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want to learn how to do this and this then keep watching P2 is one of the new levels in the most recent update and can be unlocked by completing P1 and perfect ranking all of X2 the pedor location is a level 6-2 you can find it by sliding underneath this Gap upon loading select the rocket launcher I suggest the new SRS Canon since we'll be using it in the first room use the Rocket Jump technique which I showcased in my guide which you can find here by this point you should be charging the SRS Canon pop up the alleyway and turn left once inside the first room be prepared for four sub Ray to spawn Fiverr Cannibal at 1 then detonate it with the electric rail Cannon this is a new insta kill I have developed specifically for this level since there are many serve right to kill in awkward positions then simply use any of the rocket launchers to lower the half of the server Ray try to even out this damage between them as once there are only two remaining a ferryman will spawn once they are all low on health indicated via the cracks in their bodies Kill Them All the ferryman will spawn alongside two virtues hidden outside the room at this point your rail Cannon should be refilled use it in conjunction with four coins to deal good damage this is one of the hardest rooms simply because there is no space to run just keep moving once the ferryman is dead use the virtues as a free health boost by this point the timer should be at about 50 seconds prepare a charge shot on the revolver a whole barrage of enemies will spawn with a swords machine in the middle use both the charge shot and an electric rail Cannon shot on the swords machine then Parry a projectile boost into it this will send it into its down state which you can then Whiplash 2 and shotgun swap to kill it quickly then focus on the sentries you should be able to kill the first of the two before they fire a shot simply Dash to avoid damage then kill the remaining enemies Dodge the mine player and head into the cramped corridor charge another Cannonball and fire up the Cerberus down the hall once again explode the cannonball with the blue rail Cannon then kill the two street cleaners and leave the hallway ASAP the mine flare will easily kill you if you remain in this room head directly to the back wall to kill the Sentry then you simply Dodge the two mine flares projectiles whilst fighting the two sword machines two virtues and two militias faces will then spawn so let the pump charge shotgun and prepare an overpump to use on the virtues Whiplash to them wait until you bump into it and then fire Dodge immediately to avoid damage and instantly Kill The Virtue repeat for the other if you're struggling with the timing I suggest practicing this technique in the sandbox because it is the easiest insta kill for the virtues and is usable in almost every level then you simply need to Whiplash onto the malicious faces and shotgun swap to kill them quickly once done the idols will be available to break I suggest using the knuckle Blaster to blow them up because the shock wave can sometimes destroy both Idols instantly then it is a simple dual mind layer fight once they are dead Whiplash the blue skull by this point the timer should be at 2 minutes 30 seconds prepare an overheat Blast from the green nail gun in the Next Room Tusa sophian interactionists will spawn hop over the initial shock wave and use the overheat on one and then use the electric rail Cannon make use of the new SRS Cannon against them as it has a unique function it can stun interactionists you can also Whiplash The Cannonball and pairing it into the other interactionist to stun them both once the area is clear select the electric rail Cannon head into the room previously locked behind the blue skull Whiplash onto one of the two virtues and line them up to kill both in a single rail counter shot shotguns swap the malicious faces and then kill the Sentry don't forget to dash to avoid the Sentry shot prepare a cannonball and blue rail Cannon combination on one of the two serbite located ahead once one is killed immediately grapple onto the malicious face and dash to avoid its projectiles this was the method I found easiest to avoid falling off the platforms it will also bounce the sentries into the ceiling killing them instantly enter the final room and prepare an attack on the swords machine that spawns here I like to use a level 3 pump on the green shotgun followed by a blue rail Cannon shot the swords machine will then fall into its down state then I shotgun swap to kill it swiftly use whatever you prefer however I'm sure there are more efficient methods to killing it this will reduce the amount of Boss enemies in this particular room from here on simply keep moving there's not a ton of advice to give use coins in the fairy man since they are easily missed if you are struggling I suggest playing the Cyber gland a lot of the Encounters in P2 are very easy Once you have game Knowledge from the Cyber ground in the final stage of the fight moving around is key the server I will easily kill you if you don't by this stage the timer should be at about 5 minutes head down to the boss room prepare another Cannonball plus blue rail Cannon shot once the flesh panopticon spawns use the combination and Whiplash onto the summons the panopticon is not a real boss in the sense that you do not need to kill it Sisyphus Prime will eventually preemptively escape the prison however you do need to be prepared as it will spam a huge number of explosive projectiles which also predict your movement using the summons as grapple points is great to dodge these once the panopticon is dead slam up and down in an attempt to heal yourself from the blood explosion now it's time to fight Sisyphus Prime this boss is not too difficult once you understand the moveset similarly to minus Prime he will announce most of his attacks via name I would suggest practicing the boss instead of using the explanation of the attacks in this guide as it will teach you how to subconsciously react to the attacks rather than remembering the notes given from this guide also turn on the game's subtitles I like to begin the fight with the Cannonball plus blue rail Cannon combo as it deals a large chunk of Health whilst being almost instantaneous you could also have a user railcoin combination as setofus Prime simply walks towards V1 at the beginning of the battle you can't escape It's a combination of punches and kicks which ends in a shock wave you can avoid the first three attacks by sliding in different directions for the final stomp jump and dash to avoid the move and Shockwave you can Parry the final stomp however it will still deal damage so I prefer to prepare an overheat blast prior to firing a single shot from the blue nail gun as this instantly heats up the Green Arrow gun you could also use a railcoin combination for much more damage it's a simple vertical shock wave which is easily avoided with a dash or a slide it is also periable destroyed is essentially gogeta's Stardust breaker he stands still and throws a few Sparkles at you which eventually explode it supposedly can be parried but I wasn't able to figure out how I'm not sure if it's the explosion that is Parable or the throw either way you can dodge this with a well-timed dash or grappling to Sisyphus if he is far away it should be noted this attack is only used after Sisyphus does an unnamed attack this will hurt is an easily avoidable attack since the first stops moving and primes a self-detonation it doesn't damage him though it is the longest poison action during the fight which allows you to deal humongous amounts of damage I like to use a cannibal Plus Electric rail Cannon combo if available it's basically a talk move similar to Gabriel's in Phase 2 Sisyphus becomes Relentless with seemingly infinite stamina however there are brief pauses in action in which he will simply walk towards you use these moments to regain how fire shotgun swapping during phase 2 it is very important to keep Awareness on where Sisyphus is it is incredibly easy to get combat by him at this stage keep sliding to avoid the majority of his attacks I like to use coins the blue rail Cannon and the green rocket launcher as they require less accuracy which is helpful when trying to focus on dodging attacks keep an eye on your stamina too as it's tempting to dash at every opportunity you should be aiming to beat P2 by 10 minutes 20 seconds time and style should not be a problem during this level if you notice you're lacking on style points coins are a great and easy way to boost the score taking damage will also always be the number one contributor to bad start score so even if you think you're fine since you haven't died you have lots of HP try not to just tank damage and instead avoid it I hope this guide was helpful it will be difficult and frustrating to complete since you need to retry the entire level after each attempt but it is doable this is easily the most difficult level of the game so good luck thanks for watching foreign
Channel: NOVA
Views: 70,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultrakill, p-2, ultrakill p-2, ultrakill p-2 guide, ultrakill p2, ultrakill p2 guide, ultrakill act 2, ultrakill prime sanctum, ultrakill guide, sisyphus prime, ultrakill sisyphus, ultrakill sisyphus prime, ultrakill p rank, p-rank, perfect rank, p-rank guide, p rank guide, perfect rank guide, p-2 guide, ultrakill p-2 p rank, p-2 p rank, ultrakill p rank guide, ultrakill sisyphus prime guide, p-2 p rank guide, how to p rank p-2, p 2 ultrakill, sisyphus prime guide
Id: GUYxmbylvyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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