Ultimate Trading Setup Tour 2024 | Mac, Ultrawide Monitors, All Platforms!

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honestly a part of me doesn't want to make this video because it's hella expensive but I recently moved from a Windows PC day trading setup to a MacBook Pro day trading setup and had been getting a few questions so let's talk about my day trading MacBook setup in this video let's start with the laptop this is the MacBook Pro 16 inch 2021 M1 Max 64GB Ram top of the line this was top of the line if you go for similar M2 Max configuration it's going to cost you around 3 900 earlier I was using a PC because most of my platforms that I use for trading are windows supported like my Dash data Pro platform this platform that you're seeing at the back is Windows only but now I run this platform using a virtual machine which is called parallels using the MacBook I haven't faced any issues in the past two years and that's the amazing thing about this MacBook Pro because even though it's small way smaller than the huge SPC I had with the graphic card and everything way smaller but it works like a charm it handles everything without any issues and it can even handle up to three 4K external monitors which is pretty handy because I'm using two 49 inches monitors so it can handle these two monitors and work without any issues I haven't faced any issues in the past two years before switching over completely to the MacBook Pro there was a period back in Australia before Dubai I was in Australia I had my Windows PC which I was using for trading recording my trading screen and then I was using my laptop for editing videos and doing other stuff and I was tired of transferring files over from my PC to my hard drive to my MacBook and then back and forth and that's why at the end I just decided to have one device to handle it all and this is it for me and now the amazing thing is that this laptop is connected to these two screens using a dock and what I have to do is that if I am working from my couch I can just unplug this cable take my laptop along with me if I'm traveling I can take this laptop along with me everything is installed on this laptop so it's pretty easy and when I come back home and I want to use my office I can just plug this one cable in and it's going to connect these two screens to this laptop using the dock I have that brings us to the dock the dock is tucked in behind the screen because I don't like to see wires and cables on my desk so yeah that dock is pretty much just a dock a middleman between my laptop and the two monitors having these two screens minimalistic a bit sarcastic but it is what it is the exact model is Kensington SD 5700d I'm gonna put the name in the description box below and it's gonna cost you around 370 and yes I know I can connect these two monitors directly to the laptop avoiding the dock but the thing is I have my stream deck which we will get on to a bit later I have my microphone so everything else on the setup is connected to the dock and then I just have to plug in one cable from the dock to my MacBook Pro to connect everything minimalism and that's what I'm going for now let's talk about the monitors because the MacBook Pro is connected to the dock the dock is connected to the monitors these are two Samsung crg nines at the moment they're around 1200 each so you're gonna be spending around twenty four hundred dollars for two of these I actually got them back in 2021 in Australia and I got these monitors with me in my flight from Australia to Dubai that was pretty so let's not talk about it the reason I got these monitors with me is because I freaking love them because I can keep a track of the overall market with the help of these two screens this is my secondary screen this is my primary screen on the secondary screen I can watch six stocks six one minute charts right here I have the watch list in the middle and then I have the trading view on the right hand side and this is my main trading screen and when I'm actually trading I'm completely focusing on this bottom screen that is the main screen I have the book map which is the order flow and the market depth on the left hand side I have the two main stocks I am focusing on for the day right here in the middle death Center on the right I have my execution platform which is the trader workstation interactive brokers is my broker and that is a default platform which I use to place my orders now there's a common misconception in the trading world that higher the number of screen the bigger is your piano which is further from the truth because as I told you guys when I'm trading I'm completely focused on this screen this is my main screen and I'm focusing on these two stocks that Center in the middle because when you are day trading you need to think on your feed you need to make quick decisions right so if you're watching two five ten screens it won't help you in the long run now the question is that I only need one screen when I'm actually trading then why do I have two screens the first reason is that it satisfies my ego I feel like a day trader when I have two screens and the second reason is that I am a day trading influencer so these two screens act as a really good background for my YouTube and Instagram videos very expensive green screen that is pretty much it now the struggle was to find a good stand for these monitors because these monitors are very heavy 12 kgs each I try two or three different stats none of them worked I actually broke one of those stands I returned that stand back to the retailer for a full refund pretty on my end it was my fault but this stand is the at deck VFS TV it's around 200 I have been using it for the past 2.53 years since the day I got these screens pretty good I can recommend that the name will be in the description box below coming to the accessories I'm just using the Apple magic keyboard earlier with my Windows PC I was using the game in keyboard sisters but then when I switched to the laptop using this office I got this keyboard because this keyboard has Touch ID so I can come to my desk Touch ID everything is on minimalism I have been saying this word a lot and minimalism is quite expensive as well because every single thing here is expensive now the mouse this is the Logitech MX Master 3 I love it I think it's very good for day trading especially for me because the first feature is has it has this infinite scrolling so once you push it really hard it just keeps scrolling until you stop it which is really good if you want to zoom in and out of the charts right here the other feature is that it has these buttons these buttons on the top and on the side so I have mapped these buttons to the hotkeys on my platform so I can switch between the one minute the five minutes the daily chart the 15 minutes chart just using my mouse and I use this feature all the time now comes the highlight of this setup which is the stream deck right here so this is the stream deck Excel you can get it for around 250 dollars on Amazon and this is just like a fancy keyboard you can customize the layout so I have put in buy one contract two contracts five contracts 10 15 20 30 50 I can put 100 200 I like whatever I want I can put in there and these buttons are linked to my execution platform so I can just use buy and sell using the hotkeys on stream deck and honestly I think I was the first one who started using stream deck for trading honestly because I posted about the stream deck on my Instagram that was two or three years ago back then I only had like three thousand or four thousand followers a lot of my followers copied my setup my layout and then people copied them people copied them and then now you will see that it's kind of too mainstream now a lot of day Traders now use the stream deck and I think I started that Trend I at least I like to believe so right next to stream deck I have my airpods Max this is around 550 dollars I like listening to music when I'm trading so I listen to Banger music when I'm green for the day and I listen to emotional sad music if I'm red for the day and now comes this desk pad this mouse pad whatever it is it's really good when I rest my hand on it it feels like money it feels like I have made it as a day trader it is quite expensive for what it is around 90 including shipping from us to Dubai it's from a company called grovemade the name will be in the description box below so if you guys want to sponsor me drop me an email and now comes this microphone which is the shore mb7 really good 300 on Amazon this is connected to the dock which is connected to the MacBook and this is on the boom arm rode PSA OnePlus I think around 150 on Amazon I use this microphone all the time every single day honestly for my videos for our Zoom meetings for our Discord webinars for our submit group mentorship classes so I use it every single day talking about Discord I forgot to mention that that screen usually is occupied when I'm trading is occupied by the Discord group because we have a Discord Community where I can have a chat with the members of the jotrades group now comes the desk and chair these two are from the same company workspace.a this desk is pretty long I think the longest they had 180 centimeters long and 90 centimeters wide this chair I just write that in store pretty comfortable so I paid around 250 dollars for the chair and I paid around 350 dollars for the desk itself so yeah pretty decent this concrete finish I love it minimalism so now we have discussed most of the hardware in this setup but I think this Hardware without the software won't make a lot of sense right because the platforms I'm using are pretty expensive so let's talk about the cost and discuss the cost of the platforms I'm using at the moment the first main platform is Dash Trader Pro that's what I talked about it's only Windows compatible I'm using it on my MacBook using the virtual machine that is 170 every single month expensive the second platform I pay for is trading view which is really good they have mobile application iPad Windows MacBook I think it's one of the best starting software out there I pay around 450 dollars a year including the market data and the pro subscription of trading view the third platform I pay for is book map it's around 170 dollars every single month again very expensive 120 dollars for the market data because it shows the order flow and the market depth and fifty dollars for the platform itself and I also have my iPad here this is the iPad Pro 2020 or 2019 with the two cameras at the back Apple magic keyboard and the apple pencil I think overall I spent around fifteen hundred dollars on this whole setup with the keyboard and pencil I just use it to search if I want to search anything quickly or maybe that laptop screen is occupied by my Playbook or my journal I can use this to have a chat with our Discord members this was my day trading setup if I discuss my YouTube setup as well the camera I'm using to record is the Sony ZB E1 this is the latest release from Sony I got it recently along with the lens 16 to 35 mm F4 Sony I paid around 3 500 for both the camera and lens the light I'm using is the amadan 100d with the light Dome SC around 300 for both I have my old camera as well which is always connected to the MacBook using the cam link and that is a6400 thousand dollars on Amazon I also have another light which is the Elgato key light which is around 150 on Amazon now if you add the total including the hardware and the platforms that is the total you will get which is pretty expensive now just a disclaimer that I did not start with this setup I started out really small if you guys saw my date reading Journey video you guys know me that I had a really really a bad start to my trading journey and my life overall I only had two dollars in my bank account when I started back in 2016 when I started working back in 2016. so when I first got introduced to day trading I was just using the laptop I already had back in 2019 I had a Dell XPS 13-inch laptop I was using just that laptop that small 13 inch screen to trade and then after a few months of trading I spent around two to three hundred dollars to buy two cheap screens I also bought one docking station so that I can connect that laptop to two screens and I was using that setup for around six to seven months and then slowly and steadily when I started making money from day trading then I could justify spending money on day trading right so you have to first start to make money from day trading before you can justify getting a setup like this that's it guys I recently moved to Dubai so if you want to see A Day in the Life video of a day trader in Dubai check out this video and if you want to know more about my day trading Journey check out this video if you guys have any questions for me related to my setup or my life in Dubai let me know in the comment section below and while you are there give this video Thumbs Up And subscribe to my channel for a lot more content on day trading thank you for watching and I will see you guys in the next video
Channel: Jay Awtani
Views: 137,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stock market, setup, setup tour, day trading setup, trading setup, trading desk setup, desk setup, trading setup at home, home office setup, my day trading setup, best trading setup, trading monitor setup, day trading desk setup, macbook trading, day trading, mac trading, tradingview
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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