UNBELIEVABLE Auditions That SHOCKED & SURPRISED The World | X Factor Global
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Channel: X Factor Global
Views: 1,625,468
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Keywords: x factor, x factor uk, x factor australia, x factor global, unbelievable auditions, unbelievable x factor, unexpected auditions, unexpected x factor, UNBELIEVABLE Auditions That SHOCKED & SURPRISED The World, shock x factor, shock auditions, surprise auditions, surprise x factor, best of x factor, amazing auditions, unbelievable x factor auditions, surprise x factor auditions, xfactor, xf, x factor wow moments, james arthur, alice bottomley, best auditions
Id: Joj6m5sCL5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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