UNCLE ROGER Reviews Kimono Mom's Ramen

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Hey guys, welcome to Kimono Mom's Kitchen! I'm Moe and this is Sutan. Today we're going to show you how to make soy sauce Ramen. Who is it? Let’s go see it! Hello, Kimono Mom and Sutan! How are you doing? I’m good. Hello Sutan. Good morning. She doesn't like Uncle Roger… She is ignoring me just like my ex-wife. Just like all other women in my life. Sutan? What do we make today? Yeah, let's make Ramen! Ramen! Do you like Ramen? That’s Uncle Roger’s favorite. Tonkotsu Ramen... Soy sauce flavor, UMAMI Sauce flavor… Okay I'm going to like that. Let's do it. What are you doing? Bye bye Sutan. Eggs. I like your pan. - Oh really? - Very nice! Very Japanese… Very Japanese style and very thin, so it heats up fast. I need to get some for my house. Oh yeah, you can buy it. In Asakusa. All the cookware over there. Yeah Kappa Bashi Street. Kappa Bashi Street. You should go there. I'm sick of white people's pan. White people pan, Le Creuset, very expensive and not as nice as this. This is Wara (Straw). Oh yeah, you know very well. Uncle Roger knows everything. This is Wara. Do you know Donabe? No no… This is Donabe. Yeah, Clay pod. Clay pod, Uncle Roger knows. I didn't know it’s called Donabe but now I know. Donabe on the Wara. Nice nice! Asian people use Donabe. Please read this. It says Kimono Mom! Where to buy some? Yes yes, please bring your home. kimonomom.com Go check it out. Thank you. So boiling for 6 minutes or 7 Minutes? 6 and half minutes. - 6.20? - 6.30. Oh, 6. 20? Because 10 seconds wasting time at pressing. You know, so we have to compensate. Oh, you are like a chef! Yeah, Uncle Roger is a professional. Have you seen Gordon Ramsay messed up Ramen? Messed up Ramen? Jamie Oliver make ramen. He put soba in there. Soba? He put soba and he cooks in ramen. That's not nice. Yeah, you need to go watch. Yeah yeah yeah, I should teach him. Can you peel it? Of course of course! You have a tip. You smash first, and then peel it, it’s very easy! That's a nice tip! Uncle Roger is teaching Kimono Mom some stuff. Sutan, come back here? Uncle Roger wants to try your UMAMI Sauce. Oh, yes! You should. Something special. - Vegan, gluten-free. - I don’t care about that, please please… No alcohol, and no MSG. No MSG?? Why? MSG is the best. How are you going to get Umami with no MSG? Kelp and shiitake mushroom. Oh okay okay… Kelp… Fine fine. Very clean ? AJINOMOTO is good also…. I’m nervous. Good? Good good good! Nice nice! It’s like soy sauce but better. - Yeah. - Good job, good job! Go and buy this. Umami in it. Umami and sweet? Little bit sweet, little bit sweet. You can make any Japanese food with this sauce. Ah really? Yeah, even Ramen. Oh, okay okay. Eggs in the ice bath Okay… Little clack before soaking the ice water. Why you do that? Oh, because it's easy to peel after it. Smart, smart. Char siu. I already boil it for a few hours. - A few hours... - So much preparation. You cannot cut char siu when it's hot. I have to make it cold first; otherwise, it's going to crumble. Yes, you're right. How old is she? Five. Yeah five, she's five. - Time flies. - Time flies, yeah. Uncle Roger is getting old now. You know, Uncle Roger's first video I was so young, full of hair now I have no more. Now I’m sad skin so much wrinkle. Kimono Mom, you look the same as when you started. You look the same. No aging. What skin care do you use? A face mask. - Twice a day? - Twice a day. Uncle Roger just uses water. I just use rainwater. - When it's raining, I go out… - You are a liar! That's how I wash my face. Yeah, you're a liar. 100 cc Two tablespoons. Okay. Negi (Green onion). Garlic and ginger. Sutan. Where is she? Oh, here she comes. Sutan. She is scared of me. Why she's so scared of a nice guy. You are a nice guy. I didn't know that. What?? You don't know how Uncle Goger is nice? What do you think Uncle Roger is? You're a very nice guy. Fuiyooo! All right, this mat to get the marinade to marinate the top also. You don't need a lot of ingredients. Perfect! Let it sit overnight. "Mommy…" You don't have time. "Here." Should I put it for you? Sutan. See? If you don't beat your child, your child going to beat you. So now let's make Ramen soup! Poke boiling water. 800 ml, but this one is 700 ml only. You need to get a bigger container. You can just mix it with water. This is chicken broth. Chicken broth? Chicken soup. Interesting! So this Japanese for no MSG. How much? 1 and 1/2 tablespoons. Wrong answer, use feeling. Yep, yeah, it's perfect! - See? - Perfect. Three tablespoons of UMAMI Sauce. Kimono Mom’s UMAMI Sauce! 3 tablespoons. Uncle Roger is going to feel it also. It’s the home cooking don't need to be… One two three! - More. - More? More. I think it's good! Okay. Japanese ramen needs Niboshi (Dried sardines), but it's hard to get overseas, so I use oiled sardines. This is so good. Using oiled sardine makes it so delicious. Nice nice! The fish smell here and then also we want… Kelp? Not kelp because kelp is very hard to get outside of Japan so we use Nori (Seaweed). Nori okay! Because your audience is all outside Japan. Yeah yeah. They can’t afford them. My Japanese audience is just 5%. What?? Why you don't support your own people, Japanese people? Because you speak English, that's why. Oh yeah, I'm trying to speak, so yeah… Why Japanese people don't like you… You know why? Because you don't use AJINOMOTO. Nooo. You don't support your own people. For how long? Just boiling until the soup is good. But your husband is looking for work? - He is also in the Kimono Mom's team. - Team? So you are a manager? He is the CEO doing UMAMI Sauce. And other cooking stuff. Ah, so he goes to the factory to check on everything. Nice, nice. He works hard, you just stay at home playing with Sutan. What happening over there? "Mommy, this was broken." What?? Broken? Oh, no. Wi-fi? Wi-fi. Oh, thank you for letting me know that. This is Kimono Mom’s Wi-fi rooter. Thank you Sutan. Let's eat let's eat! Let's eat, let eat! We move here or…? It's good! Do you want to try? Yeah! You could see? Very good. Savory, fishy, Umami! Yay, I was so afraid if you came here… And you roast me But you are so nice! Uncle Roger is very nice. The only person scared of me is Sutan. I know. Okay, Ramen noodles, how long do you cook? 1 minute is enough. Uncle Roger came all the way to visit Kimono Mom and she makes me work here? Look at the char siu it looks delicious! Looks nice. Oh my God! Oh my God… Iit's stuck it's stuck. Pork is too soft. Ramen is too hard. But it’s okay. Yeah it looks okay. See, Sutan is just over there relax. She's scared of me? Let's see! Perfect! Nice nice! Kimono Mom's Ramen just looks good. Thank you for cooking for Uncle Roger. - Let's eat. - Okay. Itadakimasu! Look closer of this. This is the soup. Nice and oily, that's good. You need little bit of oil, that is a good Ramen broth. Good. Oh yeah I’m glad. Good? Yes! Success. So easy, so quick. I’m glad. Awesome. Thank you so much for coming today. Of course of course! Thank you for having me in your beautiful home. Next time in your home! Yeah, come to LA next time. Don't bring her, she is annoying, don't bring her. What's wrong...? Just kidding. Why is she angry? She’s always angry. Women are always like this. Yeah, you're right. My husband said that so. I think she take after the mom. On camera, Kimono Mom is all happy cheerful. But wait, the camera is off; she is a crazy woman throwing stuff everywhere and yelling at people. No, never. Come to La visit Uncle Roger we cook together! Yes yes what will you… - Maybe we make Malaysian. - Oh yes please! Please subscribe to Kimono Mom and go subscribe to Uncle Roger's channel! Next time, we make a video on my channel. Bye-bye! Vegan and Gluten Free. I don't care about that, please please... No alcohol and no MSG... Why? She doesn't like Uncle Roger... She is ignoring me just like my ex-wife. Just like all other women in my life.
Channel: Kimono Mom
Views: 1,099,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japanese food, Recipe, Mom, Baby
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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