兵庫)規格外の爆量カツカレー!信じられない驚愕のデカ盛り注文が殺到する洋食レストランの仕事丨INCREDIBLE JAPANESE FOOD:Amazing Cutlet Curry

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We got an order of a serving of fried chicken and chicken cutlet curry. Thank you for waiting. Here you go. Harima-cho, Kako-gun, Hyogo / Established 37 years ago Popura A western-style restaurant that is popular for its extra large meals. The second-generation owner (The oldest son) is in charge of preparing curry. The first-generation owner's wife My father opened the restaurant, and we have been helping. We've been serving extra large meals for 37 years, and this became popular. Since Azuki Moeno tried the food challenge, lots of people come to win it (Big Mega Curry). There were two of them that won the challenge so far. The plate used for the challenge It'll be heavier with the rice on. He's the owner of restaurant "Popura". I serve extra large meals from my heart because I want customers to be happy and to come again. The owner focuses on the taste, as well as the amount per serving of the dish. If you like the food, you'll want it again. That's how it is. Good morning. My family got together as the restaurant is growing. Although my father hasn't told us to take over the restaurant or to help him, we got together and are running it. The recipes, such as fried chicken and curry, have been passed down from my father. So, all his hard work has finally paid off. We are just helping him. We can't compete with him. Restaurant Popura Thank you. He's the younger brother who's been working for the restaurant. Plate rice like a mountain. Table for 11? Welcome! Breakfast special The fried chicken and hamburg steak are ready. This is the sauce for the fried chicken. We got an order of a serving of manpuku and fried chicken teishoku. Prawn and chicken Take care. I'll see you soon. Thank you. Let me know when you're ready to order. We got an order of a serving of hamburg steak curry, pork cutlet rice bowl and hot coffee. Here's the hot coffee. We got an order of a serving of chicken cutlet curry, napolitan and hamburg steak topped with curry sauce. Pork cutlet rice Welcome! We got an order of a serving of Turkish rice and hamburg steak curry with a large rice. We got an order of a serving of fried chicken and chicken cutlet curry. We got an order of a serving of fried chicken, fried pork and chicken cutlet curry with cheese as a topping. We got an order of a serving of fried chicken, pork cutlet bowl, pork cutlet rice and pork cutlet curry. The Turkish rice is ready. Thank you for waiting. How to make Big Mega Curry Fried chicken Big Mega Curry Napolitan pork cutlet demi-glace sauce
Channel: うどんそば 兵庫 京都 Udonsoba
Views: 4,874,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: うどん, そば, うどんそば, うどんそば兵庫, 兵庫県, 兵庫グルメ, 兵庫ランチ, 兵庫うどん, 兵庫そば, Udonsoba, udon, soba, 우동, 乌冬面, 소바, 乌龙面, 荞麦面, 烏龍麵, 蕎麥麵, うどんそば 兵庫 Udonsoba Hyogo, Udonsoba Hyogo
Id: VEfLymcIvBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2022
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