UNBOXING MY FIRST QUOTA BAG!! 🧡🐴 Birkin, Kelly, Constance?! Fast and lower pre-spend Hermes journey!

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I just received my first ever quota Bank from Hermes after just one month with my essay I am a brand new customer I spent less than one to one and this has just been an incredible journey hey girlies it's me I'm back and oh my gosh I think you can tell based on the thumbnail and this big box behind me but I just received a huge surprise for my essay that I really did not expect so let me just get into the story time of how I got this box and then we'll do the unboxing and then I'll talk about how much I spent and other tips and tricks I think you can use to be successful in your Hermes Journey but before we do hi I'm semi D shop I make videos once or twice a week on love training fashion I have a couple series on my channel one which is this Irma's Journey which kind of comes to a wrap I guess with this bag but I may just continue it to try and get any more information that can help all of my subscribers to get their dream bags I also have fashion video series as well so I would love if you checked it out and subscribe so you do not miss out okay so actually let's start with the unboxing [Music] please leave down in the comments what you think it is but this this was my dream bag I had asked for this and it came exactly as I had asked for it and oh my gosh okay so without further ado I literally just got back from the store and I like couldn't breathe I was so surprised so I'm calming down a little bit so I can fully enjoy this box but I've never done an unboxing of a bag this big can you see the handles peeking out it is a Birkin Togo leather gold on gold in the 30 size are we are we sharing this movement together right now like oh my God I I just like honestly have no words this is my second time ever touching a Birkin the first time that I touched a Birkin was when I was trying on sizes with my essay and that was like literally a week ago I don't know two weeks ago and that's when I decided that I was definitely okay with the Birkin 30 so I said either 25 or 30 I did say that I preferred the 25 slightly over the 30 but actually now holding this bag and seeing the size I think it actually much for the 30 because it's just such a great usable size like I said to my boyfriend that this is my big girl bag because before this bag I really only had mini bags or like totes which are not really the same thing so this is my first big girl bag and it was a very big girl purchase so I absolutely love it okay let's take a closer look at the bag so this is like I said a Birkin 30 in Togo leather with Gold Hardware and I will do some mod shots later but let's open her up we'll just let her dangle like this isn't she's so adorable oh I just I can't can you can you guys can you even okay sorry getting a little sidetracked but the interior of the bag is I'm sure you guys have seen tons and tons of Birkins this is actually my first time really looking at the interior but it's fully leather lined it has a front large pocket a back zip pocket and gosh the smell of fresh Togo like this is just so so wonderful okay oh let's set this down right here and now let me get into my story time of how I even got this bag with a less than one to one ratio of pre-spend and it's one of the most competitive stores in the United States I thought that I was getting a broken in a year and to preface the story time before I even start I do want to say that I'm a little sorry to any viewers who watch my very first starting romance journey in 2023 because I definitely originally planned to have quite a slow journey I didn't expect to be going in so frequently I didn't expect to be spending so quickly and so if you're one of the viewers who watched because you thought I was going on a very very slow journey I am sorry but I still think that the tips and tricks I learned along the way can really help you if you just Spam them out across many months and for my next bag I do plan to just slow down a little bit take my time and just really get to know the brand spend more time with my essay and I hope with that with my kind of part two of my Hermes learning you can get a lot more information that way if you want to just have a little bit of a slower Journey than what this was because this was a roller coaster so let's start from today so yesterday night I texted my essay asking if I could come in in two weeks because I had a little bit of time before I went to Hawaii I'm going to Hawaii at the end of September so I asked if I could just pop in I heard that they got like new lip oils and I just wanted to get maybe like a twilly or two something very small and so I just said hey are you available at this time on this day and he said yep totally we can do this day and then he also texts me a picture of this guy which actually I can unbox right now I'm sure you know what it is for the box but it is my very first Rodeo so cute so this is cray Bert Fizz and I forgot the color of the brown but I'll leave it down in the description what it is ah isn't she the cutest I did originally ask for a little bit of a more neutral Virginia or Pegasus I really wanted the one that had moth pale in the main but my essay said that this one came in they're hard to come by he'll definitely text me if more come in but he did seem like he recommended that I get this and I think it is so neutral and so beautiful so super cute with that anyway so he text me the picture and he says are you interested and then at first I was a little unsure because I wanted a little bit of a lighter brown or lighter tan or a little bit more of a neutral verdeo charm so I said if this is like someone else's dream birthday I'm happy to pass up on it and wait for the next one they said these really don't come in so I said yes I will take it I can come in later today so he's like great I'll pick you in later today and I said okay and then I go on about my day doing a little bit of work working from home and then he calls me out of the blue so I pick up and he says okay I have a couple of hypotheticals for you and I was like hypotheticals these are never just hypothetical so I said okay what are your hypotheticals he said okay are you interested in a Constance and I said no not for my first quarterback I do not want a croissants for my first quarterback I definitely really wanted a Bergen and then he said okay I thought so I just wanted to double check my next question for you is I know that your dream birken is like a Birkin and Noir or a broken and gold do you have a preference and I was like ooh I don't know I really loved both and in my mind when he was asking me my thoughts are racing and I said do you have preference and he said no I don't have a preference I was like okay I think I would really prefer gold because I think that's just such a classic RMS color and I did really want a Kelly 25 and black maybe for my next box I said yeah I would really love gold for my Birkin and then he said okay that's all like those are all my questions and I was like okay I'll see you later bye so we ended the call there and I was like that was strange maybe he's just you know double checking my wish list it could mean nothing so I don't really think about it too much but then a little bit later he sends me this very odd text and the text was oh my gosh someone the cutest booties just came in and they only have one size it's your size I'm gonna hide them for you and I was like one pair of booties came in just one size for me that seems very very strange so I texted back and I was like what shoes you know I wanted to make sure that those shoes are the ones that I would be interested in I didn't want to hold them if there was something I was gonna pass out on and he said you'll just have to wait and see so I was like this is super suspicious right so like when my time comes around I go into the store and then we meet up we see each other we're laughing and then we're going upstairs which is where a lot of the goods are located at my store and he was like oh my gosh the shoe section was so busy today and I was like oh okay so I guess it really was just a coincidence like booties in my size came right so then we go over and he says okay why don't you just go over to this private room um I'll bring the shoes out in the rodeo charm out I was like okay so come in sit down to the private room he comes back with the box that I just showed you and honestly they're a box of the size that could hold booties and he hid the tag from me so I couldn't see what was inside and I was like okay so I guess it really was just shoes and you know Hermes has some cute Beauties the fall line is super cute I'm definitely interested in some of the things that they have but I was also a little disappointed I guess so he was like okay so then he very nonchalantly just opens the box like tosses the lid away opens the paper and then he takes out a desk back and says here are your sheets and then it's very clearly not shoots it's one dust bag I take it in my hands and it is definitely a bag so then I open it up and this is what I pulled out literally my dream bag Birkin 30 gold on Gold Hardware Togo leather this is literally everything that I asked for it my essay was just so nonchalant which is why I was so thrown off and surprised like normally when I see unboxing videos of people like filming on their phone in the private room it's like they're wearing gloves they're doing a slow unboxing and then everyone's like when the bag is revealed like they do it he literally was like here's here here are your shoes what what so I was so taken aback I'm so surprised I was like unsure of how to react because my body was just like not processing my mind was not catching up to what I was seeing and so I was like and I like just took the bag and I put on my arm and I walked over to the mirror and oh my gosh was she beautiful and I just kept admiring her like turning her around everything and then he's like aren't you gonna open it and I was like oh yeah yeah and like my hands are like shaking as I'm trying to take off the felt and open the bag and he's like I just gotta put your charm on it I was like oh yes yes like everything like my mind was just all over the place and my essay is just so fun to work with like such a dream the best personality it seems like he gets along with all of the co-workers and he did tell me during the visit he was like I have three favorite clients you're one of them they're always just so easy to work with and I will always take care of those clients until you're mean to me and I was like I will never be mean to you but yeah I think the most important thing is honestly your relationship with your essay it really does not come down to spending when I told my essay the very first time about my wish list he said it has nothing to do with preset it all has to do with your loyalty to the brand how we view you and I think that I definitely made a good impression with the brand every time I went into store I was dressed nicely not like over the top but I was you know we put together other employees were recognizing me some of them asked me my name but sometimes the manager would come over and we'd all have a laugh so it was very clear that I was building rapport with not just my essay but with the entire store as well and I think that's really important but before I get into the tips and tricks let me now go into the preset I actually started my journey I double checked I've made my very first purchase with my essay on July 22nd so it's been a little bit over a month since I started my Hermes journey to this beautiful broken and the total amount of money I spent so so my pre-spend amount before I got my Birkin 30 so this is the amount of money I spent in about a month I spent 11 512.62 this is including tax and this is also including the Evelyn TPM I bought earlier in August if we don't count the F1 TPM then I spent a little over nine thousand dollars to get my Birkin 30 and the broken 30 currently retails for 11 600 pre-tax so if we don't count my Evelyn TPM my pre-spend ratio is about 0.8 to 1. so it's a little under one to one ratio to get my bag and at the store that I am located in it is very competitive I was definitely prepared to spend two to one over two to one to get my quarterback and I am just so shocked that I was actually able to get this with a less than one to one spend and again I think it really just comes down to how you Vibe with your essay so let me go through the list of things that I bought before I received my Birkin 30. so on my very first visit I bought the chained to encry ring in sterling silver and I also bought a pair of gold or on sandals and then at my next visit I bought a moth peel Kelly belt I also bought a couple of baby Goods so it was like a bib and a face towel and then I also bought a writing Polo from the equestrian section and then my third visit was just to quickly pop in and I bought my Evelyn TPM at that time and I also bought a twilly and then my fourth visit I went in to get my Cape Cod watch in stainless steel and at that fourth visit I also returned the mock Hill Kelly belt and then my last visit which was the visit right before I got my Birkin I bought I brought my boyfriend with me and he bought a pair of Genius sandals I bought a pair of Glamor sandals and then I also bought a small like baby pillow as well so all in all I bought like across all departments I kind of really tried to spread out my spending and also I came in Fairly frequently like you saw just because I am so close to my local Boutique that I can just like pop in when he says he has something that I want and it is really nice to be able to do that because your face is a little bit more seen in the store and I think that does help but again like I said my pre-spin ratio before getting my brick in 30 was around 0.8 to 1 or just a little bit under one even if you do include my Evelyn TPM so I really could not be happier to just wrap up the video I want to show the last two purchases that I made along with the bag and I'm sure you can tell what they are but they are twillies to wrap on my candles and I went through literally all the chilies on all the trays and I eventually settled on this isn't she adorable I just absolutely loved this because it is the year of the rabbit so this is kind of like a zodiac twilly the beige Light Beige looks just so great with the gold Birkin and the fall is very quickly approaching it also has these kind of little horsies rabbits moons so just everything representing the Lunar New Year and because I'm Korean I love everything the New Year's celebrations I'm very excited for Korean Thanksgiving which is coming up pretty soon so this is just so cute so here's the chili number one and we'll open up twilly number two so they're just a matching toy set I have to go and watch some YouTube videos on how to tie my twillies because I this is my first time really time to lease on a Birkin obviously but I'll bring her closer again for one last look but yes this is my very first Hermes bag and I cannot believe I got my dream bag for the very first one again in less than a month with less than one to one present for those of you who have kind of like followed me along this journey throughout my YouTube series thank you guys so much your comments are just so wonderful to read and you guys give me suggestions on sizes and what you guys like what colors you like and I love reading all those comments and responding it really feels like I'm building up a wonderful Community here and I'm just so grateful to each and every one of you who watches my videos so I hope that all of you are as excited as I am to see this beautiful bag but I can't wait to take her out I'm literally gonna tie the trolleys on and then take it to dinner so that brings us to a wrap on today's video thank you all so much for watching I will definitely see you in the next one bye
Channel: Somidoshop
Views: 29,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hermes, unboxing, dream bag, quota bag, bikrin, kelly, constance, rodeo, hermes journey, pre-spend
Id: PgKfsFiBW00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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