Unbelievable How Fishermen Hundreds of Tons of Anchovies Are Caught Using Big Net On The Boat

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[Music] and chies are a primary food for many species in the humbold current ecosystem including fish birds and marine mammals but it is also the largest single species fishery in the world primarily producing fish meal and fish oil for export this fish scientific name in Gris ringens plays a key role in the Peruvian sea as hundreds of different species of fish mammals and seabirds depend on it for food it is a forager that is it is the main prey of many other species because it is found near the surface of the sea during the day it dies to hide from predators this small fish the length of an adult is less than that of a pencil lives in the humble current present on the coasts of Peru and Chile it eats plants and microscopic animals called plankton and also the young ly of other fish ecological role its primary importance lies in the fact that it is a fundamental part of the humbal current ecosystem it metabolizes the Abundant nutrients of phytoplancton which serves as food for other fish such as horse mackerel tuna mackerel tuna and other species such as sea lions guano Birds whales and dolphins feeding at the same time it plays an important role in nutrition not only because the consumption of this species is rich in high quality protein because it contains vitamins such as a and b iron Omega 6 and Omega 3 but also because it is food for many popular fish species artisanal fishing many of the fish species most in demand in homes businesses and restaurants are raised using anies this demand not only provides work for fishermen but also for those working in activities such as transporting and processing fish it is estimated that in Peru there are at least 250,000 people employed in fishing directly or indirectly industrial fishing 98% of Peruvian anches have been processed into fish meal and fish oil for half a century these products are almost entirely exported for use in aquaculture and pig and poultry farming Cuisine certainly anvis support many other species for which typical dishes are prepared such as cichi eses tyos among others that have contributed to making Peru the first culinary destination in South America tourism we're not talking about sightseeing or fishing for recreational anies here we're talking about coastal birds sea lions among many others which are tourist attractions and sources of income their survival partly depends on the health of the anch population ELO events also known as the ELO phenomenon although unpredictable occur regularly every 2 to 7 years baltering the global climate and causing human and economic losses International during this unusual time the wind weakens or changes Direction so warm water rushes in bringing heavy rain and flooding these warm waters are less productive under these conditions anies hide in very deep Waters Out Of Reach of fishing nets and the animals that often eat them for this reason during Alia the behavior of many fish species that depend on anch of these changes becoming less available while favoring other species more typical of warm Waters such as MCS and fan housing on the other hand the mortality rate of seals and seabirds is higher the decline in anvy populations has a domino effect affecting fishing boat owners processing plants restaurant owners fish meal Distributors tourism companies and more although this is a resilient species we have twice seen the collapse of this fishery due to lack of caution in the face of changes caused by Elmo and over exploitation of resources history has shown that relaxing regulations in times of risk with a short-term view will lead to crises for ecosystems fisheries and the jobs and incomes that [Music] this is a pelagic fish that lives in dense schools and cold surface waters near the coast but can be up to 180 km offshore it feeds on Plankton and breeds mainly from July to September and to a lesser extent during February and March it is high in fat with lots of om G A3 and omega-6 fatty acids elmino Southern oscillation Eno events often simply called ELO have negative effects on resources it has a thin and elongated body the color varies from dark blue to green on the back and silver on the belly its fishing is carried out by industrial or artisanal fleets anches are used to produce fish meal and fish oil although it is also sold fresh refrigerated conserve salted anchi fillet Frozen cold gutted H&G since 2000 anes have also begun to be used in fresh canned and Frozen forms the ins of Fisheries technology today The Institute of production technology ITP with the support of FAO has carried out research to develop new products from anes with the aim of taking advantage of this Marine resource for direct human consumption in some countries EG Canada C anes are marketed as Peruvian sardines the ministry of production has authorized the start of the first artisanal fishing season for source aneres and wi anes in the maritime area from 16° 0 0 LS to the end point south of Peru's Maritime territory the maximum catch limit for the first fishing season of 2024 in the southern region will be 251,000 tons as recommended Conference of the Peruvian Maritime Institute it is important to mention that the commencement of mining operations takes effect from 00 hours on the third Working Day from the day after the publication of this ministerial resolution in that sense only vessels with licensed to fish for anvy stocks intended for indirect human consumption registered and authorized to carry out fishing activities during the current fishing season can do so fishing mission to protect resources fishery surveillance and monitoring will be carried out to take measures to protect this species the quota is established based on IM RP's scientific recommendations aiming to develop a sustainable operation that contributes to the recovery of the fishing industry [Music] this year anchy biomas has decreased by 34% compared to the level recorded in the summer of 2022 research by the Peruvian sea Institute shows that as of April 1st 2023 the stock of this species was 6,450 383 tons compared to up to 9,780 370 tons registered last year if these data are compared with the average summer biomass calculated from 1996 to 2022 8,5 6,623 tons the figures also show a decrease of 24% in the first months of 20123 according to three studies conducted by imar between February and may the biomass was made up of juvenile fish ranging from 82% to 91% in quantity that means for every 10 anies in the sea there are eight or nine that are smaller than 12 CM in size and have not yet reproduced based with this scenario the ministry of production production decided that this year there will not be the first industrial anvy fishing on the North Central Coast of Peru and announced that the second fishing season is still uncertain with Coastal almino developing in global almino confirmed the outlook for the species and the fishing industry is uncertain especially for the approximately 20,000 industrial fishermen who will be without income due to the cancellation of the first fishing season usually takes place from April to July [Music] [Music] [Music] B [Music] and ches are one of the most consumed fish species in our Waters despite the crisis caused by elmino and over fishing in 1972 the recovery of this small fish has been remarkable and we can enjoy it in our Cuisine today let's review the history of anies learn about the dishes it's made of and its nutritional properties anies are fish that move in schools through S Waters throughout our seas the cold Waters imp Plank and richness of the humbal current benefit their reproduction thanks to which anues can spawn at all latitudes of the Peruvian sea due to adaptation to cold environments anvy reproduction is altered by strong warm water currents created by the ELO phenomenon in the area the average anvy size is from 12 to 17 cm however the longest lived specimens can reach 20 cm it lives for about 3 years and reaches a weight of 27.3 G the oldest evidence of anuy consumption on the Peruvian coast was found in the upper part of the Zana Valley lambek region dating from 9,700 to 9,200 BC 14 on the other hand in Waka Prieta located at the southern end of the El brujo archaeological complex Le liad region remains of anues date back to 5600 BC a time when fishing was enhanced by making cotton Nets on the Central Coast of Peru the Archaic Period 760 1700 BC sites of Carol El parizo and laloma have anies as the fish with the greatest presence in the archaeological context first since then and depending on natural cycles anches became one of the most consumed marine species in the diet of ancient peruvians during the colonial period the density of anues in the Peruvian sea attracted the attention of the Spaniards father bernabe Kobo in his new world history describes in detail the rich presence of this fish such dense schools of anches occur along the coast of Peru that when I sailed from Lima to truo in 1627 our ship was surrounded by a fish so large that the water looked like like a black spot and because it was calm the people on the ship picked it up in a basket with nothing more to do than put the basket tilted into the sea and scoop out the anees during the vice royalty anees were a very popular food source in LMA and perhaps other coastal cities due to the delicious taste and low price it is consumed fresh in coastal areas and dried in the Sun for distribution to distant places every year there are a lot of anchovies entering the city from the harbors and Coes so there seems to be no shortage this small fish plays a fundamental role in the food web of the Humbolt ecosystem serving as food for hundreds of species of marine animals birds mammals and humans currently anches are the most caught species in the world than a Peru's main export product the anvy industry allocates most of its catch to the production of fish meal fish oil and capsules however we can consume anues in fresh canned and Frozen anues have a distinctive and strong flavor that makes it relatively unappealing to the Peruvian public and therefore it tends to be consumed in small quantities although the Peruvian government has devoted a lot of effort to promote this product the direct human consumption market for anies is still small this does not mean that dishes using this fish are not delicious nutritious and beneficial because no one can refuse delicious tyo or marinated anies there are many possible recipes including araka anees stir fried anees with vegetables chili anues dried anues chupe anues Ani cichi anii tempera anchi soup among others other dishes an Chi are a super food because they have omega3 and Omega 6 essential fats that the human body produces in addition omega-3 also cleans the body's arteries dissolves and removes cholesterol and triglycerides this fatty acid promotes nerve Connections in the brain is essential for vision and keeps our skin healthy this small fish is a source of antioxidants such as Vitamin E and retinol vitamin A which help delay the oxidation of other molecules giving you younger healthier skin likewise it's high protein value allows muscles to regenerate faster strengthening tendons and ligaments and of these are foods rich in lysy an [Music] [Music] essential Peru will continue to be a major producer of fish meal and fish oil thereby supporting global agriculture production it is estimated that to produce 41.0 6 million tons of farm fish current annual volume the world uses 9 million tons of whole fish converted into meal that is each ton of whole fish used to produce fish meal and fish oil allows the production of more than four tons of farm fish for other uses the government of Peru will Implement a $10 million Innovation project in the country's fisheries and agriculture sector with funds obtained from the World Bank and public hooks this project is expected to fund initiative aimed at increasing direct human consumption of H the government also launched the new brand superfood 3 to promote exports of fatty fish such as anes mackel and horse mackel introduced at the 2017 Seafood Expo in Brussels another way anes can directly benefit human nutrition is through food fortification nowadays the nutritious amino acids and anuy protein are used to enrich various foods such as milk orange juice and cooking oil to further promote this Market SNP has developed a Technology Solutions program to develop new products that support human nutrition and health despite the efforts of the Peruvian government and the private sector direct human consumption of Peruvian anches remains very low in the country this is an interesting case study that points out the misconception that forage fish species are best for direct human consumption in this case there are other species species that are more suitable for domestic household consumption than these are species that are popular in the market instead indirect consumption of the species through the provision of fish meal and fish oil feeds the world's population through agriculture this statement was made by Peruvian Deputy minister of fisheries and aquaculture ector sui at the 2017 United Nations ocean conference in which he highlighted the contribution of Peruvian anes to the aquaculture industry Global aquaculture similarly Professor Manuel bang director of fisheries and aquaculture policy at FAO emphasized at a meeting on the sustainability of marine products held at the seaweb seafood Summit 2017 that fish is a very important food that converts food balance into protein more effectively than chicken or pork therefore he emphasized if we have to raise animals for food raising fish is a very effective way the perspectives expressed in this case study are not specific to Peru but are Universal for other areas where there are many small pelagic fish
Channel: aquaculture technology
Views: 103,570
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fishing, Fish, Big catch, Catching, Fishing Net, Tuna, Net Fishing Tuna, Big Net, Anchovies, Processing in Factory, Big Boat, Modern Big Boat, herring, fish catching, Catch, big fish, nets, Net Fishing, herring are caught
Id: I7awoQtZAHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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