Ultimate Soldier Challenge: U.S. Green Berets vs. Norwegian FSK - Full Episode (S1, E3) | History

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/cqbteam ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 19 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
>> ( gunfire ) >> All right. >> America versus the world in a showdown of strength and skill... >> I got you now. >> ...as the most elite military units face off. >> Damn it! >> Can you believe this? I got a boom! >>up! >> Money is no good on this battlefield. >> You're a รกรกรกรกรก. >> The only prize that matters here is honor. >> Let's do this. >> Go! Welcome to the "Ultimate Soldier Challenge." "Ultimate Soldier Challenge." I'm Mack. I spent 10 years as a US Navy SEAL, so I know what it takes to be among the best soldiers on the planet. Guys like us have one thing in common-- we hate to lose. Let's go meet our contestants. Team 1: Matt and Tim from the US Army Special Forces, better known as the Green Berets. The Green Berets are experts at guerilla warfare. They're nicknamed "Snake Eaters" for a reason-- these guys will do anything to take down their enemy. Their motto: to liberate the oppressed. >> I'm totally confident that any fight that we go in, we're gonna win. I joined after 9/11. I wanted to see justice. Me joining Special Forces was that. >> Taking them on: Thor and Tom, two commandos from Norway's FSK. These are their go-to guys on recon and offshore missions. And though they train above the Arctic Circle, they can hold their own in extreme conditions anywhere. >> We were the quick-reaction forces when we were stationed in Kabul, Afghanistan, which means my unit is more of an in-your-face, frontline combat. It'll be good. >> And here's the wild card-- contractors Leo and Ryan, our Rogue Squad. They protect VIPs and diplomats in the planet's most dangerous places. Ryan's a former Marine and Leo trained with Russia's special forces, the Spetsnaz. As guns for hire, these guys don't play by the standard rules of engagement. >> Ready? >> Go! >> I am going to kick some ass and take some names. I'm good at it. >> Gentlemen, welcome to the "Ultimate Soldier Challenge." It is an honor to have you here. This competition is about teamwork, honor, and skill coming together to produce winning results. Here's how it works-- you'll battle it out in a series of brutal challenges. First, a speed round. The winning team gets a tactical advantage for the next challenge-- the immunity round. Win here, and you go right to the finals. The two remaining teams face off in the elimination round. The loser goes home and the victor heads to the finals. Whoever wins the final round is declared the winner of the "Ultimate Soldier Challenge." This challenge tests just how accurate our special operators can be during a high-pressure shoot-out. Our contestants will start here and sprint 100 yards to the firing line, where they'll find their weapons. They'll lock and load. And when they're ready, the wall will drop. The teams need to shoot all five orange targets-- the bad guys-- as quickly as possible. Hitting a single hostage-- the white targets-- immediately disqualifies the team. They'll be shooting the Austrian Steyr AUG A3. It's compact and lightweight with plenty of firepower-- the assault rifle of choice for military units in more than 35 countries. The team to take out all five targets in the shortest amount of time will win this challenge. Norwegians, let's get you to the start line and we'll get this challenge started. Three, two, one! Bust 'em up! Looks like the guys from the frozen north can tear it up in our 100-plus degree desert heat. Gotta give me readys. >> Ready! >> There's trouble on the range. Tom is locked and loaded, but Thor has a round jammed in the chamber. A lack of composure ain't gonna cut it in this competition. Take your time. Clear it out. Make sure you're ready. >> A jam situation with a gun-- that's a nightmare. In real life, that can cost you your life or somebody else's life. >> The clock is ticking, but Thor's gotta clear the jam, then lock and load it again. >> Cycle through. Clear it. >> Good? >> Ready? >> Ready! >> Ready! >> You got one more target. >> Cease fire! >> Clear! >> All right, make your weapons clear and safe. One minute, 12 seconds. Not bad, considering a double jam. All right, Norwegians, I'm telling you, once that wall came down, you really compressed the time from there. You had a bit of trouble with the jam. You handled it well, because a double feed is a real major malfunction. Only rounds in the kill zones count. Kills, kills, kills, kills, kills. They got all five targets. They hit no hostages. But you gotta be careful when you got a jammed weapon. You gotta clear that thing as quickly as possible. >> It was a perfect storm of me not knowing this weapon and the loading mechanism. I'd never used that before. >> Contractor Leo already smells blood. >> Norwegians-- eh, they're nice. So big deal. They need to learn how to shoot and operate American-type weapons. I don't think they have that. >> Next up: the Rogue Squad. Three, two, one. Bust 'em up! They've got to beat the FSK time of one minute and 12 seconds. As a SEAL and a sniper, I can tell you it is much tougher to steady your aim after running the length of a football field. >> Ready! >> Ready! >> Wall! >> So far, the Rogues are crushing the Norwegians. >> Clear! >> Cease fire! The Rogue Squad has iced the Norsemen with a cool time of 35 seconds. Range is cold. I'm gonna go take a look at your targets. Great shot placement. Five for five, all head shots. All five tangos down; civilians: zero. Well done. >> You mess with a Russian, you face repercussion. >> We had a plan all along. I was gonna work it from left to right. Leo was gonna work it right to left. It all worked out for us. Well, I got that memo afterwards-- I didn't have to shoot them all in the head. >> The Rogue Squad's the team to beat, but the US Green Berets have extensive marksmanship training under their belts. So Tim's not sweating this one at all. >> They're like, "Hey, Green Berets, we want you guys to go shoot." We're like, "Awesome. That's what we do all day long." >> Bust 'em up! >> ( bullhorn beeps ) >> Ready! >> Cease fire, cease fire! Excellent work, guys. Make your weapons clear and safe, please. The Green Berets have liberated the oppressed in a mere 27 seconds. Remember, they have to hit inside our lines, so these are our kill shots. And when you look in it, two shots right there-- that's perfect. That's what you want. Great head shot. Another great kill shot to the center mass. They knocked out all five tangos without taking any white targets down. That's exactly what you want. >> There's not any room in there for us to have gone any faster. >> Special Forces, you have won this particular challenge. Now you get a tactical advantage you will be able to use in the next challenge. Once we get to the next challenge, that's where I'll tell you what your tactical advantage is. >> We always come to fight. We always come to win. There's no way we're going to let a Russian beat a Green Beret. >> We know where we stand with the Green Beanies. Do what we gotta do to take care of them. But we're just gonna have to pick up our game and speed it up. >> Next up: the immunity round. Whoever wins here heads to the finals. This challenge comes straight out of urban combat zones like Baghdad, where elite soldiers have to take out concealed enemy snipers. Each team will sprint 50 yards to their staging tables,ir where they'll set their sights on one of three towers. At the top of each tower is an enemy gunman. Your mission is to take out the guy at the top of your tower, then take out the tower itself. The first team to hit all of that and take it down will be the winner of this challenge. To spice things up, the bad guy's head and the tower legs are all packed with explosive Tannerite. But the Tannerite targets are the size of a coffee cup lid and the operators will have to nail them from 300 yards away-- the equivalent of three football fields. For this challenge, you'll have the Steyr SSG 08. It fires a .338 Lapua. This is a state-of-the-art sniper rifle from Austria designed for just this kind of precise work. Inventive engineering from backstop to barrel makes it extremely accurate, able to take out targets up to a thousand yards or more. Special Forces, since you did such a phenomenal job on your last challenge, your weapon, your rounds, and your spotting scope will be waiting at your staging table. This one is important. If you win, you're in. If you lose, you're facing the elimination round. Once again, Tom and Thor, our operators from the Arctic, aren't comfortable with the weapon. It appears that long-range shooting just isn't their thing. >> I did some sniper training back in the days, but definitely not with this rifle. >> We're definitely not as confident here as we were on the other one. >> I'm used to .50-caliber sniper that is fully automatic. >> Semiautomatics. >> Yeah, semiautomatic. You know, this has a bolt, and I have never done that. >> I have a feeling that Norwegians kind of like being the รกรกรกรกรกรกรก. They're trying to back out of the shooting range. If they trained enough, they can รกรกรกรกรกรกรก kill it. I mean, รกรกรกรกรก รกรกรกรกรกรก. If you can kill the รกรกรกรกรกรกรกรก squirrel 200 yards, this is nothing. You know what I'm saying? But if they want to play this รกรกรกรกรกรกรก game-- >> Don't they hunt polar bears or something out there? >> Operators, are you ready? >> Yes! >> Three, two, one. Make it count! >> Coming up: the Americans square off against the world in a firefight with honor at stake. >> Get ready for another round. >> Single round. >> Got it. >> Round. Hurry up! >> Who will make it... >> รกรกรกรกรกรกรกรกรกรกรกรก! >> ...to the "Ultimate Soldier" finals? >> Bust 'em up! Our three elite spec ops teams are racing to their firing stations, where they'll have to shoot a sniper and then take out his tower. The US Green Berets won a critical advantage in the first round. Their weapon is waiting for them. The other teams have to haul their weapons, spotting scope, and ammo. While the other guys are still setting up, the Americans take their first shot at the sniper on the top of the tower. Miss. >> They've got to hit the sniper now before they blow their tactical advantage. The top target is down. And that's exactly what I expect from a Green Beret Scout Sniper. But the Rogues are taking aim. >> Aim up. Got it! Nice shot! >> All right, take your time. >> The Norwegian FSK are not trained as snipers, and it shows. They're having a hard time hitting that small target. You have to remember this Tannerite canister is not a big target. They have to deliver that round perfectly for that Tannerite to go off. The Americans just took out the first leg of the tower, putting them back in the lead. >> Get ready for another round. >> The Rogues hit their first leg. >> Beautiful shot! >> They're tied with Special Forces again. The Norwegians may be used to defending giant oil rigs, but they're not snipers like Tim from the Green Berets. The SF team has taken out two legs on that tower. But the Rogue team's closing fast and they just hit their second leg. >> You're doing fine. >> The contractors are now neck and neck with the Americans. Whoever demolishes that third leg first moves on to the "Ultimate Soldier" finals. >> Hurry up, Dirty. Single round. >> Got it. >> Round! Hurry up. My heart just started-- tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-- going faster and faster and faster. >> One in the middle, right in the back. >> If Leo can just stay calm, cool, and collected, he has a chance to take this target down. >> Hold it together. Keep your bearing. >> รกรกรกรกรกรกรกรกรกรกรกรก! >> Slow down there, Leo. >> You're hitting left. >> The right and the left are gone. It's just the middle in the back. Take a deep breath. >> Come on! You bitch! >> Leo's kind of losing it. But the Green Beret Tim is fully focused in his sniper bubble. And the US wins wins the immunity round. >> Get down! >> Boom! >> Cease fire! >> They've gained a spot in the "Ultimate Soldier" finals. >> Good shot. >> In combat, second place gets you killed. So the Norwegians and the Rogues will head to the elimination round. But look at the Norwegians' target. They were just an inch away from hitting that Tannerite charge. They may have lost two challenges, but this time, it was by the skin of their teeth. >> As you can see, this was dead close, and we're totally gonna kick your ass tomorrow. >> It's about as close as the US is to Norway. >> Bring it on. >> People have called us everything from "security" to "mercenaries" to "mercs." Most contractors, they're team players. They love their country and they want to see freedom permeate throughout the world. If they have to go somewhere and put their life at risk, they'll do it again. And if they get compensated, well, then, fantastic. >> Now the Rogues and the Norwegians will put everything on the line. The loser goes home. Historically in war, there is nothing more primal than hand-to-hand combat. When your only weapon is a knife, one wrong move could decide your fate. All right, operators, welcome to the elimination round. Our competitors will go head to head with electric Shocknives. They may not cut, but they do deliver a whopping 7,500-volt jolt. >> ( crackling ) >> Ah, รกรกรกรก! >> We've put red paint on the blades to clearly mark the hits. >> I don't know which one's which. They're twins. >> Thor is on the right, Tom is on the left. >> If this is a contest of speed and agility, then we have the edge for sure. >> There will be two rounds. First up: Leo versus Tom. >> There is no weapon that we're not comfortable to use. And Norwegians, they can kiss our asses good-bye. >> As a former Spetsnaz, Leo is trained in the modern Russian martial art of Systema. >> ( electricity crackling ) >> Knife-fighting is a central focus of this system. But Tom claims he's a 12-time national kung fu champion and he is sick of the Russian's trash talk. >> People with the biggest mouth has usually the smallest brain. Now I'm pissed off, so now I'm definitely gonna stab the guy. >> How this challenge will unfold is pretty simple. You must get to seven points. Slashes are worth one point. Stabs are worth two points. Three, two, one. Take him out! >> ( electricity crackling ) >> Slash. >> Stab. >> Stab. Stab, stab. >> Stop! >> Leo just won in 17 seconds. Here's how it went down. Tom slashed. Leo stabbed. Tom got Leo's leg. Leo charged and Tom slashed. But the Russian was unstoppable. He stabbed and slashed, then delivered the death blow. Tom, you did a phenomenal job. You were aggressive. You did what you had to do. But, Leo, you stepped up big when it mattered most. You won this round. >> Yes! >> Seven to five. >> I sliced him, I diced him, and I punctured him, too, for tenderness. >> In the knife-fighting arena, it's Rogues: one; FSK: zero. Now it's do or die for Team Norway. Operators, are you ready? >> Ready! I'm concentrating on my game. And I have to-- I could win this for both of us. >> Three... >> I lose this round... >> ...two... >> ...we're out. >> ...one. Make it count! >> It's elimination time in the "Ultimate Soldier" competition. Leo of the contractors just slashed and stabbed his way to victory, beating Norway's Tom in just 17 seconds. To stay in the competition, the Norwegians must win the next knife fight. >> Here are your blades. Thor's up against Ryan, a hulking 220-pound contractor who learned knife-fighting the US Marine Corps way. >> What we use is what we call the ice pick method where you run it down this way because you're looking to-- you're gonna block the opponent's blade and you're gonna come in and try to get a neck shot. >> He's strong, he's big. Hopefully that means he's probably a little slower. No more excuses. This is it. >> Ryan, you can win this round. Then your team will win this challenge. Thor, you can tie it back up. If you do, we'll go to a tiebreaker round. It's all about who gets to seven points first. Are we clear? >> We're clear. >> You never want to be in a knife fight. But if you are in a knife fight, you've gotta go in it 110% willing to win. >> Three, two, one. Make it count! >> Slash. >> Slash, slash. >> Stab, stab. >> Slash. >> Slash, slash, stab. >> Stand down. Ryan wins. Thor scored a slash. Ryan got two slashes and a stab. Thor stabbed. Another slash for Thor. But Ryan just scored a slash and a stab. The second knife fight knocks the Norwegians out of the competition. >> As soon as it started, I could tell-- the way he was holding his blade, just his look in his eyes-- he didn't have his warrior spirit honed. >> Just like it would be in the real world-- knives are quick, knives are brutal, and it happens in an instant. >> Yeah! >> Ryan, you have won this round for your team. Congratulations. >> Thank you. >> You have survived. >> An honor. >> It was an honor for me. Oorah. >> If you don't stay on top of your game, you're gonna lose your edge. >> You guys, you know, at some point one team has to head home. Norwegians, you are that team. >> I feel disappointed. It was an honor to go up against these other units and these other players, the contractors. >> Of course, I'm disappointed, but the game go on. >> Only one team can be the best of the best. The Norwegians hung tough, but fell to the flat-out aggressiveness of the Rogue Squad. >> Next one is Green Berets, so here we come, guys. >> The final's a two-part challenge. The winner of the first round gets a tactical advantage for the final battle. Round one: the scenario-- an urban combat zone. Troop carriers make a tempting target for enemy gunmen. Protecting a convoy can mean shooting your way out of trouble at high speed. For this test, our finalists will be driving the Polaris Ranger UTV through a village occupied by enemy forces. 20 bad guys-- they're the orange targets-- lie in wait. Your job is to hit those targets and collect points. They're worth one point apiece. But beware-- there are seven white targets out there. Hitting a white target means losing two points. Each team has two minutes to get through the village. If you don't cross the finish line in that time, your team's disqualified. You'll be shooting the Ruger 556, a state-of-the-art assault rifle similar to the M4 carbine used by US soldiers in combat. >> You driving? >> The contractors should knock this challenge out of the park. Protecting convoys and VIPs are how these operators earn a living. On the other hand, the US Green Berets are famous for being adaptable. They even fought on horseback in Afghanistan, so why not a vehicle? >> Any time that you're putting people in vehicles, you're taking away the advantage of the younger, faster guys, you know, so, like, this plays into the old, fat guys' strengths, which is sitting there and shooting. >> We might be called "old and fat," as they stated, but we know how to kick ass. >> You tell 'em we're coming and hell's coming with us. >> Contractors! >> Yes, sir! >> Hit the target! This challenge is a delicate balance between marksmanship and speed. >> We're gonna turn and burn, baby, full throttle. >> The contractors are off like a rocket. The only trouble is they've just blown by their first two targets. >> To the right. There's one to the right! >> They're speeding through the course. Maybe they need just a little less pedal to the metal, because they're missing the targets. About time. >> Whoa! >> Here comes one to the right. >> Go! >> Another miss, but here comes four targets in a row. >> Got him. Right there. Got him. One to the right. Take your time. They've hit five targets and are making great time. They're taking the hairpin turn and are on the back nine now. >> Get ready. >> Bad shot placement. Leo hit a white target. That's a two-point deduction. >> 1:00. >> If that happened in the real world, the contractors would face serious repercussions. >> There's one. There's one. Nice shot. >> Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! >> The Rogue Squad's final score: eight points. >> It was a good job, though. You made it work. >> Coming up: the US Green Berets take their shot. >> The worst thing in the world is to let our brothers down. >> Aim higher! Good. Two targets, one behind the bus. >> Will the Americans have what it takes? >> I was automatically stressing out a bit. >> Or would they rather have a horse? >> ( engine grinds ) >> It's run-and-gun time on the "Ultimate Soldier Challenge." The Rogue Squad hit half their targets, but also hit a good guy. To win the tactical advantage for the final battle, the Americans must do better. They have two minutes to drive their Polaris Ranger through the village. Orange targets are the enemy. White targets are the good guys. Matt will shoot. >> I've yet to run into something that I could not pick up very quickly. My first pistol was an M9, which is currently used. My first rifle was an M4. It's a personal thing I like to do in my spare time. >> Three, two, one! Hit the target! Just like the contractors, they blow by their first two targets. >> From the start, I was automatically stressing out a bit, because I knew I had already passed two. >> There's a hard right turn off the main road. >> First target on the right! >> Slow down. Slow down. >> Good. >> Got it. >> When you're a really good shooter, you know what you hit, you know what you miss, and know the number of shots that you're shooting. Second target on the right. >> One minute, 15 seconds left. >> Two targets-- one behind the bus, one in the bus. Aim higher. >> They've just matched the contractors' total score... >> Two targets. >> ...but they don't know what the score is they need to beat. >> Whoa. >> One behind. >> Two. Two targets. >> They only have 40 seconds left on the clock. If they don't finish by then, they're disqualified. >> Three targets left. >> 30 seconds left. >> One more. One more. >> Got it. >> Then trouble. >> Hoo! Bad driving on my part trying to get him close to a target. >> They're just seconds from being disqualified. >> ( engine grinding ) >> All the way up. >> Come on. No, it's right here. >> 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five... >> ( horn blares ) >> The Americans scored 18 out of 20 to win this challenge, but that's just not good enough for the Green Berets. >> 18 out of 20? It should be 20 out of 20. We're representing the larger group, our regiment, you know, and the worst thing in the world is to let our brothers down. >> Contractors, you moved through this course so fast, out of the 20 targets, you only hit 10 targets. And you also hit one white target for a deduction of two points. Your total score is eight points. Special Forces, your total score is 18 points. That means you won this challenge. >> All right. >> I thought that I hit every single target we had, but obviously I guess I missed some. >> With their win, the Americans gain a tactical advantage in our final challenge. It's one inspired by the SEAL Team Six action that took out Osama bin Laden. On that mission, the SEALs had a vital secondary objective-- grab as much intel as possible. In just 40 minutes, they retrieved computers, flash drives, and video, a treasure trove of information on al-Qaeda operations. In our challenge, the operators will move into this village and try to neutralize five enemy combatants who will be firing back. Our guys need to find a computer tower and a laptop hidden in either the cantina, the church, or the feed store. The Americans won the last challenge, so we'll tell them there are five bad guys. The contractors won't know, which could cost them crucial seconds. The team that retrieves the intel and hauls their butt up here to the extraction point in the shortest amount of time will win the "Ultimate Soldier Challenge." They'll be using H&K 416s, the weapon SEAL Team Six reportedly used to kill Osama bin Laden. It can easily penetrate body armor at close range. They'll also be carrying the H&K P2000 compact tactical pistol as a sidearm. It's the perfect secondary weapon. Everyone will be firing Simunition FX marking cartridges, the most realistic nonlethal ammo that can be fired from actual guns. You kill the bad guys with a torso shot. Of course, a torso shot will also take you out of the competition. First up: the Rogue Squad, and former Marine Ryan is feeling cocky. Finding intel is his specialty. >> My call sign is Dirty. In the United States Marine Corps, I was an acquisitions guy. We're in the middle of nowhere, people would say, "Get Dirty. He'll find it." >> You know, the bigger you are, the more your heart has to pump that blood. I think Leo would definitely be at a disadvantage here. >> Three, two, one. Make it count. >> There's a couple holes on the right. Watch it. Steady. Go steady. Be careful. >> Let's go down the road. >> The Rogues are heading straight for the cantina, but I'll let you in on a secret-- neither piece of intel is there. >> Okay. >> On three. Cut it! >> They're not exactly going for a covert op here. >> One at the door! >> They draw the attention of an enemy gunman at the cantina. There it goes, first contact. But no one's down. The best thing for them to do right now-- find cover. >> You can use that wall as cover. Go. >> They're leapfrogging here. One provides cover while the other one moves until they finally take refuge behind a low wall. But they're still making way too much noise. Not smart when you've got armed bad guys around. They're across the street from the cantina now. >> I got you covered. On three. >> Got one in there, okay? >> Where? >> They need to land a kill shot on the gunman to enter. >> Two, three, go! >> Got one down! >> They killed the first of the five combatants, but remember, they don't know how many bad guys are out there. Right now, we're at six minutes, seven seconds. >> I don't see any computer. >> Ready? Go! >> Go! >> Clear! >> Check the table. The box right there by-- behind the chair. Check that. >> They're taking way too much time looking around. >> Nothing? รกรกรกรก. >> Finally, they figure out there's no intel here and set their sights on the church. >> You watch the left. I'll go to the right, okay? Just move to the left. >> They try another frontal assault, exposing themselves to enemy fire. >> Get down! Down! Down! Down! Sniper! Got a sniper! Got a sniper! >> He's in the church. >> Run in! >> Wait! >> He's on the left side, Leo. Right on the other side of the door. >> You got to fight for it. Switching to the pistol was easier for me to shoot around the door quickly. That way, I did not have to put my whole body in the line of fire. >> Move in! >> Got him! >> Got the laptop! >> Cover! >> The Rogues have taken down three gunmen, and they have the laptop. >> Move! >> Leo provides cover as Ryan exits. They still need the hard drive, and there's one remaining building to search-- the feed store. >> Looks clear. >> I'm coming, Dirty. You got me? >> We took a back alley so that we have more covers and protection. >> Oh, there's a guy standing right there. >> ( gunshot ) >> I got him. >> Got him? >> Yeah. >> That's the fourth combatant down. >> Clear! >> They've just taken out their fifth and final combatant. >> Get the computer. Okay. Let's go. >> Now it's all about hustle. How quickly can they get up here to the extraction point with the intel? >> I'm clear up here. >> 29 minutes. >> Go. >> Here's where losing that tactical advantage really hurts. They could move much faster if they weren't worried about more bad guys. The heat is another obstacle. It's hot out here. Probably in the neighborhood of 106, 107 degrees. You can tell they're feeling it right now. Now it's all about how strong are their legs, how good is their endurance, how hungry, how bad do they want to win. >> Go all the way. >> I got it. Go ahead. >> Cross the line. Cross the line. >> I need a vacation. >> Water. >> Time. >> Water, please. >> Whoo! >> The contractors' time-- 32 minutes, 19 seconds. It was a hard slog up that hill, and Leo's got a single choice word for it. >> Exhaustion. I was dying right in the beginning. Normally I have good breathing, good conditioning, but like I said, heat exhaustion gets you. Good job, brother. >> Semper. Well, we're alive. >> รกรกรกรก. >> We got that going for us. >> The contractors have been second in every event that we've shot with them. I think it's been demonstrated in the past 10 years exactly what we can do, what our capabilities are. >> Coming up: will the Americans even make it to the finish line? Water, please. Water, please. >> It's the final round. Whoever wins here wins the "Ultimate Soldier Challenge." We've sent home two tough competitors already-- the Norwegian FSK team. Our two remaining teams have to retrieve intel-- two pieces of computer equipment, from this heavily guarded village. The Rogue Squad completed their mission in 32 minutes, 19 seconds. >> Water. Water, please. >> The US Green Berets have to beat that time to win the "Ultimate Soldier Challenge." >> Being able to adapt to the heat, it's something that we're gonna be able to overcome, any physical challenge that we're put up against. >> You know, we've been operating like this for 10 years, you know, like-- this is fine. We're cool. You know, like, relaxed just give us a gun. >> Since the Americans, Tim and Matt, won the previous challenge, it's time for me to award them their tactical advantage. You get to know exactly how many enemy combatants are on the field, okay? There are five enemy combatants. Use that information very wisely. >> It's about shoot, move, and communicate. That's what we do best. >> We're gonna go full out, just like we've done the entire challenge. >> Special Forces, hit the target. The Green Berets are trained exactly for this kind of operation. Both of these guys have served in the Middle East, so they practically sprint down the hillside despite the brutal heat. They get off the main road and circle around to the cantina. >> Go. >> Matt was on it. Any targets that we saw, he'd lay down suppressing fire. It's called "bounding," where somebody's laying down fire. I move up, get nice and close. I start laying down fire. By that time, one of us has killed him. >> One minute, 12 seconds. They've already dropped their first enemy combatant. Now they're in the cantina. They're looking for either the laptop or the computer tower. We know they're not gonna find any intel here. >> That would make sense. >> Now it's on to the second target-- the church. Unlike the contractors, the Green Berets are staying much more tactical, taking back alleys and staying quiet. >> Right inside the door on the left. >> Just like last time, there's an armed bad guy waiting behind the door and another one in the back. >> I'll suppress. You move up to the wall. Go-- ready. Go. >> ( gunfire ) >> Surprise and violence of action, you know, that's what we're always trying to achieve, and I think that's what we demonstrated. We shot, we moved, and we communicated. >> Four minutes, 12 seconds. They've engaged the secondary target. On the back side of the building, Tim finds another entrance. >> Matt and I have never met, but putting us together, we just work flawlessly together. I think you can do that with any Special Forces operator. You stick us together, you know, and we both know what each other's gonna do. >> There's one over here. >> Remember, they're firing Simunition, and a torso shot is a kill. >> ( gunfire ) >> They've taken down enemies two and three. This is exactly what the Green Berets are trained for... >> It's clear. I got him! >> ...modern urban warfare. >> Come in. I got a laptop. >> They got the first piece of intel. Now another critical decision-- how to get to the third building-- the feed store. >> Now they're backtracking through the territory they've already cleared. Very smart strategic and tactical decision-making. They're going through another area they know is safe. >> Yep. >> Let's go. Lead it up. >> I'm gonna lead. The most important thing I learned in combat is to always have each other's back. That's how missions get done successfully. >> They approach the feed store from the rear and take the fourth enemy by surprise. >> ( gunfire ) ( gunfire ) >> They take out the fifth and final combatant. >> That's two down. >> We're good. >> That's five guys, right? >> Yeah. We're good. >> This is where that tactical advantage is absolutely invaluable. They know they've completely eliminated all the threats. Now they can race up that hill without wasting critical time looking out for enemy. The triple-digit heat and carrying all that gear is causing Matt's body temperature to climb. He's suffering heat exhaustion, but nothing will slow the Green Beret down. It's all about one thing-- honoring their Special Forces brotherhood. >> Let's go. >> Outstanding! Great work, guys. Great work. Put your gear down. The Green Berets finish in 12 minutes, 50 seconds. All right, Special Forces, you guys worked well as a team. I could tell your communication was there. >> Sorry. I'm sorry. I got heat exhaustion, man. I'm รกรกรกรกรกรกรก too hot. I need to take this รกรกรกรก off right now. >> Water, please. Water, please. Matt, you want some water down the back of your neck? >> Yeah. Whoo! >> The production stops. All eyes turn to Matt. >> It was a dangerous moment. You can feel heatstroke and heat exhaustion right when it's happening. I felt hyperventilation, and just my core temperature-- I knew it was very, very high. >> For this Green Beret and any soldier, personal well-being is always second to the ultimate goal-- victory. >> I knew I wasn't gonna stop. There was no question. I wasn't gonna stop the event. If we had to go 10 more miles, I would have kept going. There's no chance I would have stopped. >> When Matt finally cools down, we get back to business. Gentlemen, great job. I think that both teams gave it their very best. Contractors, your final time was 32 minutes and 19 seconds. Special Forces, your time was 12 minutes and 50 seconds. Excellent work. Special Forces, you have won the "Ultimate Soldier Challenge." Congratulations, guys. >> Every single one of these competitions has tested a unique area of our skill set. This was the best one yet-- a huge target, multiple objectives. All around just fantastic. It was a tough event. >> Absolutely. >> I don't feel like we got beat, because we were right there with 'em. You know, maybe if we decided to go double or nothing with a knife fight, we'd be in the game. But these guys are the epitome of what a Special Forces operator is supposed to be. >> The most important thing was representing our unit. We wanted to come out here and demonstrate that Special Forces Regiment is the best fighting force on the planet. >> That's paying homage to the guys that came before us and the guys that are currently serving in Afghanistan, 'cause they're doing this every day with 100 pounds of kit on, and they're not complaining. They're doing their job.
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 481,538
Rating: 4.8549061 out of 5
Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, warfighters, special ops, special operations, united states, army, army rangers, navy, navy seals, afghanistan, iraq, us special forces, warfighters full episodes, warfighters full episode, ultimate soldier challenge, ultimate soldier, ultimate solider challenge full episodes, ultimate soldier season 1 episode 3, ultimate soldiar s01 e03, ultimate soldiar s1 e3, ultimate soldiar 1X3, ultimate soldiar fullepisodes
Id: P2PfS1uuhJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 49sec (2629 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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