for I Delight in your commands because I love them I reach out for your commands which I love that I may meditate on your decrees remember your word to your servant for you have given me hope my comfort and my suffering is this your promise preserves my life The Arrogant mock me unmercifully but I do not turn from your law I remember Lord your ancient laws and I find comfort in them indignation grips me because of the wicked who have forsaken your law your decrees are the theme of my song wherever I Lodge in the night Lord I remember your name that I may keep your law [Music] this has been my practice I obey your precepts [Music] you are my portion Lord I have promised to obey your words I have sought Your Grace with all my heart be gracious to me according to your promise I have considered my ways and have turned my steps to your statutes I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands though the wicked bind me with ropes I will not forget your law at midnight I Rise to give you thanks for your righteous laws I am a friend to all who fear you to all who follow your precepts the Earth is filled with your love Lord teach me your decrees do good to your servant according to your word Lord teach me knowledge and good judgment for I trust your commands before I was afflicted I went astray but now I obey your word you are good and what you do is good teach me your decrees though the Arrogant have smeared me with lies I keep your precepts with all my heart their hearts are callous and unfeeling but I Delight in your law it was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees the law from your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold your hands made me informed me give me understanding to learn your commands May those who fear you rejoice when they see me for I have put my hope in your word I know Lord that your laws are righteous in that in faithfulness you have Afflicted me may your unfailing love be my comfort according to your promise to your servant let your compassion come to me that I may live for your law is my delight May the Arrogant be put to shame for wronging me without cause but I will meditate on your precepts May those who fear you turn to me those who understand your statutes may I wholeheartedly follow your decrees that I may not be put to shame my soul faints with longing for your salvation but I have put my hope in your word my eyes fail looking for your promise I say when will you comfort me though I am like a wine skin in the smoke I do not forget your decrees how long must your servant wait when will you punish my persecutors The Arrogant dig pits to trap me contrary to your law all your commands are trustworthy help me for I am being persecuted without cause they almost wiped me from the Earth but I have not forsaken your precepts in your unfailing love preserve my life that I may obey the statutes of your mouth your word Lord is eternal it stands firm in the heavens your faithfulness continues through all generations you established the Earth and it endures your laws endure to this day for all things serve you if your law had not been my delight I would have perished in my affliction I will never forget your precepts for by them you have preserved my life save me for I am yours I have sought out your precepts the wicked are waiting to destroy me but I will ponder your statutes to all Perfection I see a limit but your commands are boundless oh how I love your law I meditate on an all day long your commands are always with me and make me wiser than my enemies I have more insight than all my teachers for I meditate on your statutes I have more understanding than the elders for I obey your precepts I have kept my feet from every evil path so that I might obey your word I have not departed from your laws for you yourself have taught me how sweet are your words to my taste sweeter than honey to my mouth [Music] I gain understanding from your precepts therefore I hate every wrong path your word is a lamp for my feet a light on my path I have taken an oath and confirmed it that I Will Follow Your Righteous laws I have suffered much preserve my life Lord according to your word accept Lord the Willing Praise of my mouth and teach me your laws though I constantly take my life in my hands I will not forget your law [Music] the wicked have set a snare for me but I have not strayed from your precepts your statutes are my Heritage forever they are the joy of my heart my heart is set on keeping your decrees to the very end I hate double-minded people but I love your law you are my refuge in my shield I have put my hope in your word away from me you evildoers that I may keep the commands of my God sustain me my God according to your promise and I will live do not let my hopes be dashed uphold me and I will be delivered I will always have regard for your decrees you reject all who stray from your decrees for their delusions come to nothing all the wicked of the earth you discard like Dross therefore I love your statutes My Flesh trembles in fear of you I stand In Awe of your laws I have done what is righteous and just do not leave me to my oppressors ensure your servant's well-being do not let the Arrogant oppress me my eyes fail looking for your salvation Looking For Your Righteous promise deal with your servant according to your love and teach me your decrees I am your servant give me discernment that I may understand your statutes it is time for you to act Lord your law is being broken because I love your commands more than gold more than pure gold and because I consider all your precepts right I hate every wrong path your statutes are wonderful therefore I obey them the unfolding of your words gives light it gives understanding to the simple I open my mouth and pant longing for your commands turn to me and have mercy on me as you always do to those who love your name direct my footsteps according to your word let no sin rule over me Redeem Me from Human oppression that I may obey your precepts make your face shine on your servant and teach me your decrees streams of Tears flow from my eyes for your law is not obeyed you are righteous Lord and your laws are right the statutes you have laid down are righteous they are fully trustworthy my zeel wears me out for my enemies ignore your words your promises have been thoroughly tested and your servant loves them though I am lowly and despised I do not forget your precepts your righteousness is Everlasting and your law is true trouble and distress have come upon me but your commands give me Delight your statutes are always righteous give me understanding that I may live I call you with all my heart answer me Lord and I will obey your decrees [Music] I call out to you save me and I will keep your statutes I Rise Before Dawn and cry for help I have put my hope in your word my eyes stay open through the watches of the night that I may meditate on your promises hear my voice in accordance with your love preserve my life Lord according to your laws those who devise wicked schemes are near but they are far from your law yet you are near Lord and all your commands are true long ago I learned from your statutes that you established them to last forever look on my suffering and deliver me for I have not forgotten your law defend my cause and Redeem Me preserve my life according to your promise salvation is far from the wicked and they do not seek out your decrees your compassion Lord is great preserve my life according to your laws many are the foes who persecute me but I have not turned from your statutes I look on the faithless with loathing for they do not obey your word see how I love your precepts preserve my life Lord in accordance with your love all your words are true All Your Righteous laws are eternal rulers persecute me without cause but my heart trembles at your word I rejoice in your promise like one who finds great spoil I hate and detest falsehood but I love your law seven times a day I Praise You for Your Righteous loss great peace of those who love your law and nothing can make them stumble I wait for your salvation Lord and I follow your commands I obey your statutes for I love them greatly I obey your precepts and your statutes for all my ways are known to you May My Cry come before you Lord give me understanding according to your word may my supplication come before you deliver me according to your promise may my lips overflow with praise for you teach me your decrees may my tongue Sing of Your Word for all your commands are righteous may your hand be ready to help me for I have chosen your precepts I long for your salvation Lord and your law gives me Delight let me live that I may praise you and may your laws sustain me I have strayed like a lost sheep seek your servant for I have not forgotten your commands when I said my foot is slipping Your unfailing Love Lord supported me when anxiety was great Within Me your consolation brought me joy foreign rest on the word consolation for a moment [Music] consolation means comfort ion relief and strength your consolation comes from the unfailing love of God through Jesus Christ his son I'm reminded of a beautiful passage of scripture that tells of a man named Simeon who was led by the spirit to the temple on the same day that Mary and Joseph brought the baby Jesus to be dedicated see Simeon had long awaited the birth of the Messiah the consolation of Israel and by the Divine Providence of God his eyes beheld the newborn king this is what Simeon said when he took Jesus in his arms Lord now you're letting your servant depart in peace according to your word for my eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared before the face of all peoples a light to bring Revelation to the Gentiles in the glory of your People Israel according to the word of the Lord Jesus came to be the consolation of Israel a light to the Gentiles and the glory of his people he is your consolation your light in Your Glory comfort compassion relief and strength Jesus casts all anxiety away and replaces it with perfect peace there is no need to be anxious anymore [Music] every need you have is covered in Jesus he comforts you he offers compassion and relief from every worry he strengthens you and leads you into the assurance that he has everything under control release everything to him when anxiety was great Within Me your consolation brought me joy rest in the joy of the Lord feel his peace wash over you like a healing balm in him you have received healing and renewal the old things are gone the new has come all anxieties are taken away and replaced by God's consolation of peace in Psalm 119 we hear these words remember your promise to me and is my only hope your promise revives me comforts me in all my troubles [Music] remember God's promises they are your hope [Music] they comfort you in every trouble he promises to uphold you with his righteous right hand he promises to love you with an everlasting love he promises to be with you always never leaving you or forsaking you rest deeply in the promises of God tonight doubt cannot remain where God's truth abides fear is cast out or God's peace resides anxiety Runs Dry as God's presence fills worries are calmed as the Holy Spirit stills gracious God please remember this beloved listener tonight as they sleep soundly in your presence and in your grace bless them as they rest in you keep them in the fold of your unfailing love and guard them through every hour of the night thank you Lord for freeing this person of all anxiety right here right now we trust you to cast out all traces of fretfulness and unrest [Music] as this child Sleeps Tonight I ask that you fill their dreams with reminders of your promises Promises of your unfailing love and goodness I pray for restorative sleep that will help them wake up in the morning refreshed and renewed thank you God for your comfort and peace in Jesus name when I said foot is slipping Your unfailing Love Lord supported me when anxiety was great Within Me your consolation brought me joy sleep now the peaceful consolation of joy and be free to live and Unity with the Lord safe secure and surrounded by his unfailing love amen listen to these comforting words from psalm 94. verses 18 and 19. when I said my foot is slipping Your unfailing Love Lord supported me when anxiety was great Within Me your consolation brought me joy rest in those words for a few moments each of us at different times in our lives has felt as though our feet were slipping either by our own choices or habits or by life's circumstances of which we have no control we've found ourselves slipping away and even falling a time or two if this describes you please know that you're not alone other brothers and sisters in Christ have slipped as well and many have found themselves living a life of imbalance and struggling to remain steady on their feet but please remember this [Music] God's unfailing love is always there to support you you are not left to figure out things for yourself he is there to uphold you to help you get back on your feet and then to lead you in the way you should go you can trust him lean on him rest in him there is great peace and knowing that God's unfailing love never leaves you he supports you every step of the way steady strong unchanging unfailing that's what God's love is rest and the Stillness of the room and feel God's unfailing love surrounding you supporting you and setting you free let's pray precious God holy God as the remnants of worry and anxiety decrease we feel your love increase more and more thank you we praise you we rest in your presence and find Freedom in your spirit for where your spirit is there is freedom tonight Lord break every stronghold of anxiety in the life of this listener cut the chains of fretfulness and unrest open wide the window of your peace and Usher in the sweet fragrance of joy it is in the name of Jesus we pray these things amen listen again to our Bible passage of comfort and joy when I said my foot is slipping Your unfailing Love Lord supported me when anxiety was great Within Me your consolation brought me joy [Music] rest on the word consolation for a moment consolation means comfort passion relief and strength your consolation comes from the unfailing love of God through Jesus Christ his son [Music] I'm reminded of a beautiful passage of scripture that tells of a man named Simeon [Music] who was led by the spirit to the temple on the same day that Mary and Joseph brought the baby Jesus to be dedicated you see Simeon had long awaited the birth of the Messiah the consolation of Israel and by the Divine Providence of God his eyes beheld the newborn king this is what Simeon said when he took Jesus in his arms Lord now you're letting your servant depart in peace according to your word for my eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared before the face of all peoples a light to bring Revelation to the Gentiles in the glory of your People Israel according to the word of the Lord Jesus came to be the consolation of Israel a light to the Gentiles and the glory of his people he is your consolation your light in Your Glory through comfort compassion relief and strength Jesus casts all anxiety away and replaces it with perfect peace there is no need to be anxious anymore every need you have is covered in Jesus comfort you he offers compassion and relief from every worry he strengthens you and leads you into the assurance that he has everything under control release everything to him when anxiety was great Within Me your consolation brought me joy rest in the joy of the Lord feel his peace wash over you like a healing balm in him you have received healing and renewal the old things are gone the new has come all anxieties are taken away and replaced by God's consolation of peace in Psalm 119 we hear these words remember your promise to me and is my only hope your promise revives me [Music] comforts me in all my troubles [Music] remember God's promises they are your hope they come for you in every trouble he promises to uphold you with his righteous right hand he promises to love you with an everlasting love he promises to be with you always never leaving you or forsaking you rest deeply in the promises of God tonight doubt cannot remain where God's truth abides fear is cast out where God's peace resides anxiety Runs Dry as God's presence fills worries are calmed as the Holy Spirit stills gracious God please remember this beloved listener tonight as they sleep soundly in your presence and in your grace bless them as they rest in you keep them in the fold of your unfailing love and guard them through every hour of the night thank you Lord for freeing this person of all anxiety right here right now we trust you to cast out all traces of fretfulness and unrest as this child Sleeps Tonight I ask that you fill their dreams with reminders of your promises Promises of your unfailing love and goodness pray for restorative sleep that will help them wake up in the morning refreshed and renewed thank you God for your comfort and peace in Jesus name when I said my foot is slipping Your unfailing Love Lord supported me when anxiety was great Within Me your consolation brought me joy sleep now and the peaceful consolation of joy and be free to live and Unity with the Lord safe secure and surrounded by his unfailing love amen in the Old Testament Moses was given a recipe for the holy anointing oil the Lord told him in Exodus chapter 30 to take the finest spices of myrrh sweet smelling cinnamon aromatic calamus cassia in olive oil these were valuable spices that the Lord Called Moses to gather he wanted only the finest ingredients for his holy anointing oil [Music] the purest of myrrh also called the myrrh of freedom in Hebrew sweet smelling cinnamon a rare spice that was much valued in that region aromatic calamus from the Reed of a plant that grew close to the water God was specific about choosing the finest spices and from these spices Moses was commanded to make a holy anointing oil an ointment Blended according to the art of the perfumer used as an oil of consecration inhale the sweet smelling aroma of the Holy anointing oil as it fills the room [Music] this holy oil was used to consecrate the Tabernacle of meeting the Ark of the testimony and the altar of incense in order to make them holy for the service of the Lord not only that Aaron and his sons were Anointed with oil to be Sanctified as priests unto the Lord that they might Minister before him all of their days this holy anointing was a symbol of being set apart for God set apart let those words sink in for several moments [Music] now please hear this prayer of anointing holy God we come humbly before you seeking the anointing of your presence we long to be set apart for you and all things Lord we offer ourselves in Humble surrender for in you we live and move and have our being please cover us with the sweet fragrance of your holy anointing oil tonight settle our hearts and Minds in the presence of Your Love and Grace we seek true rest in you tonight deep peaceful uninterrupted sleep in the mighty name of your son Jesus we pray amen [Music] in Psalm 45 Psalm of love and declaration we read these words about God's anointing over his son therefore God your God has anointed you with the oil of gladness more than your companions all your garments are scented with myrrh and aloe and cassia out of the ivory palaces by which they have made you glad therefore God your God has anointed you [Music] rest in the Holiness of these words for several moments all your garments are scented with myrrh and aloe and cassia Vis garments or covered in the Holy fragrance of God's anointing oil [Music] strand of Jesus's sacrifice was woven into place by the good pleasing and perfect will of the father just as a person weaves beautiful tapestry ensuring that each thread appears in its proper place God the Father wove his perfect plan through the life of his son so that we could live for eternity with him allow the tapestry of God's love and grace to secure you in his peace tonight God has anointed you with the oil of gladness Joy and contentment fill the room the anointing oil of gladness rests on you like a comforting blanket [Music] all worries fade away they are replaced with God's perfect peace oh how good it is to abide in the Peace of God's holy anointing abide here now in the oil of gladness for several moments [Music] this beautiful passage in Psalm 45 describes the Lord Jesus as the anointed one your throne o God is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of your kingdom you are thrown o God is forever endeavor the security of knowing that God is on his throne allows us to rest assured that he is in control over everything that concerns us he reigns above every Earthly Kingdom God rules let the Eternal comfort of God's sovereignty settle deep in your heart for several moments [Music] we continue to hear about the precious anointing of Jesus as the psalmist writes you are fairer than the sons of men Grace is poured upon your lips therefore God has blessed you forever gird your sword upon your thigh o mighty one with your glory and your majesty and in your majesty ride prosperously because of Truth humility and righteousness fairer than the sons of men Grace poured upon your lips with Glory and Majesty because of Truth humility and righteousness rest in those beautiful descriptions of the Lord Jesus [Music] Grace was poured upon the lips of Jesus that he would in turn bestow his grace on us oh what Mercy what Grace and what forgiveness we cannot comprehend the depths of his love for us for you even the deepest part of the sea is not deep enough to hold the Grandeur of God's love for us for all eternity we will draw upon the waters of the savior's love and drink deeply from the well and never runs dry [Music] hear the continual flow of Living Water flowing from the Throne of God's grace dear one Jesus was anointed to Bear our sin and shame he fixed his eyes on the cross out of his unwavering love and mercy over us his ultimate sacrifice is the foundation of our holy anointing by his grace through faith we are saved not by our own works but by the gracious gift of the father [Music] breathe deeply a breath of thankfulness to the God who saves Jesus our savior holy and anointed one anointed with Grace Anointed with Glory Anointed with a Majesty our god reigns forever and ever Rest In His glory tonight oh Lord our Lord How Majestic is your name in all the Earth we praise you for you are king of kings and Lord of lords there is no one like you in your righteousness you Reign forever and ever and in that truth we find peace by your anointing we are yours you are true to your word and you never fail us you lead us in truth and righteousness thank you God we praise you in the name Jesus my friend as you drift off to sleep in the peaceful presence of the Lord there is yet another anointing I would like to remind you of it is far greater than the fragrant oil poured out in the Tabernacle it is the Everlasting anointing of the holy spirit of God for the word says it is God who establishes you in Christ and has anointed you he has also put his seal on you and given you his spirit in your heart as a guarantee his spirit is in your heart as a guarantee settle your heart and mind on the Holy Spirit tonight this beautiful anointing by the Holy Spirit is not to be taken lightly this anointing is the very hand of God on our lives the very same Spirit who raised Jesus dwells in US [Music] God has anointed us sealed us and inscribed on our hearts the guarantee that we will be with him forever God's promises are immovable unchangeable and unfathomable he has put his seal on us and given us his spirit in our hearts as a guarantee breathe deeply in that unchangeable immovable blessing right now therefore God your God has anointed you with the oil of gladness more than your companions all your garments are scented with myrrh and aloe and cassia out of the ivory palaces by which they have made you glad with the sweet smelling Aroma of God's holy anointing oil surrounding you with peace breathe Softly in in and out take in the fragrance of myrrh cinnamon and cassia is a soothing balm of peace and gladness God is with you he loves you he covers you with his presence just holy God we receive your anointing hand upon us tonight we rest in the presence of your Holy Spirit in the Stillness of the room we breathe in the fragrance of Your Love You Are Holy and just we abide in your Holiness now hushed and settled for you alone lead us to safe and quiet places thank you Father thank you for your anointing over us by the Seal of your spirit on our hearts Jesus name amen now hear the melodious words of these lyrics from the worship song holy and anointed one let them wash over you with comfort and peace Jesus Jesus holy and anointed one Jesus Jesus risen and exalted one your name is like honey on my lips your spirit like water to my soul your word is a lamp unto my feet Jesus I love you I love you Jesus Jesus holy an anointed one rest in perfect peace under the anointing of Jesus the holy and anointed one feel the hand of the father as he pours his oil of consecration over your life you are set apart for him you are sealed by his spirit for all eternity rest in that truth remain in his presence receive is anointing [Music] Heavenly Father we bow before you tonight for your throne and humble adoration we remain here in your presence there's no place we'd rather be bother we want nothing more than to be set apart for you to walk in your ways and to honor you thank you good father for anointing your precious child with sleep tonight in your presence they are comforted and loved as you stand watch over them in the night watches they can sleep soundly knowing that you are with them thank you for covering them with your spirit they will sleep peacefully in your presence dreaming of your fragrant anointing oil making them clean whole and set apart for you in Jesus name I pray [Music] amen now imagine yourself sitting on a very busy downtown Street [Music] you're blind so you can't see what's going on around you crowd is overwhelming your voice cannot be heard there are so many people walking on the sidewalk that you're constantly being bumped into the sounds the smells the Dust every day it's the same [Music] you keep asking and begging for someone anyone to give you just a little bit of money so you can eat you hear no friendly words you feel no friendly touch in fact you can hear some talking about you unkindly maybe thinking because that you can't see you can't hear [Music] all of a sudden you hear someone Shout there he is everybody immediately starts to Surge toward this individual you have no idea who they're all wanting to see you try and ask people who is there but no one answers you then you hear someone say there's Jesus you've heard of this man his amazing teaching his miracles oh his miracles the thought flits through your mind that maybe Jesus could help you know he's helped so many others but then reality sets in and The Hope drains from you you've been tossed aside so many times why would Jesus even pay any attention to you you just sit there try to listen to what's going on just then you hear someone call out to you did you hear that right did someone say your name and then then you hear it again softer closer gentler not since your father spoke to you as a child have you heard your name said in that way so so lovingly all other noise has stopped [Music] it's as if you're in a cave no one around you moves or speaks it's Jesus [Music] you don't know how you know but you know it's Jesus and he has found you you feel his hand on your forehead you you hear his gentle voice and all of a sudden the darkness that has always enveloped you starts to grow thinner light begins to break through in your eyes begin to focus and you find yourself looking directly into Jesus's eyes Jesus is looking directly at you and you feel more love coming from him than you have ever felt in your entire life imagine being blind your whole life [Music] and then miraculously being healed foreign being overlooked ridiculed and then suddenly loved Beyond Your Wildest imagination out of all the others on the street that day that he could have stopped for Jesus chose you [Music] maybe you felt the way that the blind man felt [Music] that people ignore you and you feel that you're not worthy of love maybe you've been suffering with an ailment and you feel that God has forgotten you but the truth is this you are worth everything in the eyes of Jesus [Music] he wants what is best for you listen to John 3 1. from the Amplified Bible see what an incredible quality of love the father has shown to us that we would be permitted to be named and called and counted the children of God and so we are for this reason the world does not know us because it did not know him God calls us his children so that we can get a glimpse an idea of what our relationship with him should be truth is there's no way we can totally grasp just how much he loves each of us it's too fast and wide it's immeasurable unchanging never-ending did you hear that never ending he will always love you we are all so precious to him Webster's Dictionary defines the word precious as something of great value not to be wasted or treated carelessly how God views you you have value you are not to be wasted or treated carelessly [Music] maybe you feel like you've done so many wrong things in your life that God doesn't love you I couldn't be more wrong God loves you so much that he sent his son Jesus to die for you perhaps you've seen the verse John 3 16 on a sign in the end zone of a football game along the side of the road on a billboard but let's take a closer look at that verse in the New Living Translation [Music] for this is how God loved the world [Music] he gave his one and only son so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life God did that for everyone meaning no matter what you've done in your life God still loves you so much that he sent his son to die for you [Music] you're precious to him [Music] Jesus loved telling stories in Luke 15 11-32 in the New Living Translation he tells the story of The Prodigal Son to demonstrate God's love for us [Music] even when you mess up in sin and don't feel worthy of God's love this story explains how God views you listen to this parable a man had two sons the younger son told his father I want my share of your estate now before you die so his father agreed to divide his wealth between his sons a few days later this younger son packed all his belongings and moved to a distant land and there he wasted all his money in Wild living about the time his money ran out a Great Famine swept over the land and he began to starve he persuaded a local farmer to hire him and the man sent him into his fields to feed the pigs the young man became so hungry that even the pods he was feeding the pigs looked good to him but no one gave him anything [Music] when he finally came to his senses he said to himself at home even the hired servants have food enough to spare and here I am dying of hunger I will go home to my father and say father I have sinned against both heaven and you [Music] and I'm no longer worthy of being called your son please take me on as a hired servant so he returned home to his father and while he was still a long way off his father saw him coming filled with love and compassion he ran to his son embraced him and kissed him his son said to him father I have sinned against both heaven and you and I am no longer worthy of being called your son but his father said to his servants quick bring the finest robe in the house and put it on him get a ring for his finger and sandals for his feet and kill the calf we have been fattening we must celebrate with a feast for this son of mine was dead and is now returned to life [Music] he was lost but now he is found [Music] so the party began meanwhile the older son was in the fields working when he returned home he heard music and dancing in the house and he asked one of the servants what was going on your brother is back he was told and your father has killed the fattened calf we are celebrating because of his safe return the older brother was angry and wouldn't go in his father came out and begged him but he replied all these years have slaved for you and never once refused to do a single thing you told me to do and in all that time you never gave me even one young goat for a feast with my friends yet when this son of yours comes back after squandering your money on prostitutes you celebrate by killing the fattened calf his father said to him dear son you've always stayed with me and everything I have is yours we had to celebrate this happy day for your brother was dead and has come back to life [Music] he was lost [Music] but now he is found [Music] God is telling you right now that he loves you you are so precious to him no matter how much you've sinned God is still waiting for you to come back to him now sleep in confidence knowing that you are loved and are precious to God let's pray oh dear father thank you for loving us thank you for your grace and mercy I ask now that you would come and comfort your child as they sleep tonight may the Lord bless them and protect them may the Lord smile on them and be gracious to them may the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace amen now rest in his loving arms all sat down to write to Timothy a young man that he thought of as a son Timothy had been faithful to Paul even staying with him when in prison having a mother and grandmother who believed in the one true God Timothy now pastored the church that Paul had helped establish in Ephesus as he dipped the pen Into The Inkwell [Music] and thought of what he wanted to say to Timothy Paul thought back to the time they spent together in Ephesus there were already a few Believers there as well as a Jewish community but the culture was mostly enmeshed in the worship of Greek and Roman gods picture what it would be like for a young man to travel to new places with the Apostle Paul as he persuaded people to believe for the first time the Farmland surrounding Ephesus was rich its Rolling Hills were full of Vineyards Rich grazing pastures of sheep and goats and Fields of wheat Paul was pleased when he was able to taste of the ripe olives sweet figs and large dates Paul recalled how he and Timothy got to know and understand the Ephesians although Timothy was young he followed Paul's lead and Rose to leadership easily Paul chuckled as he thought back to how this young man learn to eat different foods in Ephesus well people made a sour dish out of milk that had been thickened and then sweetened with honey Paul had enjoyed the contrasting flavors and thought it one of the better things he'd eaten but Timothy wasn't so sure [Music] in Paul's experience young men were happy with familiar meat and bread he smiled again as he thought of Timothy's face puckering at the sour yogurt feel free to smile too as you imagine his expression [Music] Paul thought about the many advantages of living in Ephesus it was a wealthy City so the agriculture there was unique and sometimes beautiful he remembered admiring the Terrace houses built on a slope using massive stone walls they were almost palaces with three stories in large Courtyards paved with marble those houses even had running water the artwork on them was remarkable they often featured Gladiators or animals drawn so skillfully they looked real [Music] picture what it would be like for the average person to see these remarkable homes at a time when most people's dwellings were humble what made Ephesus such a wealthy city was its Port of trade this also brought many people into Ephesus which Paul saw as an opportunity for them to hear about Jesus Christ it was as if the world was coming to him it also meant that those who believed would carry the message with them as they visited other places in the region Ephesus was a center of Education the odium could seat more than one thousand people public lectures were given there often to a packed crowd many in Ephesus were happy to learn of anything new which gave Paul and Timothy many opportunities to explain the gospel [Music] explaining Jesus to those who had never heard of him was a great joy the most important building in Ephesus was the temple to Artemis this Grand columned Temple was considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World Paul had to admit it was an amazing building huge with a gleaming white stones it made him sad to know that such a grand structure was built to worship a false god but it reminded him constantly of why he and Timothy were there he knew Timothy would talk to those who visited the Temple of Artemis on a regular basis he would have to refute those who scoffed at his own beliefs and he would need to cling to truth and a culture that didn't understand that truth breathe a prayer of thanks that you are privileged to know the truth of Christ Paul thought more seriously about when he wanted to say to Timothy he'd already written quite a bit of practical information to him but he wanted to close his letter with something that would truly encourage his young friend he knew that ministering could be lonely and difficult especially in a culture that didn't understand his message but he wanted to make sure Timothy stood firm in spite of that he also knew that because Ephesus was so wealthy it could easily lead Timothy astray so Paul reminded Timothy For the Love of Money is the root of all kinds of evil and some people craving money have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows [Music] but you Timothy are a man of God so run from all these evil things let all money worries drift away from you now pursue righteousness in a Godly life along with faith love perseverance and gentleness [Music] after writing that sentence Paul thought about it for a long time he wanted Timothy to understand that to live a life full of the Holy Spirit you had to be intentional about it it was something to pursue [Music] we couldn't just wait for it to come to him he knew that if Timothy pursued righteousness and godliness his life would blossom in faith love perseverance and gentleness Paul carefully wrote more to encourage Timothy fight the good fight for the true faith hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you prayed Timothy would do this they pray that as Timothy considered the everlasting life God offered him that his own worries and concerns would fade now let your worries also fade Paul continued and I charge you before God who gives life to all and before Christ Jesus who gave a good testimony before Pontius Pilate that you obey this command without wavering Paul wanted Timothy to remember that it is God who gives life he is the only one who can sustain us through all of life's troubles he also wanted to remind him that Jesus Christ's testimony is true and trustworthy such confidence in him would keep Timothy from wavering in his faith thank God for how he has sustained you and given you life [Music] then no one can find fault with you from now until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again Paul new that some were upset that he'd left Timothy in charge since he was such a young man he wanted Timothy to know that he had confidence in him that if he let the Holy Spirit help him his critics would have nothing to say against him Paul dipped his pen in the ink again and rubbed at a smudge that splashed onto his hand the more he rubbed the bigger the spot grew he finally left it alone certain it would wear off in time he looked again at the last sentence he had written about the Lord Jesus Christ coming again [Music] the thought excited him and made him feel like bursting into a song the hope of Christ's return to Earth makes all other concerns dim full of joy Paul wrote at just the right time Christ will be revealed from Heaven by the blessed and only almighty God the king of kings and Lord of all Lords Paul thought none can compare to God and his power no king or Lord could come close Paul had never seen a king that he had seen a few Lords men who were powerful landowners and men who had no one telling them what to do he knew such men felt invincible but he also knew that they could be easily toppled as a tower of child's blocks Paul hoped Timothy would be able to dwell on God's power so that it would put all his concerns in their proper place knowing god is king of all kings and Lord of all Lords puts all our concerns in their place Paul wanted to turn these thoughts into a prayer of Praise so he wrote he alone can never die [Music] and he lives in light so brilliant that no human can approach him no human eye has ever seen him nor ever will all honor and power to him forever amen he hoped that the dark things Timothy experienced would Fade Away In This brilliant light let any dark thoughts you have fade in this way too [Music] illuminated by God's dazzling light but the dark Drift Away and to only goodness and Light [Music] now to the god eternal immortal invisible the only God May honor and Glory forever and ever amazing God and Father the rest in the fact that although you are invisible you are present with us that we can trust you with every detail of Our Lives [Music] amen even though it's night and dark bask in the light that never goes out know that this eternal God watches over you as you sleep be confident that he will not abandon you for a moment to rest well tonight our scripture Focus will be on the Glorious words of Praise from Psalm chapter 8. this Psalm of David might best be described as a song of God's glory blade throughout the heavens about this chapter Charles Spurgeon once said let us go abroad and sing it beneath the starry heavens at Eventide rest in that poetic phrase for a moment beneath the starry heavens at even tide inhale and exhale relax every muscle feel the tension just leave your body as you turn your thoughts to the glory of the Lord tonight [Music] in a moment you will hear the words of David as he offered a beautiful tribute to the God of all creation into the glory of the Lord seated high above the heavens before we visit this Psalm of praise please join me as I pray Holy Father Your Glory Rises far above the heavens so vast so boundless we just can't comprehend it yet by The Works of your hands you give us glimpses into your magnificent Glory and for that we're so thankful tonight Lord open our ears to hear the wonderful words of Praise from the mouth of David join our hearts with yours as we meditate Upon Your Glory for our own good help us to release all distracting thoughts and just focus only on you and your perfect word settle us Lord and the goodness of your presence and I pray these things in the beautiful name of Jesus and now hear the words of David O Lord our Lord how excellent is your name and all the Earth [Music] who have set your glory above the heavens out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants you have ordained strength because of our enemies that you may silence the enemy in the Avenger when I look at your heavens the work of your fingers the moon and the stars which you have set in place what is man that you are mindful of him and the son of man that you care for him what is man that you are mindful of him how is it possible that the creator of the universe has time to be mindful of us surely he he has better things to think about and yet God's thoughts over us are thoughts of love and acceptance after all not only did his hands set the moon and stars in place but his hands fashioned each of us in his own likeness dear one the Lord is mindful of you tonight think about that he knows you he thinks about you he loves you those thoughts bring you comfort and peace what is the son of man care for him oh how God cares for you cares about the smallest details regarding your life feel that feel his nurturing presence watching over you as you fall asleep you are his beloved child and you are held in his Loving Hands there's no doubt that he is with you for the scriptures declare that he is Emmanuel God With Us feel the presence of God Emmanuel with you tonight [Music] the Lord has set his glory above the heavens he has set the moon and stars in place for centuries man has tried to figure it all out they have endlessly searched for answers about the universe the heavens have been a puzzled Wonder to mankind [Music] know this God has it all figured out nothing is a puzzle to him he has put all the right pieces together in just the right way beyond our scope of understanding he designed the universe the heavens the Earth and our lives for his glory and our good [Music] one 19th century astronomer once wrote what have we to tell of all the different varieties of stars one of those most supremely glorious objects what of the Milky Way such are a few of the questions which occur when we Ponder on the mysteries of the heavens the mysteries of the heavens are no mystery to their creator for he has set his glory above the heavens rest under the heavens that God has put into place as a vast covering of Starlet Wonder and Glory Lord God please bless this beloved one who is resting in the glory of your presence tonight bless them with peace hope and trust in you settle their breathing into a soft rhythm helping them sink into a deep peaceful sleep Lord as they rest quietly I ask that you allow them to dream of the beautiful works of your hands The Works of your fingers that set the moon and stars in place The Works of your magnificent Glory found high above the heavens in the name of Jesus I pray amen on each of the historical flights of the Space Shuttle Discovery the crew was awakened each morning by song [Music] these wake-up calls were a tradition of the NASA program and the songs were selected by Mission Control one Sunday morning during orbit John Glenn and the rest of the crew woke up to a song called hallelujahs song that speaks of cratered Moon 's wings oh Thunders booms and Saturn's rings Veil our father as you sing and my soul Wells up with hallelujahs the writer of the song Chris Rice was overwhelmed by the thought of his humble song being played for the astronauts in space as they hovered far above the Earth with a miraculous view of God's handiwork they were filled with a song of worship to the maker of the universe and my soul Wells up with hallelujahs holy God maker of all that is seen and unseen our souls well up with hallelujahs praise and honor of Who You Are thank you Lord creating the heavens in such a vast array underneath the Starry Sky we rest in the Holiness of your presence dream of the works of your hands in all your glory and goodness amen when I look at your heavens [Music] the work of your fingers the moon and the stars which you have set in place what is man that you are mindful of him in the son of man that you care for him yet you have made him a little lower than the Heavenly beings and crowned him with Glory and Honor you have given him dominion over the works of your hands you have put all things under his feet [Music] you have made him a little lower than the Heavenly beings and crowned him with Glory and Honor rest humbly in the place that God has established for you a little lower than the angels and crowned Glory and honor I praise you for setting everything in its place just so perfectly underneath the blanket of the starry heavens you have assigned us our proper place tonight Lord I pray over this dear child for rest and peace in your presence I ask that your glory will continue to shine in their life for their ultimate good as the Earth continues to spin on its axis and make its orbit around the sun I pray that the life of this listener right here will continue to flow under the mighty direction of your hand thank you Lord that you are mindful of us that you care about us and that you love us in the Holy Name of Jesus amen O Lord our Lord How Majestic is your name in all the Earth you have set your glory above the heavens out of the mouths of babies and infants you have established strength [Music] How Majestic is your name Your Glory above the heavens you have established strength [Music] feel God's majesty and glory and strength covering you tonight out of the mouths of babies and infants who have established strength praise from the mouths of babes worshiping the one who saves from sky above to earth below The Works of your hands we long to know Heavens declare the strength of your glory we long to hear of Heaven's story from first breath of all creation through each blessed generation how can your glory be understood your perfect Glory for our good [Music] Heavenly Father of glory and goodness remain over this beloved child tonight as they sleep in peace help them to get enough rest to feel renewed at Morning Light and to awaken with a sense of refreshment thank you Lord for being that constant in their life a constant source of Hope and Faith [Music] I pray for the blessing of your presence to stay with them through the night and continue as they face a new day I pray all these things in the precious name of your son Jesus amen let me pray over you father you are so good to us you are so kind to your people you give us breath each day and the moment that breath is taken away we reside with you give this dear one not just the knowledge of your commands but the deep understanding that brings about changed hearts help them not to be simply hearers of the word but one who listens effectively and lives the word help this child of yours hunger for you comfort and protect them as they sleep and may your Holy Spirit fill them throughout the night Jesus name amen psalm 119. blessed are those whose ways are blameless who walk according to the law of the Lord blessed are those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart they do no wrong but follow his ways you have laid down precepts that are to be fully obeyed oh that my ways were steadfast in obeying your decrees then I would not be put to shame when I consider all your commands I will praise you with an upright heart as I learn your righteous laws I will obey your decrees do not utterly forsake me how can a young person stay on the path of purity [Music] by living according to your word seek ye with all my heart do not let me stray from your commands I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you praise be to you Lord teach me your decrees with my lips I recount all the laws that come from your mouth I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways I Delight in your decrees I will not neglect your word be good to your servant while I live but I may obey your word open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law I am a stranger on Earth do not hide your commands from me my soul is consumed with longing for your laws at all times you rebuke the arrogant who are accursed those who stray from your commands remove from me their scorn in contempt for I keep your statutes though rulers sit together and slander me your servant will meditate on your decrees your statutes are my delight they are my counselors [Music] I am laid now in the dust preserve my life according to your word I gave an account of my ways and you answered me teach me your decrees cause me to understand the way of your precepts that I may meditate on your wonderful Deeds my soul is weary with sorrow strengthen me according to your word keep me from deceitful ways be gracious to me and teach me your law I have chosen the way of faithfulness I have set my heart on your laws I hold fast to your statutes Lord do not let me be put to shame I run in the path of your commands for you have broadened my understanding Teach Me Lord the way of your decrees that I may follow it to the end [Music] give me understanding so that I may keep your law and Obey it with all my heart direct me in the path of your commands for there I find a light turn my heart toward your statutes and not towards selfish gain turn my eyes away from worthless things preserve my life according to your word fulfill your promise to your servant so that you may be feared take away the disgrace I dread for your laws are good how I long for your precepts in your righteousness preserve my life may your unfailing love Come to Me Lord your salvation according to your promise [Music] then I can answer anyone who taunts me for I trust in your word never take your word of truth from my mouth for I have put my hope in your laws I will always obey your law forever and ever I will walk about in Freedom for I have sought out your precepts I will speak of your statutes before Kings and will not be put to shame for I Delight in your commands because I love them I reach out for your commands which I love that I may meditate on your decrees remember your word to your servant for you have given me hope my comfort and my suffering is this your promise preserves my life The Arrogant mock me unmercifely but I do not turn from your law I remember Lord your ancient laws and I find comfort in them [Music] indignation grips me because of the wicked who have forsaken your law your decrees are the theme of my song wherever I Lodge in the night Lord I remember your name that I may keep your law this has been my practice I obey your precepts you are my portion Lord I have promised to obey your words I have sought Your Grace with all my heart but be gracious to me according to your promise I have considered my ways and have turned my steps to your statutes I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands though the wicked bind me with ropes I will not forget your law at midnight I Rise to give you thanks for your righteous laws I am a friend to all who fear you to all who follow your precepts the Earth is filled with your love Lord teach me your decrees do good to your servant according to your word Lord teach me knowledge and good judgment for I trust your commands before I was afflicted I went astray but now I obey your word you are good and what you do is good teach me your decrees though the Arrogant have smeared me with lies I keep your precepts with all my heart their hearts are callous and unfeeling but I Delight in your law it was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees the law from your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold your hands made me informed me give me understanding to learn your commands May those who fear you rejoice when they see me for I have put my hope in your word I know Lord that your laws are righteous in that in faithfulness you have Afflicted me may your unfailing love be my comfort according to your promise to your servant let your compassion come to me that I may live for your law is my delight May the Arrogant be put to shame for wronging me without cause but I will meditate on your precepts May those who fear you turn to me those who understand your statutes may I wholeheartedly follow your decrees that I may not put to shame my soul faints with longing for your salvation but I have put my hope in your word my eyes fail looking for your promise I say when will you comfort me though I am like a wine skin in the smoke I do not forget your decrees how long must your servant wait when will you punish my persecutors The Arrogant dig pits to trap me contrary to your law your commands are trustworthy help me for I am being persecuted without cause they almost wiped me from the Earth but I have not forsaken your precepts in your unfailing love preserve my life that I may obey the statutes of your mouth your word Lord is eternal it stands firm in the heavens your faithfulness continues through all generations you established the Earth and it endures your laws endure to this day for all things serve you if your law had not been my delight I would have perished in my affliction I will never forget your precepts for by them you have preserved my life [Music] save me for I am yours I have sought out your precepts the wicked are waiting to destroy me but I will ponder your statutes to all Perfection I see a limit [Music] but your commands are boundless oh how I love your law I meditate on an all day long your commands are always with me and make me wiser than my enemies I have more insight than all my teachers for I meditate on your statutes I have more understanding than the elders for I obey your precepts I have kept my feet from every evil path so that I might obey your word I have not departed from your laws for you yourself have taught me how sweet are your words to my taste sweeter than honey to my mouth I gain understanding from your precepts therefore I hate every wrong path your word is a lamp for my feet a light on my path I have taken an oath and confirmed it that I Will Follow Your Righteous laws I have suffered much preserve my life Lord according to your word accept Lord the Willing Praise of my mouth and teach me your loss though I constantly take my life in my hands I will not forget your law the wicked have set a snare for me but I have not strayed from your precepts your statutes are my Heritage forever they are the joy of my heart my heart is set on keeping your decrees to the very end I hate double-minded people but I love your law you are my refuge in my shield I have put my hope in your word away from me you evil doers then I may keep the commands of my God sustain me my God according to your promise and I will live do not let my hopes be dashed uphold me and I will be delivered I will always have regard for your decrees you reject all who stray from your decrees for their delusions come to nothing all the wicked of the earth you discard like Dross therefore I love your statutes My Flesh trembles in fear of you I stand In Awe of your laws [Music] I have done what is righteous and just do not leave me to my oppressors ensure your servant's well-being do not let the Arrogant oppress me my eyes fail looking for your salvation Looking For Your Righteous promise deal with your servant according to your love and teach me your decrees I am your servant give me discernment that I may understand your statutes it is time for you to act Lord your law is being broken because I love your commands more than gold more than pure gold and because I consider all your precepts right I hate every wrong path your statutes are wonderful therefore I obey them the unfolding of your words gives light it gives understanding to the simple I opened my mouth and pant longing for your commands turn to me and have mercy on me as you always do to those who love your name direct my footsteps according to your word let no sin rule over me Redeem Me from Human oppression that I may obey your precepts [Music] make your face shine on your servant and teach me your decrees [Music] streams of Tears flow from my eyes for your law is not obeyed you are righteous Lord and your laws are right the statutes you have laid down are righteous they are fully trustworthy my zeal wears me out for my enemies ignore your words your promises have been thoroughly tested and your servant loves them though I am lowly and despised I do not forget your precepts your righteousness is Everlasting and your law is true trouble and distress have come upon me but your commands give me Delight your statutes are always righteous give me understanding that I may live I call you with all my heart answer me Lord and I will obey your decrees I call out to you save me and I will keep your statutes I Rise Before Dawn and cry for help I have put my hope in your word my eyes stay open through the watches of the night that I may meditate on your promises [Music] hear my voice in accordance with your love preserve my life Lord according to your laws those who devise wicked schemes are near but they are far from your law yet you are near Lord and all your commands are true long ago I learned from your statutes that you established them to last forever look on my suffering and deliver me for I have not forgotten your law defend my cause and Redeem Me preserve my life according to your promise salvation is far from the wicked and they do not seek out your decrees your compassion Lord is great preserve my life according to your laws many are the foes who persecute me but I have not turned from your statutes I look on the faithless with loathing for they do not obey your word see how I love your precepts preserve my life Lord in accordance with your love all your words are true All Your Righteous laws are eternal rulers persecute me without cause but my heart trembles at your word I rejoice in your promise like one who finds great spoil I hate and detest falsehood but I love your law seven times a day I Praise You for Your Righteous laws great peace of those who love your law in nothing can make them stumble I wait for your salvation Lord and I follow your commands I obey your statutes for I love them greatly I obey your precepts and your statutes for all my ways are known to you May My Cry come before you Lord give me understanding according to your word may my supplication come before you deliver me according to your promise may my lips overflow with praise for you teach me your decrees may my tongue Sing of Your Word for all your commands are righteous may your hand be ready to help me for I have chosen your precepts I long for your salvation Lord and your law gives me Delight let me live that I may praise you and may your laws sustain me I have strayed like a lost sheep seek your servant for I have not forgotten your commands I feel like when I listen to the sleep meditations that I have a friend next to me [Music]
Channel: Abide Meditation App
Views: 2,560,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guided meditation, Christian meditation, prayer for breakthrough, abide sleep, fall asleep fast, christian sleep, abide tyler, abide sleep meditation, abide, sleep prayer meditation, prayer sleep meditation, sleep with god's word, christian meditation, breakthrough prayer, prayer meditation sleep, meditation prayers for sleep, bible stories for sleep, breakthrough prayers while you sleep, abide bible stories for sleep, bible reading audio, bible stories, psalm 91
Id: _SkDG9l1iuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 220min 27sec (13227 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 06 2022
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