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[Music] oh boy kids we're gonna be looking at a new blood interactive game today you probably thought it was going to be something finished like dusk or a medieval but nope we're looking at the chappie robot game ultrakill not technically finished yet they only have one episode available oh sorry one act available but i've got so much to say and gush about this game that i decided to give it its own video first off if you've never played a new blood game and you hate retro graphics then cover your poor eyes because new blood's overall aesthetic is inspired by retro shooters like quake and half-life when the founder was stuck with his ancient dinosaur computer while the rest of the industry was moving on this is all he had and as someone who grew up in a similar situation this really resonated with me because dusk on the surface looks like your typical quake clone and i didn't really think it was going to be worth my time but then i played it oh god did i play it dusk made me a fan of new blood and one day i'd love to go and experience the rest of their library but for now we're just going to take a look at their upcoming do maternal quake devil may cry hodgepodge of a game because it's all i've been able to think about for the past few days aside from my deus ex review which is proving to be a bit longer than i anticipated man is dead blood is fuel hell is full it doesn't get more metal than that i hope you're not here for a narrative because that's all we've got for a while 99 of the story is relegated to the end of an episode much like classic doom or quake which is fine with me ultrakill feels a lot like doom eternal and sirius sam's bastard child with a hint of titanfall's movement tech you start off with the badass sequence where you're dropping into hell and after these opening credits you grab your pistol boom welcome to ultrakill god i love it when games do that it starts off standard with your typical rushdown goons followed by your projectile throwing imps but oh no this is not your typical doom clone with a well-timed melee attack you can parry the projectiles right back at them which not only deals splash damage to everything nearby but gives you a hell of a score bonus to your rank which is important if you want to master each level the rest of the level is fine it teaches you mechanics like the dash and wall jump and the ground slam which sends enemies up letting you pick them out of the air god it just feels so good but hell why stop there shoot the glass out from under their feet and laugh as they fall to their death after death every level ends with this cool repeating backdrop as it gives you your general stats as well as a grade for time kills and style points and a secret challenge that can really go fuck itself oh what the fuck the beginning of each level also gives you the chance to buy upgrades for your guns a standard upgrade station but the upgrades it gives you are far from standard let's start with the revolver because that's all we've got right now by default you have a charge shot secondary fire nothing too fancy but the second upgrade is where things start to get crazy [Applause] oh jesus fuck all right so here's my first critique the ricochet coin is way too fucking powerful it's able to clear out mooks near the end of the episode with a single shot though there is an argument to be made that it requires a higher skill level than just point and click because the coin can be a bit unpredictable at times and that by making it weaker it's no longer rewarding you for the skill required to pull it off and then it just becomes a whole matter of hey look a giant face by the second level you start seeing this aim-looking robot mowing down everything in the background while you work your magic you're supposed to fight him later on but you can find a secret to encounter him a bit early and take his shotgun earlier than you're supposed to and by god this shotgun is something else starting with a simple grenade launcher alternate fire that can be launched further depending on how long you hold the trigger for great for groups of these green armless fuckos which can almost guarantee you an s-rank multiplier but if that's not your thing you can punch the shotgun rounds with good timing to make them faster and explode on contact yes punch your shotgun rounds to make them faster i'd honestly make a bigger deal about it if civi didn't already beat me to it in this next level you do need the shotgun's alt-fire to open this path and proceed on but because i fought sword machine in the last level i could just skip ahead and move on but who the hell do you think i am come on sword machine let's go round two god this level was ass what lies ahead is a level none too spectacular but still managed to kill me many times thanks to the secret encounter two malicious heads and i think that because of the difficulty i'm playing on they get enraged and fire these massive aoes that i found incredibly difficult to avoid in this cramped space but i got it a d rank in time and eight retries fucking hell everything culminates with the final level of the prologue cerberus abandon all hope ye hu oh fuck welcome to the first real boss of ultrakill but don't get too cozy this guy's about to become a regular enemy later on this guy gave me some trouble the first time i played the demo but became incredibly easy once i realized that i have borderline infinite health if i damage him at point blank oh look he came to avenge his brother what's up mr angry ice welcome to limbo a lot more peaceful than the 2011 game don't let the looks deceive you we're still very much in hell if it wasn't obvious by the fake look of the place hey do you remember those city scanners from half-life 2 well now they're enemies here who dodge every time you hit them which only becomes a problem once you find the nail gun later in the level yeah we're going full quake here with this nail gun here's a malicious face to try it on the spread of the nail gun doesn't make it ideal for long-range combat but the alternate fire creates a homing beacon for your nails to follow allowing you to focus on your movement while the alt-fire puts in all the work and can be comboed with a second upgrade weaponizing its own overheating gimmick and creating a volley of destruction holy fuck oh no limbo is actually hell who would have thought anyways if you break this wall down here oh oh god i know this dungeon suvi open the door i just want to talk you [Music] it feels like almost every first person shooter needs to have a smaller version of a boss as an enemy and ultrakill is no exception so say hi to these mini sword machines they're immune to your ground slam and your shotgun grenades bounce right off of them but they react especially nasty when hit with the ricochet coin the game goes all slow-mo and gives me a big old hit of dopamine meaning i'm not going to cry myself to sleep tonight the level that follows is a long one if you're going for completionist because of its split paths otherwise it's fairly short you only need one skull key to open the store but if you go out of your way to find both you have an optional boss encounter with two sword machines that need to be killed within a short time of each other or else they'll just pick themselves right back up a fun fight that did a great job at kicking my ass except that i triggered the checkpoint by the end of the level before i hit the checkpoint here so when i died at the boss at the end of the level it booted me back to the double sword machine fight so that was fun if you've played the demo you might remember this guy appearing at the beginning of limbo and yeah he's a bitch and not only is he a transforming scorpion but you can only hit him on the fleshy bits i found that sticking a homing beacon to his tail helped the best he had this pinch mode at the end but if i'm being honest i don't really know it was different limbo level 4 is a bit of a lore episode setting up this gabriel character who seems to be some kind of angelic hero or something i mean v1 the robot that we're playing as also has those angel wings so i'm not entirely sure what's going on here forgive me gabriel if you're just playing casually there's not really much else to this stage you do have this roman numeral door with each prior level having a roman numeral switch in it that you can press number three is after that double sword machine fight in the last stage and if you keep an eye out for them they shouldn't be too hard to find you just have to know to look for them i didn't find these until my fourth playthrough or so and i was a tad underwhelmed when all i got was another revolver but oh god was i wrong it's an attachment for an attachment making your default pistol do as much damage as a charge shot and it feels so fucking busted where did he go have i ever told you that one of my favorite tropes of any video game is an evil version of the main character i have no idea what just happened v2 flew into the sky and dealt a massive amount of damage to himself v2 escaped so i can only assume that we're going to be seeing more of him in the future and he's just another you but hey in the meantime i have this cool red arm now it can't parry but it hits way harder and can create a point-blank explosive dealing massive damage to anything close by you can swap between these arms with the g key which gives me some serious do maternal vibes and i'm not complaining there part 3 lust because it's not hell without the seven deadly sins and of course it's presented with a vibrant blue and neon pink vaporwave-esque setting if i say that i love the design of lust does that put me on a list i'm not the biggest fan of lust as a set of levels though a couple levels force you to break these power boxes and move on with these smaller cramped environments and with the new soldier enemies that fire five projectiles at you at once it kinda becomes a pain you can find another lore book if you're looking hard enough establishing this gabriel character to be a real asshole claiming to be doing god's work either we're the bad guys or this guy is beyond fucked it's not long before we get the railgun and the real fun of the gameplay begins to shine the railgun is incredibly powerful but has a really long cooldown between shots and the game actively encourages you to swap to another weapon to let it recharge with a nice audio queue letting you know that it's ready lust culminates with this massive titan that's been roaming around the area coming to kick your shit in first with a hand battle before ripping the roof off the place like he's the goddamn icon of sin though unlike the icon of sin i actually thought this was a pretty mediocre boss fight there comes a giant passing now yeah i don't know what else to say about this fight it's a spectacle but it goes on for a bit too long and he hits way too goddamn hard just shoot it till it dies it's only natural that gluttony would be a vore level god i hate these sometimes it reminds me of the war levels from blood episode four gluttony is a gauntlet a constant stream of blood and violence with some of the toughest challenges seen yet but you should have a fully decked out arsenal at this point so it's just a matter of skill and before you know it you're at the final boss of act one machine turn back now the layers of this palace are not for your kind turn back or you will be crossing the will of god oh you must be that gabriel character cool design a little prejudiced against robots but all right let's go okay i wasn't expecting that all right i'm gonna be honest this guy's a bit bullshit on violence difficulty his attacks have little to no telegraphs and it almost felt impossible to predict what he was gonna do next especially when he teleports behind you and kills you before you have time to react there is a pattern though you can get this down it just isn't very apparent at first i didn't have much of a problem with this guy on standard difficulty but it does show that there is enough of a difference between the two available difficulties which i enjoy for repeat playthroughs i think the worst part is that during his second phase he pulls up the spinning shield of swords preventing you from getting close enough to heal with his blood but aside from that it's an overall satisfying and climactic boss fight to end the episode on and his speeches gave me goosebumps despite how little i know about the character fantastic voice work you insignificant fuck this is not over gabriel isn't too happy about losing to a machine and neither is his cult giving him 24 hours to right his wrongs before the light of god is stripped away from him and effectively killing him if machines seek blood he would give it freely and with such fury even metal will bleed holy fuck i love this game's writing yeah this game is fucking awesome it takes many of the things i enjoy about games like doom eternal and mixes them with this beat em up approach to game design with a sweet and to the point setting and story that you can't really go wrong with i can't wait to see the rest of ultrakill and hats off to new blood for setting up this new and badass world it's nothing new sure but its approach to game design with subtle world building provided during the adventure have piqued my interest and i'm really eager to see more of it i do think that the gameplay could use a bit more spicing up sure it's fast and spikes my adrenaline but i feel like it's a little unbalanced at times but the game is still in early access and there's going to be two more weapon attachments per weapon allegedly so i can't really give my final opinion until then i do think some of the bosses could use a bit of work especially lust's episode honestly i think the bosses are the weakest part of the game so far but that opinion is likely to change as more episodes come out but until then new blood if someone from your staff is watching thank you for blessing us with this fantastic game it came out right at that perfect time waiting for the doom dlc to drop and by gabriel i can't wait to see more of this project [Music] [Music] you
Channel: That Trav Guy
Views: 194,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultrakill, ultrakill ost, ultrakill act 2, ultrakill gabriel, ultrakill speedrun, ultrakill act 2 ost, ultrakill memes, ultrakill trailer, ultrakill order, ultrakill lore, ultrakill gameplay, ultrakill cybergrind, ultrakill review, ultrakill versus, fps, pc, reaction, stream, games, twitch, retro shooter, guerilla collective, markiplier, awesome games, best games, new games, computer, pc games, gaming, full game, early access, speedrun, p rank, max0r ultrakill, ultrakill max0r
Id: NxvoqvfFa8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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