Unboxing A 70 Year Old Time Capsule

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so walking back friends to another exciting episode with the common man shop I have got some exciting stuff for you guys today we are getting some traction so as you see the we've got what 1/4 or 1/2 of one wall all done pretty well organized except for some final things so today we're gonna be tackling one of the biggest jobs that I have that I've probably been putting off for over 12 years [Music] very quick recap so what we're doing here is we've got on the what is this the northeastern corner of the shop this has never been usable this whole workbench this was actually here when we bought the place in the 40 by 60 shop and it has over the years turned into nothing but just a huge catch-all for everything I don't know what it is about a flat surface that beckons you to put stuff on but man oh man it's nothing will fill up quicker than an empty tabletop so what we've got here is we've got our cribbing or jack stands all that stuff chains binders tire chains all put away all organized everything repaired that needed fixing and ready ready to work over here it's a portion you haven't seen I'm not exactly sure what we're gonna do over here but I've got like the 3/4 inch drive socket set might spare nuts and bolts I'm putting a gas cans that are full here this is non nothin all gas for generators and tools and stuff and I'm thinking about maybe doing building a charging power station because I've got a lot of cordless tools and I've got like three different brands so I've got like Milwaukee and Dewalt and and Makita and that makes us a bunch of chargers and there's a mess I'm gonna try to figure out how to do that so I'll do some research on that and find out how maybe with how we can build an organized charging station metal cutting stuff and then nuts and bolts and waste oil over there so I'm getting rid of these things I I I have no idea why so many people are so get so upset about having me having these containers in the shop like it's any of your business you old meanie you like a gossiping old backbiting woman I can't stand it you don't have all the information I used to ship for a living right I shipped parts for my my Jeep business I had a bunch of these that they were gonna throw away because they were crushed or they had damage on them and that holes in them they gave them to me and I've used them for containers and it just ceases never ceases to amaze me every time there's just the slightest image of one of these in a video it brings out these old Ninny's that have nothing better to do but to complain and whine about you can't use those those are property in the US government so I'm I'm throwing them out I just I can't have them I can't deal with it it makes me crazy mind your own business I don't care what's in your shop why do you care what's in mine moving on I think that Brandt has been building for about 12 10 12 years okay so one problem that I'm running into is granddad's old granddad's old chest right now granddad I told you he was a mechanic and he saved everything and this right here is a culmination of a man a lifetime's a man's lifetime of squirreling away little nuts and bolts and fasteners and Springs and all that and I it's the greatest treasure he ever gave me living in a remote spot rarely do I ever have to go down to a hardware store because I can usually find something and not a washer unfortunately from granddad's era there was no metric okay so everything is standard but most a lot of the stuff still applies some of the things that don't apply is what I'm finding is I'm using about five or six of these and the rest of them have things that are well actually kind of obsolete old things from the 50s and 60s and 70s old switches and stuff that are just no longer relevant to me today and and I don't use them I never have used them and it's kind of taking up space so what I'd like to do is tackling this is no small job and I'm not going to go into every nut and bolt but one one day I'm gonna do one a day I'm gonna pull one of these out that our arrival I read I'm not a smart man irrelevant irrelevant pour it out and go through it and see and get rid of stuff and free at that space and put something in it that is relevant that's more in line with my lifestyle so that will be kind of fun because there they actually are a bit of a time capsule from from long ago and it's interesting and kind of interesting to see what was in there so we'll do one of those today but the biggest job and the one that's the most daunting is the rollaway toolbox if my granddad were to see the state of my rolling toolbox he spin in his grave this so I think it was Adam Savage there's Adam Savage from tested made them why is the statement ever said that tool boxes are where tools go to die and isn't that the truth I don't work out of a tool box but when I have something that I don't know what to do with it do with or I don't have time to put it away where do you think it goes it gets thrown in a drawer this is a disaster I have no idea what's in here I don't know what what's what everything is disorganized and it is a big job so we're we're gonna pull all this out will do will do one drawer at a time will either do that granddad's wooden box and then it will alternate the next day we'll tackle one of these toolboxes and get get this sorted because it is just terrible I'm so ashamed so as I'm going through and organizing the shop what I'm doing - I'm just biting off of nibbling on little pieces so well what there's a lot of guys that are following along and doing this and I have really enjoyed the commentary back and forth and and I would love to see some pictures I wish there was a place that we could kind of share pictures of how things are coming along like the before and after I don't know how to do all that maybe we can make a hashtag that the common man's or poor man's shop where you guys could post pictures of your before and after and we can kind of go along and do this together and learn from one another and pick up some ideas I think that would be super fun so part of the process so I'm picking out little pieces like little six foot or ten feet pieces and I'm not stopping until it's done and I'm just and I'm just fixing everything in there so for example you know one thing that was left undone when I put my compressor in here is I never took the time to bolt it down so you know as it runs and it shakes it bounces all over the place and then you know the wheel the pulley starts rubbing on my sandblasting cabinet you know it's just it why have I not done it before so Brian actually had to go to town to pick up some supplies and I'm having him pick up the stuff we're gonna bolt this down we'll redhead this down I'll show you how to do that and secure this once and for all also you know I have this I bought this blast cabinet years ago actually I went to buy a compressor and someone had traded it in and it was a hundred dollars I bought that blast cabinet and I have really loved it but I've let it kind of you know things are wearing out on it like the gloves are all gone and I don't have the right medium and the you know so I'm gonna call the manufacturer and get the parts coming so that's kind of part of it is I may not get this all done today before I move on to the next thing but at least I'll address it and get the parts coming and so that it's in motion so that when I want to use the blast cabinet I can actually use it and enjoy it and and instead of just taking up space in the shop so what's next there's fiddly little things like junction boxes that you know are not up to code that don't have the the switch plate covers on them and they're not done right well fix all those things we've got nails and screws in the wall that you know don't need to be there that someone is hung something there at one time we've got light bulbs out I just finished up the electrical panel was hanging at a 45 degree angle because I didn't put the screws in it all those little things stripping wires out and stuff out of the walls that no longer to be be that don't need to be there just so that everything is clean and tidy and and it looks nice looks like someone cares another thing I did here is I dealt with my my waste oil I've been from oil changes and and an antifreeze changes I've been just pouring the waste oil into like one gallon milk jugs and stuff and I had they were all over they were getting knocked over they were leaking all over the floor so I got rid of all those and I've got some old jerry cans that I got from my granddad that the linings are going bad inside there was a coating in there and I can't use them for gas anymore because it gets into the whatever your filling so I'll repurpose these so I've got two for waste oil and one for antifreeze because we have a local dump that will take both of these one day out of the month so I'll put that on my calendar and make sure that I've make plans around that and I'll take it in and get rid of it but it's all it's at least it's nice and clean and tidy here so I think where we should start is let's sell until Bryan gets those red heads I can't do that so let's let's let's pull one of these time capsules out of here a rat oh here's a good one randomly dump it out go through it see if there's anything that we need and if there's not will repurpose it for something that's more relevant to the shop today good grief look at all this stuff what now this is useful here so this is a this is a that's how you repair a cable right there I actually have quite a few of those this is an old sending unit that's an oil pressure sending unit I wonder how much of this stuff I know what it is I mean these are type of things right here that we just don't really need anymore like old fuel filters that's the end cut off of an old heater core there's several of those I wonder why granddad kept those I'll bet back in the day before replacing a heater core if these got damaged I'll bet he but they repaired him he probably cut it off and braised a new one on and thought well I'll save that we got these our emergency brake pedals covers rubbers for probably forward with a foot brake we got I you know what I just don't look at the whole box what's inside there Tomoko what in the world would be inside here a seal [Laughter] very cool the old box and stuff but just not very useful not very useful so we'll go through we got some washers I'm everything that I don't think is going to be useful I'll put on the right we've got an old trailer pug I don't we don't use those anymore this is a plastic garden hose quick connector I don't use those I use metal ones a t-4 vacuum line that I mean I guess that could be possible and no idea what that is it looks like something for a grease gun but it's not there's two of them oh look at this you know that there's someone someone somewhere that's been looking for that for ages I got to save that that's it I can't save everything that is pretty cool though old v8 logo we got a bronze bushing there and harden this is a drain for a radiator right there the bottom drain for a radiator vacuum line stuff plastic bushings more of these what are these things that is a pretty cool v8 emblem not like today where they're stick up stick on this was bolted on I'm gonna keep that now I don't know why I kind of like that okay so what we're gonna do this is what I saved from that whole pile I save for little Cotters or what do you call these these little keys key ways for shafts these nice factory four clamps a couple of bronze bushings those those are always handy we could turn those on the wood laid for different things and then three grease zerks and a cable tie I'll show you some time how to repair a broken winch cable with those that they work really well so here's what we're gonna turn this into we're gonna turn this drawer into the clamp the hose clamp drawer I am so excited to get all the stuff sorted out I know it's gonna take a long time but man it's gonna happen well just one bite at a time okay so we're gonna put in here in this drawer is we'll do hose clamps I use these all the time and I've got them spread all over the place so we're gonna have one spot where all of the clamping stuff in so we'll have the the old school hose clamps we're gonna do our cable clamps I rounded up my collection of those these guys here for different sizes and also these clamps here these soft nylon or vinyl coated ones for rubber hoses and stuff I'm gonna put those in there too just so everything's in one spot this is the HAR stainless steel hardware for them and yeah I'm just gonna dump them all in there right that's that's that's how I work now whenever I have there's another one whenever I have any sort of clamping issue or I come across one I'm gonna open this up so I think what would be kind of cool what we should do oh maybe we could make labels for that I was thinking of you know like putting what's what's in there on the outside but look how cool let's make it let's make those are old that's all let's use this for a template let's get some new paper and we'll label everything why tell you this is riveting content you won't get anywhere else alright so I've got I couldn't find any waterproof paper so I just got some these Christmas envelopes still one for Mrs W how kind of a backing on them and to trace that out there and that should hold up reasonably well life is so funny there's one little ray of sunshine coming through the shop window and it's just right where we want a film to mess everything up with shadows that's too long let's trim a little bit of that off you have some waterproof matte paper would be and that would be the thing for this wouldn't it we'll see how these hold up actually I didn't even get the piece with the backing on it I guess that's in the body of the envelope but we'll make do didn't get that Center did I there you go we'll move some things around here and put the items that we don't get get to very often in the bottom and the ones that we get they use all the time up on the top so they wrote that will be our clamps and that's nice one problem I have this is so gross these mata mice live in here this whole drawer has been packed full of mice I'm gonna have to get a cat like a really small cat that can live inside one of these boxes and to keep keep vigilant on those things so I was hoping to include in today's video that getting the compressor all done but we don't have the stuff we'll do that tomorrow so we've got to do a full service so I'll show you how to change the oil you need a specific oil for these we'll talk about that air compress or air filter drain the tank we drain the tank every month and just and then bolting it down so we'll push that up but now we move on to another huge problem this probably doesn't look like much but it's a culmination of many hours of work so what my do you have allen wrenches all over the place like boxes and boxes of allen were the metrics and the standard are all mixed up and every time you need one you go through that process of going through a whole handful of them never to have the right one so what I did is I went through everything and I had put all of the Allen wrenches on this deal and I went through all of them with a micrometer and got some full sets put together and I got rid of all the other ones so what it came down to was this so for my Allen wrenches I actually used these a lot I would say this is a second to your tool you know your what first-tier tools are gonna be your 3/8 drive sockets and screwdrivers and stuff but Allen's and torques I kind of lumped together so I went through and I've got three full sets metric and standards so of course I've got the my favorite which is the bond house the t-handles but sometimes these won't fit in tight areas and spots so that you can't that you just can't use them you got to have the regular ones as well so I've got a full set here I had half of these were all missing because I wasn't I didn't put him away when I was done so I went through I found some in tackle boxes I found some in in bike tool boxes I found some one of my glove box in my truck but I believe it or not I actually found every one of the metric standard and the snap-on wrenches so I've got those two and I put together I dug these out of the top that top drawer of that messy tool cabinet I dug these out these are your your drivers that go on your socket so I've got a standard set and a metric set right there so that's that is all done now everything that's left over I'm not keeping duplicates of anything I am putting together a toolkit for Jack and I'll show you that now this is the toolbox that I'm putting together for Jack and I guess how I envisioned this is that if he decides to go to college or when he goes when he's out on his own that I can give this to him and he could take it with him and it'll have a good set a good basic starting point of good quality tools so once I've made sure that I have all my own stuff and I've got all my sockets and everything all squared away the extra stuff I've I'm putting in this so what I've done is I've got these these are I love these work force zipper pouches I was at Home Depot one time and they had these on sale for like three 99 or $4.99 and I bought a dozen of them and I use them all the time they're really good so what I've done is I've put in here a full set of metric and standard sockets no strike that this is the metric bag so in here is a full set of metric and wrenches so everything from I think it's from 6 millimeter all the way up to 21 millimeter and wrenches a full set of sockets and a full set of torques and these guys right here the åland ridge in and these are in metric with a with a ratchet and you know some of the stuff is old and a lot of the stuff belong to grandad but it's of great quality and no Taiwan no Chinese stuff in here I was missing a couple things and so what I've done here just to remind me are I'm missing a 17 in a 20 millimeter socket so I put that in there with gaffers tape and I can when I'm out and about I take photos of this stuff with my phone so next time I go to like a junk shop or something I'll look for that and complete that kit now in the second one now this is all SAE so this will be his all of his stuff for regular standard so this goes from quarter inch all the way up to fifteen sixteenths which is a good set and of course I've got this is I've got the ratchet and I've got extensions and adapters and a full set of sockets and you know even when I throw in like Wobblies and different things like that so that will be a complete right there so that's that's all done I've also included in here in a third bag just the little things like I found a set of torques that were in my granddad's things so there's a full set there as well we've got vise grips a full set of screwdrivers phillips number one two and three phillips and regular and also Allen's so I've got a full set of big up to three eights and then down to little so allen keys and air tire pressures deal there's a there's some punches and drifts pliers you know just a really nice basic set that will kind of get him going and that kind of goes there and I'm just leaving this open as I go through the shop and I'm cleaning up things and it's like things come to mind I add them like a nice big drift I'm a ball-peen hammer a 12-inch crescent wrench hacksaw you know all when I have duplicates of all this stuff and make sure that I put it in there and put a new blade in there for him and so he you know so he can have kind of an emergency kit that I'm working on and this will expand a little bit something else I'm running into is a lot of the tools that I then I don't use very often like some of the bigger impact sockets are covered with rust and so I've tried to think of a good way easy way to get these tools cleaned up a lot of the stuff that I want to put in Jack's box rusty or rusty and just not in very good shape so what I did is I ordered a this is a my favorite stuff this is like a miracle it's a vapid rust and I've bought the one gallon containers in the past and then when I went online I saw that they had this three gallon one and it had the basket and the basket is hard to put a value on it because it's so big thing so easy I'm going to show you these tools these tools I put in last night probably about 16 hours ago and they sat overnight and the Eve Apple rust and they were they were completely useless this crescent wrench for example it's a good one it's a I think it's a crescent brand I found it in granddad's stuff was so covered in rust that it wouldn't even work and I thought well maybe that can be saved so I wanted to show you I should have shown you the before will do before and after but this is in credible let me wipe this off Rose really quick so you can you can see I mean I've just gives me goose bumps it makes me so happy here that this we brought this back from being not usable look at that I mean that it works even I haven't I haven't touched it all I did was put it in the of Apple rust overnight we can put a little bit of something on there a little lubricant in that you're basically taking a tool that was just shot and restoring it and no work no no elbow grease whatsoever probably the one that was the worst was this one right here it was a nice little allen wrench set and it's USA made a good quality this has got 5/32 so it's a smaller one it was so rusty I had to take ice pick just to pry it open and now all the rest is gone not a trace of it and it's ready to go back to work I mean if you had to deer us that and clean that by hand yeah it could be done you could take them nuts off and take everything apart and wire brush that and it would take you an hour or you could I mean look at that that's incredible I had some of these guys here this one this a gear wrench was so rusted that it wouldn't wouldn't turn right here this part look at that not a bit of rust on it and it's this stuff is really awesome I mean I cannot wreck this would be a great I would love to have this would be a great gift Christmas gift make sure you get the one with the basket because it's it's hard the basket that's what you definitely want that this socket here I can kind of show you before and after this is a nice big half inch drive socket this is a 36 millimeter it was so rusted it was picked the worst one it was way worse than this one right there it was completely covered in rust and in just a few hours and you can read everything I couldn't read what size it was and now I can clearly see the size that's just it's really incredible I had some cement some other wrenches that wouldn't work all these were completely rusted these little Torx bits look at that that's incredible man I am so excited about that I fear this is probably all the time we have for today and we've got a lot of work to do today but what I'll do is I'll just keep going and we'll shoot we'll shoot the rest is for tomorrow and get that compressor and everything sorted out but I'm really enjoying this it really feels good to get the stuff done and to get it done right one thing that I haven't done in the past is I've moved stuff around basically kind of kicked the can down the road and I'm not doing that when I'm come across something in the Pacific specific area that I'm working at it it needs to go to its home and now I may it may not be done like I had some chainsaw stuff over here and I want to have a dedicated chainsaw area where everything's at one place and I've kind of got stuff piled up over there so I'll put it over in that area to get at it later but I'm trying not to put things off I'm trying to okay let's get this done let's do it let's do it right so that we never have to look at it again so we come into our shop and you know maybe six months from now everything has a place in a place for everything and none of the the nibbling little little worries that you have about all I need to do this I need to do that because we did it right it's all done and we can concentrate on the on the on life and and not on all this junk and always unfinished up so if you enjoyed these videos please click the thumbs up and comment and if you know a simple way that we could where we can all share our our victories on getting a handle on organization I think that would be fun and motivating and I would certainly post my stuff there I just I'm not very technical techno savvy with that stuff so I'm still trying to figure out what a hashtag is thanks for watching and we'll see you guys on the next video [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 102,251
Rating: 4.8503742 out of 5
Keywords: Wranglerstar, capsule, time capsule, time capsule opening, treasure, time, vintage, metal detecting, buried treasure, nostalgia, top 5, urbex, antiques, time capsule box, time capsule apple, time capsule ideas, time capsule retreat, look what we found
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 16sec (1576 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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