Unclogging Culvert Released Huge Gush Downstream

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hey everyone if you just saw my last Vlog we now have to back up and turn around because of this I'm pretty sure I'd bottom out the Culvert is washed out CT failed so right now we're backing up only have to back up a little bit only pulled into this road maybe a couple hundred feet or I think I'm going to spin it around I'll try turning it around want to stay away from the drainage ditch because the road is very slippery at the moment but thankfully it's still half Rosen but in this Vlog you might see some places where the road is like we're going to sink nearly a foot into the mud yeah see we just drove over the snow bank cuz this is an unplowed Road they'll plow it every now and then just so they can log in in the winter CU logging is often times easier in the winter because the roads are frozen there's not a lot of mud they can also get logging Machinery into swamps and log swamps but not this year they didn't feel the need to do it this is only plowed for an off-grid community in this area but let's see what we can find out here as far as mud and maybe on the way back we can also check out one Culver pipe that sometimes has issues it's a little offshoot about 5 minutes off of this main artery and from the recent thaws there's lots of areas like this see how rocky it is I can tell water was going across it because the Culver just could not handle the water so this had water going over it that's why the soil was washed out but the rocks are left behind wasn't enough current to move the Rocks sometimes it'll completely wash out the road but not this time now we're driving through a very muddy area but there's much much more muddy areas that we'll see coming up soon so basically the areas that are receiving more sunshine are going to be a lot more muddy because it was able to thaw much deeper we just had a couple days of rain so that makes it a lot more difficult the road conditions I think we're about to drive into a gravel pit that the Logging company uses in the summer time a lot of people will drive through this giant puddle for fun right over here probably pretty Frozen at the moment let's see yeah it's frozen enough that I'm able to ride up on top of the ice not not even breaking it but I think these roads are going to get a lot worse before they get better that's how it is this is called mud season mud season is when there's no log trucks at all they want the roads Frozen or they want the roads dry in the summer during these freezing Tha Cycles they'll often have nighttime logging only and they won't let the trucks go onto the roads once they get soft they have to wait for them to freeze up again at night I've seen areas do that like my camping video that was titled um what was that one called camping underneath a logging bridge that one there there one of the guys explained to me that they only log During certain hours now we're going to drive down a road and take a look at some culverts that sometimes have an issue they plowed this road so they must have been doing some sort of logging down here over the winter time cuz there's nothing else down this road but mud season will put a whole end to the logging well it'll put an end to the log trucks the workers will still drive out here with their pickup trucks and they'll run the heavy machinery and they'll just make giant stock piles of logs on the edge of the road so the next time the trucks can come out they'll just make many many loads getting them out the heavy machinery also sometimes they'll just drop drive it down the road the heavy machinery is very good in the mud cuz it has chains Massive Tires so there's no problem with them getting stuck but usually they'll put the heavy machinery onto a flat bid tractor trailer but this time of year they can't do that kind of thing and now that it's the sun's starting to go down who know knows we might see a moose on these days when you don't have um days like this when it's starting to get warmer out well I know we're not in Spring yet it's only March but these warmer days are what moose like moose seem to be most active on nice early spring days when it starts to thaw out past couple of nights tonight it's not even going to hit the freezing Mark it's going to be close but not quite then we'll get a snowstorm this area will be covered in a foot of snow in just a couple of days but it is that time of day we could see moose now that the sun is starting to get dim they love this time of day moose also love Forest like this with LPS of ever green I think they like the cover of it they don't like hardwood forest nearly as much you see all the little teeny sink holes that we're driving over rocks get pushed up by Frost Hees and they settle back but the soil that was beneath that rock has already been taken away by groundwater so that's when you have a problem right here is often oh we might have a clog this is a lot higher than it usually is the water levels in this area so we're going to turn around get out and take a quick look at this area CU this is what I came to see this road here will continue for a bit more I have no idea where the logging activity would have been going on but I know when I come here in the summer the Road just deteriorates more and more until you have to eventually turn around there's just too much mud so there's not much traffic I'm just going to turn around right here pretty muddy on the edge but it's it's [Music] okay we just have to make like a fivepoint turn all right we'll get out up here at this little Lake and who knows we might have a good unclogging to do up here fortunately we do not have camera number two today so it's okay we'll film it just like the older videos we'll just run to the other side and we'll show you a few before and after Clips when we get that one edited together might also have to use the bathroom up here before we get this one going so we'll just park and I think this is one we'll be able to get open yeah this water level is much higher than it should be next to this road so we'll just park over here on the edge get out and have a look all right good all right everyone we got out of the vehicle and the water level's pretty high the water coming out of the other end of the pipe is pretty fast maybe this is just acting as a retention pond because we've had so much rain that's a possibility the pipe is very small it's only I think a 12 or 18in pipe then this goes down to another road we may or may not be able to check on depends on how deep the snow is if we try to drive down there quite beautiful out here look at this Forest looks really nice so the pipe is here somewhere far down below this water and there's a great probably thought out but we got to go ahead and get the big high boots on I just got to look at the pipe alignment it'll be a challenge regardless all right everyone I'm going to go ahead and attempt to find this pipe we've done this one in the past but it's definitely not coming out to its capacity there's a great on it I'm going to try to get the grate off of it so this can drain back then we'll come check on it again maybe in a couple days and replace it first is the challenge of finding it because the water is many feet deeper than it typically should be yeah very deep but see if we can to figure out where it might be okay I see current might not even have to be down in there oh we did something hear the ice cracking oh let's go look at the other side oh we just kicked it in look at it go wow we just accelerated that whole ton once we're done here we're going to take a drive Downstream cuz I know where the next pipe is we're going to attempt to at least if the road's open all right let's try to get that going a little bit more all right let's see if we can get the grate completely off now so this right here would be a dangerous situation to be down front of it because now you have this pipe acting as a siphon you can literally get stuck against this thing or pulled that's called differential pressure and in certain cases if the pipe's deep enough a pipe this big it can force you through it your whole body will just get crushed into it so that's why you don't want to be down close to these things when they're running at this capacity I think we got it fully open now it's very murky I'm using the rake to feel around at what I'm doing I'm trying to get the great up and out of here basically the only reason it has a grate is so the beaver builds a dam in front of it instead of inside it where no one can get it it's winter beavers aren't going to do that right now I actually I've never seen a beaver here probably used to be an issue probably got trapped they're not here anymore I'm just trying to get the grate out it's a little challenging because the water is so strong right right there I'll get it eventually I just got to keep trying but the pipe feels like it's at capacity finally I just couldn't see what way it was laying I also unclogged so many covers that I cannot remember what the great looked like we finally got it by by just tipping it over we released all the water and even the blockage that was on it got swept off it so now just got to make sure the pipe is completely open a little bit of debris but any blockage that would form on it now without the grate would be on the end not inside without the help of the Beaver that ice is eventually going to start cracking now as it drops didn't even need to get the big high boots on for this one I think this is its limit Pond's not huge it'll take a few hours for it to drain back but it's getting dark so we're not going to do an update on it this time I remember the first time I ever made a video here was we sent through giant blockages of grass clumps so for now it's beneficial to leave this thing off just going to put it off to the side for now hopefully some random person out on the road doesn't steal it but that probably won't happen here and let me show you guys the other side of the road in just a second I'll be back all right everyone so now we're going to take a ride down to the next couver pipe this right here it's way above capacity by a couple feet so this will probably take the rest of the evening to drain back and because it was pretty warm out this right here thawed you see just because the sun went down immediately started freezing up again around the edges is already defrosted so you won't see any critical cracking until it drops a lot honestly the edges there that might be its new flood point cuz just a couple days ago we got a lot of rain the shape of the ice right here might be how big the pond was and that started floating but also keep in mind ice forms from the edge out it also melts from The Edge out so that would be the first place it melts so what do you guys think in the comments is this water on the edge because this whole piece of ice started floating as it flooded or is that because it started melting from the warmer weather probably a combination of both now let's go see what the other side looks like blasting a whole ton it'll probably look just about the same for a few hours good amount of water coming out now the great will just get left there maybe Road Cru will put it back maybe we'll come back soon but it's more beneficial the grate being off especially with these constant floods we've been having cuz the grate is only there to stop debris from a beaver a beaver will build it in the middle of the pipe where you can't really get to it easily without the proper equipment but there has not been beavers here in years you don't see chew marks anywhere from the Beavers I don't think the Beavers are here I have never even seen a beaver here they probably put this great here back before I even came out to do this type of stuff all right let's get in the truck and go for a ride all right everyone now we're about to go down the road and continue we're going to find the next place so down the road we're about to take a right hand turn which is a road that goes about a half a mile below this Culvert there's another Culvert we're going to see if this water made it down there yet this is a pretty big blast I remember there was a beaver pond that was abandoned like halfway between which does help retain water which may cause this to not go down there immediately but it's been years those dams are probably rotten and not really working anymore we're going to see if we can find any water flow down there but these ones are not plowed let's see how the snow is I do see tire tracks coming out of here someone was in here recently there's also been a lot of turkey hunters around here recently the snow's not too deep so let's take this road slipping a little in the mud I see a bunch of footprints going down here actually I don't see any tire tracks it was just someone turning around these might be the turkey hunters we've been seeing a lot of turkey hunters out here this week with blood hounds and um beagles which they use to go get the bird yeah this is pretty muddy I can hear a lot of struggle in the engine yeah I'm sinking pretty deep it fields it easy cuz mud is often slippery more slippery than the ice itself there's a beautiful view up there look at all the mountains I don't think we usually see that or it just goes unnoticed I think that's because the last time I was out here there was so much Wildfire smoke you couldn't really see much so we are the first vehicle down here it seems this year I don't even see the footprints anymore let's see how we're doing take it easy right here not too much hesitation we just went over a Culver pipe yep I think we'll make it the whole way let keep an eye on these areas that look snowy make sure we could see the grass make sure the snow isn't where we bottom out honestly right now I I already put the mud tires back on for the year and they're much better than the winter tires I feel like driving through the snow okay there's no more snow up here doing good looks like we might have a pretty sunset later on today and on the road out of here I'll show you some of the mud the mud is pretty bad today on some of the main arteries very very difficult even here is very difficult these tracks are probably from last season CU there's no tracks in the snow in front of us is a dead end these tracks are where we want to go and it looks open looks like we can keep on driving for now we are sinking quite deep though so we got to keep an eye on some of the Rocks protruding up make sure we don't hit them and this is where we're going to turn around right here there's a little Fork forward doesn't go anywhere it ends in a couple hundred feet if we turn right that also ends but right here is where we will find the CT so do you think the water made it here already I don't think so but we're going to check check out this pipe so this road is completely impassible but this dip right here is where the pipe is we're going to get out for a moment and take a look at it all right let's take a look down here someone drove in here a little bit probably didn't go that far I could definitely drive through this but it would leave a ton of scratches wouldn't want to do that it's also probably going to be tick season soon oh we got some friendly moose tracks so it looks like the water has not yet arrived this is the culvert pipe right here anything blocking it nope but I do not believe this is that gush of water yet hasn't made it down here yet but this is where that water is going to eventually end up that we just released about a half a mile up Upstream nice and clear even if it wasn't clear it doesn't matter it's an abandoned Road all right everyone we're going to continue on out of here and I'll show you some of the very very muddy conditions on the way out we're bogging down a little bit but the mud's not too bad we'll see much worse mud on the main road okay right here we're sinking about 4 in not the worst back into some [Music] snow got to keep it nice and slow it's pretty bumpy today sliding a little bit right here's another teeny little stream lots of nice Tamarac trees that are already starting to grow a couple of buds a little slippery going up this hill all right we're almost back out to the plowed Road and then the main artery is going to be coming up pretty soon sliding a little bit the mud is more slippery than the snow here we are back out to the ploud road very very muddy right here now this Road's not too muddy bunch of potholes I was out on these roads about a week ago they were much smoother they were slightly snow covered but now lots of rain over the past week lots of potholes easily forming made it into a muddy mess we're having to keep like our speeds below 20 at all times some of these roads can't even get 10 they're so bumpy I'll show you some of that we'll come up upon that very soon I think around the next corner is the main artery another little stream they're all flowing very nicely from all the rain we've had yep here we are getting back up to the main artery more mud big frost heave in the middle of the road that's what this lump is and here we are the main road and I'll show you when we get get to some very very muddy locations right here this area there's a whole ton of ruts the water's been going over this road a whole ton the pipe is probably just a little bit undersized cuz this amount of water I'm seeing definitely was not making it through that pipe the amount of water that must have been going over here to cause all those ruts for that amount of area it was extreme a lot of rain snow melt combined right here we have a brand new bridge they put in about two years ago the older ones don't even have guard rails but this was actually a giant Culvert that got very eroded by the river so they had to put a bridge in instead right here we got some good mud lots and lots of little potholes got to drive through it slow there's also a lot of frost heaving lots of frost heeing that's what all this up and down is right here it's like running over a bunch of speed bumps all right everyone it looks like we came up to another pretty big mud hole but this is not not the worst one yet sinking pretty deep but nothing to be concerned about yet a little bit deep some of these ruts yeah maybe 8 in down in one of those all right everyone on this section of Road the sunset is starting to look really nice up here is a culvert pipe that is about to maybe even make this road impassible couple more heavy trucks this might completely collapse if you can see that collapsed a little bit more since the last time we were out here which was about 2 hours ago it seems going over that point roads are getting muddy Sunset is beginning to look very pretty at this point here's another very muddy section coming up [Music] sometimes you'll see me in videos pick up garbage with bags sometimes when I find plastic water bottles while unclogging a CT I'll throw it up by the road to collect and throw it out later sometimes when I'm in a city fill with so much garbage I don't really care and I'll just leave it there cuz the rest of the area is like that but we're out in a pristine area and someone dumped a whole bunch of junk some low class individual dumped all this out here but why if they left it anywhere on the side of the road in the city it would have got immediately taken away away well I'm hoping somebody will eventually take this away so let's try to haul some of this back up to the road real quick before it gets dark for for for all right and I know this this Logging Company unlike some of them will pick this stuff up can't move the couch or the queen siiz mattress just the twin mattress twin box spring television part of the sectional a bunch of tires I was able to get that out of there so that probably would have kept going unnoticed it looks like it's been there for a couple of seasons based on the grass over on top of it so I know in this area that will get taken away why does dumping like this happen most towns charge a fee to get rid of each piece some towns as much as $50 per bulk item that's why people can't afford it sometimes and they'll dump it out in these pristine areas why do they drive out here and waste the energy throwing it there why not just push it out of the pickup truck leave it there so someone can actually pick it up instead of it being a pollutant forever the TV got mercury in it the mattresses and stuff wood metal fabric not a big deal but these days that fabric it's plastic that's not going away it can turn into easier microplastics out here in the middle of nowhere never understood why people dump things off Bridges and stuff just leave it on the side of the road somewhere if you can't afford it at the very least yes it's illegal dumping but at least it'll get picked up instead of being this low class Drive 50 miles out into the Wilderness from the nearest town just to leave a giant heap of trash and I hope today's video is interesting everybody thanks for watching and have a great day is that more maybe something looks like bumpers someone may have slid off the road and gotten a crash at this location what's that back there a it's just a tree all right everyone I hope today's video video was interesting thanks for watching and have a great day
Channel: post 10
Views: 193,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 39min 35sec (2375 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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