Ultimate reset: Making vision board, reflecting upon 2023 #newyear2024

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hi guys today is 31st of December and I have been procrastinating shooting this video since 3 to 4 days now it's uh going to be New Year very soon like literally tonight so I thought of doing a reset video um intention setting video and um just before the new year I wanted to do this kind of video last year as well but couldn't do due to some reasons so I'm literally shooting this video this year at the very last moment so the first thing I did in the process of resetting is to to declutter my phone there were a lot of uh files that was not needed so I just deleted them and there were a lot of photos and videos from my first year of MVPs which absolutely needed so I just uh transferred it into the hard disk and I must say this was a much needed declutter still a little bit of thing is remaining but most of the part it is done the next thing I did was to clean my room because it had become a little bit messy and I wanted to welcome the new year with the clean room clean space and a clean mind I also thought of changing the setup of room a little bit so began by changing the positioning of these fairy lights the next thing I'm going to do is uh clean my study table because that has also been an absolute mess since the past one week the so the past week has only been about writing records writing log books uh you know moving around getting it signed and all that stuff so there's a lot of mess right here so I'm going to clean that right now so I started using a planner last year I had received this 2022 planner by the very end of 2022 so I used it last year and uh it had some amazing um prompts for reflection as in monthly Reflections for example there were these questions like what were you grateful for this past month what did work out for you what didn't work out for you last month and all those amazing prompts this put me into the habit of doing monthly Reflections and also um you know expressing gratitude for all the good things that happened during a week in the weekly Reflections and I am grateful for Section so uh today I thought of doing a similar kind of exercise for an year like the year 20123 so for the early reflection I came across a video and saw some prompts like uh uh describing 2023 in a sentence and uh all the highlights of the year uh listing out what worked for us what did work for us and major learnings of 2023 how did our life evolve in the 2023 and did we accomplish all the goals if we had set any during the beginning of the year and all that stuff so for 2024 I brought this planner and the it is very compact the main reason why I bought this is it uh the theme of the planner is Bloom and it is aligns with my vision for 2024 I'm just going to read a few lines from this planner which says Bloom Where You Are are Bloom despite the weeds grow tall and beautiful anyways Bloom where you are even if you wish you were elsewhere take in all of the light when the sun is shining and know that the rain is necessary when it's not know that everything you need to bloom is right inside of you you already have the strength and capability to grow nourish your body and take care of your mind keep learning and growing let your true colors shine and Bloom so yeah this is is my um you know it totally aligns with my theme for 2024 the ideas that I have in my mind for 2024 before I start with the reflections I came across this concept of intention setting which I would like to share about and uh there is a difference between goals and intention set goals are like a Target that we set for ourselves and they have an endo and most often a time constraint so it is like completing that task in a given amount of time and um the end point is clearly defined on the other hand they don't have any specific goal or time constraints they put us on the mindset on the process of achieving our set goals so intentions are more mindful process and uh I feel it is in a way Superior to just setting goals intention setting can be planning and deciding what we want to achieve in various uh areas of our life like professional life personal life our vision for the current year and so on According to some studies intention setting can help us align our thoughts and actions in the way to help us succeed a beginner in the topic of inent setting and there is a lot more in the topic and there's a lot that I wish to know as well but here I'm sharing a few things that I understood and that I would be incorporating uh before the year 2024 So It Begins by considering the Avenues that we want to improve in the year 2024 in the upcoming year and uh also the kind of improvement that we would like to make and this can't be vague like uh uh I wish to be healthy in 2024 it has to be specific so the thing with intention is that it also incorporates some aspects of Law of Attraction some concepts of Law of Attraction and maybe that's why I mostly resonate with the intention setting rather than goal setting for anyone who is new to inent setting just like me you may feel that it is the same thing as goals what's the big deal about it but there's a thin line of demarcation between the two and uh once you actually understand what I'm saying you'll get to know this as well a small example is goal can be to be healthy in 2024 but the intention has to be that uh I'll be active in my daily life and uh I will exercise three to four times a week and have healthy food try to limit processed food as far as possible and limited to one to two times a week so that I can be healthy so this is just a small example and this is how I understood uh the concept of intention set many planners have this meal planner motiv ational um tracker or habit tracker and all that stuff and that's something that doesn't work for me I don't actually go in the monthly spread and actually ticket every day so this planner doesn't have that and um that's a win-win for me it has very minimal design it has Pages like these which helps us lead a mindful life I'm also not that kind of a person who would plan each and every hour of the day but this planner has an hourly planning section as as well so I don't know how I'll make that work for me let's see but it has a lot of place for writing all your task each day and uh you know you can even Journal out your thoughts maybe so yeah so here I'm reflecting upon the year 2023 what does reflection literally mean it actually means that when a body is hit by something how it reacts how it uh you know throws it back so before 2024 hits as I'm just throwing up on the paper all my thoughts regarding ing 2023 what went good what did not go well and uh my plans for 2024 we may underestimate this exercise to be very easy and simple but it is not as easy and as simple as it seems to be it requires a lot of thinking basically it actually forces your brain to work hard just a few days ago I also came across this amazing uh wallpapers by lavender and uh I set that as my phone wallpaper as well it say that uh if you truly want to achieve something the entire universe conspires in helping you achieve it it is one of my favorite quotes from the book The Alchemist and um so uh that book that's an amazing book by the way I set it as my wallpaper because it Act is a constant reminder and uh whenever I take my phone I would look at it so yeah I'm done with the reflections part I also uh noted down the things that didn't work for me and why it didn't work for me it is a little bit tough exercise to self-reflect and then um analyze your shortcomings but it was a great feeling indeed and also I have a fun idea that probably I'll write um paragraph or something about them and uh give it to them like uh a token of gratitude a token of appreciation and um I have it in mind let's see how it goes also if you know that making vision boards is quite popular nowadays for anyone who doesn't know vision boards are a visual representation of your uh goals intentions and uh basically it helps you visualize where you want to see yourself at the end of the year it involves a collage of various images and quotes that align with your goals so basically the concept behind vision boards is that um when you revisit the vision board it constantly acts as a reminder that you have to take action in this direction last year around I had made a digital vision board but honestly I actually didn't refer back to it many a times so this year I thought of making a physical vision board I like that is what is most popular and most of them do that I thought to make it in my planner and many planners actually have a section for vision board a page or two for revision board my planner doesn't have that so it has a yearly plan or something of that sorts uh yearly glance and I'm not going to I'm not a person who does long-term planning and uh it honestly doesn't work out for me so in my overall uh like yearly overview section I'm I'm going to convert it into a vision board section and I'm going to do that right here got some of the images from Pinterest printed uh which aligned with my goals and I have this section uh named as 2024 overview in my planner which uh it is pretty much blank and I'm not going to use it anyhow so I'm going to utilize this space and create a physical vision board basically if you make a physical vision board or digital vision board or neither of them but uh all depends on your belief on your positive attitude but anyways I wanted to give it a try this year so I'm going to make that also bought some extra images and I'm going to make a collage out of the extra images and uh you know just insert it in this photo frame and keep it as a Decor piece somewhere so yeah that's the idea for [Music] now [Music] [Music] my one after making the vision board and a collage for the photo frame I got out these letter pads and I had a rough idea regarding what I had to do I had to write a letter not actually a letter basically a few words you know celebrating the memories that I shared with some of the people from my college U basically just uh writing down all the memories and uh maybe a few things that I would like to say to them so yeah that was the plan as of now I also underestimated this task maybe because I thought it would be pretty easy I just have to write the memories that I shared with them but at a point I just ran out of words because I wanted to actually incorporate all the memories that I had with everyone but it was difficult someone has rightly said that sometimes the things you remember are more real than the things you see things do end one day or the other but the memories they last forever so with this I also made an impromptu plan of you know just adding a pen with the letter and you know tying it with a cute ribbon and then giving it this is how I prepped for the new year and the last few days of college and all the endless possibilities 2024 would bring to me I hope you found some value in this until next time take care
Channel: SnehaSays
Views: 244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: planning, productive, manifestation, law of attraction
Id: S5c2-7V81AM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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