Unboxing and Setup of the Insty Connect Explorer System

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hello nick from inc connect here in this video we're going to do an unboxing and setup of an nc connect system so you can get your system set up within just a few minutes all right we're going to start by unboxing the system you're going to get a system that looks very similar to this inside we have the nc connect setup and configure instructions we're essentially going to go through this document here in this video so you know exactly what to do you're going to have a couple postcards that you can give to your friends to spread the nc connect word in the bubble package we have the insta-connect cloud wings and this is our 5g version it looks like this our 4g version is the original version and it is similar to the setup here we also have the standard 15-foot cable in the 5g it is a usb a to c cable if you decided to order our mount pole that will be included in the box along with a couple of zip ties that go along with it we'll touch on this a little bit later and then in a box down at the bottom we have the nc connect router right here so in the box we have the power adapter for your wall outlet we'll set that aside we also have an ethernet cable which you probably won't need but you have it there just in case you have some hardware to mount it to the wall if you'd like to do that we have the four antennas and we'll install those in just a second and we have two different power cord options we have what we call the pigtail this part plugs into the wall outlet it turns it into the four connector power plug for the front of the router and this one here is if you would like to direct wire the router into 12 volts the system can actually take 12 to 36 volts of power so as the instructions mentioned we're going to be putting the antennas on the router just like this you'll notice you have a 2.4 and a 5 gig antenna connection so if the antenna says 2.4 match it up to 2.4 on the back and then the others may say 5 or 5.8 g like this one says you can put that one on the 5 gig connector on the back when using the router you're going to want to keep your antennas in a vertical position so you don't want to store it like this because then the the waves will go up and down instead you want to go out like this and i recommend you put a little bit of space between the antennas like that so fanning it out like this is pretty much perfect if you have it sitting on a desk you can install it like this and that's uh pretty much the right way because this right here is a 5 gigahertz 2.45 2.4 so it gives a little spacing between the antennas next thing we're going to do is power up the unit now since we're out in a campsite we're actually going to power the unit directly from a battery now normally you would have your wall outlet you would take this plug it in to the little pigtail like that plug this into the wall and this one goes right into the front like so but instead we are going to power it with the direct 12 to 36 volt cable so again this will take anywhere from 12 to 36 volts right here now what you want to make sure you do is the red is positive and the black is negative so we're actually going to hook up and come in close on this luke we're actually going to hook up right into this dewalt battery this one says b negative so we're going to put this right here and this one says b positive so we're going to put it right there and then we're going to plug this directly in see the lights here all right now we're going to wait until the red and both green lights are on the green lights are for the hs and the lr wi-fi networks that's the high speed and the long range networks and we'll talk a little bit more about that later but when you see those they can either be solid or blinking and as soon as you see those that means the wi-fi is on and we should be able to connect to the nc connect setup via our device okay on my ipad we are going to look for the insta-connect setup and since we've already done this we have nc connect setup right there so we're going to go ahead and we're going to click on nc connect setup now if it says no internet connection that's okay because we haven't finished setting up the interconnect yet one thing you're going to want to check is that you're always hooked up to the nc connect setup network in some devices if you go to that wi-fi network and it sees one of your other wi-fi networks in the area it might roam away from nc connect setup because it doesn't have an active internet connection yet so we're going to go ahead click nc connect setup and then we're going to use our document here and we're going to type http colon slash my.inste and hit enter and that will bring you to the dashboard once we get to mync we click to run the setup wizard and we start with an nc connect router password now you're going to want to remember the password that you put in here so i'm going to put one that's super easy one two three four five six seven eight you're gonna have to do it two times and make sure that it matches now i suggest a stronger password for this because whoever has the password for this router will be able to change any settings inside the router so once you click save it's going to save your password and move on to the wi-fi setup wizard in this setup wizard you're going to set up two wi-fi connections one we call the long range or the 2.4 gigahertz and when we call the high speed we like to split them up because they each have a specialty the long range can go long it can go through walls and through obstacles but it's not going to give you the fastest speeds the high speed can't go very far but it'll give you fast speed so if you're nearby the router it's nice to use the high speed to get faster speeds if you're outside of your rig or your home and you want to reach for that wi-fi connection use the long range but you might not get the total speed of the connection so we're going to go ahead and set these up you're going to have to set it to something that you know i'm gonna set it to one two three four five six seven eight again but again you're going to want to use something much stronger than that and be very careful with the password that you use if you accidentally put spaces in there it's gonna put the space in your password and it's going to be hard for you to connect to the wi-fi so go ahead and click save after that it's going to apply the configuration changes and at that point when it comes back to the dashboard it's going to ask us to please plug in the modem so the motor module is shipped inside the wings it's shipped in the cloud wings as well as our 4g wings now the cloud wings you need a flathead screwdriver to open the lid and then once the lid is open the modem module is right inside right here so we're gonna slide the modem module outside of the wings and we're gonna take our sim card and place it into sim slot one so sim slot one is the slot that is closest to the antenna connectors the sim card goes in facing the front of the modem and the front of the modem has the sticker on it you'll put the curved portion in first with the contacts down and push it in until you hear it click you want to make sure you push it all the way in until you feel it click just you can push it in pop it in a couple times and then you'll feel the click of the sim card and then we're going to slide this back into the wings like about this far and then we're going to grab the usb cable that's included the 5g system uses the usbc cable whereas the 4g system uses the usb a on both ends the usbc cable end looks like this we're going to run this through the lid through the hole of the lid and set this aside right over here we're going to take this part plug it in to the modem module like this after you plug in the usb cable you're just going to want to check that your antenna connections are snug we put them on rather loosely when they come from the factory so you're going to want to just check that they're snug you don't have to tighten them with a wrench or anything just with your finger which should be fine slide this in and this actually locks into the system like that so the cable will rest in between this little plastic portion right there that holds the modem securely inside the angel wings then we're gonna take the lid and snap it on you're going to want to make sure that your antenna cables are not crossing each other so what you can do is with these lower ones you can push them in just a little bit so that these are not crossing you don't want anything like that that can affect your signal so we're going to keep it just like that you can push these in a little bit if you need to and then snap the lid on the wings like this and we will set this aside and then we take the usb a connector and plug it in right to the front of the nc connect once we plug it in we give it a few seconds and then the dashboard will change and give us a status of what's going on with the modem now while we're waiting for this to get set up i recommend putting your nc connect together like this on a table or something to make sure that you get everything fully connected and fully going before you do your final install because you're going to want to make sure that your sim card is active and everything is set so that you're getting internet on the system before you put it all in place and once you get the new sim card found message go ahead and click on that to set up the new profile you can give this sim and any name that you would like i'm going to give it instealink because this is an nc link sim and then you can select the provider that you're going to use you have to make sure you select the correct provider when you're setting up your sim so if you have verizon you can select verizon but if you have like a verizon third party you will not be able to select verizon for that sim you'll have to select the third party that you're using so here we're using a nik net or instead link sim so we're going to select nicknet if you need to set any ttl values you can find that inside the advanced tab of the sim profile there are some predefined values inside that you can select or you can put in a custom value of your own there's also an ip type you can leave that as ipv4 unless you've been instructed by us to do something different and hit save and we're going to let the system reboot the modem will reconnect and as long as your sim is active and you've selected the correct provider your system should come online this is all the setup that you should need to do after you run your sim setup it may take a few minutes for the system to come online and you may see a status bar that's saying the nc connect is working properly but there's something wrong with your provider the system might just need a few minutes to settle in and then you should be able to see the signal strength and everything then once the system settles in you can go ahead and refresh the page to see if the speed test comes up if the speed test comes up down below that means that you have an internet connection and you can run a speed test to see what your initial speeds are with the nc connect now it might not be the best speeds because we just have it sitting here on the table but to get the best speeds you should install the nc connect outside now since we're still in the setup process we are still connected to nc connect setup which allows us to get into the router without using a password since we set up a wi-fi network with a password we're going to want to change from the nc connect setup to one of our networks that we set up so we're going to go to wi-fi and then we're going to go to nc connect hs or lr and since we haven't connected to it before it's going to ask us to put in a password and our password was one two three four five six seven eight so you're going to want to join one of the networks that you just created so once we were set up in nc connect hs we could go back to the dashboard and do a refresh just to make sure everything looks good and then we're going to go down to the bottom where it says finish wizard and remove open wi-fi network so we're going to go ahead and click that and then we're going to run the finish wizard and that's going to remove the nc connect setup network if you run that step while you're connected to nc connect setup it's going to kick you off the network and you're going to need to be able to log into one of your wi-fi's so if you didn't try your password already and you forgot what it was you won't be able to connect to your wi-fi because you've already removed your nc connect setup so you're going to want to connect to one of the ones you created before you run that step in the instructions as well is a note on how to set up a second sim basically you can follow those instructions you'll just want to unplug the usb from the system slide it out put another sim card in the system plug everything back in and when you do that you'll see another spot underneath that says second sim when you switch to it you'll be able to set that sim up inside the dashboard there's a few things on the dashboard that i want to touch on you'll have your signal strength right at the top and then you'll notice some different numbers underneath we have a csq rsrq and all of these different numbers essentially will help you figure out what type of connection what type of signal that you're getting you can pretty much tell by the signal if it's green that's good if it's yellow that means it's it's kind of on the edge if it's red that means it may not be a very good signal they're really just there for your reference you don't really need to know much about them some people enjoy having all those numbers available to them but all you should really need to know is that getting the wings outside is really the best way for you to get the best signal now there's an ant one and an ant two figure down there as well those measure two of the antennas on the system now the 5g system has four antennas but we only get two figures for the numbers now what you just want to make sure with those is that they're similar to each other if you get one that is farther away from the other that may indicate a problem with the antenna in most cases and we've seen this especially with a t sometimes they will not report an antenna figure so sometimes you may see a red exclamation mark next to one of them but if you see that just keep an eye on it and as long as it at some point goes to a green check and doesn't stay at 140 for for the whole entire time then you're good to go so here as i'm talking on this one we have a red check but then we also have it going back to a green check and that is very common for a t so you don't have to worry about that now i want to touch on some of the most common issues that people have when setting up an nc connect and the first one is their device will roam away from the nc connect network because when we first set up the nc connect it said connected with no internet that's because we haven't finished the setup process of the interconnect yet so there is no internet and now my device if there would have been a wi-fi nearby that it had connected to before that it knows had internet it will want to roam away from the nc connect during the setup process so if you ever have a note on your nc connect that says you are not connected to the router check that your wi-fi is still on the nc connect setup and if you're finding that your device is roaming away from the nc connect setup you can go into any other wi-fi that you have and forget those networks so that your device won't automatically roam away the second most common problem that people have is using a sim that is not activated so when they put it in and they set it up it essentially says no service or it may show service but there's no internet so then the status bar will come up on the nc connect saying that we cannot sense an internet connection unfortunately there's been a lot of cases where providers have given out sims that are not fully active yet so you're going to want to check to make sure your sim is active before you're using it in the nc connect a lot of people will take a sim from a device that they already have like a hot spot and put it in the nc connect if you do that just check and make sure that your sim is working in the device you're taking it from before you put it in the ins connect so now that we got the nc connect all set up we're going to go ahead and put it on our post mount right here and this is an option inside our system if you'd like a mount that you can easily mount on top of your roof of your camper or any place that can essentially be drilled down pole mount has a couple screws that you can set the nc connect wings on and slide into place but you do not want to leave it like this that's why we include zip ties in the box that you can use to secure it in place both the top and the bottom so that your wings aren't going to go anywhere and that's pretty much the setup of the nc connect you can usually have this set up within five minutes as long as you stay connected to the wi-fi and as long as your sim card is active if you have any problems with your nc connect setup head over to our website ncconnect.com we have a couple different knowledge-based articles that might help you with the installation if you still have trouble shoot us in a message and we'll be glad to help thank you so much hope you're having a wonderful day and i'll talk to you soon thanks bye
Channel: Insty Connect
Views: 6,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Insty connect how to, instyconnect, explorer 5g
Id: 7dOnlaImjE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 06 2022
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