Unboxing a $10,000 lens. The Sony 400mm 2.8... why did I buy it?

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there you go hello everyone tin man lee here i'm right now at a camera store a local camera store called pause photos and guess what i'm going to pick up a 400 2.8 lens by sony today i was just told that they finally have it in stock so i'm in my car right now as you can see this is my sleeping bag i guess that's the life of a wildlife photographer that sometimes you have to sleep in the car so i just want to say a few words before i go into the store i've been waiting for the sony 2.8 400 for quite a long time and the reason i'm buying this in a local store instead of b h or amazon which i used to purchase a lot from is during the pandemic i think a lot of the local stores are struggling so i try to help out as much as possible i know what you're gonna say you're gonna say that didn't when you're a shopaholic i guess i have to admit that but i just don't mess around when we're talking about the image quality i always want to strive for the best image quality even if i have to eat instant ramen noodles for a whole year which now has been extended to two years after getting this lens so even though i tend to buy more camera and lenses in the local store instead of bnh like i used to be i was invited to give a talk at bnh zoom presentation i think it was a year ago talking about how to do storytelling in photography so i will include the link down below anyway i'm going in so i'll see you guys in a bit so here i am at the camera store hey i'm coming to see mock sure let me know uh oh i'm tim manley yes okay thank you i should get it in slow motion there you go all right so i'm here with tin man i'm mark coleman from paul's photo and tim man you're a lucky guy man with months people have been waiting for this lens for months i get three or four calls a week looking for one of these here you want to do it oh yeah yeah there you go all right so okay go go go come on this is this side yeah you got to use the sharp side okay all right so that's good that's good oh my god look at that it's so light yeah it is it's incredibly good all right so it's um it's just it's incredibly light it's just amazing is there anything inside really no it's nothing it's just a feather inside twelve thousand dollars for a feather okay so this is it this is it you ready oh look at that okay so why did you pick a four hundred two point eight i actually have never believed in quantum coupon against most of the experts in birth and wildlife photography talks about 500 f-4600 f4 but until i use it a few years ago for avoiding nikon if you guys know i switched from nikon nikon 400 is still really good but this one is so much lighter but then the 2.8 just makes everything much easier it focuses a lot faster so the photos actually look sharper because it grabs on the focus a lot faster and for action photography everything is about the initial acquisition that snap on the eyes of the subject and how when they move you you follow it and with more light coming in with the 2.8 it just helps tremendously and i have talked to some top photographers in africa and one of my idols by director he has actually i don't know if they sold it the 600 f4 to focus on the 400 2.8 just because of that so 400 2.8 is my personal favorite big glass why i love it's the it's the longest 2.8 aperture so you get that beautiful out of focus background so as tim and was saying in low light conditions it's going to be very snappy in the focus the other thing is the new 2.8 optics the new big glass optics all can use amazing tele converters so the sony canon nikon tele converters are awesome so we can take this 400 and we can make it into a 5 560 or a 800 very simply so this is it so this this how much does it weigh to man i think it's lighter than how do i even compare i don't know oh my god how do you find it well but harrison okay so for those of you who have a big lens can you do this with your big gloves right yeah it's half the weight i love to have just kidding just kidding it is incredibly like look at that like two fingers you can hold it like this and then yeah so if i drop it is do i get a full refund for me no you haven't paid for it yet no don't drop it yet all these controls right here and you can see this so focus lock programmable button uh extra ring the focus ring stabilization focus limiter all that cool stuff is right there so [Music] that's another wing here yeah okay second ring right oh yeah yeah right yeah so the second ring you can customize it customize you put it like in control iso or whatever iso white balance exposure compensation and then the focus lock programmable button yeah and tonight i'm gonna add another video comparing the nikon because i have the nikon you see the sizes and stuff but uh yeah it's just incredible how how lightweight these these lenses are so i'm pretty excited because the canon 400 2.8 is on the way and the rumor is that the nikon 428 might be the next one that's introduced from nikon so i heard they have an internal teleconverter with the nikon that's the rumor i mean we'll see uh you know that'll be the first prime for big lens with a tele converter built in but i i can't confirm that i don't know anything about it guys so please don't ask me so this is awesome i love that so lightweight yeah and if you've never used a big lens before guys having a big lens rocks being able to reach out into the scene oh you're just loving that aren't you i'm just uh trying to lift weights but i guess it's not going to help me that's going to help you build your muscles this is lightweight so follow tin man lee follow more common paul's photos we share more photos award-winning wildlife photography i love it it's awesome so i just got home with the new lens and if you enjoyed this video let me know in the comments and also let me know what is your dream lens and i will see you next time
Channel: Tin Man Lee - Wildlife Photographer
Views: 4,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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