Unbelievable Big Net Fishing Videos - How Fisherman Hundreds Ton Fishes caught on the boat

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welcome you to channel aquaculture far the Bay of Bengal is the northeastern part of the Indian Ocean geographically it is positioned between the Indian subcontinent and the indo-chinese peninsula located below the Bengal region based on which the bay was named during the British Raj it is the largest water region called the Bay in the world many South Asian and Southeast Asian countries are dependent on the Bay of Bengal geopolitically the bay bounded on the West and Northwest by India on the North by Bangladesh and on the east by Myanmar and the Andaman and nicobar islands of India its Southern limit is a line between sangam Anda Sri Lanka and the northwesternmost point of Sumatra Indonesia Cox's bizar the longest sea beach in the world and Sunder bands the largest mangrove forest and the natural habitat of the Bengal tiger are located along the bay pampus argentus and pampus jenus to two par SE form fishes from the family stroat ID represent the high value group of demersal pomr fishery of Bangladesh contributing a significant share in overall Fisheries resources landed from the Bay of Bengal the production of ratfish from the Marine water of Bangladesh was first recorded in the statistical yearbook in 1984 but those catches were very low and mainly from by catch of different gears employed in fishing of other [Music] species with the development of marine capture Fisheries in the 1980s especially with the introduction of troll Nets and set bag Nets from the beginning of the fishery there was a steady Rising Trend in landing [Music] until these extended fishing efforts May exhaust the Stock's biomass and reduce the catch from 2015 given this situation it is essential to assess the radfish stock rigorously with the most reliable stock assessment tools trolling is a method of fishing that involves pulling a fishing net through the water behind one or more boats trolling can be divided into bottom trolling and midwater trolling depending on how high the troll net is in the water column however after a while the doing cooperation with the Fisheries organization has developed the guidelines for trolling in the Persian Gulf and sea of Oman claiming that in some cases trolling is [Music] inevitable like shrink fishing which cannot be done in other ways so we have to carry out trolling in certain ways trying to cause the least damage to the Marine [Applause] ecosystem troling which has been widely criticized for its use causes damage to the seabed and coral reefs it is estimated that each time the TR net is pulled about to 25% of the seed living environment is lost recently the Fisheries organization announced that about 10034 trollers are active in the [Music] [Applause] country spech speech forign speech [Music] speech [Applause] spee [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] he shut up [Music] I
Channel: aquaculture technology
Views: 22,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fishing, Fish, Big catch, Catching, Fishing Net, Cast, Tuna, Net Fishing Tuna, Cutting Fish, Fishing Videos, Big Catch, Modern, Big Boat, Hundreds Tons, Catch, Fishermen
Id: WTjMjwHxgzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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