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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] k [Music] and [Music] k [Music] stand ready sir order them to present [Music] weapons in front de a tenes Hamilton captain Gar Lieutenant John Terry Lieutenant phar captain Jerry teni Lieutenant William Mira they have cut the barrel of mine too They are all the same captain all to your word with the surrender we granted you the honor of keeping the weapons in conditions to fire You [Music] he believes with the barrel cut off the projectile does not hold. The direction is clearly seen that you are not a good shooter. Leave me your pistol and I will show you. You don't dare, come on guys. Those from the first squad, it's time to eat. [Laughs] Excuse me, Sergeant, just for a moment [Laughter] [Laughter] That's enough, Captain, I recognize your good aim But this is a stupid brab. Silence when granting the honor that I kept the weapons, we wanted to reward your military virtues, those pistols are only the testimony of the honor to which You have become creditors whoever has his can go Lieutenant Stanley Lieutenant Williams Captain Edward Smith the honor of the arms 190 and 200 you stay with every friend you would not have found a horse in 30 miles So you are determined to leave I do not feel strong enough to Go back to Virginia, so defeated in the southern, northern west, they only appreciate you for what you're worth, go ahead. Take this horse, he's the best and you have a long way to go, thank you, say hello, Jud, our old house, take the key to my savings bank, behind the clock there is a lot of money will come ay good fortune ig tell you brother noides that in the west land and work for everyone even for you and your wife I will see what the pueo hauer going towards noando I will not forget it Goodbye brother Goodbye [Music] [Music] brother my was from Give Me back my you and the Faith In Me and you and Come [Music] back Who is who are you [Music] yud is Phil's gift his savings remember I had already told you about it please judi don't take it like that You have to resign yourself, you have already seen that here there is nothing to come for me, this moment would come sooner or later, but I did not believe that so early in the war, the surgeon said, if you have to cut, it is better to do it for the healthy, you suffer less, we would not separate if I would go with you, no, not yet. Why be reasonable, I have to find a job and a place to live, sell the house in more tranquility, months are enough for us, we will meet . Then if it lasts longer, you will pour out, I will return to you, you will stop. c derni arr la diligence j' t'attendre la Station tu arriveras avec le springemps Very good sir oara it's not much but it will help you something During this time It would be better for you it wouldn't be fair Well we will divide them according to how you want This is for you And this one for me but gu no buts you have agreed to distribute them And this is a distribution and I assure you that this is the first of a million word of [Music] oara [Music] [Music] H [Music] [Music ] Oh, tell me, gentlemen, what can you do in this town to earn a few dollars? Well, Jack, it's too late, you're right, too late. Excuse me, you want work enough to buy me a horse and leave on a yellon, there is no work for outsiders, you are a southerner. And what does that matter? The war is over, not for us, but not for the southerners. A gang is here, one [__] they devastate, they loot. they steal I know it's not your fault But you'll understand clearly I just want to cross the border and head west there may not be anyone in the whole city who will give me a few dollars try m he is the richest in town If he wants, he can, where does he live, where is the sign? If it goes well, I'll pick it up and if not, well, I think it could be worth about 50, okay, thank you again. once Damn Black Kate How can he dare to threaten me How much does he want nothing Just for us to leave town that's what he wants you could have called us James and I would have liquidated him you know I don't want problems with the law Well we'll have to do something We'll have to talk to sheriff Black has calculated everything correctly, he knows that the sheriff is out and won't be back until nightfall that's why he gave me until 5 o'clock I have no choice but to buy time one thing is for sure Their threats will not be able to break me what do you want a man asks about you Who is he by the looks of him He looks like one of those southern bandits who are looking for work and money I don't have time now force him to go on there is nothing to do friend let's get out of here I have to speak personally with Mr. McCor he is busy can I wait, I told you to get out, go away, dirty southerner . Uh , stay still, you know I don't want a scandal in my house. He didn't want to leave. He attacked me. I don't care about that . MC I am I had come to talk to you but now I have to do something else see you later [Music] [Applause] That's enough my friend and you put down your weapons [Music] You are a determined and brave man to attack life with a gun there was little you could do make a very original northern joke with this. Hey, like that. Are you looking for a job? Yes, sir, maybe I can offer you something. Come with me. I have seen that you have value and surely need money. Exact diagnosis. I can make you earn more than you imagine, but you will have to To continue risking my life, there is a damn Bandit around here called Black K, a dangerous man who is surely part of a gang that infects this area. He has dared to blackmail me and I want you to bring him justice. Why don't you tell the sheriff? I wouldn't talk to you if the sheriff was in town. He's gone to pick up the district judge and he'll be arriving very late tonight. Black wo n't be here anymore. What do I have to do? Face him. Catch him and hand him over. To the sheriff, how much will I earn ? 00 And maybe a plot of land. land in the mountains you are generous to confront Black Without weapons it is risking your life but I do not want to break the law okay I accept have half you can stay at the town hotel The Bell Star wait at 5 in the tavern I will be there Listen How His name is ohara Gary ohara Peter, what will Black do when that brave man wants to hand him over to the sheriff? He will immediately take out his gun, so we will have to cover the boy's back. Because if Black takes out his gun against an unarmed man, facing a murderer, there is no need to have any hesitation. Yes, that's what. What do I say and also a farm where we will rebuild our life Everything will be settled this afternoon however before embarking on The trip Wait for me to confirm it to you I know that what I ask of you is a sacrifice but I am also looking forward to the time when be [Music] with me oara Black has arrived Now I'm coming please want to take her right away to the south coach I'm sorry sir she just left it will have to be next time and she won't leave for a month so leave it [Music] thank you I'm willing come Wait, it's the one in the black vest who's leaning on the counter. He's lucky he's got his back to the door. I'll catch him before he knows it. I don't want it to look like an attack on him. Tell him that it's in his best interest to turn himself in to the sheriff so that everyone can hear him. But then You will have time to take out your gun, don't be afraid that's why we will be behind you very well [Music] don't move from there raise your arms Black I'm going to hand you over alif I said raise your [Music] dead arms both of them [Music] must have happened We are going to find out something [Music] [Music] follow me Mr. Judge Who was it Thank goodness you have arrived shif Who was this poor boy he wanted to stop Black to hand him over to you but Black took out his gun and fired when I James and the others We wanted to intervene, it was too late. Then you shot Black from then the boy was unarmed. That's the truth, sherif didn't give me time, otherwise I would have just finished him off. Maori is worthy of faith, but the truth is that they all killed Black. What do you think, Mr. Judge? It seems that it has been a justified act, the law does not prohibit coming to the defense of an unarmed man. If someone attacks him, you are all witnesses. I also attest to this, and that is fine. No one will be accused. Take care of the corpses. Makori, come by my office to sign the declaration of agreement. Come on, Mr. Judge [Music] taken away, come on, cheer up, gentlemen, don't make the party bitter because of what has happened, come on, teacher [Music] music, carry nothing anyway, take care of burying them, what a job at this hour. Look, this one also has a cut gun, leave it to the southerners. They think it's an honor to die with the [Laughter] souls Hey southern emigrants, save us the work we'll give them the [Music] order what's going on what do you want let's go [Music] guys they are your compatriots give them a [Music] walk we should throw them a blanket go a [ __ ] long cold a [Music] gallop poor boys the worst thing about war is when the [Music] begins peace is [Music] alive blessed God has saved him a miracle Look this dollar has prevented the bullet from reaching the heart let's go back Go straight to the town, you're crazy, those who shot at you before, now I wouldn't fail, go ahead [Music] Hello Hello Katy How the income is getting better and better by financing, you've done me a good deal Good morning friends My dear Donaldson I'm very sorry but I can't do anything for you I understand the bank cannot help me That's right I understand therefore we the owners to pay the debts have to sell our lands and there is no purchase You keep them for a handful of dollars there is no other solution I already know the bandits steal our cattle and set fire to our harvest but your bank cannot wait a day or two of extension well why not but no more agree within two days we will pay you Allow me to doubt it you will be able to Sell all the grain all the forage in fact that is what I'm going to do but and we small landowners will pay sir this time you won't keep our land for a few measly dollars your game is over someone will help us your girlfriend right that doesn't matter to you you will receive every last cent and very soon you will be with us James Get ready to cross the border and bring Brad immediately to gather his men in the big house. You understand, come on, I have a little job for [Music] tij said something, we are not trying to soften yet, let's talk. With what money are you going to pay your debts, let me continue with He will say it right away , enough, enough, I'll talk, don't hit me anymore, I'll talk, what is your dear Donaldson up to? He has a friend, a banker from Wisconsin, convinced to set up a bank here. The bank will have a gold reserve that will free up our credits, but I don't know anything else, I swear. nothing more That's enough I don't need to continue talking [Music] ha [Music] as you see we are already in uniform who is it this time at Donaldson's ranch the same little job I want something more that you also bring me his skin that is not very easy If they lock themselves in the house, they will be able to resist for several days. Light a fire and leave when they come out. Two or three men with good aim will be enough . southerners come fos in the house quickly let's take the [Music] weapons [Music] H [Applause] [Music] [Music] the [ Music] stop you three quickly get out unife now it's Donal's turn and be careful I didn't make a mistake we'll wait for you at the Dusk in the big house , stay still, we'll go slowly, otherwise they'll run and hide. Have you ever seen that Donaldson guy? I haven't. It's not easy either. Just watch who gives the orders. Ah [Music] Of course, what the hell happened, it seems like we're at war. southern bandits and you Who are strangers passing by I have asked Who you are eh calm down friend you are Maybe the boss to give the orders not the boss it is me so it is with you we want to talk ahead talk I listen to you Well [Music] listen to us you have saved my life thank you Invite me for a drink Of course my house is at your disposal Here comes the sheriff Tell him that you killed them if you have accounts to settle with the law Don't worry now you have acted within it I have accounts to settle but not with the law You have gotten rid of a good donalson I am happy for you what are you planning to do Sheriff what do you want me to do as soon as I get to the river I will have to stop as always I cannot cross the border Maybe this time they have stopped earlier to wait for these three alone I can promise you that if I find them they will regret having been born we are going on horseback Mr. Donaldson very little has been saved from the grain and the forage Everything has been lost damn bandits if Black were still alive how did you know him Of course I convinced him to stay with We were a brave man when he was the bandits did not dare to attack I had heard that he was an outlaw an outlaw who told you that story Black was the best ally we had Los Rancheros Black Yes my brother died to me saved my life, this dollar took away the strength of the bullet that would have killed me. It is truly incredible, it is clear that everything points to mcoy, and only he benefits from the presence of the bandits in this area and only he was interested in their death. I am sure that my brother I had some suspicion, I'm sure I remember it now. Black was here exactly the same day he was killed. He seemed happy and said that our problems were about to be solved. He knew something very important. What it was, we will never know. But before leaving, he added that he had a gun that It was worth more than his gun that day they killed him he doesn't remember anything else I just wrote a letter something you have to see it is undoubtedly black found proof that the bandits were acting for macori yes it could be But then why didn't he use it because they killed him before that I could do it where my brother lived in an old factory up north in the hills the big house the big house Thanks donaldson that's valuable information do you think he would leave that evidence hidden in his house There's only one chance against 100 but I have to go to look for whatever Hey, when is the stagecoach from the south arriving, I'm sorry, I don't know, well, don't worry, for a moment you'll need food or money, no, thank you very much, I have enough with my [Music] dollar ah Hey, I, where the hell have you been sleeping, let's go You you think this is the best way to watch wake up get up [Music] Thank you [Music] friend [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] ah [Music] ah [Music] 0:43:56.080,1193:02:47.295 [Music ] no [Music] ch [Music] stay still, I'm seven men, right, the boss is missing, yes, the boss, well, we'll wait for him, come on [Music] what's happening, come in, you too, come in, what are you looking for, who told you that I'm looking for something ? It's very clear, you haven't killed them, you have reason they have put a price on my head because of a hard-headed teller, I thought that I would work well with you, this is my business card and this is proof of my loyalty, so if you admit me into your Squad, when you turn your back you will be able to be more calm down a fifth of the profits and will never dispute my orders Deal done that fifth part was mine Shut up you let yourself be caught like a rookie because that idiot was behind the window and had the opportunity to shoot him because you didn't shoot he could have hit you you were afraid that's it you started running like a southern pig what are you you stay still [Music] You are also a jista like him yes but not like him yes am me Sultan shot get away and learn to shoot good aim well it's not bad now it's my turn [Music] me good for white [Music] [Applause] captain I could have killed him yesterday but I didn't because I recognized him I'm also from Rich it was the captain but I wouldn't like you to go saying it because I know how to keep my mouth shut when I want but one ojara Bandit And Why are you, like so many others, I was a prisoner and I was able to escape with the help of a deserter, the rest came on its own, there is no honor, whoever loses honor belongs to oneself and no one can take it away from us, that's not how it is, but you have also put it at your service. Brad, what are you doing here, chatting for a while is that it is forbidden, I warned you, they are southerners, you should not trust them. Be careful, stay still outside, the two of you, the boss is going to arrive, the boss, so who are you who will give you the orders, outside? said Good morning boss This is the new reinforcement we have already met somewhere maybe I hope he is worth more than the idiot Rex and that his companions it is incredible to fail with Donaldson and let himself be killed that old man is tough to crack boss and he has known how to defend himself well That's enough, guys, now you can prepare to make a big hit. Gold, he said, gold. Yes, in bullion. A friend of Donaldson wants to set up a new bank in Yellostone. Tomorrow a shipment of gold reserves will arrive. The Sheriff of For Best will escort you until you reach the limit. They will have to cross the vulture pass that will be the place of the attack with the usual uniforms this time there is no need the dead do not remember anything guys Until [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sight [Applause] [Laughter] That's fine Stop that music Rebel I don't want to go Play the yany Doodle I play what I want I said play the yany Doodle and now that we're drinking you did it on purpose this time you're wrong friend without whiskey I'm like pe out of the water of all ways I am willing to repair it where you buy Whiskey there is a store at the crossroads I will go to look for it No you it is not fair that you pay for it but going to buy it is too much what is happening you don't trust me I haven't said that I'm just saying that you're not going Come on , they'll pay less attention to the good boy. At least let me pay for it. Hey, boy, wait, listen to me carefully for the second time. My life is in your hands. I'm not a Bandit. I never thought he was one. Mr. Donaldson is my friend. Go see him and tell him. Everything you know I don't betray you have to do it I know that for you horror still means something enough just leave me alone you have to go [Applause] hey what's wrong family problems we argued about the quality of the whiskey I like the Virginia one better agreement [Music] [Music] agreement [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] wait here Hello donalson We are already prepared we have to change the plans the bandits will attack the expedition of gold in the vultures pass, how do you know? I have received information and what you plan to do. We will have to cross the gorge along the Río path. As soon as we have managed to save the cargo, you will return to the Los Buitres pass. The bandits will be waiting for the gold, but You will fill them with lead. What do you think? Yes, I like it. It's an excellent idea. Let's go. But what has happened to you that [__] takes me? Since when you don't arrive three days in advance, I have daughters and yes, a boy, I want to be present [Laughs] eight daughters welcome madam thank you Here is a hotel there you have it madam the bellestar would like to do the favor of taking care of my luggage s Yes madam a very pretty woman if we had her in the living room [Music] income pretty and alone in a town on the border It is rare in a lady Try to find out you never know tell me do you know the Lord ohara Gary ohara who are you I am your wife you are referring to someone who had a beard Well the truth is oara's wife it is so nice to meet you lady come with me accompany me thank you please come in you here please excuse me have you seen come up here please it must be a new acquisition Hey beautiful invite us for a drink here Lord my dear Peter this is more than I expected a moment mac the lady is Gary ohara's wife Gary ohara go ahead ma'am How are you well thank you please sit down it must have been a long trip no Yes from Virginia how come you came to yell Stone you knew that the one I was supposed to meet here with my husband was waiting for me your husband was a good boy Gary was a brave determined man Why do you say he was Mrs. Ojara try to have courage why What has happened to him has he died dead No it is not possible it is not possible it cannot be true [Music] a certain Bandit was in the service of the law [Music] Black They have killed him in the tavern in a fight and in a cowardly way the whole town has felt it . Where, where is his grave, Peter will see, you know where it is. Don't go looking for James. How he says that the whole town has felt it and he doesn't know where. he is buried It is true that he has died G unfortunately it is true you are not sincere you are hiding something from me What is the truth I have the right to know please madam calm down here I am I remember wrong you did not take care of Gary's burial oara in fact madam I would like to know where her husband is buried, accompany her there, you know. Yes, sir, come with me, we will try to console [Laughs] let's walk, what the hell is happening, I'll tell you what's happening, this southern pig has gone to tell Donaldson, don't move where you want to go, I'm sure you'll He sent that one, you agree, it has nothing to do with it, it was my idea, what do you have to say, judge for yourself. If I had wanted to sell, I would have done it to you on the first day, I had you in my possession very well. If you are one of us, prove it, we will grant you the honor to put an end to this damned [Music] spy [Music] I'm not like you I don't kill an unarmed man I don't have fun giving him a gun and I'll hunt him like a rabbit it will be fun go give them two [Music] rifles [Music] [Music ] [Music] [Music] [Laughs] laelo you have been funny you are a worm But you don't know what you are looking for and I want to know what it is guys [Applause] yes they buried him very far from yost it won't be long now eh br esp here look what's coming Who is this a guest of honor owned by [Laughs] Maori Come with me stay still it's the boss's thing take her inside and tie her up like this she won't do anything stupid don't worry br I'll take care of [Music] she I said come let me not let me go no I haven't said that [Music] stay still [Music] [Applause] jud [Music] [Music] [Music] ha [Music] stop let's rest for a while well guys What do you think if we have a drink to celebrate good idea Don This is a great moment sher the tyranny is over deori you first my friend [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now m will be happy You go take the car aad at the pace of the vultures boys let's take a drink invites [Music] donaldson no don't come closer no no canaya no you're not afraid I'll be good to you judi judi [Music] let's run away from here they can come back at any moment you've already searched everywhere and there's nothing sure that pH had a test it must be somewhere What does it matter you know Now the truth is not the serif will never accept the word of a southerner against that of the most important citizen of Yellowstone and the bandits here come come run in search of the being Tell him to come here immediately and you I will try to entertain them hurry up go there they won't see you [Music] go away [Music] [Music] come down ID let's see if the southern man has loosened his tongue yes [Music] Do you want water or do you prefer another little bit of come out , talk, you're going to pay me [Music] Hala [Music] And what has happened to your husband there protecting my escape we have to hurry his life is in danger calm down lady after everything you've told me I won't waste a moment shif I'm sorry, what's wrong, Maori, he's already gone to the big house, bad, we have to let him know, take that woman to Macori's house, I'll explain to you later, you three. Come [Music] with me [Music] H Makori and Sheriff Judy [Music] ah [Music] What a massacre has happened, look [Music] [Applause] you, I have been saved by a miracle Who was the shif, he killed them all and went to look for the gold, damned traitor, he won't get it. He's going to pay me [Music] come on Sheriff a gang of men approaches and the southern man has disappeared the gold if among them there is Ojara shot to kill the gold is here let's see who those are [Music] ah [Music] ah you yes I the southern man has warned me in time stupid idiot we would have shared everything and then it will be only mine that southerner has made fun of both of us That's who you are where are you going stop him I swear [Music] 1:20:52.720,1193:02:47.295 [Music] Put two men on guard to shoot anyone who approaches Ohara's widow is here, how is that, the sheriff sent her, the sheriff, hey guys, you in the porch you behind who helped you escape the damn southerner right yes and he will kill you all Oh that's the thing eh My men will settle the score haato where is he at home at home decori eh I'm here come at you he won't shoot go up quickly Climb be careful [Music] Gary Shut up or you'll be the one who dies If you take one more step the one with the fingerprint throw away that gun and give me the other one with the [Music] ammunition [Music] and [Music] [Music] [Music] k me [Music] ] you recognize in [Music] person to this I owe the Black era life of my [Music] brother [Music] there is still a bullet left And at this distance it does not fail Gary Gary leave it we the citizens of Yellowstone will do justice [Music] to [ Music] T [Music] [Applause] [Music] H [Music] than
Channel: Western360
Views: 1,314,694
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Id: -f20kybdzg8
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Length: 88min 2sec (5282 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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