Unboxing the best iPod ever made

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in today's video i want to take a step back in time but rather than going to some miscellaneous point in apple's history i want to go to the most significant point in my apple history and that is by unboxing my first ever apple product that i personally owned and that was the fourth generation ipod touch i have i mean this is not my original one because obviously i've had that for 11 years but this one is brand new sealed in its original packaging and was even manufactured during the same week that i got my original ipod touch back in 2010. this is a lot of nostalgia let's get started [Music] just looking at the iconic ipod touch packaging but sealed after 11 years wow it's it's really incredible so this particular ipod touch actually took quite a bit of work to get a hold of because i mean there were a lot of factors at play and i wanted this unboxing to be as authentic as possible and this actually ended up being the third sealed ipod touch fourth generation that i bought so you might be wondering why did it take three attempts well let me show you attempt number one it's this and i know what you're thinking wow looks pretty good right you the back is super duper shiny and nice well um this is a fake ipod touch they had a real clear shell but with fake internal packaging and this ipod touch is not real even though it looks like it has a real back the engravings on the bottom are fake the font is wrong there's a little bit of glue inside the camera lens the home button isn't seated properly it seems like a ton of effort to go to and then they put it in this really lazy packaging and the serial numbers don't even match so i don't know why they did that and i just i just don't understand it it was 60 bucks i got my money back and i moved on to ipod touch number two and that is this now this one is real this is an actual fourth generation ipod touch however if i put these two next to each other you might spot some differences mainly here on the home screen this ipod touch is on ios 5. so then i went back on ebay found this one with the original ios 4 wallpaper and ran the serial number on this when it arrived and that pulled up a date from december 2010 which is when i got my fourth generation ipod touch for my 12th birthday and oh boy here we are almost exactly 11 years later and i'm gonna do it again i absolutely love the packaging style for ipods from this era i think it's really cool the way that it's just sitting there on display this wasn't the first time that apple had done this if we look at the ipod touch second generation even though it's a little bit different shaped you can see it's sort of the same basic idea but i think the fourth generation did it the best okay so to get inside of this thing we have a little pull tab here on the top of the device let's go ahead and peel that back oh man and there it is first time in 11 years we're now opening the ipod touch oh the adhesive seems to have broken down slightly and it got kind of attached to the packaging but there it is and wow would you look at that back casing this is why i wanted to get a sealed one of these because you never see them look this pristine and shiny so let's set the ipod off to the side here and take a look at the rest of the packaging now if i remember correctly which i do because i vividly remember how excited i was when i unboxed this originally 11 years ago there's not a whole lot else in here so if we open up this little flap here we have our usual documentation booklet and then we also have our uh earpods and our 30 pin connector now these are actually are not ear pods they're just earbuds they're the round style the earpods didn't really come out until 2012 and these things are awful one of the first things i did when i unboxed my ipod touch was listened to a song on these and they absolutely hurt my ears and they sounded terrible and i never used them again so here we have our documentation and some absolutely minuscule little apple stickers oh my goodness these are so cute these are adorable look at them they're so little and then here we have our teeny tiny little documentation booklet which highlights some some features from ios 4 you know folders multitasking and then the big headline features for this generation were the cameras the addition of facetime really really big stuff going on here and then of course we have itunes information this is still an ipod after all okay so now let's move over to the ipod itself and specifically i need to figure out a way to get this thing out of here and basically not touch it because i don't want to smudge this back and i want to get some really spicy b-roll of a brand new 4th gen ipod touch so i've got this it's my apple microfiber cloth that i saved from my retina macbook pro that i bought in 2015 and we're gonna be using this to help us keep everything nice and clean let's go ahead and peel this off ooh that is satisfying you could tell this is an early ipod touch because we actually have four of these little flaps on the later versions that shipped in 2011 and 2012 with ios 5 they didn't have the top and bottom flap it was just on the sides but let's see if we can go ahead and pull this out i'm still handling this thing without actually touching it and i'm kind of dreading having to ruin this with my grubby little fingerprints so let's see if i can get this off without touching it wow that was hard to take off and it left a residue i got the macbook air here the the first generation that i forgot that i patched all the way up to catalina so i don't even know if this is gonna work but let's find out we're in okay so uh software is ios 4.2.1 we've now got a sink in progress slide to unlock ah oh man oh man wow it's been it's been 11 years since i've seen this that's crazy thank you macbook air catalina was still able to activate an ios 4 device how about that the fourth generation ipod touch was less an ipod and more an iphone for less money without cellular capabilities it was basically the same we have the same retina display the same a4 chip that was in the iphone 4 it has dual cameras front and rear facing it has a 30 pin connector and a headphone jack on the bottom this is an iphone 4 but with the headphone jack on the right end of the device and no cellular connectivity and that was fantastic but it also kind of spelled the demise of the ipod as apple's big money maker when this thing was unveiled back in 2010 steve jobs only spent a couple of minutes talking about the device and most of what he said was what i just said that it was features moved over from the iphone so this was the best ipod touch but it was also when ipods just started to be more like iphones and then people didn't really feel the need to buy ipod touches because they would just buy iphones instead if you look at sales figures for the ipod over time 2010 was just over the hump right when sales started to decline and ever since the ipod has been essentially an unnecessary product but this in my opinion was its pinnacle all right we are activated we are charged let's open up a brand new 11 year old ipod touch ah that sound it's so glorious and wow you know i have to say this screen still looks really really good i mean this ipod really changed the game it was so freaking good when it came out 230 dollars you got a retina display you got two cameras you got an a4 chip the same as the iphone although it was configured slightly differently with less ram uh and you got ios 4 just like the iphone you know what i do feel like i need to go into the settings here and set it with the wallpaper that i used now i think i used this one for a little while i definitely remember using this one but i think i think we'll set it to here i think this was what i initially used as the wallpaper on my ios 4 ipod touch wow this this is kind of crazy i got to be very careful picking this up because i still need b-roll but let's go ahead and take a let's try out this front-facing camera because this was of course a vga camera oh yeah that's pretty bad let's do a picture here oh dear that's that's very terrible and the front-facing camera well it's not great but it's not terrible say cheese all right i took a picture of you uh also our battery appears to be very wonky because it said it was fully charged and now i'm at 20 so yeah it's not really good for lithium-ion batteries to sit in a box for 11 years it really does bring back a lot of nostalgia and if you like looking at old unboxed unboxed apple products you're going to want to get subscribed because i've got something else coming that is going to be a lot of fun i won't say what it is but let's just say it's an old sealed mac get subscribed turn on notifications it hasn't arrived yet but i i really can't wait for that video thank you for joining me on this nostalgia filled journey back in time to the fourth generation ipod touch i'll leave you guys with just a couple of additional b-roll shots of this absolutely beautiful device thank you guys so much for watching [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Luke Miani
Views: 153,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unboxing, retro, retro tech, apple retro, ipod, iPod in 2021, iPod touch 4th gen, 4th generation iPod touch, old ipod, sealed apple products, sealed iPod touch, my first apple product
Id: 5kiynnl0HL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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