Ultimate Superman | Superman Earth One: Volume 1 | Back Issues

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everybody loved the back itches I am Sal I'm Ethan I'm Ben today we're doing super and earth-1 this is a great movie tree I mean a comic book that J michael Straczynski wrote with Shane Davis on art um this is definitely not a pitch for an alternate Man of Steel really nope no way wait when did this come out in 2010 okay so there's no way that Straczynski who is also a movie and TV writer was trying to get this job by making this book there's no way that happened well I mean he already made the book so can't think we'll have it's arty you or did write but then like they can adapt it into a screenplay and why don't they just hire the guy who wrote it right but if you knew anything about movies he'd know that they never just make a movie based on a book sometimes they do wooden Watchmen well no well yeah well they tried to bring in Alan Moore but of course you know good boy but they did follow the book they did follow the plan that was only because it's so popular well also you can't just do like a story well Watchmen you all right because it's place up like one that will they do that and it's called before watch well I cite to you then the rankin/bass Last Unicorn film in which they got Peter s beagle to write the screenplay who wrote the novel oh that all cynicism aside this is I don't understand earth one like why is it or why is everyone so it's so that people who don't normally read calm it's gonna like oh one that's like the fun earth one volume one yeah and if this is what I should describe we didn't throw it here they did a Batman earth one and it's so dumb everyone loves it cuz it's real and it's what like Batman Begins but like not like Batman Begins if Batman actually still actually wore like the bat suit from the comics so it's like he looks like an idiot cuz you can see his eyes through his like comic book cowl and like he'll like running like it like slips off his face like it looks like an idiot it just it de mess Batman there's a lot about that book that people really really enjoy not me and maybe one day will do but not now today we're doing Superman earth 1 which okay written by Straczynski so there's gonna be a lot of characters in it okay okay they're gonna not serve any purpose of the story they're gonna talk a lot and there's gonna be a lot of melodrama or at least is gonna be a lot of like boney sentimentality okay so it's gonna can it be like Man of Steel mmm kinda new genetic heritage it didn't have a lot of characters and the sentimentality is no purpose they didn't serve exactly but they put the sentimentality is made of steel is kind of like incredibly superficial whereas this is like integral to the story like you need this in mentality to exist that's why like this is actually okay back when I read this in 2010 I think uh I hated this book I was like what a bunch of crap in a post Man of Steel world I like this a lot because this could have been made of steel and it would have been okay like we wouldn't like oh that was not what I expected but you know what are you gonna pass okay like this is a pass so okay if it's an updating of Superman it's a modernization of Superman story right and doesn't tell his origin again again yet again and again and again fortune like 20 because nobody knows no cigarettes over to this one I mean who can keep it straight okay you do Planet lands and rocket ship who can [ __ ] keep that straight in their head we need six more of these it's [ __ ] dumb that said this is not nearly as bad just like it's just like come on enough huh what the Superman origin it's like you can't even use an example of like who's a character that like it's so stupid to retell it man's origin that's like retelling Superman's origin it's this it's the basis like would you compare all other stupid things it's like no one wants a spider-man origin movie cuz everyone knows that origin but if they don't I guarantee the people who don't know spider-man's origin still know Superman's origin so Superman does origin is told again this time it's now and by now I mean six years ago right right and six years ago uh Clark is like every new version submit he's alone and he's sad he's all by himself and his dad dead again which I don't understand because like in Smallville he has many friends yeah and that's been that's pretty recent so why aren't they using that because that interrupts their desire to have severity alone but they don't want you to do Superman's all by himself and sad since like the A's like even the night even in the Superman lives Tim Burton movie the reason why Nicolas Cage was so attached to playing that Superman character was because he was gonna play it really vulnerable and lonely he was like I'm gonna bring this new version of super into life we're gonna make him like like insecure and lonely and sad he's all by himself you know he's that he's an orphan like that's the concept they've never really shaken past that so thanks Nicolas Cage for that I mean it's everyone else's fault but you know Nicolas Cage can bare some of that broth too we can fit in one of his castles so a Clark goes to it Clark's like 20 any ordinary teen or whatever and he goes to Metropolis for the first time and one of the first shifts with the Clark Kent character is normally when Clark Kent goes to Metropolis he's got the suit he's got the glasses and he's already like yeah buster Poindexter in this one he was lots of layers because of clothes yeah t-shirt like what he sure puddi jacket look cuz it's cold I was like because it's cool to wear all those clothes and it's like it's he's shielding himself from like being close to anybody oh I guess so you need to shed the layers yeah well does he shed more layers as the book goes on yes yes yes he does deep yeah he's like an onion so he's up an ogre he's struck it out on his own cuz his dad Jonathan Kent's dead because that poor old man can't catch a break and he dies I am NOT jumping into a tornado I'll tell you that I think he has a heart attack but a regular person okay he does in fact of a heart attack is like I think he actually dies in Clark's arms what we are saying spared from is that scene Clark talks about it West edibles like deliberately pulling on our heartstrings to make us watch an old man die but Clark talks about it enough so you know and he goes to his grave a lot and I'm like hey Dad and it's cool because he's not like he doesn't call him pas so it's a little bit of an updating okay he calls him dad and he's he's looking out to take care of his mom because Jonathan Kent's dead so there's nobody like to provide for his mom okay and didn't they have a farm they do a farm and she did nothing I mean like she she like fed the chickens and stuff but like she couldn't have work the plow yeah no lady you drive the pile there's actually like with hydrazone hands is like yeah but like the farm wasn't really doing that well so they didn't have much money to like really keep it up yeah and like I think that the idea here is like his mom basically says like you don't have to go take care of me like I got a lot for the life insurance and I like we have a lot of leave I live in Kansas we have a lot of friends and family who like send us things or taken care of like I'm okay um you think one of those family members might come and help take care of the farm right but no well cuz why Clark's there right no he's not exactly but then you leave well I don't know why did he just stay and work the farm because because like I cuz he didn't want it well because since he needs him to go to a city no he has to be his own man and that means leaving right I thought he had to like it actually it is like man mom actually sits like she said you don't know but you need to go and be your own man let you keep you temperature because of me okay like both your dad and I agreed that you belong out there you should be in a city and you should be helping people like and in fact um yeah that's refreshing right and in fact she makes him his Superman costume before he even ghosts the city she makes it out of clothing and materials from the from the the crash site okay and so it's cool so tonight indestructible I'm surprised she knows how to work those materials well it's basically just Kryptonian cloth but like it's just really strong because it's from Krypton well how would you even get a needle through what if it's so strong well no screw tone Ian I don't know maybe she's the kryptonite tipped need did I know that kryptonite hasn't been introduced in this volume it will be in the next volume but not now but then she accidentally leaves one in the costume yeah I was handing off stabs it many dies well maybe the Suhad included a Kryptonian sewing machine we don't wiggle the cloth here's the problem there is no pod Superman landed the another updating by the way is that the the Kent's were on a hike they weren't like driving home from the market or ever they're on a hike and there's just there's a walk into the woods but in crashing like one of their field no it did not it crashed in the woods okay and they just could have been anyone's there's no good in Kansas it could have been a wolf abated that's right good wolf kids baby another universe but yet so like wolf baby Superman raises o57 yep you'll see it soon and conversions so they see like the UFO like start the crash like oh let's go check now cuz they're just like people like I'll check that out I don't you guys agree yeah definitely run to the site and it's this [ __ ] spaceship and there's a baby in it they're like oh [ __ ] and so they grab the baby and John grabs a piece of debris from the craft because he's like cuz the craft looks like it's gonna explode or whatever okay or rather I think they're just gonna like we're gonna go before new authorities show up right and he grabs piece of debris in case like you know think it's important in case important more valuable right so they take it and then of course the the ship explodes okay in such a way that there is nothing right a very well designed to plan by by jor-el yeah debit of selling has attractive look I'm actually go take off but I'm bad at landing yeah well no because okay so the idea is the cops of course the feds like converge on that site almost immediately after they fly the coop right and later you find out that the the baby shuttle can regenerate like it has self-replicating bladder blobs and so like nanobot it explodes to like either ward off predators or whatever because they knew that cow was gonna land on a Yellow Sun rich planet so he was going to be indestructible and then when the authorities get the debris they bring it back it like reassembles so when you actually see it again it's like in a hangar bay and it's the [ __ ] craft all over again is it missing a piece it doesn't I don't remember if it's actually like oh we still need one more piece there's no the crucial point with that now dama but when Clark interacts with it when he's like flashing back to when they and your Superman it like interacts with him okay but it's not enough patience injuries get kind of like it's on the matrix or it's like because it's his bassinet like it's like it's like a learning pod like a learning pod or whatever it's it's a kind of thing where once it recognized what's the a artificial intelligence that is in the piece of the ship like interacts like a Wi-Fi signal with Sounion DNA it uploads information but it also tells them like I don't have all the information I'm just this one piece you need to find the rest of it so it sends him on like a scavenger hunt yeah success measure well then the treasure Inn is one place and he just goes there yes it would be hilarious if it's like I gave you a little bit of knowledge but it's all about like the point like right encrypted you only got this one piece that was the herbology of Krypton I'm sorry and it helps you in no way because there's no plane Oh God yeah hey you know now yeah but you're an expert on this completely obscure field so you're ready for graduate school so Martha the his mom makes this makes the outfit and I was like you might need this one day he's like know what he's like no I have to take care of you I can't I get I gotta get a job I can't be Superman I gotta get home wait a minute is ative no he he's very much like that especially after John dies he's like I can't be Superman by the way the S I could leave it safe bye dad well that's much more like Richard Donner Superman okay I love that moment that's such a great way he's just like because he he's I think he's playing with his powers and then like John has a heart attack and then he hears his mom scream for him and so it flies over and they like gets to him and he's just like all those powers I couldn't even save him I can do all these things but I can't save my dad like that's cool that's Superman yeah his parents are kind of like an argument for what his superhero name should be okay she made the S because he's their son and he'll be the son of the earth okay so he'll be the Son and boy and John was like how about Superman cuz he's super duper and he's gonna be a manatee wearing me out powerful yeah and so he's like you know what like dad kind of had the right yeah okay but either way he doesn't put it on he takes it with him obviously but she's hanging out this closet he just like balls it with the egg all right mom I'll take the soon yeah so Clark's plan is actually he's gonna try to take care of his mom so he actually winds up like doesn't go near the Daily Planet he tries to like become like a chemist and he's great at it or like a professional football player he's great at it or professional baseball player he's great it like orcas he's great at everything so he tries all these things and they're all like they're like oh like here you go like we want you like when you're ready to like join us like sign on the dotted line you'll be set for life and he's like okay I now know that I can take care of mom like I can make any amount of money and mom will be saved right and he calls her and she's like anything what you think and she's like don't take any of those jobs because those jobs are not going to make you happy and that's what's gonna make me happy as your happiness plus it's like cheating yes just care about that baseball and immediately be the best player by virtue of having Superbad and he does do that by the way gaming no one knows Oh looks like Jimmy can take steroids as long as nobody how is it really shaded you know but if you're biologically predisposed to be the better Hugh would be yeah it'll be another TD match well they shouldn't have a social security number or he shouldn't be able to get a job anywhere he's not even an American he's an American he has been here consider sonship his American citizenship because he's but he's their son but he's not their son he's gonna die I don't think there's anything what did they don't because what came is jumping yo P exactly he's not an American technically I think that she did that story were like they were like what papers did you sign you came from Krypton he's like what this is a dumb story yeah knows me here are my paper see well just means he can never run for president right so and he does ideal person the art by Shane Davis is pretty impressive somebody yeah like that relays that's an actress and I don't remember her name but okay so Clark owes Jimmy Olsen is cool now Jimmy Olsen's cool like spiked hair yeah they're well he's attractive he's not a goofball and he's not like inept he has more of a stronger he's a stronger draw than Clark yeah it's amazing Perry White exactly the same dude Clint exactly the same Lois Lane same thing Jimmy's a little cooler that it Clark does actually try to work for the Daily Planet he goes there and they turn him down then they start to they certainly brought it right run the riot act but like pare wants to give him a shot he's in here having an application and then Clark's like Nath like that doesn't the garbage he goes into space and he's like I don't know like what I should do when he starts to flash back to like getting his powers which I explained um and then he actually winds up like getting this like crazy signal that signifies and hillie an invasion Jesus so we're like not even wasting any time like Clark's gonna get a job but alien invasion yeah so Clark holy [ __ ] and he's like I don't like it vol man thank god this in happy Gary ball well he's the whole thing is for him he's like I don't want to be Superman because if I have to be Superman I will be I will have to be alone I can never like really be a person anymore okay I'll be a servant to the idea of secret identity yes because um so he can be a pretty he just not all the time no but like the fact that he's Superman means that he's gonna have to be Superman like all the time like he's Oh cuz there's so many people to save yeah there's not a never stop saving exactly yeah and another part of it is I like to another great moment that like would have worked in a movie is they talk about how or they acknowledge instead of it being a Kryptonian battlesuit that's on like a dormant [ __ ] colonization ship his mom makes it for him because as a symbol for hope and when he notices that it doesn't come with a mask he's like why he doesn't have a met like what am I gonna do right and she's like you can't wear a mask because you have too much power people won't trust you they need to be able to see your eyes I'm like a bet and fellas yeah they don't even mention Batman well this is the weirdest thing about it is he's so alone it's like if I do a design to be alone but it's so it's 2006 or 2008 it's 2010 but yeah those do them then and there are no other superheroes yet [ __ ] it's worth a lot of girth one that's a totally different universe yeah he's the first and Batman is so [ __ ] ineffectual on earth one that he's he's not even close to a good but there's no round no wonder woman there's no green lantern there's no flash there's nobody no it's just Superman for now how can Superman be the first superhero he never lies always been with he's always been the first but like now it's a retelling and it's 2010 and he's still the hearse yes well because the the famous Kara is still like hidden yep from the way they look like come out you know yeah and Abin Sur hasn't come to earth right right he sucks why would there be any Green Lantern I'm glad there's no superheroes in here we got we it's too complicated yeah like we're telling Superman's origin all over again and we're pitching a movie here and we don't want Green Lantern in our movie maybe we want to make this movie all by yourselves let's go once you introduce those characters then you got to go into it like once there's other superheroes then he's got to interact with them right he's a whole lot of time times it's just were you worried about Superman for right now right so the main villain reveals himself and it's a new villain that surgeon skis created for the book okay his name's Tyrell and he looks like a combination of the Joker and the crow the female the female robot who was built by the tail Rail Corporation from Blade Runner Oh which is like why did you do that but whatever you look at the crebbil but like he looks he's wearing Daryl Hannah's makeup yeah from Blade Runner yeah and his name is Tyrell hmm cheap I don't know what about Waller why want to make a macking me reference how about a batteries not included reference Oh Brad like why Blade Runner in her Superman scripts a fan of Blade Runner I guess so good for him that's nice you know you saw the night before right he's like you Tyrell oh man I stuck in my head now stupid so it only bothers you because you know the reference it so Tribble probably would differ kids right but once you see it it's obvious yeah well I mean that he looks like a dumb mine yeah he does look for he was really dumb so he attacks whatever and he's got eating the aliens yeah he's the he's the leader of the in fact so kind of what species is this who are these the Tyrell comes from a species of people that lived like where Mars is to us at like he lived to Krypton as Mars so this old same solar system and they've been in a bat in a bitter war with the Kryptonians forever and Tyrell and his people were the ones who built the war machines that destroyed Krypton oh oh oh so our power Krypton didn't like have tectonic whatever's Tyrell blow up Krypton okay and he's not satisfied until every last person is dead yep and he knows that the Fat Tony and escape yeah he crept the dragon yes one Kryptonian escaped he tracked the [ __ ] energy stick to those twenty years up until the 24th but I got I got here and now got my engines and they're gonna blow up earth and good luck well how okay so I've got my war machines okay I'm good okay I was like well how Superman gonna beat them with an entire army when his whole planet couldn't defeat them but they weren't super powered right they were just people yeah yeah also Tyrell had a little help from the inside but that's not until vol 2 who wouldn't Tyrells planet also being bathed in a red sunlight give Tyrell super powers on earth yes yellow Sun oh [ __ ] yes so wouldn't his entire army be super-powered they're like my mech suits and stuff I don't know if they're actually people or robots okay I never see them so Tyrell might be the only actual survivor yeah of these Cape of these things yes uh so Superman puts on his costume he's like [ __ ] I got a I got a do it like I got to be Superman now right it puts on the costume and this is when we get like the new like updated version of Superman's costume it's almost identical to the old Superman costume Kent doesn't wear glasses so how does it how's he gonna keep his secret identity secret that's the that's the ending he's gonna get some Isis he goes get glasses the end he winds up realizing like that the mask needs to be Clark Kent much like the mask needs to be Bruce Wayne but like Clark needs me the mask so he puts on the glasses he teaches like the trendy outfit and trades it in for like a ill-fitting suit like he becomes Clark okay he sacrifices being cool he sacrifices being himself yes yes he is cool he's like I'm cool I'm working I'm great football and like chemistry [ __ ] I'm cool and I wear all these layers ya know as layers and they're awesome I'm very accessorized it for I got my buddy and my Jeff a little time the rains upset right fourth the weather changes rapidly you just pull the buddy down yeah but there's a lot of parallels between this and menace deal in that like a foreign invader from his solar system attacks earth is going to destroy it Superman's got a fight they have a big super powered flight across metropolis only in this one he doesn't kill everyone in it right they fight and Superman like tries really hard not to you know hurt anybody Tyrell gives us origin of like you know the Kryptonians destroyed my people and um then we [ __ ] over them and actually Tyrell had races mostly did to mostly day yeah Tyrell actually winds up having like some red Sun generating machines and he gets Superman caught in one so Superman stuck there and can't look he's like pinned or somebody can't get out and he also has no [ __ ] powers right and Lois and Jimmy wind up like pulling him out and saving him and Tyrell like broadcast by the way like all this information so like people are like so is Superman good or bad like so it's another updating of the character for Straczynski to do in that it makes it more complicated like not everyone immediately fawns over in love Superman there was a lot of division but it's not big it's not justifiable division it's not like well he did contribute to the murdering of the hundreds about yeah yeah but it would be fantastic they're like oh my god this alien is here destroying our world because he's hunting this person yes this puget it's right and if he just gave himself up he wouldn't have attacked us so what the [ __ ] and then they fight sure and he does defend like he does defeat him ultimately but like what's gone also there's now oh well also there's this dude who's been living here for like however long who's got super [ __ ] powers and we didn't know yeah what the hell why don't you tell us their first introduction to him is like in this cataclysm right it's not like he was saving you didn't do like he's from tree which is actually more like in line with an original Superman origin like where you just shows always like oh yeah right let's see from the sky so Lois and Jimmy save supermen establishing the Superman and Lois and Jimmy relationship and then Tyrell and Superman fight Superman does not snap his neck um I'm sorry what I know right it's really weird I mean how would he defeat anyone does like the last him away with his like heat vision right yeah his face no he doesn't do smell his face well Tyrell was gonna kill a bunch of innocent people and then Superman had to kill him right he broke his spine right nope you Vegas mine or did he stab him to death you're sure his skull he doesn't crush the skull interesting lineup they fight and actually keep the devil chokes him doesn't choke him either so a Superman needs to like well beep how does he murder this guy well he does murder this guy Wow it's more like how Batman murder is raeshell cool so he lets him die yes okay I'm not gonna save ya yeah you still killed him no I didn't know he killed him yeah because it was spinning out of control you could have just grabbed him to the left if that was racial ghouls fault that the train was going Attic yes why he strapped the fig put himself on the train but you got off the train and you can fly I mean no I can't really fly yeah but you can Glatt you couldn't grab him and flown away it was Rachel in you that would have been two people gliding out of that train yeah well yes well yeah but in that movie it's cuz it was a Kate what's her face oh yeah I remember he'd had a - he'd have to risk his life a little bit though right it would take a little bit that's what Batman does yeah but but look a bad guy I'm not gonna hug a dude yeah I don't care if it's to save his life Wow super well Batman kind of a jerk so uh tyrella actually reveals like you can't Superman doesn't like blast through his spaceships like a [ __ ] bullet because the ships he made are made of like Kryptonian material isn't like that I'm really strong he's like they're almost as strong as like Kryptonian material okay and Superman's like almost a strongest crypto material I happen had some Kryptonian material he breaks into the remains he grabs the bassinet and he uses to pierce through all the ships oh that's cool and then Tyrell is like on one of the ships that he's like you know you'll never blah blah blah like another ship explodes like Tyrell blows up with his ship he goes down and win a show like super in any fight like it's my body he gets Howard yeah but like I think there's a lot of like red Sun radiation in all the ships like all the chefs are like glowing red I don't know if that's because they are like generating red Sun radiation or if it just happens to look cool but either way Tyrell [ __ ] dies okay because you never see the body you don't see the body but it's also vaporized in the explosion he is in so yeah then Clarke goes like like I needed to act like if I didn't become Superman right the world would [ __ ] so goodbye cool Clark Kent and then he like he actually gets offered a job from one of those like high paying firms and he's like you know like I'm gonna have to pass like well the offers always on the table and he's like okay and he puts on the glasses and he gets the suit he shows up for work at the Daily Planet and the reason we gets the job at the Daily Planet is because the oh the other thing was the daily plan was having an issue when he wanted to when he was applying in the first place because newspapers were on the decline especially the Daily Planet timely yeah and oh after the ensuing invasion and Superman's appearance The Daily Planet was like the main source of information about those two things and it had a major upswing on the daily planets the deal is actually doing pretty well now okay waves now people are reading newspapers to read more about Superman which they can't find on the internet anywhere well they can but like The Daily Planet has more exclusive information about it now why is that because Clark Kent works in the Daily Planet now no I'm talking about before he gets the job because the invasion was of Metropolis and the main newspaper in Metropolis with its like national new global yes so but everyone so everyone in the world was buying the daily the daily to see what's going on that wouldn't make sense because you would get much more updated information as it progressed from an Internet well I'm sure the eggplant has a website yeah probably and they only like the source of most of the first article yes and in fact like most news outlets are aggregates from like one or two is anything yeah like most news you read is just co-opted from a prime news source well exactly but so any Superman of Metropolis related news is going to come to right away from it the reality is like you would get a lot of publicity as a that's a city paper for a major event right but it wouldn't but it would take like months and years to play out in to parlay that it also would meet like Asian it wouldn't be translatable into like and now we're doing well again right all of a sudden we're not irrelevant yeah like no that doesn't make the paper source no get it done really well if photos if you had yeah a bunch of reporters who are already really good and just weren't known as they used the event to like write a bunch of like kick-ass pieces and winds and poles and stuff like you could and I think that's the indication cuz Jimmy is a really good photographer in this and and Louis is a great reporter and Clark shows up with an exclusive interview with Superman right is metropolis in this like is but just cheating well it's also like socially you think well why didn't someone else be like I interviewed your imagine yeah what you look no you didn't do did not okay prove it right back quote you didn't interview me you dick take it back let me talk to the Clark getting you at the same time I who wait there solve all my problems yeah he was gonna kill somebody yeah he was turning into a monster he was gonna kill Clark Kents the reputations are so super bit so Clark becomes Clark he shows up by the way with the interview and Lois like are you [ __ ] kidding me with this you know buddy you've got to interview Superman that's [ __ ] stupid yeah well I don't believe let's see let's let C me Rio of you tell ya and she reads it it's like this is a brilliant piece of writing this is your full I will figure this out and so she like goes on a manhunt to figure out what the hell's the deal with Clark yeah like in volume to target you know why would suit me talk to him why is Clark so good is he full of [ __ ] and that's volume 2 volume 2 is her like why is Clark so good at writing because he's great at everything okay but Superman that superpower yes that's like he's good that allows him to play football really well and according to this like he's also really smart and configure like dance chemistry and [ __ ] it is is that because of his superpowers I don't know how is he just he really applies him so no you actually did he had nothing else to do on the farm so he looked like water running a lawyer every festival so like he read every you like Morrison and Straczynski believe that Superman is like enhanced in every way like his mind is enhanced as well but like he's super smart - that's dumb I know but like that takes away like the only thing every man motivates his superpower right least but he's not as smart as Batman right exactly if he could become the world's greatest actor what the [ __ ] would he hang out with my force an [ __ ] anyway naturally by the way at the end we have article Clark's brilliant article written by luzinski showing how brilliant and wonderful he is right so yeah but the article like gets Clark the job but also creates this interesting relationship between him and Lois where Lois goes not unlike Man of Steel on like a journey right to figure out like what the deal is and of course like people who Clark knows in his life like call him up it's like Clark is like this report you've shown up mmm west about you Clark's like well interesting good to know I'll be able to [ __ ] that man a second hey Lois yes so does what Moscow who matters here's another Superman story ah you're a good boy is that all prelude to her figuring out I think so but they what do they even get that for they don't even get that far three volumes of Earth one Superman the second one establishes Zod and the third one is whatever so the set so the first two books are about like alien yes yes and it's set up it sets up the Lex Luthor arrangement is relationship okay which is also turned on its ear but well doc we'll talk about the future Jimmy's such a good photographer you can take pictures at night well he's probably like went to the like film school before he went to photography yeah oh yeah hang on a second this is gonna make a shot really quick oh yeah dude we should film back issues at an angle it's good idea like it was still by Ken Brunel from Thor if you watch Thor every other shot is on a freaking angle yeah like Thor but ya got really like uncomfortable once you know that it's really [ __ ] distracting it's like those lens flares yes good idea yeah so uh yeah that's earth one it's fun it's a cool story but here's the kicker here's why it's a script okay the people who have anything to say about here's the quotes for earth one but I'm not gonna read that posle but here they come from io9 okay io9 you know they're kind of like a nerd source we have much more contemporary any cool news okay once again but they also report mostly on movies and stuff The Hollywood Reporter okay Huffington Post okay slash film so USA Today so really like this is just a book to get Superman into the hands of people who would never pick up a Superman comic yeah particularly movie producers but then they made Man of Steel which is like it takes elements from this yeah it's a thing influenced but it's clearly that's net that's that Goyer and Snyder read this and then didn't get it yeah the cover quote holy [ __ ] it's what do you get when you combine Twilight and a classic superhero not bad Superman no I would never read this boy never do i light yep Twilight are you freaking kidding there is no romance in this book at all okay my issue is with the earth one universe because like it's kind of like the their the DC equivalent of the ultimate universe okay like for Marvel when I was like let's let's tell spider-man like in 2000 now it's 2003 and 15 so it's already irrelevant but you know it's like a modern rendition in a new universe where all these modern versions the characters can interact right and the movies can use those templates to make their movies off of because actually most the Marvel movies are using a lot of stuff from the Ultimate Universe right because it's like shorter histories and easier more distillation to later yeah it's taking all the best part something like just boiling them so like one base thing what they do take the elements and story arcs from the rich tapestry of the original 616 universe and then put them into the movie with this they could do the same thing and I don't know if they did or not but it's weird because they're all so graphic novels like this came out like this oh that explains what was on like New York Times bestseller was yeah it was a book as a book okay and it wasn't like individual issues that were collected later right which i think is a great idea and I think they should do more of this the problem is the delays like this came out and then two years later falling to came out and in 2014 that the volume 3 came out yeah it's like that's a long [ __ ] time yeah but not for people who are used to books like we're game yeah I was like they're still [ __ ] waiting for the next game and they will be yeah but it will be free now no three years the amount of information in the game groans yes yes much more intense Realty what the art I imagine taking along your exact [ __ ] lawn same time this is what maybe like five six issues yeah this is really sure like this is maybe four ish yeah I was gonna say not even four so that would be like less than a year yeah that's four months of books and we expect them to do that every model it's probably because they're the people behind us are doing other stuff simultaneously so they have yeah thanks so much for watching everybody I'm Sal I'm Ethan and I'm Ben click this annotation here see every episode of backers you've ever done and don't forget to Like and subscribe helps out a lot and we'll see you guys next time so long later goodbye Superman
Channel: ComicPop
Views: 69,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comicpop, comic pop, back issues, superman earth one, superman earth one volume 1, superman earth 1, superman comic, superman, dc comics superman, superman jms, superman graphic novel, dc comics, comic books, comics, dc earth one, man of steel, superman earth one volume 1 full story
Id: D3I5VL6yAkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 27sec (2187 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2015
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