UNBELIEVABLE Animals That Saved Other Animals

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Oh guys the puppy He's just splashing the water on the fish trying to make sure it doesn't drown How does he know that the fish needs water to stay alive, but he's like "I gotta save them!" They need- they need to live. This is so heartwarming Today we're gonna be looking at animals saving other animals! Okay. Here, We got some type of lizard/ gecko/ reptile thing.. and he is trying to save an- *gasp* He is literally trying to save that other reptile. Well... I guess from another reptile. They're all reptiles, but I'm gonna call him a gecko. He's *gasp* he's risking his life Can we see that again?! Look at this. That snake is terrifying! It's like *pew-pewpew* (sound effects for fast fighting) So fast. That is a ninja snake. I am renaming you snake- "Ninja Snake". Tryin' to mess with gecko- "Not Ninja Snake". This is just incredible. Okay, so the dog he runs in he's like, "I got this stick, I- Oh no, oh no! I'm falling! I can't get back up it's slippery..." Oh no.. Okay, he's running, and the other dog- Who grabs the stick and saves-saves him from falling down potentially a waterfall or a really fast stream, but that golden lab...? I think..? Or a retriever..? I'm not sure. It just saved that dog. Like, this warms my heart so much. It's so nice to see these animals. Okay. Ohhh. Okay, what's happening..? Okay, so he's grab- *gasp* Did you see that?! He just like went in with his bulls and he was like, "Get outta here! Nobody eats my brother!" So he pack that guy's getting attacked this guy runs in he runs in and he goes get out of here Be gone thot we see something swimming in the water It's a it's a doggy. It's a doggy I call all dogs puppies by the way everybody stop calling grown dogs puppies and like I can't help it Okay, so he he has something in his mouth. What are you holding doggy? What is that a fish? Oh? No, that's not a fish has legs Is that a deer he just saved a drowning deer oh? And he's making it to wake it up. He said wake up little deer but its breathing You can see the deer breathing guys. This is so sweet Forty's these animals are so okay, so here we see It's a cat trying to save is that a little cat the quality's not that good So I'm having a hard time telling what it is. I know this one's a cat, but what is a little way yo guys But he's saving him. He's grabbing him up the hill you see that over here. He was falling I couldn't get back up all and this guy was like silly little guy I got you scraps him by the neck and bring this him up by the way That's how cats carry other cats that doesn't actually hurt them, so don't worry So we got this this fella is in the water. Is that a bird well. He's gonna grab a leaf Oh in the bird knows the bird grabs him to the leaf And he pulls the bird out of the water with a leaf But you see the birds little beak II see the bird grabs the leaf with his beak. They're like working together They're not the same species with her feet on he's he's so caring. He's like poking it. He's like hey It's okay. Stay awake little birdie here. We got a zebra, and it looks like a baby alligator crocodile Person okay so he he grabs on to the Zebras neck grabs on to the Zebras neck the Zebras like no no no no help Me in the hippos help the zebra the hippos protected the zebra like I've heard all my life that Hippos are dangerous and here They are helping a different animal like I'm sure they are dangerous But they're also kind it completely saved the zebra zebra gets out of there. He's limping, but he's okay so here We got a cheetah the cheetah has a gazelle Sir if I get out near these animals wrong, and oh and he's out of there they just chased him off But is the gazelle okay. I need to know is he okay. He's okay look at him. He's like I'm just shake it off shake it off and what are you doing? He's just sitting there eating grass. You almost got eaten look at him like just get out of there good Not to be honest at the beginning I wasn't even sure he was alive look look How still he stayed if a cheetah had you would you be staying that still like why don't you be trying to look at least? escaped out of there I would be panicking not gonna lie it and I probably wouldn't have been alive at this point So yeah look at him running away, so happy so happy What's right out? Here is its face stuck in a cup the doggy got so it's get the dog It was like let me let me grab him - grab that off your face Your face and the cat's free, but the castle is scared too. He's Woodhead out you here We got a crocodile approaching little piglets And then the big mommy and they all just go after the crocodile you see that look they're all I get out of here Nobody touching my piglets. This is so awesome. I could watch this a million times no bacon for you tonight Okay, so this bear sees a drowning bird the bird can't fly out. He's all wet see he's just like yeah And then the bird grabs him out of the wing, and it looks a little ki little painful But he was gonna drown and that bears like I'm out of here your honor You're on your own now like I helped you out of the water. You know now It's all up to you and the bird you know he he stands up and he's fine He's a little wet, but if you just you know dry up in the Sun a little bit And then be on with his day. I like these stories. They got happy endings, okay, so On first glance I'm like is this cat trying to eat. This fish guess. He's just like pawing at this fish That's just like lying on fun here okay pying Oh, and he was just trying to help the fish another fish is swimming. Do you see he went from like? completely lifeless to risk Yardage swimming faster than ever and I assume the cat was trying to eat so we got a horse Yeah The horse was feeding hay to the other horse who's hungry now that is the biggest sacrifice of them all? Sharing your food, this horse is sharing his food, wish this other horse that's hungry, now if that's not sweet I don't know what is. What is now this is true horse love okay, but what's that's happening? Oh? Oh the hippo was helping him out of the water. He's drowning come on people push push His push his little butts. Oh the bear will help the zebra get out of the water Completely help him - there's a little path I mean I don't know why he decided to go into the water in the first place But that's not the point the point is the hippos saved him you know what's happening here. They massaging him. I'm so confused Is he baby? I don't know what's happening massaging his back Maybe he's sick, and they're trying to save him. That's so cute. I have no idea What's happening in this scenario, but there was some like? Saving going on I think or helping. I don't know there was definitely Massaging going on that I know for sure I know a nice back rub when I see one what is this a doggy? Feeding a lamb that is so adorable This is the cutest thing I've ever seen like loki gonna make this my backdrop on my phone Milk so here a canoe gets loose with two older dogs aboard okay the dogs there They're trapped, but this is dog Jumps into the water Grabs the rope on the canoe and starts pulling the dogs to safety good boy, Robby bring him home. That's so sweet Look how happy the dog is with his tail Waggin I mean who left their dogs in a canoe anyways or maybe they just jumped in I don't know what happened Look and they're safe I love videos like this when everything is just like it's like a feel-good video And everything is that happens just like good and warm-hearted. I just like the rest of my day. I'm just like so happy I'm like yeah, this was good here. We have a monkey that picked up an injured hat and brought it to safety Can we keep all these animals no I can't I do not have this space. I do not have this space What this horse is fully saving this scared little puppy look at this They're both scared, but this horse is like imma. Save you little doggie. Let me save you go cuz scrawny. He looks it's not because he's wet but still an Elephant extending a helping nose to a poor kitty so that the cat can grab under his nose And he can pull him out of this little mess he's gotten into That is also like a teeny cat that it's actually a kitten how did this kitten get stranded on this rock in a river? I feel like cats just do things like this. They're just like I'm curious What's on that rock in the middle of a raging river? And then they're like I can't get out of this rock in the middle of a raging river And then this elephants like don't worry. I got you Oh Look at the love look at the love. It's so cute. I mean when he's a little bit bigger They're gonna definitely be predator and prey, but now that he's a cub They're best friends who would have thought that this big lad comes with a big heart, too So we got a rhino saving a zebra who was stuck in what looks like? Huge mud pit this zebra. Was like I just want to play in the mud and then he's like I'm stuck this wasn't mud this was concrete and The Rhino was like I got you here. We got a picture of it's not a baby deer being saved by a crocodile I wish there was a video to go along with this because What I like low-key don't even believe this is true nah, dude I'm not pretty sure this one's Photoshop. Everything else seemed real, but this one I'm kind of buying, but I'm kind of not But this one's like definitely one of the most incredible because I do not picture this dude saving this dude You know I picture this dude eating this zoom, but I'm not here to judge, okay I don't want to judge the animal kingdom This is a judgment-free zone So you know why I have proof this six year old lab found orphaned rabbits and adopted them as her own What? Though koa has never had puppies of her own her motherly instincts kicked in once she discovered these helpless baby rabbits Is this Sookie what I actually saw this story before and I'm just like? She's like I don't care that you're not my real children like I'm gonna raise you as my own I wonder if like how these rabbits grow up acting like do they start acting like dogs Or do they still act like rabbits. I mean - these are these are real questions. I need to know Coco the gorilla Famous for her use of sign language and flashcards is also known for adopting kittens How many kittens has she adopted what anyways guys? I hope you enjoyed this video I love you all so much stay awesome stay sweet and don't forget to be nice to each other and animals as well. Bye. Bye
Channel: AzzyLand
Views: 17,045,851
Rating: 4.8346004 out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, azzy, reaction, animals, that, saved, other
Id: xxj5RTx_jFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2018
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