Unbelievable Technology China's own high temperature superconducting maglev train

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can you believe it China has built a land black technology that is faster than an airplane with a top speed of 800 km hour the Advent of this black technology has shocked the world and even the United States which has always been famous for its advanced technology is envious its successful research and development means that China may start the land takeoff mode in the future so what kind of manufacturer is this let's take a closer look in this video in 2021 China will make another big news that will cause a global sensation the land black technology independently developed and built by China with a top speed of 800 kmph has come out it is the high temperature super conducting high-speed maglev engineering prototype vehicle this is the world's first high temperature super conducting high-speed magv train which is more costeffective than Japan's magv technology and even the United States is excited to see it at present the speed of China's civil aviation aircraft is about 800 to 900 kmph This research and development is a precursor to opening the land takeoff mode according to reports the train was developed by Southwest geot University in China the whole body of the train is made of carbon fiber materials and the front of the train adopts the latest low resistance design the superconductor installed under the bottom of the car and its supporting track are permanent magnets under the action of the night light the car body can achieve a never derailed suspension State the train also Al uses superconducting maglev technology with heavy load and ultra high temperature and its overall design is full of Technology the name of this train is high temperature superconducting magl train not because it has a temperature of several 100° C but because it refers to the relatively high temperature of minus1 or 200° C it is named this mainly to distinguish it from Japan's superconducting maglev trains Japan uses liquid helium to cool down and its temperature is- 269 de C while China uses liquid nitrogen to cool down and the temperature is -196° C this is a high temperature super conducting technology that uses nitrogen instead of helium mainly because helium is expensive and scarce while nitrogen is a gas with a high content in the air it is non-toxic has no side effects and is inexhaustible the method adopted by China is half the cost of that used by Japan and the method of using liquid nitrogen to achieve high temperature superconductivity in China can be said to have solved a major difficulty in the use of resources by maglev trains it is worth mentioning that this high temperature superconducting maglev train weighs up to 12.5 tons but it can achieve static suspension and it can be easily pushed forward simply put it is like a leaf floating in the water because of the buoyancy the leaf can be pushed forward with a light hand normally such a behemoth would not be easily shaken the resistance of the high temperature superconducting train is almost zero so the induced current it generates will circulate in the superconductor of the train and the magnetic field generated by the induced current is opposite to the magnetic field of the track and the levitation force is generated by their Mutual Force the working principle of this train is that liquid nitrogen needs to be filled into the fuel tank during operation and the refrigerant is used to cool down the temperature when it is in use after it reaches the superconducting temperature it will generate a pinning force with the track that is to say its repulsive force and attractive Force coexist and its firmness is like a steel nail smashed into a wooden board in this way there will be a force effect on all aspects of it and when the train is too close or too far away from the track it will be affected by the pinning Force thereby preventing it from deviating from the track it will keep the train at a certain distance in 360° and suspend on the track when the train is moving forward there will be no friction due to no contact with the track thereby greatly increasing the speed of the train it can be said that the maglev train is a rail transport train that is faster than the current common High speed rail the current magl can generally be divided into two types that is normal conduction and super conduction what you can see is generally the constant conduction magl train and the constant conduction magl can be divided into high speed and medium low speed according to the operating speed China's maglev train from Shanghai pudong to longyang road is a high-speed maglev train which which started operation in 2006 the technology of this train mainly comes from Germany and the speed can reach 400 kmph however China's self-developed high temperature super conducting maglev train has completely independent intellectual property rights according to reports its trial speed has reached 620 km but when this train came out some foreign neens saw the rapid development of China's High-Speed Rail they were envious and jealous and said that our technology was stolen from the United States at present there are four kinds of magv trains with relatively mature technology in the world they are Japan's superconducting maglev train Germany's normal conduction maglev train American aluminum Island maglev train and China's medium and low-speed maglev train the high temperature superconducting high-speed maglev train manufactured in China does not mean a high temperature of several 100° C but a relatively high temperature of minus1 or 200° C the magnetic levitation technology adopted by the United States and the high temperature superconducting magnetic levitation developed by China can be said to run counter to each other and this train in China is the world's first high temperature superconducting maglev train so the above statement may sound far-fetched but China cannot steal technology that does not exist in the United States with the continuous Improvement of China's Railway system China has surpass the United States in this Ultra highspeed field China's High-Speed Rail field has also changed from previous learning and imitation to current independent research and development from following in the past to Leading now China is now at the Forefront of the high-speed rail industry as for the system of this maglev train China has also made Innovations its operation depends entirely on the remote control of the ground computer to achieve true unmanned driving the power system of this car uses a linear motor compared with traditional rotary Motors linear motors have greater power and can make trains run faster the high temperature superconducting maglev train was developed by Southwest gong University in China Southwest gong university has been developing maglev since the 1980s in 1997 the HTS maget experimental vehicle was approved by China's national 863 program and the research on the HTS maglev vehicle was officially launched it has been about 40 years since the development of maglev from the development of HTS maglev vehicles to stepping out of the laboratory and onto the experimental Line This step has spanned 20 years now they have developed this black technology which is of great significance to the development of China's science and technology and the Improvement of people's quality of life there are many benefits that this maglev train brings to people's lives because the maglev train is on the track there is no actual contact between its track and the body it can be said to be a wheeless state so its operation will not be affected by the resistance brought by the friction between the wheel and the rail so it runs fast and the train runs smoothly and comfortably and the energy consumption of the train is half of that of a car and quarter of that of an airplane the operation maintenance and energy consumption costs of the whole group of trains are very low and the noise is low when the speed of the suspended train reaches more than 300 kmph the noise produced is only 65 DB which is only equivalent to a person talking loudly and it can be said that it is even quieter than the sound of a car passing by coupled with the design of various Technologies of the train it is easy to realize automatic control and the train will not emit harmful exhaust gas which is conducive to Environmental Protection and saves construction funds maglev trains also have many advantages such as high reliability easy maintenance and low cost according to researchers from Southwest Geon University HTS maglev is an ideal new rail Transit technology which is suitable for various speed domains especially for high-speed and Ultra highspeed lines and now the Southwest joton University team will combine vacuum pipeline technology on this basis in theory if the technology is successfully developed the high temperature superconducting vacuum tube maglev train will reach 1,500 kmph which is expected to realize the dream of traveling from Beijing to Shanghai in just 1 hour the development of China's High-Speed Rail has always been far ahead and now this HTS maglev train can be called a super High-Speed Rail people's pursuit of speed is endless from The Carriage to the car from the car to the train from the train to the plane each means of transportation Innovation is accompanied by a long time of Technology research and development and experiment for the development of faster and faster means of transportation is a major demand of Modern Life at present the fastest mode of transportation is by plane but the journey to the airport and waiting time the overall delay time is also very long if there is a rail Transit that can match the speed of the plane it will bring passengers a more convenient and comfortable experience and it will also Drive the development of the national economy the HTS maglev train is a beginning of China's development in this area because the rail Transit runs more in a straight line it can also be convenient to stop in the middle also the production cost of the car is far lower than that of the plane and the carrying capacity of a route is far more than that of the plane it also avoids the defects such as plane delays and noise nuisance perhaps in the future Ultra high-speed maglev trains Will Be an Effective complement to air routs the research and development of this manufacturing has brought great convenience to China's transportation and it is also a new breakthrough in China's rail Transit field I believe that the construction of China will be more powerful in the future let's cheer for China thank you for watching if you enjoyed this video don't forget to like comment and subscribe to our channel for more great content see you next time
Channel: CNMega
Views: 589,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: China's Railway, High temperature superconducting maglev train, Rail Transit Technology
Id: SQtJw1cIGOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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