Ultimate World Cruise Day 2 to 4 Coco Cay Cozumel

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well hi everybody and uh welcome back to our ultimate World Cruise Adventure So today we're stopping at our first ports we're going to stop at Royal kban private island of Coco K we have ceday we're going to show you and we're stopping at our first and touring our first world Wonder welcome to living Phase 2 well as we kick off our huge ultimate World Cruise Journey here we really did want to start things off right we're trying to get into a routine right from day one so first thing we did day one we hit the gym we did yep went up and you can see uh it's not a bad view from the treadmills here in the um gym which is at the front uh deck 12 at the front of the ship and uh so far and of course we're doing this a little bit after catching up showing these videos we've been pretty pretty Dent faithful yeah you've done a good job uh going down there every day and if we're not there we're walking we're doing different things so we're trying to have some type of workout every day that's right that's right so then we arrived at CoCo K well when we arrived it it was raining it was pouring rain so we stayed on the ship in the morning until um almost lunchtime and then then the rain dissipated I really felt sorry cuz some people had actually gotten the gotten off the ship before it really started raining and we went down and by the time luckily for us we were just about get off and it started pouring uh but like I said it cleared up very nicely in the afternoon another Royal ship uh the Wonder was there right beside us so as we got off the ship it was like we were walking down a Royal Caribbean Canyon between the two ships Y and it's quite a quite a difference between our 990,000 ton ship and the wonder which if I remember right is small 270,000 tons so yeah it's uh but like we said your ship may be five times bigger but our our itinerary is 5050 times bigger so that's that's right that's right oh well we got off the ship we did some walking around and and if you haven't been to Coco K or even if you have some of the paths are just beautiful and I would really encourage you to spend some time just just walking and enjoying the beauty that's there yeah I agree I think too many people get off they see the pool or they run to the water park or I mean there's lots of things to obviously do on Coco K that are completely free um but yeah don't don't miss just having a nice walk there's really really nice areas and great places to eat right right well when so they've got a large food area that's a buffet but they also have the Snack Shack where you get one of your favorite um Entre there the secret chicken sandwich so if you go up and ask it depends on the person at the counter sometimes they know exactly what you're talking about and other times they don't um if you ask for the secret chicken sandwich and they kind of look a little funny just order a a the chicken sandwich and order an order of the mozzarella sticks and that's what happened with me and I with the marinara sauce with the marinara sauce and always get an extra marinara Pro tip there you go get two marinara and then you can build it yourself and you can see here putting together the secret chicken sandwich and it was very very good sometimes they'll make it for you sometimes you have to make it yourself when you ask for the secret chicken sandwich so we will show you what that is you get the chicken sandwich which comes on a nice bun put on the mozzarella sticks okay the sauce it's the sloppy sandwich actually it's really good and that is the Coco K secret chicken sandwich it's basically a chicken parmesan got to stick it out and do the guy Fier here how is it it's really good also at the snack cheack you can get a funnel cake which is one of my favorite things to get there and they have changed in size they're they're considerably smaller now which I am completely good with because I didn't need a don't need a large one they used used to be like state fair size um I was enjoying that until the seagulls attacked me oh my gosh you set it down on the chair next to you right with me and one Brave seagull came in about 10 attacked your chair oh my goodness it's crazy so watch your food at CoCo or really any place on the beach but yeah yeah but they they had a good little Feast yes they did and then we headed back to the ship we did so I've had I had a goal when I was going to climb to the top of the rock wall the rock climbing wall that's here on board I truly did not think I could do it and I thought you know what I'm going to work on that I've got nine months to do it but I did it day one so so here's here's some video of Nancy climbing the rock wall I was so proud of [Music] [Applause] [Music] her [Music] well after your rock climbing adventure we got changed got ready for dinner had dinner with friends it was wonderful actually being able to sit down and share a meal with people that you'd communicated with on Facebook or on Zoom meetings yeah getting ready for this and it was just a wonderful wonderful group of people and then Mosaic it's an AC capella group and they are fabulous just they play in Las Vegas that's their home area um um but they were here on the ship and we just had a wonderful show by them oh yeah they they they were absolutely great and in fact you can see just a little bit of them [Music] here well ladies and gentlemen how is everybody doing tonight well the next day was a c day our first SE day it was heading over to KML y I always enjoy SE days again we started out by going to the gym and another thing Ro Caribbean has done which I truly really appreciate um those who wanted to participate in walk around the world could do so they gave us these uh journals and the journals are pretty cool because they have every single day listed here I can get it open and so for instance this this is um the where we're at Bon a yeah and they'll you can fill in your highlights of the day um food that you enjoyed and right how far you walked and they will stamp it um that to show hey I completed this day they just ask that you walk one mile atast or something equivalent um because some people can't but they can do other exercises and so they can participate in walk around the world as well and I know in the future they're going to have prizes and and all I love these leatherbound journals I mean they're so nice it's going to be a great uh Keepsake I think when we get back yeah so we uh we did of course our walking we did our walk around the world and um one of the first enrichment lectures was this day it was Jessica nabongo and she is a fascinating woman she was the or is the first uh black woman to visit every country and they Royal gave all of us World Cruisers her book that she has written and what is so cool about her book is she has information about the different uh countries that she's visited hope I'm getting that in the camera there and so she talks about um places or things that you should not miss in the various countries and so it's really uh been helpful for me to kind of follow along and and if we're stopping a place that she was at then um saying okay what should we not miss yeah and then later they also had a Q&A with her so not just the presentation that she gave but you could actually ask her questions and that was also followed by a book signing which she uh signed her book she actually did come through and uh there it is and signed our book so that's really nice and uh we bumped into her several times what a what just a wonderful beautiful lady and her story is fascinating absolutely fascinating yep so that was a lot of fun we're Royal is bringing on quite a few different uh enrichment lectures and we'll try to make sure we cover those with you um and we've got one on the next video you'll see that's more at mys speed uh a former Concord airline pilot so stay tuned for that on the next video but uh no Jessica was really wonderful she she was well tonight was our first formal night it was we got to get all dressed up yeah we sat sat around we started with a kind of a happy hour head drinks with friends and just had a wonderful dinner and you had your Lobster I got to have my Lobster it was very good so far the meals have been very good only couple nights in but they've been very good I will tell you Royal has stepped up their game when it comes to food I I am really pleased M yeah yeah it's been very good then we had our headliner show which was called Marquee and this was performed by the Royal Caribbean performers they did a bunch of different show tunes they did a great job they were excellent absolutely excellent wonderful the band is great the singers are wonderful um very very [Music] good so then we we hit the bed and we knew we had a big day tomorrow so the next day we got up got had a little bit of breakfast and got ready for our big day at kmill we got off the ship fairly early in the morning I think it was about what 7:30 8:00 oh yeah it was an early departure yeah and it was a big surprise they actually had an easy up a pink easy up that had that said ultimate World cruise and the gangways even have uh ultimate World Cruise banners for us it's really nice those little those little things that they're just kind of going above and beyond are are are noticeable and they're very appreciated appreciated so this is the issue with going to chiten in KML uh you're in you're on an island in KML you have to take a 45 minute ferry to the mainland which is usually rough seas and then yeah and then once you get onto the mainland it's a huge Trek to get actually to chiten so let's go over how that all occurred with this it is so we first we were going to get on a 45 minute Ferry and the swells were high and there was seasickness going on which which was not pleasant but that's what it was and so after the 45 minutes you you're going to arrive in KML and then we had quite a bit of walking to get to um our bus right and it was really interesting because I I have do have to add it to Royal because because they included this as one of the seven world wonders if you were Platinum above when you booked your or by the time the world Cru started I should say then you then you got this for free um so there's probably over 600 of us that they had to coordinate to get to chiten and honestly they did a pretty good job there were a lot of us there um especially walking through the streets uh there um at the Port where we arrived to go to uh to chiten and get on the buses it was it was they did good with the logistics but it was a bit of a walk and then we got on the buses right we got on the bus it was a good two and a half hour uh ride to get to chit chiten you can say it right but along the way the guide was good the guide was good he told us a lot of uh what what we were seeing in the history of the area they had little um iPads that that each seat got one that uh was kind of a touch screen where you could view the the pyramids and what things were like back in the days uh that the Mayans were there like the the the sports field that they had showed them playing a sports game and different things like that so that that was very interesting yeah it kind of took up the time he the tour guide was very good he talked all about everything not just the chiita but everything along the way because we had two and a half hours to fill a bus ride right then the the unfortunate things once you get there well it's very beautiful but we only had an hour yeah there so you arrive and it is very crowded obviously this is a wonder of the world there's tons of people there um people coming from Cancun and different other you know other Mexican resort areas plus you know the Mexican people are visiting this too um but very crowded but then once you get out to where the fields are it opens up and it's not so bad it does there there's also a lot of vendors there who are selling trinket and souvenirs things of that nature um that that are there but yeah it it was a bucket list item that we got to check off so that was pretty cool so you can see all the beautiful views and and how it looks [Music] so after we left chiten we went and uh again Royal's really doing things up nicely they took us to a uh luncheon which we kind of thought was just going to be a luncheon but they actually had a traditional Mayan show with all the dancing and the characters and all the it was incredible they're holding fire and I I I thought that was a real highlight oh the they they were so into it and just you know showing us their culture and how they did this um here you can take a look at a little bit of it [Music] [Music] but uh that show was that show was out it really was it was it really a highlight of the day and then we rode 2 and 1 half hours back to the port to back and we had to walk to the ferry and um then the fery ride was an adventure of itself it was so you here let me show let's show you some video and you can see here this is the video while we're on the ferry and no don't adjust your television sets or your phones or iPads whatever however you're watching us we lost power on the ferry yeah and this the Seas were were rough and we're just kind of bobbing around out there and and the the workers were running they were running from the back to the front front to the back and so it it was a little bit unnerving there was more seasickness on the boat but luckily they restored power you know we got moving again and and we made it back to the port safely which is important gave us a great story to tell uh it was raining when we arrived but we did get our first view of seren sees our new home at night and all lit up well once we got back to the ship we uh cleaned up from being gone all day and uh we just went up to the buffet to the Wind Jammer um which it has been really good think again like I just said the roil has stepped up their game with the food and that includes the Wind Jammer and the other uh food venues that are on board the ship yeah and then we saw the uh comedy magician at Alonzo he used to play in Saved by the Bell and he he was cute yeah yeah it was it was you know I think cute is a way to put it I mean it was entertaining it's um but yeah good comedy magician there and then we even uh went to uh one of the games that night I think it was finish that lyric and Nancy participated in that and that was a lot of fun they they've constantly got something going on on the show they do they you won't be bored but let's just let's just kind of recap chit chits and I don't know why I'm having a hard time saying that would would you go back would you do it again probably not um in that we've been there done that we've seen it um it is a no matter where you're at even if you're in Cancun it's still you know it's still a two and a half hour ride um on our first wedding anniversary we saw the ruins of tulon which were are only 40 minutes away from from Cancun um and so we've seen both of those now I don't think it's a place I would probably go back to I'm very glad we went yes but I don't think how about you I I would absolutely agree with what you just said said that no I'm glad I I'm really glad I saw it but will I go back probably not so you know to note that and we don't want to discourage anybody it really being one of the wonders of the world it is incredible to see um if you get an opportunity to go to chitchen E please you know do it we highly recommend it it's probably just not something we're going to say oh I can't wait to go back there and while we're on this ultimate World cruise I think we look at this as the sampler platter we do we do is how we keep saying there's going to be places where we will definitely want to see more of and we'll tell you about those um and there's going to be others that are like you know I I always call it the Clark as well if if you remember in Chris in sorry in the very first Vacation movie you know they're all at the Grand Canyon they're like look at the the majesty and he just kind of looks out and goes okay let's go don't you want to look at the Grand [Music] Canyon you know and and there are there going to be a few things like that that are the okay let's go and not necessarily go back but I think there's going to be many like there's going to be upcoming a little spoiler alert like cow um we've got a video that you'll be seeing coming up on that and I think that's going to be one of those that we'll be heading back to so uh yep a nice balance of of the been there done that and we can't wait to come back all right friends thank you so much for watching and coming along with us on the world Cruise we're glad you're here be sure to like subscribe and turn on those notifications and we will see you very soon have a beautiful day bye-bye bye bye
Channel: Living Phase 2
Views: 55,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ultimate World Cruise Coco Cay Cozumel, ultimate world cruise royal caribbean, UWC, coco cay, chichen itza, cozumel, 9 month ultimate world cruise, world wonder, wonders of the world, serenade of the seas, cozumel shore excursions royal caribbean, world wonders, world wonders 7
Id: ly0xVT-o0dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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