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[Music] every day will bring me something new [Music] hi guys i'm harlow welcome back to my youtube channel and in today's video it has been extremely requested by a lot of you guys on my instagram and on my community page also by me i have been absolutely desperate to do this vlog it's going to be an organizing video of organizing my like rug room and my attack room because both are they couldn't be messier actually they they can't get worse look at the saddle pads believe me or not they were in a neat pile once the brush the brushes everywhere i've got boot random boots everywhere i've got just it's all a mess so i've got a little bit of like a hole so today and a couple um other days ago i went to like hobby crafts and home bargains if you don't know those places and you're from like a different country it's basically just a stuff store basically um so i got these because like i can put my head collars on them or like my lead ropes or anything like that the idea that i had was i'd a hook i can't actually hook it up there's so much stuff i hook it um up here once this is all cleared um and hang up my head collars these are actually over the door organizers for bathrooms right let's see what else we've got okay we've got loads of these little mini boxes um to like put our show stuff in like hair bands they look very cute look how tiny they are they're adorable okay so next if we want everything nicely organized we have to label it so we've bought this little labeler and some like refilling things so we're sticking with the aqua theme you'll see what i mean by the acrylic in a minute um we're going to put all popcorn treats in here because i mean it's just nice and we'll like label it and then you can see what treats there are so we've got scissors here two different types we've got these ones to cut out his plating bands when we're going away to shows then this one to cut his mane we've also got a tape measure because it's quite handy for one we need to like measure his bit and his size let's just keep on pulling stuff up we've got another lunch box so that's it for that bag we've also got loads of boxes here here that need a home desperately so i okay where i don't actually know where to start right this is really annoying me wait or should i do the what i wanna do is roll up all of the bandages and have a nice little box for them each i think what the best thing would be able to do is just empty everything off the shelf and start again also guys let me show you some other storage boxes i've bought these are the lovely aqua storage boxes so we're gonna put popcorn's rugs in here let's open it up you know nice and spacious in there we could fit a couple well that we could try fit a couple rugs in there then we've got these my mum picked these up and she absolutely loved them so we had to get them because they were like so nicely rainbowed and you can just like take them out look what it is obviously it's going to be labeled then you've got your stuff in there so that's nice all of these are from from hobbycraft by the way let me show you into the tack crew now so you can see how messy it is in here as well my bridals are over there saddles there voila they don't know what i'm saying that about because everything's everywhere just wanted to show you before so you could appreciate the after all in here is going to be nice and organized too i want to put all my ear bonnets in a box or my gloves in a box i also want to have all my hats looking nice and presented they're supposed to be up there where my body protector is but um yeah they're not up there there's no hat up there either so um let's just just just close this and um just close this as well first things first we're going to do the rug room i can't even say it's the messiest because they're both equally messy so let's go so i'm just moving everything out of here to start fresh wow this um i'm mostly excited about having all of my headquarters on display well actually that's false i'm most excited about how all my saddle pads on the display so it's all going to be over my side like this whole thing is my section got some treaty beauties in here just random stuff in there [Music] so i'm going to categorize all of my stuff i'm going to put with like the headquarters in one pile rugs grooming stuff etc etc so let's do it as much i'd much rather be riding popcorn right now but it is what it is by doing it my myself my mum said it might teach me a lesson of trying to keep it tidy let's see i definitely don't want to be doing all of this again [Applause] right after this we're going to start folding up all of the rugs rug time right so it is all out i'm actually surprised this all fitted on that shelf um but yeah now it's time to sweep up the mess that i made in there because there's like shavings everywhere from popcorn's rugs so let's just sound quickly sweep this up [Music] all right now actually we're gonna start with the saddle pads first finally done so you've got all my gp saddle pads here then we've got like well this one's a showing saddle pad um but then we've got like the majority of my like dress arch saddle pads so that's nice i'm keeping my white ones in the packets to keep them nice i haven't actually worn them yet so i really want to wear those but just waiting for our first dressage test or i'll just convince my mum to please wear them and then might be able to wear them but that probably won't happen because popcorn will get his hair all over it but yeah so now it's time i think to get all of like the grooming stuff and sort that out so or maybe the rugs right let's do that let's do the rugs actually i don't know what we're gonna start with we'll just see when we get out there i'm going to bring the boxes with me because they aren't staying in here i think what we got we're going to do first is rugs so let's get all the fleeces because we can easily put all of those into um one of these small little [Music] containers so i've just put all of my bathing products in here um i've got my magic brush in here as well because i just like to use it for bathing because it's quite good to like rub it all in and everything we've got a sponge there because popcorn doesn't like the hose going like near his eyes um we've got my cuz pony club they said it's really nice to bother ponies before the day and wrap their tails up um in this because it makes their tail nice and like thin popcorn's got a showtel so it doesn't really work the same but we still like to do it so this is the bathing box we've got all of my shampoos including this massive um show-off shampoo it's massive we have it because i've ran out of this one bit basically and they're the same so the next box we have um actually we're gonna make um a show box so i'm gonna put just the stuff that i use for shows in here and i've got my shine on a grooming spray then i've got my makoff stain remover next i'm gonna get all of my um hoof polishes because i only use um these ones for shows and like they stay on for quite a long time like they don't chip i wouldn't use this for every day i only use it for like special occasions so in this showing box here i've got all my sharing products except for one thing my plaiting bands so i'm gonna put these into this little container here because these boxes that they come in are a bit flimsy and i don't know if they're gonna break the worst thing is when they all fall out on your grooming kit and like they're in the bristles of the brushes and like they're in the corners it's just absolutely horrible and i've had it before and i hate it okay mom i don't think these are gonna all fit into her i think we've got enough planting bands to last a lifetime we do not need any more can we get the last couple in here yay okay one box done very secure pop those in there pop that down there so now we've got the white bands and we're gonna just that was a lot easier wrong lid where does that i put it underneath one more box to do that there are a couple of black bands here on the top so i don't know where they came from next job is to hang the headquarters up this is heavy that isn't gonna stay there that is gonna move so i'm gonna hang them all up on here so guys i'm going to give you a little bit of a tutorial of how to make your lead rope like this um because a couple of you might be wondering how to do it so just put your head color up and hang it up somewhere make sure the buckles are all in and everything right that's better okay so hang it up somewhere and you've got your lead rope here make sure there are no knots in it but if there are just like a couple small knots that you can't really get out then that's fine it will work so any it works with any lead rope like i do it with this need rope this one um or this one it works with any and just do like put it let it drop and then you've got a hand and then do like a hand and a half and then that's where you want to fold it so around there and then once you want to do it you don't want to go that way you want to go this way and then like then you just start wrapping around and try get them quite close and tight to each other so yeah it just looks a lot neater when you do this um because otherwise you've just got them like just dangling down and they like just decide to droop like that and it just looks a lot more neater and it doesn't look as messy it doesn't take too long i mean i used to like do this every single time i unraveled a lead rope and then i just got to the point where i was so bored of doing it i just thought i give up so i'm just gonna get back into the habit of doing it and make sure you leave a little bit of a space and then get the end of the lead rope and pull it through like that so it won't unravel and then it's all nice and secure and you're all done time to do it with a couple more so we've just been keeping all of our head collars in this box for like storage and now we're actually like able to access them without rugs being piled on top of the box it's good like we're going to get a lot more use out of them because like i remember i went for a stage where i was in love with this one then it just like it went in the box and i couldn't find it and then like this one i went through a stage of wearing this one went in the box and i couldn't find it again i you can't i couldn't find it so now it's just really nice that i've got somewhere to actually store them all so then like i can actually access it and i'm like oh which color head color should i wear today which one matches my outfit the best and then i go put it back neatly our pokemon's got his old head collar that he came with that has um popcorn written down the side of it a lot of you actually asked did he come with that name and yes he did um i don't know what i would have called him if his name wasn't popcorn it's just adorable but this doesn't actually have a lead rope unless it came with one and i've lost it i just don't think it he came with one how organized is this guys got all of the lead ropes all folded up it's all nice all the buckles are tucked i tucked in oh my god it just looks so organized but all of the leader said it's just like nicely hanging they're not all just like drooping down on the floor looks amazing but i can't stop though we need to get going some more stuff okay right next we're gonna do treats and i need to label the treats um on the treat boxes when i put the treats in otherwise i'll forget which flavors are which so it's time to organize the treats up into these containers i'm not going to mix them the flavors up because i don't want it to taste like really weird popcorn because you have like mint then you have cherry because that's that i don't think that'll be a good combination right should we do this one first then okay [Applause] that fits in perfectly that's good and we're gonna put the label at the front not on the actual lids because we're gonna stack them and we want it to look nice and fancy so this label is apple because this jar is okay let's try and peel this off i'm not the best at doing this because i i've managed to do it there we go first one done all right let's do cherry it's like a there's so many they want to come out of once it's not very nice no more in there oh my gosh they smell so nice right let's pop the lid on i can't eat them all right those aren't coming undone anytime soon so we've got cherry here cherry whoa apple all done i mean if the labels come off as well i can always smell it and you know smell which one they are you might be wondering if you've got a good memory and we've switched the boxes around because they fit a little bit but the sprays fit a little bit better um in these boxes but we've named all of the and labeled the boxes so we've got bathing there and then we've got grooming sprays in here and here's inside the bathing box so nice we've got all the shampoos um i refilled this one because it was empty and these two are the same so i put this into there so now that's all nice and full guys look how amazing it's looking so far head collars are all organized saddle pads they're all pretty much color coded all shampoos and grooming sprays all organized i am feeling so much better and my life as an equestrian is actually being organized but over here we're gonna have all of my show stuff and all of my like brushes my grooming brushes over there so that is my next job to fill the rest of this shelf let's go okay what do we have okay right that's all good we've got a couple hair brushes now they're these lemur ones they're really nice because they don't pull as much as the tail out like they're quite like they give way a little bit so they're really nice right you're not escaping brush you're going back in there right i don't know why i'm pretending that this is heavy it's not heavy okay i'm gonna label everything even though i can see what's in it it just looks really nice when it's all labeled look how cute this little sign is me and mum just put up we hung it up with some thread and it's doing amazing i absolutely love it because we've just you know had it you know sitting around for quite a long time and i said to mum mum come put some pokemon stable and one was like there's no free there's nowhere that we can really put it so we've decided to put it on popcorn's little rug rack and it looks so cute we've also got the other one up there by timbertouch and i really like that one as well i love how it's got the main flowing now i'm just labeling the fly sprays as i said that fly zooms past me so right i know i can see inside these boxes i i just absolutely love having them organized so pop that there because these treats need to come out go over put those there put these here so that's all good right we've also got show rug to do so let's put just up there for the time being so i can put this up this is the rug that he wears for the shows and we keep it for best so it's in its own little box you know nice and protected from all the dust and the outside world that it could possibly get ruined by show rug so this one is going to say fly rugs watermelon boots where do these go so we've put all of the rugs in these bags up here sorry that there's butterfly ones that clear it's just they're all different bags and they're all good for storing things and i've i haven't labeled that one i've lived without one haven't labelled that one so yeah we've got watermelon boots out there organized don't know what's in there need to organize that and turn out rugs in there i usually keep all of my show stuff in this box but it has now ended its days and it is now broken um so yeah i'm just gonna take out these last couple of hair bands and hair pins and put them into hair because this these little trays all stack up and they make like a little drawer so that is really nice um but yeah so in all of these different boxes well in this i've got a little scrunchie i've got my hair pins and a comb in there my pony club stuff but the rest of it's at home i've got all my million hair nets in there i've got my ribbons for when i go showing to put in my hair then i've got my tie and my buttonhole so i just pop these in there put those hair bands there i wear this um scrunchy when i go show jumping i do have a pony club one as well but that's at home but yes so now it's time to stack these all up i'm going to go in color order again red orange pink oh it is yellow yellow that looks good blue green how organized is this i just love it so much oh yeah and over here i just organized this for harlan my younger brother and lexi my cousin she's been in a couple of my videos it's just got harlan's hat in there his body protector my old boots that don't fit me anymore that are now lexie's harlan's chaps and they're my old mucking out boots so when they come at the tables we can get this box out and get their stuff there's gloves everywhere old pads air bonnets hat silks brow bands bits i've got a brow band box actually let me go get that we've got this little tray for my brow bands this one just about fits this one has let us down and it doesn't fit because of glittery things that poking out but yeah again like i did earlier i'm going to categorize all my stuff a bonnet airborne airborne airborne there random stuff there oh brow bands didn't actually know we had this many brow bands he um came with that one before i pack my tack away i'm just gonna give it a little bit of a clean i just took my gp saddle to pony club camp so i haven't actually um been using my dressage at all lately but yeah it's just nice to give it a little little clean so it doesn't get dirty or collect any dust and i want to pack it away so it's nice and clean as well so the next time i go to ride you know it's not too dusty right so we've got our heart silks and we've got everyone that's over there then in the smaller box we've got gloves this is very satisfying now knowing where everything is um well where it's gonna be it's time to do earbuds i do love a nail bonnet tomorrow i'm gonna think about what i'm gonna wear tomorrow think about where the burgundy tomorrow because i haven't actually worn that in an extremely long time so i'm gonna put that one at the top so now i'm gonna wear it tomorrow now i use a plan ahead for what i'm wearing tomorrow now wait no i've got um um uh what's it called um a drawing board uh like a whiteboard that's what it's called and i could write down monday musk tuesday ice blue wednesday burgundy thursday aqua friday musk i got this wrong this isn't the mask it's the champagne um so sorry champagne so i'm just folding up my fluorescent jacket for when i go on the road or if i go hacking and i have to like go past like or on a country lane right where should i put my lips i always have them in this corner so it would feel really weird not having them in that corner so they've got to go back in that corner stirrups i'll pop those actually i'm going to have all my hats on display in there i'm gonna put all my boxes in here i knew that was gonna happen also and over here i've got my tackling stuff actually i left my enough tack cleaning stuff over there right that's all good bit butter that can just go in there as well now it's time to put my hat's there so i've got my like dressage hat there then i've got my skull cap hat hair also i've got my new hat over here i'm gonna put this on display as well i i just i love this one ah i love the rose gold and the navy and it just looks so nice and like it's not just plain rose gold it's got a little bit of like texture to it i really like that it's got air vents as well so i wear this one at show jumping oh my gosh i love this so now i'm gonna put the saddles um on their racks so i'm gonna put the dressage in this one then the gp in that one and i also put my um bareback pad in there as well put my girths up there so my mom has just put my show hat up there because i actually can't reach um but yeah that's all nice away up there we had to take the um we take had to take out the bag though so i've actually got a lot of these like bags left um that like my polo wraps came with so i don't know what i'm gonna do with them i might like find somewhere to put them um but if not i'll just you know keep them because you know harlan my brother might get a pony next year so when we start collecting some air bonnets um and a couple hot silks for him we can put them in these and oh my gosh diddy little polo wraps that'll be absolutely adorable oh my god that took ages we have been at the stables for absolute hours now but it is worth it because now everything is organized so i'm gonna give you a quick little tour so we've got my boots here my gloves there my whiteboard there for when i'm doing shows i've got my body protector there my saddle there bareback pad here my shoving helmet at the top two sparkly bridles let's open up the drawer and in here we've got my um stirrups then like just old bridal parts then just a spare brow band there on my showing brow band because i can't find anywhere to put it so i just put it in like the bits and bobs then we've got my like tac cleaning stuff here my high vis is there then my hat bags are there then over here we've got my dressage saddle that is nice and clean now we've got my two bridles at the top that i use pretty much daily and then we've got my whips down here then or three of my hats then in the drawer we've got my ear bonnet and i've prepared because tomorrow i'm wearing my mulberry so i've prepared for that then i've got my um hat silks there and my showing boots there so that's it for those cupboards let's go into my store room now so as you can see this is popcorn it's a little bit wonky now but it's okay you can still read it we've got all of my headquarters here that are all nicely wrapped up so i've got my treats here my polos i don't have many of those we've got the apple flavored cherry flavored another apple mint so behind the wall of headquarters we have like my labeling stuff a comb and some scissors my grooming sprays and then my bathing stuff in there my dressage saddle pads there um we've got my fly masks here my like show preparation stuff for me then down at the bottom we've got boots just simple it's just schooling boots in there here we've got the fly rugs and there we've got my favorite show rug and my tail bandage then we've got my watermelon and doughnut fleece in there another tail bandage just a different color who foils in here i use them for different things really we've got my um show preparation stuff in there we went and bought a roller because otherwise i got popcorn hairs all over my blouse and my show jacket here we've got my brushes then more brushes oh yeah we've got my fly sprays here we've also got my licket stuff which is nice turn out rugs with tuttis um more turnout rugs um doughnut stable rug watermelon boots harlen riding stuff and then on top we've got an exercise sheet and a cooler rug oh wait that's not everything i was going to say that as everything but it's not we've still got loads of stuff behind here we've got all the buckets vlog coming soon including buckets um my my two grooming kits there then my step for when i want to do this hello up there harling riding stuff also my jacket for when it's raining um so guys what an amazing achievement you've seen it before in some of my vlogs if you have been um watching my channel for quite a long time you have seen that i've struggled to find stuff for uh just i don't i can't even explain how long it's been but for a very very long time i've struggled to find stuff and now it is going to stay tidy if you see it messy again either comment on my instagram or go on my community page on youtube and you know just tell me hello it's messy again don't let it happen i'm just so happy of what we've achieved it's just almost like a dream come true but except i didn't get to read popcorn today so i really want to ride him but tomorrow he's getting ridden i hope you guys found it really satisfying of seeing the transmit transformation of the before and after and i hope you guys get a little bit inspired by cleaning your tack rooms if you do clean your tack rooms please show me because i would love to see look at it guys i did this with a little bit of help from my mum but yeah my fingers are now aching from all the labeling i had to do but it's worth it and look mine is actually a bit tidier than everyone else's now so i for once can actually find what i want okay mum ask me what i need to find um can you find a fly mask please it would have took about an hour to find it before um fly rug that one was easy um red saddle pad this one red head collar look guys it is working i can actually find stuff and that polo wraps drooping down like it's a raining clutter but yeah i'm very pleased one more angle of appreciation then i'm gonna leave it there for you guys and then you can maybe get on with your day by starting cleaning your tack rooms thank you so much for watching my organizing vlog and i'll see you next time guys bye [Music] is [Music]
Channel: Harlow and Popcorn - The White Family
Views: 305,501
Rating: 4.8910675 out of 5
Keywords: tack room, organising, clean up, spring clean, cleaning, tack room tour, makeover, tack room makeover, harlow, harlow luna, harlow and popcorn, popcorn the pony, palomino pony, horse dreams, equestrian, horse goals, yard, yard tour, yard goals, equestrian yard, stable, stables
Id: KnP4O7vvSvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 1sec (2281 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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