UNBELIEVABLE RESTORATION of a Mid Century Modern Vanity - Youtubes Biggest MCM Challenge

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it's a tangerine dream very very [Music] cheap he everyone look at this beauty it's a tangerine dream and I'm going to be hopefully restoring this to back to its former Beauty yeah there's not much I can say about this the color scheme is unique I guess it needs quite a little bit of work and this is going to be part of YouTube's biggest ever MCM challenge there are going to be I think 14 of us included in this Challenge and these are some in my opinion of the best restorers and Refinishers on YouTube and a lot of them specialize in MCM furn Furniture I don't but I'll give it my best shot in restoring this piece of furniture I'll let you know a little bit more about the challenge later on in the video but for now let's have a look at this beautiful piece of furniture in a little bit more detail and as always thanks for watching as you can clearly see this has been painted in a very bright orange and and I don't think a great deal of care and attention has been taken when it's been painted as you can see there the quality of the paint isn't the best it's all chipped and it doesn't really matter because all this paint is going to be coming off you can see there a little bit of overrun on the uh on the details drips and the finishing touches are this lovely cow hide I guess it is print paper on the front decupage front drawers on the matching draw handles so the legs are typical MCM piece legs and they've got some sort of tape detail on them which I'm not too sure why overall I don't know what condition it's in because it's all hidden with the paint that's had a repair done with some duct tape it's not the best piece of furniture in the world although it will look really nice when it's done lovely lining paper and it also comes with a mirror and that is not in bad condition it's not chipped or cracked so I normally start work by cleaning these I'm not going to in this this case because all this needs to come off so that's where we'll start I'm hoping this will be just scrape off just with it being damaged in places it might just scrape off if it doesn't then it's paint stripper so yes it's coming off I'm hoping these Cup Rings aren't going through to the wood but we'll see brilliant the wood looks intact there not Mark the wood so that's a bonus this wood grains lovely to scrape underneath there obviously I'm going to have to remove this top shelf but I need to remove the paint off this as well so rather than taking that off and trying to scrape it on on a bench I'm going to leave that on scrape all that as clean as I can but before I do that I'm going to take these mirror supports off where am I no I'm not because that mirror support is a bracket at the back for the shelf so I'm going to have to scrape around that and then take it off and then do underneath I don't know if you can see that there it's got a little metal disc which I'm assuming is the shelf support underneath so nice little bit of [Music] detail I need to set this Shelf off now and these shell supports I've got no fixings on the top so I'm guessing screwed up from inside so I'll need to take these these drawers out and have a look I need to take them out anyway so we'll take them out now ooo look at that beautiful a little bit stiff but they're not too bad actually I will give it a clean inside once I've removed all this paint cuz it is a bit mcky but you can see if you can see that it's difficult to film it looks like there's a screw there so I need to unscrew those now [Music] so I can clean those up you can see some great care and attention was taken when painting this it's not even painted underneath well apart from that left a bit of the glue on you can see why look it's cracked so well you can see why somebody's done that probably not the best repair in the world but hey it looks like somebody's had a go already so I'll have to try and get the glue out of [Music] that now that's actually got a screw in it [Music] okay [Music] lovely hair from a brush not one but quite a few I don't know whether you can tell but quite a lot of the old finish is is still on so it wasn't sanded to give it a key before it was painted which is good for me because it means it's coming off easier but that just shows you if you are going to paint furniture make sure you give it a good clean give it a scuff sand to give it a key for the paint to a to and ideally not all the time depending on what paint you use you sometimes need a primer which this also hasn't had again that's good for me I will once all the paint's gone I probably will have to go in with some paint stripper because this finish is it's not budging with the scraper so I'll probably have to go over it with some stripper but let's get the orange uh orange nightmare off first they very kindly painted inside as well so got all the paint off now but you can see hopefully you can see this on camera probably see better there it's got a grain pattern and there's still quite a bit of not there's only a little bit I guess but little bit of orange in the Grain and little bit on the sides as well and I think I mentioned it earlier it's got its original finish still on this you can see it there some of it scraped off there but it's still on there so it's going to need stripping anyway so I think I may do that next or I may tackle the drawers that beautiful coow hide [Music] paper what are you doing you're supposed to have a poly foot you're supposed to have a poly foot he up dog stop it come here that's a good [Applause] girl oh that's a sad face she's not very well she's got a s foot we had to take her to the vets the other day so she's limping a bit but she's on medication we'll get her better you wouldn't know it but yeah she's uh she's been a bit in the walls these last couple of days come here hey okay you're going to say goodbye there you go good girl [Music] I've got most of it off most of the finish off the top still some orange left in some of the grain so I'm just going to go over it with this little bristle brush brass bristle brush and some fine steel wool just to finish the top off and then I'll do the same with the sides and these fronts so I'll do that [Music] now right so I've done the entire top now with 4 Z steel wool and some stripper just gone up and down with the grain and any stubborn bits I've just got out very lightly with the brass bristle brush and it's come up okay so that just needs neutralizing once I've done everything else so I'll crack on with that Wy stripper is working its magic on the finish I just wanted to explain a little bit more about this Challenge and like I said earlier I think there's 14 other Furniture Refinishers restorers taking part in this challenge some of in my opinion like I say the best restorers and refinishes on YouTube and I'm really excited to be part of this challenge it was initially dreamt up by Jay at flipping drawers and initially there was about three of us going to be part of this and what I'll do is I'll put the names of all the other challenges on the bottom of this part of the video it is simply mid-century modern furniture restoration refinishing some repurposing and I will leave a playlist Link in the description and I'll also leave a playlist Link at the end screen if you enjoy this type of thing you won't want to miss any of these other videos I don't idea what they like at the moment but I've seen some of the before pieces and they are horrendous as bad as this if not worth some of them so once you've watched this go over have a look at all those videos they are going to be brilliant so thanks for watching and I'll carry [Music] on couple of little orange dots there so I'll get rid of those right it's time to attack these coow high paper drawers hopefully they're in decent condition under that paper first thing we need to do take this Hardware off I think somebody's got to go matching the hardware to the color of the the actual unit so they're lovely but we'll take those off now I noticed this one when I was taking it off wasn't sitting flat and the reason being I don't know whether you can see that the bolt is actually bent there is probably a better angle so I'll just have to replace that bolt I was just about to start getting the steamer out to steam this paper off and this Edge was just a little bit loose and as I pulled it back it looks like look at that it looks like the glue is just totally failed so this will be an absolute B bonus if this comes off in one piece this is the first time this ever happened I've tried taking paper off other things before and it's taking me hours I just hope all the others are as good as that I'll just show you one more just to see if the same things happens yeah looks like it's going to need to be careful it's lifting the veneer a little bit so if you pull it rather than pulling it like that if you pull it back on itself got roll it back on itself it's less likely to pull anything up brilliant easy it's still coming off really easily but I just wanted to show you this look the veneer must have been broken and it's come off there so I'm going to keep that piece of veneer because I'll stick that back on just need to repair this I think I showed it you earlier when I took the paper off this one must have been damaged already and it's pulled this bit of veneer off I'm looking for is that match there really this we can fill [Music] [Music] that [Music] that's with the masking tape off so it keeps it fairly neat push that out a bit there we go that down let that dry shape it up should be fine as you can see it's cracked and it's had a previous repair now it's glued quite quite well that why they didn't sort of clean it up I'm not too sure so I'm going to try and heat it up to see if I can release that glue a bit clean it out and reglue it if I can't do that I might have to break it off clean it and try and reglue it failing that I might have to put a new piece of wood in there but let's heat it up first and see how we get on that seems to be working don't know what that glue is but it's it's stretching I think I'm going to have to break this off and then clean it and then reglue it but we'll see so as long as I glue that all back the way it came off so just clean that up now I've tried and tried and tried to get this to match up but the crack is just huge it looks like there's quite a bit of wood missing so I found this it's not exactly the same wood this is Oak I think this is Beach something like that but these are on the back and that's right at the bottom anyway so as long as it's strong enough it'll be fine so I'm going to cut that piece out there cut another piece glue that in and then redrill the hole so that's what we'll do [Music] now that's the way right so that's the repair and that's what I need to replicate on that side so I've still got the hle so it'll tell me exactly where I need to drill the hole so what I need to do I need two drill bits one that fits that so I'll drill that all the way through and then once that's done I've got this drill bit that's the same size as the larger hole and I'll drill that about halfway through just to hide the head of the screw here we go the draws have gone quite a bit of paint on them obviously they were put in before the unit was fully dry so I'm just going to sand these just to just to tidy them [Music] [Music] up [Music] [Music] this has got tape as a design so I use tape but generally what I do is use it as masking and and paint so this has just been left on pretty easy to take off it's just got like a dull finish on it so we'll try and see what they look like underneath well that's got the finish off but left some marks it's a bit nicer right time to start cleaning up the hardware these are the mirror brackets and they're definitely not brass they've just got a brass coating on it so if we start going at it with this it'll just go back down to the silver metal they're the same they're from the mirror supports I'm not too sure what these are they're non-magnetic so I don't know what they are so I'll clean those up with the wheel and these I think might be brass because they're not magnetic and they're quite heavy and they look brass so fingers crossed these are brass but we'll have a look [Music] now unfortunately they're not brass they like I don't know what they are what what the how like the metal is I mean theyve polished up nice but I don't don't really want it look like Chrome I don't really want Chrome just don't think it goes with a mid-century modern piece so I'll scuff these up a little bit and I think we're going to color them yeah it's a shame really I was hoping there'd be brass never mind it'll still look good I don't think these are brass but I'll just clean these up because I think might have to braid these let's carry on let's get everything cleaned and let's see where we [Music] [Music] are [Music] I like the color of the wood without the stain on but it's a bit oldfashioned it's a bit orange so I'm going to try and tone it down with some teak a nice Mish brown light brown I'm going to stain it with this [Music] [Music] [Music] before I add the top coat to all this piece this shelf is held on with two supports at the front these supports that I've painted now and the back is held on with these mirror supports so without these this shelf wouldn't have any support at the back this piece can either be a dressing table with the mirror attached or simply a sideboard what I want to do is add another support in the center at the back so that's the next [Music] [Music] job with hard wax oil without hard wax oil with without look at that shine [Music] [Music] lovely [Music] if people want to keep this as a dressing table that's fine it'll have the mirror supports in the mirror if they want to just use this as a nice sideboard obviously you don't want the mirror on it and if you take the mirror off you're going to have these two mirror supports so I'm just going to put another support at the back so you've got the strength in that triangle there my good friend Jay at flipping drawers sent me these from an old wardrobe and they're the perfect size to do this and this is a wooden dowel I think you saw me do it earlier just been sprayed up gold right I just need to do the corresponding one on the top of the dresser and then I can put it all back together the only things left to do now are to add the hardware add the shelf and put it all back together including the mirror so if you've lasted this long I'd like to say a huge thank you I know it's been quite a long video and I'd like to say a massive thank you to everyone that supports the channel whether that's through the buy me a coffee the super thanks button or my Amazon Wish List I really appreciate it and if you like this kind of content then please consider subscribing don't forget to give it a thumbs up and I will see you all in the next one hope you enjoy the final results oh and don't forget to check out the other [Music] videos [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music]
Channel: Mayfield Restorations
Views: 69,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: furniture restoration, restoration, furniture, diy furniture, diy, woodworking, refinished furniture, repurposed, before and after, mid century modern, furniture makeover, furniture design, asmr, modern makeovers, furniture restoration diy, mid century modern furniture restoration, mid century modern furniture, mid century modern home, painted furniture restoration, mid century modern interior design
Id: jOl-ezQvP1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 36sec (1956 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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