Uncharted 4 Is Still Incredible - Game Design Analysis - Walking the Walk Series - (FA)

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sup everybody this is carrick with acg and welcome to another episode of walk in the walk guess what it's uncharted 4 for the ps4 this isn't console war versus pc guys this is about us sitting down and looking at a title that we enjoy and discussing it like we're all sitting around a campfire just enjoying some titles so we're going to look at the gameplay the technical aspects the artistic elements of the game and see if they equal the advertised product if technical stuff comes up i'm going to talk about it for sure that's part of it but it's more about composition and the natural separation of environmental ecosystems and just the whole picture as it's presented to us the gamers that of course means sound music voice graphics gameplay they're all going to be up for discussion when it comes to graphics though i will be talking about some technical elements but for the most part i'm going to leave that to people who want to argue about anti-aliasing routines something to remember is that uncharted 4 is not an open world game that means it's bigger is more horizontal space within it but it is not open world that's a good thing to remember as we move forward so let me switch my audio over and we will start so i've moved forward just a little bit what we've done is we've started in nathan drake's home now this is a home that he shares with elena this is a couple levels after the original starting but i really wanted to start here because i feel that this is sort of where things start to get going the first thing i want to make sure everybody does is make sure that you keep an eye on the way this home is set up because it will matter there's some foreshadowing in the future including how cluttered it is one of the things i enjoy is they've spread around a lot of reminders of elena and nathan especially like here you're gonna see a polaroid downstairs but you can look through the pictures and stuff in his little comments and it all looks very cool but if you listen closely there's a lot of foreshadowing here in the entire part of this game i really love that i also love the fact that you look out the window and you see this actual location they're like people walking dogs and there's a safety to it that you can almost feel especially even from the starting you can almost feel nathan sort of chafing against i think you see a cop car occasionally too out there of course we see all this clutter and the first thing that i thought when i first started playing the game and i didn't know the indian i didn't know the entire thing is i was like oh they're just i guess really busy or something and they don't have a chance to clean up because i noticed it wasn't just here it was pretty much everywhere in their home but there's some really cool foreshadowing here this is not just done on accident one of the things you always have to understand that when developers create a game nothing is on accident there's just no chance of doing that it's too much money right and what i mean is created on accident i don't mean good accidents don't happen in game play but you don't create a bunch of towels on the floor just because you want to spend some cash and pay some texture artist to make them this is great here you can sort of look through now listen we really need to go on another vacation it's just one more little element that some stuff is just slightly off and by itself it's completely innocuous but as we start to move forward it's not i also have to say this is the book that she's working on by the way i have to say that the reflections in this room are just fantastic one of the things you'll notice is the reflections of everything else are within any other reflective surface so if there's a window you see it in the paintings if there's a painting and it's got a gossamer reflection on it you're going to see it in a screen of the computer it's all there very very well done also they did a really good job on having a darker environment with a lot of color but still not having an issue with you being able to see which happens in games like alan wake and i love this foreshadowing here because this is an impossible picture unless of course you hired somebody to take a picture of your asses i like this picture and it sort of pays off at the end of the game i think it's very cool and just this look you know security system oh there's a cop guard yeah driving by there's a safety here and some of this stuff that we see some of the way the house is set up sort of pays off in explaining that uh neither one of them are perfect or happy also i think this is one of the musical choices i actually do like a little guitar in the background you can't really tell if it's just on the ipod which it is but you know it's sort of also supposed to be the soundtrack now here you can pull in nathan drake it's hilarious you can grab a beer or a cola but whichever one you get you just crack and then put right back down it's actually just sort of it's just sort of like why was that there love the subdued look here yeah see i'm gonna try to bring it nothing damn it dirty dishes yeah this is just it's such a great small amount of foretelling of what's occurring but it's really interesting and important to look at the way the house is and how it's set up because that foreshadowing we see in a later level uh it blew my mind it was it completely surprised me when i got to it so now he gets his i can't tell if this is supposed to be salad or dry cereal i mean it looks like a fork so i'm assuming it's salad but whatever it is it looks a little scary now for some of this i'm not going to talk and and just let them talk even though it's a walk in the walk we want to go over first of all we know that the animators have stated that a lot of this was mocapped but then there was also animations as well and they wanted to make sure it was seamless seamless of course meaning that you won't be able to tell the difference between the animated spots where a technician put it together versus a person and i'm telling you there isn't a time except for a couple resets of animation you see where you can identify the difference between the two especially elena who most likely a lot of her mo-cap is following the actress and the actress is a fairly good actress she does a lot of secondary animations you notice a lot of characters do that pays off really well in making these characters feel real but uh just very good facial animations here very good portrayal of emotions now in a moment here you're gonna see elena touch her ear when she answers something listen watch this well that is great that's actually a really cool emotional tell about somebody trying to like get the information from their brain you know whenever you're calculating doing math or you're trying to come up with something a detailed answer to something many times you you look away and you can see her look up and away now here's the moment where he loses sort of focus i'm gonna stop talking so we can watch this again listen to this entire discussion and definitely check elena's face [Music] ah what where are you i'm in here being stabbed with a fork what just keep going it was it was interesting oh interesting what's my article about what this one what about you know the lost city of bangkok not not of bangkok lost city near bangkok in or about the city limits of bangkok wow all right i'm sorry no it was valiant i was in the ballpark right in a different state but yeah you were in a ballpark jameson asked you about that malaysia job again jameson always asked me about the malaysia job look nate i really think that you should take it you know what i don't want it really first he's a complete liar but one of the things i liked is when elena actually asked about the job if you watch very closely you can see her eyelids flutter which is actually a really cool psychological tell of somebody bringing up an emotional or stressful statement many times it's just an emotional tell the human brain is like i need to protect the soft gooey parts of my body and so sometimes you'll see the eyelid flutter it's different than looking away it's actually you know closing your eyes preparing uh blocking the eyes very cool i've never seen that in a video game yet ever and that was the first time that i really felt like this solidified these characters and made them feel like real people just the little nuances like there additionally watch this right here watch her reaction when he challenges her to the game yeah yeah your little tv game thing i bet i can beat your high score you think that you can beat my high score on my tv game thing yeah i think you're scared now you don't even know what it's called i don't need to know what it's called i've seen you play it's jumping and running and i have a natural talent for that so what do you say chicken is it a bet oh wow okay cowboy okay so to me the best part of that entire sequence is the reaction on her face when he challenges her calls her chick in nothing and then when he makes the sound that instant surprise reaction of it's on that kind of thing those are very difficult emotions to get characters to portray in any way realistically additionally there's just issues all over when it comes to how they can do that with motion rigging and stuff like that so i don't know if that's motion rigged and then adjusted with animation or if that's just how good uh you know motion capture is getting when it comes to facial animations it's really really insane so one more little bit before we move forward is the introduction of sam this is incredibly important to the game and i think that we look at it from a storytelling bit first we look at it from why nathan is gonna do what he does so he he's not happy he's doing his paperwork you can even tell prior to this his stamping like everything the way he was acting at home the way he's acting here even his answer which i didn't put in this video but when his boss asks him about the job and you can tell he wants to do it right he does and he's in his attic and his attic looks like this cluttered place of all these memories and you can tell he likes to surround himself around this so the same thing's happening here with sam some of these reasons for him to move forward he thinks his brother's been dead his brother is not dead and his brother shows up he's happy right we see this we see these reactions but at the same time what we're going to see is something incredibly well done and that is when sam and him get over this moment all of a sudden you realize that nate understands that the trouble has actually begun he's already had his issues and he's already been having his issues but there's this moment when he realizes that the person he loves sam is back but sam's always been slightly a troublemaker now so is nate but sam even more so and sam maybe has some of the moral flexibility that nathan doesn't we know nathan's been having issues and then his brother says this now remember he hasn't really reacted yet he hasn't reacted much known to his brother being back except for come back but here's what sam says it's important now though is that i'm out and boom nathan realized what just happened and he collapses and says the one thing most people say when they want to get away that is incredibly good storytelling here's why nathan didn't react that way until there was the conviction in sam's voice i'm back it sort of breaks through nate thinking all these weird strange thoughts and nate finally realizes that his own problems plus his troublemaker brother are back in the same area and he's not stupid he knows what that means he knows something is going on at the at the absolute minimum his brother who had killed somebody as well as him are returning and he has to tell his wife that is such amazing storytelling and i think it was right then that i realized that sort of naughty dog figured out where they were supposed to be going with the story the past uncharted games just really have not had anywhere near that good of storytelling they've been far more in your face there's no nuance very little nuance and here you not only have the nuance of the facial features the reactions of elena but you have this double bump moment of all of these different thoughts coming back and hitting nate at one time and that's gonna matter and i'll make it pay off for you guys here later in the video and i'll show you another time where that sort of pops up so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna jump into and i'll play through some of the basically the first heist this heist man there's so many cool little secondary things going on this heist first you start to see that nate really is pretty rusty now nate at times has had issues of clumsiness and so forth that's his charm but what i love is at if you watch some of this and you really pay close attention you get this idea of this character he is rusty he hasn't been doing this for a while and sam actually says some stuff and sort of points out a couple things that's really cool but as well as and you see and you see that kind of stuff repeated actually later in the levels in madagascar i believe but one of the cool things also you see here is that nate is there's a tiredness in this character even though he does want to steal adventure they're that that pulling from a man boy to a real man is sort of tiring as well and you see that also you see things that we haven't seen before with nate like a questioning action he's looking at the map he's looking back he's looking at the map he's looking back like even though they're trying to give you information about what's going on in the game there's a subtle way in which they're doing it that maybe even they subconsciously weren't really aware of they're just like hey we want to tell this type of story but they have this moment where you sort of get this idea that nate is he is he's he's rusty he's not quite sure what he's supposed to be doing but he's certainly not happy with what he's doing now and he knew he was happier back then and it's trying to figure this out also this is i think the first time where we're gonna see the sam and sully angel devil thing now another thing you notice nate sith sits down he does this a lot more in this game and i'm not quite sure if they just wanted him to interact with the scenery tying a shoe here some real mundane normal things we see it it's those extra mundane things that really solidify these characters i think and make you feel like these are real people but additionally nate does it a lot here there's a tiredness that we'll see later as well and you see him doing that kind of stuff sort of tells a story and not only now do we have a sort of a sam solely kind of angel devil thing but there is a moment here where it quite literally looks like that which i thought was awesome probably not on purpose but it tells a story regardless right here sam agrees nate looks and like a devil on the shoulder sam squeezes over and basically in his ear tries to tell him that there's still a good chance that his best friend has betrayed him and i love that because sam does that in in through the game nathan sort of goes back and forth believing disbelieving in what's going on and just sort of his own motivation it's funny because sam is not always the devil that's the problem in the devil angel scenario the devil is not always mean and the angel doesn't always tell you what you want to hear and that's what's really interesting here in this dynamic and of course now we come to the full gameplay graphics and guys this is this is phenomenal you know it's not an open world system so we're not going to see the reflection of life that i like to cover but we will see some reflection of gameplay and how gameplay is mimicked in this game world and we'll discuss that we do see some butterflies we see some birds one thing i think that they really didn't hit very well here or in the tropical islands is the amount of animal life is very lean i think especially in tropical islands where it's basically like a giant strange creature breeding generator unfortunately they very barely covered that and of course if you guys have watched the walking the walk for witcher 3 i cover different types of erosion and how those can lead if you do them right in video games they can lead an air of realism because almost everybody instinctually if you've walked outside over time you see these things there's some crush and sheer erosion here which is cool now unfortunately in this kind of game versus witcher 3 they're here just for me to do this but they do do a good job of breaking up the scenery a little bit and making things a little bit more realistic even though i would say when you're looking at this uh it's you know it is more giant pillars to jump on versus an aim towards realism but you do see that mimicked and i think it looks better just the graphic jump helps that look better here and then of course you have the nice smoggy fog over there volumetric fog you have all these different little graphical effects great golden colored lighting here they did a really good job with the sun we'll see that clouds can go in front of the sun during the during the time you're you know doing different missions especially when you're in the boat you see this a lot a cloud will go in front of the sun you'll actually see it dim just momentarily very cool sun effects here and then my favorite this is the first time when i was playing the game where i was like oh wow is the pollen coming off of these it's not an overdue effect it's not overdone i'm sorry and if you watch closely you'll see it but you can see that pollen and so i i'm like even if i do stuff like even if i roll nothing like not more comes out just enough comes out to sort of give you that feeling that nathan's passing through the actual land in in through the murder grass as i called it in the review yeah so the exposed beam story as you guys know i'm not a big fan of the gameplay conventions that are this noticeable this is really you know it's a i don't know what you want to call this i i guess you could call it bad game design i don't know i i wish there were other ways to handle this there would have probably been a way to use a you know grappling hook that's stuck in a rock as well and make it look more like these rock walls here but regardless you do have those it is funny when you're traveling and you go to a place no one's been for like 600 years and there's a block of wood with rope around it finger strength of a mountain gorilla here so one of the things that was nice to hear about is that they've gone away from scripting the ai and its travel and progress through a level what they've done is they've allowed the characters both in combat and in normal egress and just climbing descending to allow the ai to look and basically perform actions within the timing that are allowable so they don't always swing at the same speed they don't always leap off of the rope at the same timing and i think that's cool because it lends a little bit of a realism to it it's not perfect by any means but it does help it add a little bit of randomness and realism i always found this strange he made me go down he's like yeah i'll i'll swing across you drop like 25 feet straight down and you know hopefully don't shatter you look at that oh geez finger bones would just be shattered here we go you know that that reach reach move is just it's helped the control so much it's it's very hard to fall to your death it is possible especially dropping straight down you know i have dropped straight down to my death a couple times but i would say overall movement in this is is dramatically improved even if you have moments like this where you're rocket boosted that's great all right got some low resolution textures here they did a really good job hiding the low resolution textures uh you know the 3d effects on the rocks and stuff like that they did a good high chance or a good job of hiding it so it only shows up in particular areas you only see it really here and then once you get into the level you rarely see it again but you do notice it occasionally did you see him that when the thug was packing some serious heat yeah i just i love that once again you've got sam talking like you can tell just his his overall looking of things and his focus the narrative focus they've got for sam is different than nate nate has uh you know he's a homebody sort of but he certainly hasn't you know isn't i guess as adventuring as he used to be and sam just came out of prison and the first thing sam notices is the guns somebody has and nate doesn't even notice and then just says oh no we'll get we'll get by without guns but you get that idea of two different characters you know a lot of people i know had said oh they weren't fans of sam uh man i love sam i think he's a great foil for nate because he is showing you you see this in two places in this game and i'll show both but you basically see that sam is one step removed from where nate could be and then later on we're gonna see a character who is a mighty leap from what nate could be both negative sully is sort of negative as well when you really think about it you know bachelor's still traveling the world and stuff like that but still a a pretty okay guy but it's great because you see these two characters later on sam right now as uh really sort of alerting you to what a character who sort of just goes out for himself can end up being even though sam has tried to protect nate a couple times in the end nate's the bigger brother guys i mean when you really look at it that or the older brother that's what's happened so far is you know even when sam was trying to protect him at the starting of the game he is the older brother so uh your other wonderful finds uh the ones i missed you at least take any pictures i wish elena filmed some of it but camera didn't make it that's too bad i have some drawings though when we get back i can show you you have drawings yeah i love that really cool you know sam he he just is he isn't i mean there's some light ribbing there but you can see the difference just in maturity level and or the way they think of things it's just so interesting and also they've already settled into a different pattern if you guys have noticed the the celebration at the brother being alive right even though we know there's a problem and we know that they have to do stuff the celebration that's over and they've already sort of settled back into this unique relationship i always thought that the foliage and stuff like this was well done in this area if a little bit um some of the foliage is a little odd because it would be in more cooler places in the sun looks like it would bake it all day but i love that they've put patterned in some brown into the ivy which sort of gives you the idea because iv almost any you know plant can sunburn can actually get burned by too much sun and i love that look very cool also little belt scratches or finger scratches here you know reflection of life we usually cover but unfortunately there's not a lot here but you do have a reflection of gameplay there and i love the little scratch marks to sure to show you that this is an area you can traverse also let's be honest absolutely no bank vault mansion or hacienda would in any way shape or form be safe from these dudes it's just hilarious if anybody could leap and lunge like this this scene here just looking out here is so awesome graphically that's probably a mixture of texture in 3d but a lot of it is 3d actual models and elements and that or the most amazing texture work ever but regardless what it does is it really gives you that feeling as i stated in the review i've always felt that the uncharted games felt cool and they felt like amazing action pieces but they really did feel like discreet levels and i never felt like i was exploring in the same world or or that they they weren't even in the same world they were just different little pieces little set pieces this game still has its set pieces but because of the wider breadth of the set piece and because of the way the artists have put everything together and made sure that a lot like alan wake where you can walk down a windy trail into a town and then out through another windy trail look back and see all of that that allows uncharted to feel like it exists within the game world a little bit more and here we have again the angel devil moment but you have the best part sam reminding nate to take his clothes that are the disguise off and you get that idea that again nate is a little bit rusty at this it happens for a while in the game and then sort of falls it sort of falls away but we do notice it i love that sort of reminder that this guy may be good but it's been a couple years and then over here to the right the idea that that character smoking has flooded that corner with that smoke is such an amazing graphical effect look at that what's that i love sullivan uh here's the angel and we'll have them meet and then uh i'll move i'll go ahead and play through and then go to the next level so you got you got sam and sullivan and i love this angel and devil sort of meeting up and they've known each other they didn't get along but i love sullivan putting his hand out good to see you live sam now you realize sam is sort of an ass right you see that response and you're like wow this guy just said i'm glad to see you live and sam is just sort of an ass but you realize obviously as the game continues on there's a very distinct reason for him acting like that it's not just because he's being an ass though he is one now this is probably one of my most enjoyable sections of the game screen space reflections everything all of the lighting global illumination of some kind that they're using i don't remember what they're using i think they're using like point probes but these different differing colors of light this light blue with this yellow that could actually look pretty terrible as a lighting scheme i i have a feeling they had to work really hard on getting this to work well because then you also have this open door that goes outside so you have the light bleed from the inside and the outside and the mending and then of course the jacket still over there that blows my mind how many games would we see where like something like that just you wouldn't even be able to see it or of course they wouldn't show it and to have that was really cool and then him showing you know looking over the place where you guys will go later just i love this idea of the entire place existing regardless if you're in a room or you're on a deck you're looking out you can see this entire place and it's all basically a place you can go to very cool and just something that's different you know uncharted did it somewhat but oh my god and then the cr this so every time i played this level this crazy waitress just sort of meanders around and then occasionally she'll let's see if she does it occasionally she'll she'll just offer it to the door and she does i have no clue what she's doing she's on quaaludes or something so this is the smoking room one of my favorite areas for just seeing a good little snippet of animations sitting here watching them talk is very cool also this is gonna it blows my mind the girl in front of me sitting in the blue talking to the guy and craning her neck that would look so unnatural in most games but they've got it nailed just right so it really does look like a a woman sitting down talking to a guy who's standing you know behind her very cool look there i love this shift from green back down into the typical colors you know it could look like a paint machine broke when you really think about it but they did a good job sort of separating those different areas and uh in some of these large locations of like the east hall the west hall and those will all be designed in particular oh it's i don't think i've got this before oh the lot over okay so in these locations and especially down here you know it reminds me a lot of hitman and you guys heard me you know i loved the crowd what the hell did i just do i love the crowd dynamic and hitman i always thought it was really well done but here it's at another level there's far less interactivity than there was in hitman i'm gonna be brutally honest there's a lot less and in fact i'm not a big fan of how you move through the crowd in this game but the way the crowd is set up and how naughty dog has gone to make sure he's not gonna say anything and not nutty dog has gone on to make sure that everybody is slightly different in the way they look is incredible also you'll notice on all of the lights the soft glow there really well done not overdone like mass effect and everything is reflected in the floor that is just that's insane but here you can see very few repeats in fact you'll see um some different dress types where some clothing will look somewhat the same but you'll notice a slight shift in the tone of the color or you'll notice uh let's see if we can see here okay there's two girls in blue and one has one strap one has double strap and that one the one on the left has no strap and it's a darker blue so and of course with the women it's going to matter more because the guys are all dressed like you know basically cloned penguins but uh it's a very good idea to sort of break those up and it feels like this is uh you know a section of people all separate doing things and looking and talking and engaging the only thing i would say i am not a fan of is the interaction here i didn't find that it was that really felt right uh walking through these characters but it certainly is an absolutely almost insane place look at that tile structure tile porn there's a a level in madagascar i'll have to show you guys in the uh the city uh i think it's madagascar where the tile it just looks incredible i mean it looks real all right so we jump to scotland now the reason why i did that is because i feel that the color shift here man it's almost masterful the color shift to go from where we just were with the blues and the the different you know whole the very cold colors unnatural colors in many ways and now we're in this autumn fall snowy brown looking area absolutely beautiful yeah well if you can find me an escalator i think i'll pass all right okay and now i love that i like sullivan he's as i said in the review he's the the teller of truth but he's also you know a good friend a very cool character and then the shift from cutscene to right to gameplay fantastic now we're going to see some there's all kinds of unique animations that go on that you see and notice here i think for the first time in the game just because of how it's set up going downhill you're going gonna see what you saw in witcher which is people will actually rock back on their heels a little bit and you can see nate already doing it uh it's just it's such a cool look yeah it's such a cool look the swing everything and then sam looks that looks real the way sam's moving i would say i think the witcher 3 looked a little bit more realistic going downhill but still very cool animations and a just an overall good look and then i wanted to come down here and look at this and show you guys this this is absolutely one of the most amazing looking scenes because you're coming out into a brighter area and of course you got some fog but you can't see through that until you get out of the vegetation where that fog and mist permeates down by the vegetation and sort of moves on and coming through that is such a great look people have complained about the the shale slides i get it i think it looks cool when the big rocks are moving the small ones look a little funky uh they are a gameplay device that i think sort of could have used some work and they sort of look a little chunky probably the most chunky looking thing in this game and then here of course we find a log somebody was nice enough to wrap a rope around one of the things we will see here is the first basically the first oddity that i noticed and you know i i really enjoyed this game but this to me was a very odd battle it's one of two i felt that scotland's location was the best but the battles and how they played out was sort of unnerving because here we are talking and everything's fine and then guys will just randomly attack us sprinting for no reason and let me kill these guys um so that to me is just this this sections always bothered me it bothered me the first time i played it i felt that it was odd that they just came from nowhere later we get to that castle area and the same thing happens but those guys truly come from nowhere they matter of fact some guys just basically come from where you've been and there's no chance for them to have actually been there now resolution wise there has been some talk about some of the like the light beams and stuff like that being a little chunky i didn't really notice it i think it looks phenomenal uh there were some issues with shadows i've noticed but i think these you know all the god rays i think the lighting system as a whole in the game is really well done it takes a lot to understand what hue your you want a game to be in you know when you look at fallout 4 fallout 3 one of the first things people always look at is can we adjust the color of the world you know because uh because bethesda's chosen a certain overall filter so i think they've done a great job here and i'm going to try to catch that deer i never catch it successfully just disappears so we're in another section with very little reflection of life you do see the deer of course the deer disappears completely um we don't really see a reflection of life or the indication unfortunately of anything being here prior and that can lead i feel scotland is the most unique interesting location and yet at the same time hampered by some some moments and some fight scenes that look pretty terrible indeed like the water not moving here like i just don't get it i don't i've never seen that before in an uncharted game i'm blown away that it does nothing but whatever so anyway when it comes to the the problems with scotland as a whole with this area is that every one of the fight scenes in this area to me felt far more like i guess some kind of set piece where it felt like i knew i was going to be in a battle versus it was an organic feeling of battle to me it actually feels like the game or this level was gray box too much gray boxing is basically what happens when you're putting a level together and you're game developer and one of the things you do is you can put together basically a gray boxed level it's just boxes where items are and it sort of shows you the flow of the level and people can actually play that and depending on what other assets you have you can actually have you know a fairly fleshed out character running around this area with gray boxes it just really depends on where you use it in your flow and or if you do in the same way as other people do this level other than the others actually feels a little bit like it was gray box too much and they lost some of the organic feel of the levels in trade-off for better gameplay perhaps and it may be better than whatever they had originally but this area as a whole just this this entire even battle this movement of this box here even though it introduces you to that it just really felt overdone it felt far too much of a set piece like hey we've dropped down this castle versus the organic feeling that the other levels have the other levels really do feel like locations even later in scotland the castle that feels like a real location this you know not so much and i'm you know i'm just saying what i feel it's not like i'm 100 right or 100 wrong it's not like you have to agree with my opinion but this this particular area just wasn't for me and i guess the last thing i would say that sort of bothered me a little bit is that these guys sort of come from nowhere some guys come from in front of you which makes somewhat some kind of sense but the guys on the left come from where you just were there's really no one there there's no chance of them coming at you from the location that they did and so what you get is this sort of reality dissonance that pops up and as a game designer a lot of times people will try to make sure that that doesn't happen that you don't have basically a monster closet because here we sort of have a monster castle where the enemies just come from the side of a castle these guys here you can sort of explain that they came from the cliff because you see a couple of them repelling from it the guys to the left is just like they appear from where you just were so jumping forward a little bit and starting to get more into the swinging dynamic more into the swing of things this is where some of the little bit of animation issues that i both loved and disliked came up you know let's see how he swings um okay so sam swing fairly realistically there for a guy whose you know fingernails wouldn't explode but what you get is a little bit of turbo boosting from these characters that can look a little funky one thing i like about this is naughty dog has been on the record as saying they've removed a lot of the scripting for how characters traverse through the level including ai and i discussed this a little bit before and they've allowed them to sort of see the world and go about it a certain way and so you get characters that swing differently depending on like just what when you play the level you know how you went the timing and stuff like that so it's not all canned which is very cool let's see yeah i i've rocket boosted a little bit there but it could have been much worse this is a great location here it's uh i really do enjoy this location because uh for some reason this i love to be able to watch sam do this that's so cool looking okay there we go there's there was a unbelievable rocket boost so you know that's life you have to deal with that it is weird though that the entire game mechanic does that instead of just setting up the levels so that it doesn't have to do that i've been a little bit surprised but i guess the grab animation is a little longer as all i also like the fact that everybody's got different strength sam versus nate versus elena they all have different strength in the game they all react to uh locations and stuff like that differently depending on what they need to do now if you guys watch my review video last time i swung and got this guy and it looked funky leaping up looks fine somebody had mentioned that in the review thread and of course here you have some more different styles of erosion basically whenever any soft rock has a hard rock on top of it over years they'll crush down you get some of that rock clutter for them it's just an art asset that they add but for realism very cool and if you watch my review this is the scene where i think i said something along the lines of it's still one of the most beautiful games this scene right here this funnel effect and the colors and the way this area is shaped really grabs the eye i love that leap we'll take these guys out and then we'll move on from scotland i i you know i enjoy the area i think that uh you know the the later area the graveyard looks great and uh looks far more organic than the the first two i just think the first two places are a little weak and it really does feel like they were gray box too much and and that is something that can happen especially in a game like this where they've had a long time to work on it most devastating double axe hammer ever dropped on a person all right so he doesn't this is like the second time he hasn't moved up here all right whatever always makes me nervous sleep and back into the murder grass now this area uh you know it is murder grass filled it also has some bad guys standing in the middle of nowhere just guarding this area versus where they probably would guard this sort of looks a little odd but this is a great play piece if you haven't played this game or if you have played this game you most likely you probably would agree that this is a very fun battle depending on how you go about it you can go about it in multiple different ways it's a pretty unrealistic how everybody's sort of standing out in the middle and in the open but this location the way it looks the way it sits here on top of a hill that goes into a valley for you to actually then basically climb up a mountain very cool little change up in terrain that happens in a small amount of time from like man-made to uh you know a natural safe place to immediately a dangerous place where you're hanging by your fingertips that happens a lot in uncharted 4 and i think it's really cool because of it so when it comes to the stealth mechanics i i feel that i'm not a fan of passive stealth nor will i probably ever be i do not like murder grass i find it to be just terrible as an idea but if i had to put a terrible idea in a game it would probably be this version of murder grass for three reasons one naughty dog nailed the color i don't know how they did it but they nailed the color he actually looks camouflaged in how many times have we seen a damn video game where the guy is wearing like orange and he's supposedly in some green grass and you're like that makes no sense here the color scheme works perfect depending on where what he's wearing they matched it all up so no matter where you are for the most part the color works and i think that that's absolutely stupendous i would say second is because of the ease of movement that they've added to this title let's just be honest man uncharted has a loose feel to it and always has but the looseness has been increased a little bit but so has the usability right so the the looseness and maybe some people would call it inaccuracy of the movement yeah that has gone up a little bit but at the same time now you're able to you know have murder grass and a couple other things that you can do and hand in combat is a little bit more i would say volatile violent and well deadly for the bad guys so i i think it's an okay trade-off again i would not throw murder grass into every game but if you have to have it in a game this is probably the way to do it oh yeah and sorry if you see me barrel rolling everywhere that's just for some reason just what i've done since i was a little kid i always got to do the somersault if it's possible in a game uh so talking about ai for a second before actually i'll fight these guys and i'll talk about ai for a little bit when it comes to ai so basically like i said they've went they've redone a lot of the ai they've taken some scripting out they've added some ability for the ai to look at to really look at the locations and identify where there's egress where there's cover what they should do where you are where you were last seen those kind of things and would i say the ai's better absolutely i would say that it is better is it great no it did fail in the review it did fail a couple tests that we do for reviews uh for different difficulty levels where it you know like an ai won't uh let's see say notice a body sitting right in front of it the sad fact is it doesn't matter if you're on the hardest difficulty or on the easiest difficulty these guys their cone lines are actually really really truncated very short line of sight for most of these guys and it's unfortunate for example that guy is quite literally staring at his best friend's dead body and mo momentarily noticed and then ignored him so you have this sort of desire for realism but you can only go so far right otherwise it wouldn't be fun so i i think they did a pretty good job uh the ai the way it moves the way you move now i think that all works fairly well so now one of the patrols has found him which is very cool that's at minimum you at least have that unfortunately you know he probably should have seen him alone a lot earlier but uh movement from north to south east to west that kind of stuff and definitely north to east and north to west is difficult in this game if you just noticed i left off into nowhere occasionally you'll have those weird jumps if you're trying to just do it without really do it by feel versus by you know the animation and the look that they give you to tell you something's possible so that was my fault not anybody else's now i'm going to test this we're going to do some i think i'm going to do some dynamite what we're going to do is we're going to see if they how they react to it i love the guy he fell back but then he like got back up right away that was actually pretty cool um the only thing i've noticed is that they really i mean they're right back in their typical patrol pattern oh that guy saw me though or maybe he didn't so they're not even actually searching for me they're just searching in the general location i love that double if you noticed this so all of the smoke basically accepts shadows from and light from everything around it and in a lot of games you wouldn't see that it would basically you would it just wouldn't be as accurate or it would be faked or there would be some of the effects missing here when you saw that explosion you can see that smoke basically go from the dark area up there and hit that light beam and you were able to actually see that self-illuminate which is very cool or not self-illuminate but illuminate i'm going to take this guy out gotta do a barrel roll break his neck and kick him off which is always cool more murder grass all right so we'll move to the next spot so the next place i want to show you of course is driving the vehicle around now i've sort of gone on record as stating i wasn't a fan of the vehicle in the city section or any of the really any of the set piece moments when you're driving the vehicle i felt that it just doesn't control very well but here i think it controls beautifully so we're gonna look at this also you'll notice that collision detection multiple times where nathan touches the van or touches the jeep and everything just works perfectly in game play this is of course the cut scene we'll talk about in a second [Music] all right so basically what the naughty dog has said is that you usually have a right left middle kind of section and location first of all i want to show you guys this oh i might need to go to a drier area you can basically dynamic texture almost anything in the game clothing the vehicle in mud and stuff like that so i was hoping here but it's a little too dry so right left and middle is where you go it is not open world it's i think it's important that people just remember that it's not that because i know a lot of people saw some how small this level actually is and they were like oh that's not what i thought it was going to be it was never going to be an open world you know let me try to nope not there it was never going to be an open world it was one of those games that's just uh you know trying to show you a larger overall area and i think that that really absolutely helps but you just have to be prepared for it you have to know what you're getting i love the changes in the flora and fauna here they did a really good job of making every location feel so different i mean even this place from a jungle they look somewhat the same the greenery and stuff like that but when it comes to the actual vegetation it's a good amount different um i think we'll skip these guys oh some water okay so let's see if uh so oh there i am i'm painting see the back fender so that's all dynamic and that gets painted as you go through the the level with dirt the different clods of dirt you get you'll collect dirt see on the on the tires and they're actually per location so if one tire is in the grass and one is in the mud the right tire will gain the dirt left tire will not gain any which is very cool unfortunately i could never get water to wipe it off yeah yeah it doesn't it doesn't really it doesn't take away the dirt or anything once it's on there it seems like it's either timed or it just is on there forever let's throw up some mud i love the clods they did such a good job with those they look that is so great looking [Laughter] sully and sam are like what in the f is this guy's problem all right now it's not dynamic or in any way let's say destructible you know when it comes to the ground you don't there's no deformable terrain of any kind you don't like you can't just drive in the same area and absolutely destroy it you can leave some marks some tracks but that's about it there we go do a little handbrake action i love the look of that tire that's hilarious yeah this this entire scene and section is just it's fantastic looking you know i mean i get it that it is smaller than a lot of people were were hoping for but it's still quite enjoyable go back here and we'll listen to some of the sounds one of the things i'm really impressed with again is the sound inside of locations like inside of this cave here so we'll go in there whoops meant to go around but uh there's the animation for the different animations for the jeep each one each side has a different animation now watch sully like say come on over that is so great what an attention to detail just small details but all right so we'll jump in here and listen to this for a second look at that [Music] and yeah i'm not gonna lie it is sort of funny that there's a box there but what i wanted to talk about is i love the fade that subtle processing fade that you get from a normal area with no you know no real sound occlusion you don't really get any issues with reverb and echo and then you come up over this step and it sort of floods in because the step that you jump over also happens to right and left be the wall that sort of enters you into this chamber and you start getting that good clear echo effect they did a good job it at times it's a little weak i noticed especially like if you're firing guns and stuff like that it can feel a little weak i discussed that in the review there's once or twice it was actually strong too where it was a little too strong but i would say as a whole it still nails it almost all the time it really feels good it's just i think sometimes whatever they may have within the room so every material in a game can depending on the game can have an audio i i guess you would call it an audio component even a a texture if you want to add an audio component to a metal texture then what that does is whenever any of the audio signal hits that metal texture can add a tiny sound to it you know it can change its its tone resonance depends on the graphics engine and depends on what you're doing but a game like this as detailed is this assuming that that's actually exactly what happens so some of these areas probably with a lot of wood items in them uh with any kind of even small opening or any vegetation a little bit of that echo of course will decrease because you won't have that solid just cave entrance sound this is cool i really was surprised that that uh you know waterfall wasn't deafening i'm blown away you could still hear things by it if anybody's been by even the smallest of waterfalls it sounds like you're basically inside the engine to a mack truck even though i did actually find something one of the things i enjoy about all the uncharteds but i think it's done to master level in uncharted 4 is the npc's and how they continually give you data if you get lost they will find the way to go if you if there's an item they will discuss it if you find something they will ask you about it and it lodges everybody into the game world can i oh nope i can't go this way it launches everybody into the game world so that it feels like everybody's interacting with it how many times have we played a game where the npc is just sort of doing whatever they do they're not really reacting to anything and a lot of times you're stuck saying like oh this guy's gonna die because he's not reacting to gunshots around something like that right in uncharted 4 they react to everything they react to what you're doing what enemies are doing and what they themselves are doing and that adding to the reality to grounding everything really just it works so well to give you this world view here's the bridge from the trailer this is a cool location right here here let me try to break it approximately three american adventures this is cool once again you get that feel i was just there right and this is something i spoke about my walking the walk for alan wake that absolutely speaks to me as a gamer if it's not an open world game if it's like this or alan wake where you're basically it's still linear but you have different ways you can go or they're sort of wide in locations the ability to look back visually and see where you have come from tells a story all by itself that's vital for a game developer to put into a game and most do in some way but it gives you that feeling of traversal it gives you that feeling of miles traveled and of an experience continued holy almost crashed that so talking about graphics design for a second one of the things that i mentioned in the review that blew me away was how much subtle graphic uh i guess representation of where you can go in this game it is actually done these little tiny rocks here to sort of show you that this is the way to go we're gonna come up i think it's this hill but we come up over a hill and if you look closely you can actually see exactly where you need to go and yet it still looks completely natural and there's something about that level of game design that takes years to it takes years to master and yet somehow these guys did it yeah it's over this next hill this is a great place like it's just it gives you this feeling this is a true 4x4 like most vehicles i mean only the warthog probably has any kind of traversal like this so come up here the animals i love that all right so if you look there's you can tell right away where you need to go and it's the only diet true diagonal like basically 45 i don't know if that's 45 but a basic true diagonal uh structure in this entire scene right here and it's right in the center of the picture and the your brain like your brain sees that as from lower to higher right and it's so weird because you just see it and you're like i your brain instantly tells you that's where you need to go and they didn't trick us that is where you need to go what i mean by that is they obviously had game testers look at this area this this you know diagonal right here and they knew that that's what people would aim for and they didn't trick yet they didn't say oh that's not where you'll need to go yeah all this this is the first i mean imagine a video game where all you were doing was driving this 4x4 i'd play the hell out of it who knows maybe for protection british authorities are closing in on them yeah such a great view but again you know traversal telling that story telling the journey it's it's you know at the starting of every game it's starting of every level you look forward and you're like i can't wait to go there right you know you hear it in bethesda how many times have we heard it you know see that mountain you can go there to me that's great but the best part to me is actually turning around and looking about where i came from there's something completely powerful about that in narrative so there's a flickering right here so there's a some kind of texture issue right there you can see the flickering there on the ground hmm odd so i don't know if i need to trigger this winch point but i'm going to do it anyway uh because i don't want to go back down and try to grab that damn winch and have it not work so i'm going to trigger this little cutscene here now a lot of people have talked about the winch and been pretty stoked i think it's awesome it is funny how difficult doing a wire wrapping around something connecting to itself is calculations wise and there have been a lot of people really impressed it sounds stupid being impressed by a winch wire but the elegance and weight in way it works it's obvious that they took some of whatever's working with the rope swing that the or the rope repel rope that you use and it's obvious that they're using some of the same kind of calculations but watch some of the subtle animations watch him pass it behind his back like that is that not just that is such an attention to detail when it comes to animations and you even hear the sound of him passing it behind you can actually hear that and then connecting it here just that's insane and then it tightens up i always have to do a roll before i slide also you'll notice i'll just jump over this rope instead of walking right through it like most games that's also cool and then we'll use the winch so yeah the winch i mean it's crazy that that's difficult to do and make it look right but it actually is and multiple people have talked about it as being you know pretty impressive we came to conquer baby which totally would be everybody different animations that's that's great jumping in there i'll come over here [Music] wow that pullback to this camera very well done just really really impressively well done so i think we'll move on to another section i i just have to say you know it's unfortunate because i'm really not at all impressed with the handling or any of the mechanics when you take this vehicle into the city area and you have to fight off the big armored vehicle i it was rote it felt boring vehicle didn't control well at all nor did it control realistically as somebody was owned a jeep so it was it was actually pretty terrible compared to this which is absolutely spot-on i would play a game where all you were doing was driving this around for weeks so let's jump to the next point uh we'll do the city i think so this will probably be a shorter overall i guess level look but there's a couple things i noticed the three color schemes light blue on the left orange yellow in the front and then the orange and red on the right the switch of the two on the right i was really surprised at how colorful they made this location and how that color break it works a little bit the way it works in the mansion level except here it gives you a feeling of like liveliness and of course that's because of the different color choices but look at the work on the texture detail like the rust and that overlay and the rust and all those things are actually in the right locations sometimes you'll get a game where you'll be looking at you'll be like this just doesn't look right because oxidization like that actually occurs in very specific patterns and of course where there is damage to a vehicle and occur more there as well but i think they did a spectacular job here and naughty dog's always done well in making sure that a location is cluttered but it's not busy and or busy but not cluttered whichever way you want to say that i would say it that way actually and i think they did a spectacular job here unfortunately you still have the same trunk really just terrible crowd dynamic uh it it doesn't feel very smooth moving through crowds in this game uh and it can feel a little bit like you're fighting you know trying to swim uphill kind of thing or that you're not really hitting the spot you're supposed to be hitting but while you're doing it man does it look good i mean the tile work this is of course where we're going to discuss the tile porn moment where there's some tile work uh at the end of this market square that when i first played this game you know as somebody who i i just love the look of masonry and and when it's really well done and any stone work and tile work oh so i don't know if anybody else even noticed this painter but world's worst painter this dude world's worst painter first of all somehow the dude has hired two other guys just to hold this ladder ladder ain't going anywhere it's on freaking stone but then he just paints the same section i love it and it's just like just a nasty dark blue and then he's like a little bit here yeah a little tiny bit more there and then um look down ask those guys how they're doing oh just paint the same spot i love it yeah so oh and there once again you got that side animation where nathan sort of touches something he's passing by solidifies him there again in that level just just a little bit and with that excellent collision detection looks like he touches it now i don't know if you guys know this if you get the apple then you can have the lemur get the apple from you if you pet the lemur and have it go with you if you just pet the lemur and you don't have the apple he'll just come up and like ruffle your hair and then run off there's a lemur right there so you can uh you can have like little dual interactions there and this is just a cool look you know it's one of those things where you have everything from the little bit of volumetric fog going on you've got the d just so many different colors pastels but you also have different you know shades and then you got this tile i don't know what it is about this tile but look at that it's fantastic the way it reflects and the way the grout is everything about this location and it's that light blue color such a unique color for this location uh but what i was saying is the different again more color you have pastels you have um stripes you have checkers you know you have all these different designs and even though you may have repeating people in it because you have that plus headwear you get this situation where you actually have to look for the repeat which i think is really unusual in these kind of games and i loved hitman and i loved that crowd but you saw the you saw the copies quite easily so this next section is probably the most impressive thing i've seen in a game that i can remember in years and that's the fact that naughty dog decided to rip the the actual animations out of nate and put new ones in for this entire scene many of these not being used at other moments i was blown away by the just the level of detail you know we can talk about like his rope swinging and all that stuff on his belt but removing those animations and putting these in just to show this one scene this one level it blows me away i talked about it in the review but that swoop of his shoulders forward and the scuff of his feet and stopping watch us like that that slide skip stop that he does all of this absolutely tremendous now unfortunately it's also in a level where i feel that the water looks terrible uh the water in this game looks really good when it's not going crazy the more crazy it goes the more it starts to look really funky which is unfortunate but if you see all this stuff you even see something that's pretty cool when a person is really tired especially their legs they are more prone to leg injuries one of the reasons why is because the muscles and the tendons don't stay tight and you basically have an issue where you can straighten out your knee too far you can overextend your knee watch him actually walk and you will see him do that more than once you'll see him straighten that leg guy i don't know if they you know made made somebody run and then put the the rigging on them or if this was all hand animated but and then the scuffing there to pull himself up all of this added brand new what an attention to detail just phenomenal now i'm a big fan of of weather effects you guys know that i talk about it in games i think it adds so much i'm really not excited about what i'm seeing here there uh one of the first things i noticed when i was playing this is you see the rain coming down in really odd sheets and those sheets are noticeable in in strange layers and what happens is you get this issue where you have what it looks like a paint effect going on you can see it even right there really really not it just really doesn't mend it almost looks less 3d than it should be it doesn't feel sometimes like you're in it or it feels like you're in it but then the rest of the world isn't and it sort of alternates between the two uh but everything from the foliage and how it moves but just i just had to show you guys this blown away absolutely excited to see anybody say hey you know what we want a character to look tired for an entire level so we're going to reanimate everything he can possibly do every grab every and and redo it or adjust it it's phenomenal just phenomenal work it's exciting to see somebody put that much thought into it i love the wind there you can see the wind whipping the all of that sitting water up and into his face also hats off to those guys for their voice acting i think the voice acting has done excellent for everybody elena i really liked her voice act acting emily rose does that but you know nate's here in this area when you know he's breathing and out of breath it sounds really good you we also found out that you know naughty dog likes to put their actors together to do the voice acting and i think that that absolutely helps and any you know developer out there who's thinking about doing voice acting you know you can't do a siloed voice actor anymore it just doesn't work they need to be with the people they're responding to there's no way to fake it it's just not that well done you know what a cool scene just from a technical standpoint uh this to me was the moment where i just sat back and was like wow they these guys work their asses off bravo to them for that for sure so start this back up we're in the islands i wanted to show you guys a jumping around takes a long time by the way the levels uh the loading time is long so sorry about that but one of the things i liked about this is you know the the water as as i stated i actually like the way the water looks most of the time unless it's really just going crazy and then i actually think it looks pretty terrible but the water here and like the jets coming off the the two engines this all looks so good i mean i would say for me at least i like it a little bit better than just cause water i don't know why it might just be because a little bit more subdued i could be wrong but i i just think it looks absolutely spectacular there's a i think there was a yeah i gotta get this talking about treasures for a second you know in game design you want to make sure that you reward people right for getting stuff and one of the things i liked about uncharted 4 is that some items were a little bit harder to find some of the treasures some a little easier however i'm just going to be brutally honest i was ultimately really disappointed with all the treasures uh i this is their their swan song supposedly and i expected that the treasures would have nate talking about them like i remember you know or or this is the famous book of blah blah you know the necromacon you know whatever and instead it's a line of question marks and a chart on inside your menu and that's it and you know people can say that's nitpicking whatever i'm not even really nitpicking or saying it's bad i was just disappointed and i just wanted more because i thought as the last one that would be one section that would really pay off these treasures having him talk about him having him you know or you know do something about him and instead you don't really have much one of the things i like about this boat is it's not the light boat like you know just cause where you can ride a boat basically 45 miles up it's just sort of stuck there again you know unfortunately you don't have a lot of life on these areas they're they're more for looks you definitely get the vegetation and the split and actually yeah i'll show you guys this tower that i thought was really impressive when it comes to just the overall amount of different vegetation but the problem is is on you're going to get some birds here but you really don't see that large number of creatures that you would expect and that i think would sort of solidify this place as a more realistic location especially if anybody has ever been like i said in the past to hawaii islands or something like that they're just breeding grounds for strange and freaking you know crazy looking creatures and and different vegetation and you have the vegetation i think here i think it's represented fairly well but i just really would have liked to have seen far more birds creatures on the ground you know things moving to make it feel alive right because right now it truly does feel just a little bit dead this is a great scene just a great location right here coming into this with the the rock outcropping plus having a hole in the rock to see the sky it's always visually arresting visually interesting something that stops you just for a moment makes you look and that's one of the cool things about this game in particular is you know you may not find anything at the end but you can usually walk another 20 or 30 yards and look at something cool rarely is it just like some rubble now i've talked about music you know i i just going to be brutally honest i'm not a fan at all of the soundtrack i think that the the big parts the big you know whatever you want to term up bombastic parts that you know generic lin instead of violin as i call them there it just does not sound interesting to me it doesn't do anything for me as a whole and there are about four tracks total and you'll probably hear a little bit of one because i'm going to cover it in the last part of this video for sure because it's going to wind all this back into a cycle but yeah i was sort of i was sort of unhappy with this with the music it's just doesn't really do anything for me i know that a lot of people disagree with me and i know some critics agreed but so here i'm gonna this section surprised me the very first time i played this game this section right here that is that looks awesome there's something very organic about that where everything looks like it's in its proper place there isn't anything where it looks like a developer put it there it looks like earth put it there so at the starting of this i had asked everybody to make sure that they sort of paid attention to the way nate's home looked and the way his addict was set up and sort of the the overall emotional resonance of those locations especially nate being comfortable and playing his gun game in the attic and enjoying himself and then he comes downstairs and you see this home that's actually in let's be honest guys it's in a fairly high state of disorder there's just strewn everywhere on the ground and it's not like stuff that somebody would forget it's like towels all over the floor clothes just on the floor and it's not just him it's also his wife and you can sort of sense that unease and sense of unhappiness even prior to their discussion also nate has turned down the job from his boss multiple times but each time he does it you can tell he wants to do it more and more okay but what we get here now is we finally sort of get a foreshadowing of what nate's life would be like if he continued to be an adventurer because the story of uncharted especially three and four some some of two has sort of gone in and made sure that people understand that it's not the greatest life in the world and that in a way it can be ultimately self-serving and it's cool because you have sam and you have sully showing you sort of the opposite sides of the same coin even though they both in in their own ways have issues and then you see this character now this character we meet here you already see their house look at it it's quite literally nate's house but 10 years later and that blew me away such great foreshadowing blew my mind when i first thought i was like holy i get it now cause when i saw nate's house at first i was like this just seems odd and you like i said no developer wakes up and says hey let's make a bunch of models and put them all over the floor let's make a bunch of textures just for the of it let's just spend a bunch of money that makes no sense they do it on purpose and to see this foreshadowing now and to see this location and realize this is sort of the loneliness and the crappy life that nate could have if he continues maybe even in sam's footsteps but if he continues in the footsteps and choices that he had made when we meet this character which i'm not going to show because i think that they some of the stuff they say is it's not even spoiler it's just i think that people should play the game or watch the uh you know a movie of the game if they want some of the stuff even that the character says and the way this character is you realize oh like this could be nade and i think that that's fantastic storytelling these guys knocked it out of the park in this cycle to to fully see the cycle and to not see it in your face where it's nate seeing this this is technically nate as a kid seeing it so we as game players are seeing it after nate did and there's that duality of storytelling where you and i are seeing it uh as a cycle we're seeing oh my god this is some foreshadowing but nate already knew all these warnings and he chose to ignore them and look where he was when he chose to ignore him he was going down a path of already like pretty much mutually assured destruction and the game and the way you play and the choices you make sort of get you out of it and i think that that's awesome it's fantastic storytelling absolutely awesome especially in the fact that you and i are seeing these in a different order than nate experienced them and how they tell that tale very difficult to do but to pull it off and to pull all that resonance off and have it make sense in the end is fantastic so anyway that's it for me i hope you guys like these videos it was very fun to do this is uh you know it may not have the most action-packed scenes at all times but i have to say when it comes to pure storytelling and understanding how to handle foreshadowing and and just characterizations that change as characters in fact that change age and you know the timeline of what they're doing many times within one single story and pull it off without issues that maybe we faced in quantum break or others fantastic just uh an incredible job so anyway that's it for me i hope you guys like these videos like i said if you did thumbs up if you didn't thumbs down and as always let's let the worst burglars in the world smash this door loudly to get in and peace out [Music] you
Channel: ACG
Views: 173,911
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Keywords: geek, acgreview, angrycentaurgaming, gameplay, ACG, gaming, nerd, review, ps4, xbox, sony, ms, game, reviews, ps5, gaming news, #gamereview, #reviews, #gameplay, comedy, acg reviews, video games, angry review, trending, acg previews, acg impressions, switch, uncharted 4, walking the walk uncharted 4, game design uncharted 4, Uncharted 4 Is Still Incredible - Game Design Analysis - Walking the Walk Series - (FA), walking the walk, game design discussion, game design, game development, game critique
Id: FtPfGZcQyUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 19sec (4519 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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