Ultrawides Are The Best for Productivity and Here Are 5 Reasons Why

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Altoids and their super Altoid Brethren are the best for productivity and I'm going to give you five reasons why and I'm going to address some of the issues that detractors bring up starting off with number five it's multiple monitors yes you can have multiple monitors with an altde for some reason there's a mental block out there where some people think that going alde means you have to give up your multiple monitors but you don't you may have to explore different multim monitor configurations depending on the size of the alt ride you get however which leads us into reason number four which is size which traditional 16x9 monitors limited mostly to 27 and 32 in sizes with a huge jump up to a 43in productivity monitor with anything larger than that being an OLED gaming M that risks burning from productivity use and has a DPI that starts becoming too low for comfortably using with text Alto monitors fill in those gaps with 34 38 and 40in sizes and go beyond with 45 49 and now 57 in option and these can all offer resolution with appropriate DPI at each of these sizes which brings us to reason number three resolution options with 16x9 Modi have three main resolutions we have 1080p which if you're trying to be productive nowadays is a pretty useless resolution as you can barely fit an entire email on that resolution anymore so we're going to focus on 1440p and 4K 1440p looks great at 27 in where it can run any single app fantastically but struggles to be useful for side to side apps at 32 2 in it starts to become unsatisfactory for text but doesn't increase your usable workspace 4K has enough pixels to accommodate more than one app at a time but at 27 in it is almost no more useful than 1440p as you will need scale up the UI unless you want to work like this all day it is great for reading due to its very high DPI but not useful for increasing productivity 32in 4K does provide a meaningful increase to the workspace available though depending on your vision you may not maximize the for 4K resolution potential if you can't resolve a higher DPI without using scaling now when we look at Alto wides we see the 34 and 38 in match the PPI of the 27-in 1440p monitor but with more usable inches of screen allowing opening up multiple apps on one screen the 40-in altde matches the DPI of the 32in 4K but adds 34% more pixels worth of width getting into the very large size monitors we have the 43in 4K with slightly lower DPI than the 27in 1440p but not by much and it allows you to leverage every single Pixel of the 4K resolution though whether those pixels are all in the right place to make for an effective workspace is another thing and we have the 45 and 49 in 1440p super alra wides which provide the same workspace as two side-by-side 1440p monitors while providing a more usable workspace there's also the 57 in super ultra wide that provides the same pixel and DPI as side by-side 32 2in 4K monitors then there are the super high resolution 6K and 8K 16x9 monitors but they are limited to 32 in providing no extra usable workspace than a 4k monitor of the same size making them unsuitable for work outside of photographers who want to see every pixel of their image on screen at the same time which brings us to reason number two workspace the way you're able to arrange your programs on your screen or screens is critical to how productive you can be and the combin com ation of screen size and resolution is what determines how effective that is a classic 16x9 1440p monitor is fantastic for working on a single focused application the higher than 1080p resolution gives you a bit more Elbow Room to accommodate toolbars without making your workspace feel cramped but even with that extra resolution you still don't have enough space to run two apps side by side and getting a larger size 32in variant doesn't fix that as raw pixel count is what's limiting the function fun ality the 21 by9 144b counterpart however does have enough space to run two office apps side by side you will still be a bit cramped if you need to use sidebars in the apps though if you use a creative program like Photoshop or video editors the extra width and resolution means that a larger workspace and makes working on even 16x9 content better as you can show the whole content with minimal scaling and still have plenty of room for toolbars and the extra room you get in timelines means less time scrolling and more time editing if you're doing something like Photoshop or video editing the extra width of 21 by9 is not enough to do side by-side apps at this resolution the 38 in 3840 x600 altde monitor makes for an even better side by side experience making sidebar usage and non-issue and while you do get a nice bump and usable real estate I would still probably only use full screen with creative apps like Photoshop or resolve when stepping up to the 4K resolution at 27 in the lack of extra f physical size really cuts the legs out from under the usefulness of the immense increase in pixels making a 27in 4K have really no more usable screen real estate than a 1440p monitor as you will need to use Windows scaling to make it usable if you don't want to break your neck by working like this all day honestly this screen size and resolution combo should be avoided for trying to increase your productivity unless you just want a really nice reading monitor with a high DPI stepping up to the Third 32in size really opens up a lot of the working potential of the 4K resolution making side by-side app usage as usable if not possibly more usable than 34in 21 by9 aldes despite having less physical width it has more pixel width and height to play around with so if you have 2020 Vision or an upto-date prescription you won't need to use any scaling at this size and can get all the benefits of that resolution but Alto wides have a 5120 X 2160 P altde monitor option at a very nice 40in size with the same vertical height and sharpness of a 32in 4k monitor but with that extra width that makes side-by-side app usage extremely comfortable and can even pull off three side-by-side apps at the same time though it's less comfortable to do than on one of the 49in monitors despite the same horizontal resolution and a higher vertical resolution going Beyond three apps for either the 32 or the 40in alt wides is not real reasonable for doing actual work despite their ability to have four full HD or high resolution workspaces shown at the same time the actual physical space these take up is quite small making them only suitable for monitoring but not working stepping up in size to a 43in 4k monitor does allow for the full leveraging of every single Pixel a 4k monitor can provide and allows for you to have four full HD workspaces of a usable size but again we come to the point where 1080p is would BEC less useful resolution for getting work done and if you go any larger than 1080p you start running into issues with the size of your other windows and most jumbo screen users end up using it with a primary floating Center window for work with reference materials to the sides and behind or just going along side by side when using two primary references even on my 40-in 5120 X 2160p altde I prefer working in floating windows for a lot of the apps now if you're trying to pick between dual 1440p or if 5120 x 1440p super alt wide having all the pixels on one monitor has some big advantages first you can have up to three Windows comfortably open in front of you at the same time and have your primary app directly in front of your seating position having the option for an absolutely monstrous active window with a timeline that goes on for miles is great for creatives as for side by-side 32-in 4K monitors the altde family used to not have an answer to this but now the massive 57 in 7680 by 2160p monitor exists and allows for the ultimate workspace flexibility whether you want to be working with two 4K screens three Quad HD screens with all the height of a 4K screen a single 4K centered flanked by two full HD columns that could be used for two to four other apps or one gigantic pixel Rich screen that allows for a tremendous workspace almost all these configurations allow you to keep your head and neck pointed straight forward at the center image and that leads us to the number one reason you should get alde for productivity ergonomics if you can't work comfortably you can't work well but why should you listen to An altde Loving YouTuber about ergonomics well it's not because I did an afternoon's worth of research about that subject before writing an article like a lot of tech journalists do it's because I've been a product manager for Herman Miller managing high performance workstations for8 and a half years and I've received and done my fair share of ergonomic training as part of a company that is synonymous with ergonomics in the workspace and ALT wides just allow you to maintain a more ergonomic working posture single monitor versus single monitor they are better at maximizing your binocular range of vision for working without the need for neck movement Beyond micro movements when you compare a dual screen solution versus a super altde it's no competition because your core is locked into a straight on posture due to the placement of your keyboard and mouse the alt's ability to provide you with a centered workspace is tremendously better for your neck and allows you to use the sides for reference materials if you're a three screen kind of worker and think that alt wides would have to be less ergonomic due to the screen configuration I would beg to differ and suggest a stack third screen with the super altde below if your seat is set up correctly it is perfectly designed to support this setup with virtually no change to your neck posture and while your chair can swivel to face side monitor's head on once again your hands will have to leave the keyboard and mouse to do so so you'd be choosing between functionality and ergonomics with a standard side by-side setup where with the alt wide and the stack monitor you would have both function and ergonomics now of course there will be workflows that require these screens to all be aligned horizontally but if you're already committed to Big neck swings to look at your reference materials a standard altde centered monitor would still maximize a functionality of your primary working space assuming you don't have to have identical aspect ratios for all three screens for some reason there you have it those are the five reasons why your next productivity monitor should be an altta white and if you're a work from home gamer you should check out my video on why an altde should be your next gaming monitor I'm Scott and I'll see you next time alwi fans
Channel: Ultrawide Tech
Views: 2,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultrawide monitor, super ultrawide monitor, best productivity monitor, best productivity monitor 2024, best productivity monitor 2023, productivity, 21:9, 32:9, 3440x1440, 4k, 1440p, 3840x1600, 5120x1440, 5120x2160, 7860x2160, monitor, best monitor, best ultrawide monitor 2023, 5120x2160 monitor, 5120x1440 productivity monitor
Id: ONcTnpQW4E4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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