Ultimate REESE BASS Guide

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all right so this is going to be the ultimate guide to the respace right so you hear the respace everywhere absolutely everywhere in basically every EDM genre so you know going show you how to make it and I'm also going to show you how to make some cool uh cool little variations if you will right so uh you know let's begin so we're going to start off here with our initialized preset in serum right so just the basic I'm going to get the basics right out of the way really all the respace is is two oscillators being detuned right so for example throw an oscillator B and it's a respace and you know it's a base we want a bit lower right so put this unit down like two put this one down like I mean that one's down three this one's down about two to get that reesei action all you're going to want to do is mess with the the course and the fine pitch right so we go with the fine right that might sound familiar to you but you know obviously kind of sounds shitty right so what we're going to want to do to soup up this reace here Unison all the way right Unison is you know a must in the Reese reace zone so you know that just added a whole new dimension to our sound right so zero Unison n Max so max Unison on on that one but personally for me I think just one oscillator with a bunch of Unison and the other one clean just kind of you know helps hold the base together a little bit better you know in my opinion so now we got our things sounding like this right that's not very Bassy so I'm actually going to go back to what I had throw this down another octave cuz you know it's a the base needs to be low so now we're going to be sting like [Music] this right that's more my more my style for sure so what you notice about resp spaces is you know they always have movement right and this obviously has movement but what really gives the respace the movement is the D- tuning of the oscillators as I kind of said before so the way you can do that you know messing with the fine tune so what we can do is we can automate this unit with the LFO here so throw the LFO on the fine tune so as you can hear we're starting off like all the way up at 100 and the fine tune and then it's dropping it all the way down to like 20 something right doesn't sound very good so usually when you hear resp spaces they're going up and tuning so that's what we can do just switch the you know switch the orientation round right that sounds a lot better in my opinion so yeah now we got the basics of the respace here now we're just going to want to slap on some effects you know some hype hper Dimension here usually I only go with hyper cuz the dimension just kind [Music] of actually pardon me they both sound pretty decent we're going to get the hyper and the dimension we're going to want some Distortion for sure can't pass up Distortion and mind you we're going to want to cut the sub out of this anyway so I'm just going to do it right now so low end for respace is going to be really phazzy as [ __ ] so it's not going to sound great in your mix so dedicated sub all the way for this unit then we're going to move on to you know compressor obviously multiband has to be so now we got some basic effects on there you know just the basic of the basic right so now we're going to go on to some more advanced things that you can do with your resp spaces so I'm going to grab an empty LFO here LFO 2 let me put that back on envelope we're going to kind of get it it's kind of pretty slow rate on here like like like a bar or something right so lfo2 is empty so I'm going to assign lfo2 to the master tuning so that's going to be under Global Master tune and the thing that you can do with this actually learn this from Mr trict super dope you can double click and say I want it to go up two octaves and then slope down you know do your conversion plus 24 St for semmit tones two octaves boom does the math for you pretty dope right so yeah now you're entering actual respace territory here right things are sounding pretty you know they're getting there so then I'm probably going to do some filter automation as well just to kind of clean up some things right [Music] cuz it's pretty kind of know it's pretty dirty right now I can't lie so they'll probably modulate the filter here with just like lfo1 just cuz you it's kind of open it up you can see without the filter bit dirtier and with it bit cleaner so you know I'll kind of meet in the middle right so after that we got things sounding pretty good so as I mentioned before we want a dedicated sub but we don't want just you know any ordinary just flat sine wave right we want an actual sub that matches the base you know that's being you know played at the moment so to do that super easy so I'll just come down here in the little subcategory here all right so to do that just going One log note for the sub just try to match the base you know kind of above here going to get this serum nice and initialized here I was told no Ott on Subs so you know we're going to abide by that rule here see how it turns out you know so you always leave your tips for me so I'm [ __ ] I'm dumb sometimes do is I'm just going to you know load in a nice little little sine wave right that sounds pretty good but obviously that's not going to match really what the base up there is giving off you know sub wise right because if you think about resp spaces you know if you ever been at like a big PA or something they don't just sound like a flat sine wave right they kind of modulate and you know their frequency is just kind of modulated a bit right you know they have movement to their low end so way we can achieve that really the same thing we up there with the pitch Bend throw it on envelope you know set it to like a bar and then just modulate um you know lfo1 to the master tuning and you know set that to plus 24 St right what that's going to do right so now when be playing both at the same time we'll have a really nice low end and also a really nice high end right yeah that was how to make a respace and you know always keep in mind there's millions of variations you can do of you know different types of resp spaces so you know definitely experiment with bunch of different stuff and um yeah as always you know leave any critiques tips tricks down below dumb [ __ ] I did CU you know we will all appreciate and benefit from it so yeah hope you enjoyed rip a sub [ __ ] yeah space
Channel: CryoCrew Official
Views: 1,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drumandbass, d&b, heavy drum and bass, reaper, reaper d&b, reaper drum and bass, reaper tutorial, drum and bass tutorial, how to d&b, how to make edm, edm tutorial, cryocrew, edm prod, edm producer, edm production, how to make drum and bass, how to drum and bass, reaper drum & b, Ableton, ableton drum and bass, ableton tutorial, drum and bass ableton, ableton d&b, cryocrew tutorial
Id: YTRvduDtgnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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