UN adding Israel to ‘blacklist’ of countries harming children in conflict

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we'll get more on that from Gaza we've got hanim Mahmud is reporting in darl Bala this is in central Gaza Sara kyat will have the Israeli reaction first they want to go straight to un headquarters in New York and Gabriel elzando who is following this and so Gabe tell me more about the this report it's important because this is essentially a list of uh parties to conflict who commit grave violations against children we are eight months into this war and actually every few years we have seen the bombardment of the Gaza Strip the UN seems to have shied away from this move but now it's happening yeah that's right and maybe the secretary General's hand was almost forced because as you mentioned uh more than 15,000 children now dead in Gaza since Israel began its war on Gaza now this is a list that is put out by the Secretary General every year for many years now and no country or no party to an armed conflict wants to be on this list in fact it's uh known as the list of Shame if you will uh and so that is why Israel has pushed for many years not to be included on this despite many uh reports of Israel uh injuring and killing Palestinian children well that has now changed they are on this list confirmed uh this list that will be released later this month however the UN was sort of forced to confirm this today on Friday because the secretary General's office uh kind of gave a heads up to the UN Ambassador uh the Israeli ambassador to the UN and then he posted on social media a response and the recording of the phone call and that certainly uh outraged the United Nations this was their response to that the call was a courtesy for rep it to countries that are newly listed on the annex of the report it is done to give those countries a heads up and avoid leaks uh Ambassador uh eron's video recording of that phone call and the partial release of that recording on Twitter is shocking and unacceptable and frankly something I've never seen in my 24 years serving this organization Gabe are there any practical implications or Consequences to Israel being included on this list well we asked the spokesperson that he said well that's up for every member state to really decide but certainly uh this sends a very loud and clear message uh that Israel is in violation of their obligation to protect children during armed conflict there's certainly some political and very much diplomatic consequences because this really includes Israel on a list that no country or any armed any party to an conflict wants to be part of uh this is an extensive report that's put out every year just last year it was more than 40 pages long it's very detailed and so now it essentially will put more pressure on Israel now that they are part of this and that is why they have uh tried to not be included for so many years thank you very much gabri alander bringing all the latest on this from un headquarters in New York responding to the UN disclosure the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement today the UN added itself to The Black List of history when it joined those who support the hamamass murderers the IDF is the most moral army in the world no delusional un decision will change that Sara kyat joins us live now from Aman any other reaction from Israeli politicians to this yeah Mariam there's been uh a few statements with the same sentiment we heard from the Israeli foreign minister Israel cats and he uh posted on X saying a shameful decision an act of villainy he called it but he also says that Antonio guz will be remembered in history as an anti-semitic uh Secretary General who chose to ignore hamas's sexual crimes and Israel's right to defend itself and of course adding that it's a statement they've always uh maintained throughout that they are the most moral army in the world and then we've also heard from one of the war cabinet members Benny uh Gant in a statement saying that we will continue to fight our just War he says the UN puts Israel on the same boat with Isis while Israel is waging a just war and it's in uh in accordance to International uh law um you've also heard uh and this is being reported by local Israeli media Mar Ben that's the National Security uh Minister that definitely always has something uh to say and he is saying that the response to this dangerous matter must be harsh and should include sanctions against un officials well U not long ago earlier in the week actually uh the UN had passed a preliminary Bill designating unra as uh the uh as a terrorist organization and they were looking also uh to bring in further sanctions against the organization but also earlier today a statement saying that they had targeted a number of Hamas Fighters that had been coordinating and gathering in a uh an area that was in a school they said in a container and they showed a photograph of that saying that it this container was based in a un School in the Gaza Strip so this is the reason why Israel has says it has been attacking the UN right from the start of this war but certainly some strong reaction there from the Israelis they won't take this uh lightly they'll definitely uh be making their voice heard and this will probably affect those bills that they had pushed forward in the knesset thank you very much Sarah reporting to us from Aman and a reminder again that Ben make sure to subscribe to our channel to get the latest news from Al jaer
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Keywords: Al Jazeera, Al Jazeera English, Al Jazeera Latest, Al Jazeera Live, Al Jazeera Live News, Al Jazeera Video
Id: 7UeY19a1eu0
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Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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