Unboxing Kansas: What It's Like Living in Kansas

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is everyone in kansas white is everyone in kansas a hardcore bible thumper and is everyone in kansas an anti-abortion conservative creationist farmer no there's no way we're not going to just talk about that we're going to talk about a whole lot more so let's gas up the combine we're going to unbox the state of kansas the modern american farmer a very noble career and a respected way of life what was once a life of backbreaking hard work and pride has become more corporatized than ever modern american farms like this one in kansas turn out more volume with less labor than ever that sounds like it would be a good thing but as we'll soon discover it's actually not there's a saying that kansas farmers like this help feed the world while agriculture in this state is still very lucrative and very important to the economy of kansas times have changed now and farms like this are realizing they need to change too there's going to be some big problems ahead but kansas isn't all wheat fields and cattle farms sorta i mean most people experience kansas from inside their cars this is the only kansas they know there's actually a bit more to this state than just tractors and wheat and if you're thinking about moving here you should know the ins and outs of this state so you know where to plant your roots this is kansas now you could split the state up in many ways but the best way is like this where you have western kansas central-ish kansas southeast kansas the northeast part of the state and of course the most populous part the kansas city metro area and there's a whole lot going on over there but we'll get to that later for now we're going back over here to western kansas a lot of western kansas is very flat and very hot in the summer it's very rural out this way and looks a lot like eastern colorado it's a lot of cattle ranches wheat fields slaughter houses and small towns lots of boot wearing folks with a little twang in the dialect and a lot of dust it's a slower pace out here where there's less hustle to the bustle a lot of silence and a lot of space much of the population out this way is rural conservative and older it's very different from eastern kansas folks in kansas are a friendly bunch and you probably won't find anyone any friendlier than out here in western kansas there's always a customary finger wave as you pass by you might find people way out here outgoing and they'll lend you a hand in an emergency many of the small towns in western kansas or just what you'd think they'd be places with anywhere between 100 people and 5 000 people kind of isolated from one another and connected by two lane roads or if you're lucky you live along i-70 so you can actually get to something stimulating once in a while every little town out this way is going to have a gas station and probably a coffee shop maybe a dollar store and a hardware store if you're lucky there's an applebee's within a half hour drive but for sushi if dylan's doesn't have it no one does rural kansas might be poor for coastal standards but it's way cheaper to live out this way too but if you're thinking of moving to rural kansas it's worth discussing the issues going on in this part of the state much of that's centered around agriculture and there are two main branches of agriculture in western kansas and they're going in different directions down here in southwest kansas is where you're going to find all the slaughter houses and meat packing industries run down places like dodge city liberal scott city and garden city all have big meat processing centers on the edge of town these areas are booming right now look at this map which shows the population growth for kansas this bottom corner has seen a bunch of new people moving in to support the often unregulated meat packing industry which is predominantly run by immigrants many are from mexico there's a lot of guatemalans vietnamese and even somalis so this part of the state's actually pretty diverse i mean our appetite for me is unrelenting right so this part of the state's growing and winning the economic battle some say the meat packing industry sort of has a bright future down here and they can't find enough people to fill all the positions that's not what's happening in a lot of the rest of western kansas though farming in kansas is a big deal of course like only iowa and north dakota have more acreage devoted to agriculture you can take the whole state of new jersey and double it and kansas has more land just in crops 88 percent of the states in farmland much of it winter wheat and a large part of the state's also devoted to cattle production i mean look at this satellite view of western kansas lots and lots of farmland there's also a lot of sunflowers here too i mean this is a sunflower state and all there's not a county in the state that doesn't have sunflowers in it many people in these small western towns know their farmers by name and sometimes you even know the meat you're eating personally but slowly the family farms are dying off here back in 1980 there were 75 000 farms in kansas today there's 60 000 farms corporate farms are the new rage modern farmers today can steer their huge combines using gps from hundreds of miles away the only people you need these days are to load the grain bins and to fill the combines with gas farmers out this way worked for generations to turn the prairie into farmland and then they worked hard to modernize their farms to the point that they're cutting off their own lifeblood seems ironic that by increasing their production they devalue their own goods but it's happening with modern equipment and chemicals kansas farmer can get way more bang for his buck which means less labor and less people so these small towns out here dying off i mean they're just not any jobs hospitals good schools are ironically good healthy food for people here kansas is losing more 20 year olds than any other state and western kansas is where they're leaving from the most here's a map of western kansas look at how many people live per square mile out this way and it kind of seems like these small towns have been left to fend for themselves there just isn't any political clout at the nation's capital the lobby on their behalf the solution could be switching to organic crops right now only about one percent of kansas's farms are organic the farmers who switch to organic have seen positive results they don't brag about it too much chemicals are king out this way come on now farmers actually keep it a secret from their farmer friends when they switch to organic crops which is very interesting and if they could only get k-state to actually teach organic growing classes for amber waves of grain mappy stop bad timing sorry everyone now we're going to leave that sad tale and move on to the next region of the state central kansas it's less flat and way more going on here there's some farms here too but most people in kansas live in urban areas in places like wichita wichita is the biggest city in kansas where there's 390 000 people that's big for kansas standards the population here is pretty much stagnated at less than one percent growth every year this is also the most dangerous city in kansas where you have the most violence per capita there's bad pockets all over town and there's nice pockets all over town it kind of just depends on where you drive the nicer parts of wichita and the northwest and northeast suburbs the derby area down here is also nice downtown wichita is trying to improve but there's large pockets around downtown that are bad especially directly north and south of downtown they call wichita the air capital of the world the aerospace industry is big here they make a lot of airplanes in the wichita area but covet and nafta both put a big dent in the number of airplane manufacturing jobs here which is part of the reason crime's rising and why the population has stagnated look at this the violent crime in wichita is shooting through the roof people while the rest of the country is going down a little bit not wichita the jails are full here and there's been an increase in drive-bys and attacks and murders overall wichita is a big town with a small town vibe it's not very exciting here you're way out in the middle of the state there's nothing except emporia nearby which sucks and interestingly wichita is one of a few large u.s cities that's growing whiter but despite the boredom and the high crime you can get a super nice home in wichita suburbs for like 350k with a yard bigger than your california home but that's kansas for you salinas is another biggest city in central kansas there's about 50 000 people here it's a real dump sorry celina don't move to salina there's no reason you should be moving to celina much of the rest of central kansas is really drive-through country if you made the trek along i-70 between kansas city and denver you probably saw some of it in fact there's places like lincoln plainville osborne wilson mankato and marquette where you can get free land as long as you put down roots most have less than two thousand people so there's that fort riley's here it's one of the biggest army bases in the nation junction city is right next door here in gary county it's also a lousy place to live some call it junction shitty which is just mean down here in reno county is hutchinson population 42 000 and that's a big deal for rural kansas it's home to the kansas state fair every year it's the biggest event in the state kansas people love them some fairs people in kansas just don't go to the county fairs they're often in them nice job young lady first prize some real charlotte's web stuff right there lots of people in kansas also say hutchinson was the inspiration for smallville where superman grew up and then you have the world's largest ball of twine up here in cochran you think more people would come and see some of these random rural places but kansas remains one of the least visited states in america come on go see kansas of course every small town in kansas is going to have at least two to three churches for all those christians to judge the rest of the world who are doomed to hell kansas took some heat because of its religious fundamentalism views back in the day especially its extreme views related to schools but kansans aren't all narrow-minded bible-thumping right-wingers with very little intellectual curiosity they're a lighter side of the bible belt a lot of rural kansas is protestant and fairly religious but not bible-thumping i mean you're still going to see fire and brimstone anti-abortion signs posted on the edges of farmer's fields here but the extreme right religious views are mostly a thing of the past you're going to find a lot of varying political views in the urban areas but like most states kansas is mostly conservative in its rural areas most kansas republicans are kind rational people to a certain extent they're not hardcore red and they're not pushy about it many will downplay their conservative views but they won't change them either bob dole was from kansas remember bob dole he ran for president back in 96 he lost to bill clinton sadly he was the last real political superstar from this state but dwight eisenhower's from kansas here in abilene weather-wise kansas is going to be hot and windy for a lot of the year you'll have tumbleweeds in your yard all the time winters suck and they do get blizzards from time to time but the whole tornado stereotype doesn't really apply anymore since a lot of the tornadoes have moved into the south these days but there's still a threat every year there's no doubt about that now we're going to briefly stop in southeast kansas s-e-k-s more like s-u-c-k-s this is definitely the worst place in the state you can live it's super poor rural and this is where a lot of the state's meth labs meth users druggies burnouts and petty thieves make home places like independence coffeeville fredonia and all the other small places down here or really struggling with drug use and poverty however you can get a house here in coffeyville for thirty seven thousand dollars but buyer beware if you have to live down here in this part of the state pick pittsburgh there's twenty thousand people here and a few colleges in town it's not too bad here now we're gonna move up here to northeast kansas which has sort of a lot going on at least way more than any other place we talked about outside of wichita now this whole side of the state's a lot different than the western side it's much more green and hilly there's a natural feature here called the flint hills which kind of begins up here in northeast kansas and winds its way all the way down the oklahoma state line it's really pretty lots of big rolling hillsides of grass and amber waves of grainy but here is the state capital of topeka it's actually not that exciting it's terrible for crime and drugs the north side of topeka has meth heads and the east side has the gangs there's a ton of property crimes and robberies you don't want to be in a topeka quik trip after dark i'll tell you that because of the lack of stimulation and high crime and run down by topeka's losing people every year today they're pretty much having to bribe people to move there the bribe used to be 10 grand but now they're offering 15 grand to move to topeka these days apply now people you just need to get a job and find a place to live homes here are only 135 grand so get in on that now people not over here's manhattan which is a pretty nice place to live for the most part it's home to kansas state university which is an agriculture school they have a part of town called aggieville where all the bars and restaurants are there's a big rivalry between kansas state and ku here many people here are kansas state football fans and ku basketball fans that's okay both are very good in their respective sports kansas state considers ku their rival but the university of kansas considers missouri its rival people in kansas don't like the state of missouri very much i'll tell you that we have to talk about the wizard of oz right i mean that movie is world famous and if you're overseas and you tell somebody you're from kansas they'll make some sort of lame wizard of oz joke well the wizard of oz museum is up here in wamigo population 4300 here you can check out memorabilia and artifacts from the movie and purchase those award-winning wines from oz winery with names like run toto run and witch in a ditch so clever kansas so clever there's a few native american reservations up here too and many people in kansas visit casinos sprinkled throughout the state for fun also for fun in kansas a lot of people pheasant hunt and deer hunt and fishing is a huge deal here there's a lot of great places to throw in a line in kansas and no people don't go cow-tipping in kansas that's an urban myth you can't really push a cow over while it's eating or sleeping but i'm sure kids out here try i mean there's nothing else to do out here except drink in many rural areas instead a lot of the kids gather at their local walmart parking lots and their pickup trucks just about every decent size city in kansas has a damn walmart they might not have a stoplight that works but you have to have a damn walmart now we come to the kansas city metro area people about two-thirds of the state's population lives in the kansas city metro area of course there's two kansas cities one's in missouri across the river the missouri one's three times larger and much more stimulating some say kansas city kansas or kck is boring and everything closes at eight but when compared to western kansas this is a blast out west they're shuffling around in their boots but out this way there's a lot of great jobs and tons of great suburbs i mean kcmo has sports teams the royals and chiefs but all the athletes and coaches live across the river on the kansas side and for great reason you may not know it but many of this country's best places to live are in the kansas city kansas suburbs this whole area here south of i-35 all the way down to spring hill is called johnson county or joco as the stereotype as being a rich white snobby area and that's actually true i mean olathe people are so snobby they try to block goodwill from being built there because you know they think secondhand thrift stores are beneath them there's a lot of people with lots of money here in the southern kck burbs places like leawood and olathe are super nice burbs and they're really really safe and they have great schools homes here are like 350 to 400k but look what you get that's likely way less than what your home is where you live and your home probably isn't in a really nice area either overland park is a really nice place to live and there's tons of good jobs here especially in tech sprint's headquarters is here it's actually the second biggest city in this whole state and you probably haven't even heard of it mission hills over here is the richest of the rich folks here bring in about 427 000 a year on average so if you're a big baller and you want to move to kansas this is likely where you'd want to be but homes here do get into the million dollar plus range johnson county people are sort of friendly but only if you line up with their outlook on life there's a lot of garage drinking parties in these parts most folks out west hate the people in johnson county because of the new political clout they wield over the state's direction folks in johnson county are oddly territorial and they look down upon people who aren't from there like those up here in wyandotte county if johnson counties the wizard himself then wyandotte county is the wicked witch they call this place crime dot county up here on the northern and western side of the kck metro area it's very poor and very dangerous the schools are also terrible don't move to wyandotte county you'll regret it and finally we should talk about lawrence kansas of course for kansas this place is a huge deal because it's home to the university of kansas one of the most legendary college basketball teams ever created while a huge portion of the state's in love with ku basketball they probably don't love the vibe here this is definitely the most liberal place in this whole state if you're gay or lead an alternative lifestyle this would be a great place to live they call it gay u that's a play on k-u there are snotty in your face liberals here but for the most part it's actually a really neat place to live it definitely has the most culture in the state and you'd find a bunch of diversity here too and it's relatively affordable homes are in the 240 000 k ish range but the good ones are much more than that they call kansas the heartland because well it's in the middle of the country like where the heart is in the body clean air short commutes big yards cheap living and average schools most people are genuine and modest and most are unpretentious you get big sunsets and you get the smell of fresh cut grass on saturday morning and fire flies at night it's often viewed as a flyover state but it's more than that kansas people don't want to change just for the sake of change if there's a sensible reason for change they'll change but the future of kansas seems to be moving away from farming into a more modern life it's an interesting place where younger people are leaving but younger families who want change are moving in what kansas really needs are more reasons to make people slow down and put their windows down when passing through because there's a lot of potential here i'm telling you wow we just learned a lot about kansas didn't we yeah we did it's a pretty cool state maybe one day kansas will be your home too you never know and we could have talked about a lot of other stuff too like how do we not talk about river fest that's a big deal here right and how did we not mention casey bbq hello with those sweet tangy sauces and the burn tips although i hear more and more these days people in kansas are eating mexican food which is very interesting but for now we gotta go the ku missouri game is about to tip off and they don't play each other very often so i gotta catch every single second of that game but i'll leave you with a really cool song about kansas everyone knows its fields are so green so far away from everything the heart of the country don't disagree it's friendly and hassle-free they call it kansas kansas meth heads and bibles farmers and thieves it's boring to me all at kansas kansas it's wide open space is one of the places where you are free guys so if anything i just talked about upset you or made you sad or mad well then do something about it call your local leaders and demand change chip in and help those in need make your community better because communities don't get better without hard work and determination america is a great place it just needs some more love and pride this is sage nyx manager this has been a corner house entertainment production if you need help figuring out where to move email me i can do a phone consultation with you and help you figure out what city and state's best for you and your family i do it all the time are there a lot of people moving to kansas or other people leaving kansas like what's the situation there it's both there are people coming in most of the people we see come so wichita is a little different because we're the air capital of the world we have boeing spirits cessna we have a lot of aircraft so we get a lot of engineers uh here um but and the people that move out are usually the younger people uh that want to go find something a little more exciting you know you know but when you get older this is you like it here but when you're in your 20s you probably want to go where the party's at go to la or something like that but we do get a lot of people from california moving in uh just because of the prices yeah what do they say when they arrived to kansas with all wide-eyed and excited about a new life uh they're just uh they can't believe that how inexpensive the homes are compared to somewhere like california i had a pasture that i helped recently and he sold a house he was in la he said it was a gang neighborhood and he sold his house for 500 grand but they just scraped the house flat in the house and they just really bought the land and it's funny like in real estate because so he was in la where it's really congested and he moved kind of out in the country to where you know and you could tell what people want and uh he wanted some space so he was excited so to give people an idea on if i'm gonna sell my house for 500 grand in california and move to kansas and my california house had a postage stamp yard and a clay roof and a basically just a track home and then i moved to kansas what can i get for 500 grand in kansas uh you're gonna get a mini mcmansion um so you know we do have some really nice expensive neighborhoods too like i'm working on a deal right now it's a 1.5 million dollar home but it's on a lake in the best neighborhood but for 500 grand you're gonna get a five bedroom three bath three-car garage and we're in kansas so you're gonna get a full finished basement uh for 500 grand it's gonna be a nice house in an affluent neighborhood like three-quarter acre yard like how big yeah well half acre sometimes just a third acre yeah but it's going to be in a nice neighborhood the 500 000 house here is easily a uh an a plus neighborhood yeah i know i bet they're excited about less bs and traffic and yeah you know it's a big difference to to leave the west coast or the east coast and moved to the middle of the country but i'm sure there's a lot of people that are like i'm just sick of it man this is this a breath of fresh air yeah yeah and there's jobs here i mean the problem here is there's not enough people for the jobs but those are some of the lower end jobs uh but there's there's a lot of jobs here but uh it seems like people here uh have a hard time finding help how is the state changing now and what's the like near future look like for your state so here in wichita we're a small city big town and really what fuels this town isn't farming it's the air capitals the aircraft uh and but here's one thing that i've noticed and we talk about this the weather's changed we used to be in tornado alley but it seems like the tornadoes don't really hit here it's shifted they moved a little bit more south and to the east of us but we don't get the snow we're a little bit more milder it doesn't get as cold as it used to um it doesn't snow as bad but it still gets cold in the winter but uh you know here's what's kind of it is getting more a little bit more progressive and less conservative but i think that's just everybody as time goes on but um that's not as conservative and we're getting busier and and you got the younger generation wants us to be a big booming city the older generation wants to keep it small uh but it's it's it's growing whether we like it or not wichita people from wichita are a little bit more uh we like to say we have grit you know it's kind of like wsu the basketball team play angry and that's kind of what you thought is a little bit more of a grittier city but it's a really good city uh which talk we wouldn't move anywhere else we could we could move anywhere else in the world but there's nowhere else we'd rather live i'll be on forums and stuff and i'll have people talk about how bad wichita is and the violence and the gangs and to me i think 20 years ago it was worse than it is now i mean and i don't but i don't know because i'm older and a family man with wife and kids and so we're not really around that but uh i don't really see the drugs as being too bad here in which wichita is a really clean city like i have a buddy he's like uh one of those types of guys and i won't say that he works for a franchise but he goes around the country and he talks about how bad and dirty these other cities like yeah wichita is a really clean uh but it's a really good place to live and like i said there's jobs and we just don't have those jobs that pay 500 000 a year like you know silicon valley and stuff like that but we have a lot of good decent jobs and and you don't have to make as much here to like you can buy a 250 000 well that's actually pushed up the real estate market is really tight here homes are going up to 50 000 over asking price so i used to say a 250 000 uh house was really nice but that's probably bumped up to about 300. yeah that's just crazy and i hear it's not going to stop like the i mean all these people that have been clamoring to get a house are now like okay it's time but like the interest rates are really low but then it's like well the inventory is low and then as soon as yeah is it gone some of the people that are holding on to the inventory are supposedly going to let it go and feel safer about it but like are they i mean a lot of people seem to be like that was pretty scary last year i don't know if i want to move and like have [ __ ] happen again and be somewhere where i'm not comfortable yeah yeah that that is the thing here's what i tell people is like hey let's just go look at a new build let's build a new house because there's room to build here and uh like in wichita on the west side kind of where i live there's a lot of lakes over here like just small ponds like you know hundred acre lakes so not too small that you can boat on fish on uh i say take a look at building you know build you can build a really nice home for 500 grand and a forever home you know everybody thinks they're always building a forever home and then uh but and then sell your home for too much because the market's hot it's it's low inventory mm-hmm okay there's just nothing to do but go shopping fishing drinking go to the casinos or go to the movies that's right yeah people do play a lot of sports here um this is more of a family place um everybody's kids are all in sports soccer baseball football volleyball uh the y everybody usually plays a lot all their kids go so that that's also like it's saturday morning i guarantee a half of the people around my age around here are somewhere at a sporting event for their kids so that it's a family area here is what it is it's a really good place to raise a family i mean you did a pretty good job of selling me on what why your state's a great place oh it's there's elbow room and that's what we like the best about it uh i don't have to go wait in line um like if it's a restaurant it's no 30 minute wait we're not doing none of that uh there's elbow room you can buy a really nice house here you can get a decent job if you don't have a job you don't want a job that's what it is yeah and but no you can live a decent life you just gotta get a job and work at your job buy a house and try not to drink too much on the weekend it's the heartland that's why they call you guys the heartland right yeah yeah the heartland of america so are you sad about leaving kansas you're leaving soon are you gonna miss it what are you gonna miss what are you knocking on this uh i won't miss like the just the sheer flat landscape where there's literally no no forests no mountains yeah no coast um i won't miss the winters at all because winters are really really brutal here like we actually had four or five inches of snow just a couple weeks ago like right in the middle of when it's supposed to be nice like mid april it just started snowing but i guess i'd miss my family but that's about it so like the culture are you just over it the whole yeah this lifestyle yeah and it's funny because like i've lived here my whole life and it's like i don't know even since i was a kid i thought it was like just kind of boring like there's literally nothing to do after eight o'clock at night it's like a ghost town there are no people anywhere yeah even in like a big city like i mean topeka 120 000 it's big for kansas yeah you're in a big city like that you're i mean it's one of those towns it's like you grew up there it's awful man it's like yeah you grow at like eight o'clock at night on a friday night you can go to the busiest street and the only thing that people are doing is like driving their trucks into parking lots and hanging out and talking to each other yeah the whole walmart pickup truck exactly that's that's like the exactly we're like the capital of the world for that so but you know alternatively there's a lot of people who are going to be passing you on the highway from the west coast headed to kansas because they're sick of the west coast and the bs and the cost of living so you're going to be waving at them as they're driving by pretty much going to where you're from um why do you think what's the appeal for a lot of people who are heading to kansas you think from what you have heard from people who have shown up to yourself uh mostly just the real estate is really cheap yeah you can buy a big decent house with a lot of land for two hundred thousand dollars two hundred fifty thousand yeah like a nice house it's just mostly like your yard's gonna be basically a big flat plain with two or three trees in it at the most right and you'll be surrounded by cornfields or cows basically yeah that's about it so topeka so i have heard bad mostly about topeka in terms of gangs crime run down areas yep it's all very accurate it's funny you mentioned that because like 10 minutes ago i just went outside to check for my mail and stuff and all i could hear was sirens yeah like it's it's like a like a common thing just to hear sirens constantly in the background but my brother uh it's just well like it depends on the part of town like the north side of town is pretty much all just meth heads like tweakers and meth heads then the east side is just like gangsters and just like drive-bys and that type of stuff and then the rest is just burglary there's a lot of burglary and property crimes and stuff here just like all the all the bad types of things you see here all the bad stuff you could have in in one right tons of robberies like people get robbed and stuff all the time like armed robbery stuff or like break-ins both like yeah my my brother's been had his car stolen then about he was about three months ago he had his car stolen and then they found it in a hotel parking lot in the same city somewhere with like a book that whoever stole it had a book a notebook full of stolen social security numbers and ah like it was ridiculous that's that's a little bit higher up than a meth head crime oh yeah for sure it's like organized crime yeah exactly it's it's more it's more than you'd expect like you wouldn't picture kansas to have much but it's got a really high murder rate too like from if you compare it to other cities our size actually i watched your video on the most dangerous cities in kansas and like topeka like what you said how i think it's like one out of every people six people on the street gets robbed or something or burglarized it's true a lot of thieves yeah is it getting worse there or is it like that's just how it's always been it's pretty much how it's always been like i guess it might be getting a little better but i think it's just because people are stuck inside but yeah no it's from as long as i can remember like all i remember hearing from other people's oh topeka sucks it's got really high crime and there's nothing fun to do so there has to be a nice part of topeka where would if somebody was going to move to topeka where would you tell them to go which part of town um definitely like the western the western side or southwestern side of topic is really nice yeah i guess you'd say like the old rich neighborhood would be called lake sherwood and it's it's like a definitely an upscale suburban neighborhood the further west you go you get into like just nicer suburban areas and then it just instantly turns into rural like you have like a couple miles of suburban neighborhoods and then there's just nothing else outside it sounds like a lot of kansas yeah exactly if you look in like topeka you can get a decent house i think the average house only costs like 120 000 here but if you go into like overland park or olathe it's probably around 300 or so and like they're expensive yeah it's an expensive area 300 for i mean for a lot of people is like holy crap and you know you get a lot more space in a bigger home and nicer more modern home but then like you said you have to weigh the you know nothing to do that's the thing that's the main thing that's really the main thing that makes me want to leave is like culturally work we're kind of like the last ones to ever catch on to anything because if you think about how you've got california here in new york here the south texas everything we're literally far as far away from every where as possible yeah like chicago yeah do you guys have um netflix yet there yeah yeah we do nothing really changes no no no where you're gonna go that you're gonna light the world on fire but right exactly you can escape from the fires burning across the country that's very true i mean right now everyone's moving trying to get their next spot and right you know the midwest is losing people as they go south and west like what you're doing right but there's a lot of people who are trying to find those little gems out in the midwest like omaha and like yeah i like omaha quite a bit actually yeah one of the reasons i guess one of the reasons i'm moving to washington too is because my wife's cambodian and there's a much bigger cambodian population on the west where she could actually have like cambodian culture like food and stuff would be available there yeah the community there i don't i have never met a cambodian in kansas plenty of vietnamese though are people racist in kansas or is it more of a closeted kind of i mean when you and your wife go out do people kind of go uh like look at not really here but like if you did in the small towns they would all stare at you you'd feel uncomfortable like yeah you go out to like the lake or something during the summer and it's it's all just a bunch of rednecks they'll they'll all like stare but they won't like call you out they'll just like obviously stare at you and right it's kind of uncomfortable you don't hear about kansas as being like a terrible place for crime i mean there's cities and states that you would clearly associate with crime i you don't have a high homeless population do you anyway actually yeah surprisingly we don't we don't have very many homeless people that's one thing kansas is i don't know if it's that they're strict or if the weather is too bad or that it's it's reasonably priced enough but you don't see very many homeless people here even in kansas city you don't see as many as you do in a lot of other big cities like denver has tons of homeless people now yeah and then yeah denver's getting crazy i have people that i'm friends with and that i've made friends with through the channel that have been you know talking to me about denver and they're leaving denver they're like this place was awesome five years ago it was too i mean going back 25 years denver's always been a pretty cool city but then they're like up until five years ago and then it just peaked and now it's like everyone's coming here i mean i was gonna say it's it reminds me of all the other cities like the ones that you were talking about wherever it's not all californians but i think it is a big part to where it hits a certain peak to where it's like okay now it's kind of like been maximized almost yeah it's like like denver's mm-hmm colorado springs is getting that way too like yeah it's a really conservative place too because of all the military but even colorado springs is just like it's shocking how many homeless people there are there like all over the place everywhere every block it seems like there's a homeless person
Channel: Nick Johnson
Views: 192,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: living in kansas, kansas, what is kansas like, kansas research, i live in kansas, kansas travel, what is kansas, kansas trivia, why do people live in kansas, kansas map, kansas residents, kansas culture, kansas cost of living, moving to kansas, kansas realtor, kansas mortgage loan, kansas vacation, kansas city, wichita, topeka, overland park, olathe, mission hills, farming, wheat, manhattan, kansas state, lawrence, ku, university of kansas, garden city, coffeyville, kck, leawood, wyco
Id: Z5I7tnZdeCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 16sec (2356 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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