UNBOXING & LETS PLAY! - Super Anthony VERSION 2.0 - Ultimate Battle Humanoid Robot w/45KG Punch

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[Music] [Music] what's up everybody and welcome back to an all new episode of conflicts and this episode here we'll be looking at the latest version of super Anthony our favorite robot and a variety of death battles reviews as well as even with Linus tech tips this one here is the latest version as you already notice it's got a cool looking ray attacker appearance but it's a little bit more refined meaning it has more grip as well it's easier to use again if you don't know who's super Anthony is it is a fighting robot that is literally a humanoid biped that is allow you to go ahead an entry to any kind of robot fights without any modifications as well has a capability to actually hit their target at 45 kilograms of force that's actually pretty strong for a robot of its size now in this episode here will be kind of looking at the newest version unboxing it and seeing what's on the inside so without further ado let's go ahead and take a closer look so this here is our box and as you already know it's kind of big I has a little handle on the top here so you can go ahead and carry you to robot around comes the nice packing so it does make it a lot easier to go ahead and travel as well now the way it opens up is kind of simple I'll just go ahead and lift this panel right over here and like voila so we see an instruction user manual here on the top so you do get a sticker sheet so you can go ahead and customize your robot as well as to your own liking however I went with the attacker version what you can see right here looks really really cool we have ourselves a remote [Applause] so this is everything that it comes with so you get yourself a super Anthony robot you have a user manual a sticker sheet so you can customize it you have a controller this one here is a red version the previous one was a black version it does come with a cable to go ahead and connect your robot to the computer so you can go and install your own custom moves it does have a Bluetooth module so you can go ahead and install this directly into the robot so you can go ahead and control it and using your phone and it does come with a nice-looking stand I'm also going to feel like glass kind of has a nice sturdy feel to it so this here is our super Anthony and in terms of the way it works it's kind of simple so you have a battery pack that goes in the back of his head right over here I connected to these this cable right here so we'll connect to the chip itself and this will control the whole robot at a whole you have a power switch that's a first so the previous model literally you have to go ahead and kind of place them together creating almost like a quick little spark which is always a little bit scary but this here has an on/off switch making it very easy to go ahead and turn it on and off now in addition to that the battery does have a port on the top here which the cable go ahead and run through a line connect the two together which the previous one did not as well now one of the biggest improvements that I've seen is on the bargain pot part over here so as you see the feet here there's a bit of a curve so that curve will actually come and purpose when the robot decides to walk so if you move forward the robot likes to put its legs together and then I'll start walking just like this however what the previous model is one that does this it'll actually go ahead and put one foot over the other pausing the robot to trip this one here I'll actually go ahead and keep it together meaning it won't trip over itself which is actually a great addition to the particular robot itself now other than that I think they pretty much did the same thing however I do notice that the material of this particular robot is a little bit different than the previous one as well this one here you can go ahead and peel off the stickers and very very easily and replace them versus the previous one you put a sticker on there and the moment you peel it off they leave a very sticky residue making it very very difficult to remove the stickers besides that it looks like a very good promising robot I do see that it is much more stable and much more sturdy than the previous one so seeing what this one is about should be quite interesting now there's no better test run then actually turning it on next so let's go ahead and do that next and kind of see what this robot does alright it's Ross that ready to go so we're going to turn on our robot by simply pressing the button on the back here and then here is our controller we're going to switch that over to on as well this takes two triple A batteries you'll see the lights on and then as soon as hit start watch what happens our robots ready to fight now you can hear that it's actually a lot quieter than the previous service of the other super Anthony now the way you move is simply you can go ahead and press the left arrow so go ahead and rotate to the left you hit the right arrow rotate to the right and if you hit forward over move fours you like that and then if you move back move back just like that now you do have the joysticks as well so you can go ahead and rotate the same way and if you hold it you can spin around in a full circle so it gives you what an idea of what that can do as well now you can also go ahead and pivot itself so if I hit R to fit it to the right like that right there the filibuster like that and stuff of that nature now you can also hold the X button well duck and then let go and go back up again now in terms of moves goes so you have a few different moves for instance if I hit l1 o jab with the left arm so I'll punch forward if I hit with the r1 it'll do it the other way I can do a like a combo just like that and then you have square and circle now square is enough it was like that and it's there's another uppercut so if you hold it'll hold the position as soon as I let go they'll go return back to its ready stance so pretty cool now for instance let's say if the robot fell down on its back just like this you simply go ahead and click the left analog and the robot will get right back up now if the robot fall on its front or its face just like this you click the right analog no good off just like that as well so you can see that it does give you a full range of motion which is very nice and makes it very easy to fight now there is one missing button which is our triangle button triangle button is a super move right now I'm pressing it and nothing is happening because it's currently unassigned now so kind of give you an idea what that's about so what we're gonna do next is we're gonna go ahead and jump onto the computer which we haven't seen yet and actually program this robot to go ahead and do a super move or a kick in the stance when we hit the triangle button so let's go ahead and do that next alright so the next thing we're going to take our supplied USB cable and plug it into the computer and plug the other end into our super Anthony so we're gonna go and plug this in so once it reads it we're gonna go ahead and open up this app called in old basic workshop and then we can go ahead and open up a pre downloaded or pre downloaded super mode this here is the ultra kick so you can actually scroll through it show you all the frame-by-frame steps and how it kind of like configures it and then from there what we're gonna do is we can go ahead and import it into the robot ok and then from there we should be good to go so we'll leave those we'll go ahead and connect the robot next and power them down from there we can go ahead and try running our robot and see if it works alright so now we can go and try this out now so we're going to turn on our remote and hit start ok now if we hit triangle it should work before when we hit triangle it didn't work at all so let's try this out all right let's check that out one more time already that is an intense kick so that is a super killer move obviously it puts more stress on this level so you don't really wanna do it too often but let's try it one more time whoa let's get a different robot to think that all right let's try this out on Maui Stein alright so I'll put on Stein kind of facing right over there and if it works out well you should be kicking him in the face ready [Laughter] all right let's take take number two ready man that is awesome and yeah there you guys have it this year is super Anthony the latest version at gate 2.0 whatever you want to call it definitely a very cool looking robot and probably one of my favorites thus far now if you guys had any questions or if you wanted your very own be sure to check out super Anthony's link down below then again yeah we'll see you guys next time take care of now buh-bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: KhanFlicks
Views: 168,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Battle Bots, Fighting Robot, Cozmo, Robotics, STEM, Fight, Fail, Karate, KungFu, Wrestling Robot, SuperAnthony, Kickstarter, Super Anthony, New, Technology, Rasberry pi, Gadget, Mebo, Alpha, Bioloid, Bolide, RoboHero, Humanoid Robot, Review, Full Review, Future, Prototype, battlebots, what to watch, american broadcasting company, vlog, investigation, chinese
Id: vUKobu8BJgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 02 2019
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